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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Telling your company’s storyThe winningThe winningfundraisingfundraisingpresentationpresentation

Defining andDefining andtelling yourtelling your

companycompany’’s storys story

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Goal of the presentationGoal of the presentation……

Succinctly communicatehow all the pieces makingup your business fit togetherto create a compellinginvestment opportunity

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

WhatWhat’’s neededs needed

Investors want to learn if…• There is a solid business concept

and business model• Management is smart and

experienced• There are competitive advantages

to exploit• Realistic financial projections have

been set• There’s a good chance to make

money on the investment

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

The pitch presentationThe pitch presentation

Three considerations1. What—the content2. How—the delivery of the pitch3. Who—know your audience;

different investors have differenthot buttons, so customize to meettheir expectations and mindset

Overview companypresentations are “pitchmeetings” with investors

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

WhatWhat——Sample structureSample structure

10 slides or so…1. What you’re after2. Company overview and elevator

pitch, i.e. mission/mantra/vision3. The team4. Problem buy-in—market and

opportunity size5. Your solution—products and

benefits6. Competition

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Sample structure,Sample structure, continuedcontinued……

7. Marketing and leveragepoints—how you’ll overcome thecompetition; distribution

8. Success metrics; revenueprojections

9. Status, timeline, use of funds10.What all this means and why it’s

a compelling investmentopportunity; call to action

PLUS, have answers ready to any “rude”questions that might come up (“So whywere you fired from XYZ 10 years ago?”)

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Create. Edit. Trim.And edit again.Because…

“Less is more.”Mies van der Rohe

About the About the ““whatwhat””

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

The The ““howhow””

Tell your story by…1. Capturing the imagination2. Showing, not telling3. Building trust; telling the truth4. Supporting your presentation

with slides with no more than 2-3points each (unlike this slide);do not read the slides; handthem out after the presentation

5. Adjusting to the audience(watch the nuanced bodymovements)

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Grab and keep theirattention (change theirpulse) with…• Vocal variety—avoid the

monotone• Non-verbal

communication—gestures,expressions, movement

• Tell stories—use tocommunicate details,timing, purpose

The The ““how,how,”” continuedcontinued……

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Keep it clear• Avoid MBA and geek speak

• BAD: We’ve developed acollaborative and interactive B2Bvalue generator that facilitatesdata transmission between theenterprise and internal partners.

• GOOD: We streamlinecommunications betweenheadquarters and field sales.

• Avoid acronyms, e.g. NIMBY,NOCs

The The ““how,how,”” continuedcontinued……

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Be visual; avoid bulletsWhich is easier to grasp?

The The ““how,how,”” continuedcontinued……

Fast growth• 100% increase 2001 over 2002, from $1 million to $2 million

• Gross margins increased from 10% of revenues in 2001 to 25% in 2002

ORFast growth

2002 2003



$1 million in sales $2 million in sales

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Winning business plansCopyright 2006 by NimbleStrategies LLC

Thank youThank you……

HelpingHelpingcompaniescompaniesnavigate thenavigate themarketing maze.Nimble Strategies LLC
