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The Future of

business and

Social media

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Social media is changing the business world as more executives use it to improve the operations, marketability and profitability of their companies. Social networking are online stages that encourage worldwide joint effort and offering amongst clients. New online networking applications in e-business and e-trade show up once a day and bring about huge stuns to the biological community of people and organizations. This minitrack gives a gathering to the trade of examination plans and best practices identified with social networking in e-business situations. It likewise intends to bring issues to light regarding the most recent improvements in online networking, and location the difficulties of utilizing online networking.

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Agenda Definition of Social Media.

Importance of business using Social Media.

Commonly used subtopics.

Product Management, Accounting and Auditing.

Marketing Management, Policies.



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What is Social Media?

Interaction among people to create virtual communities.

Websites, applications to create and share content.

Helps to communicate and build relationships online.

Used to generate sales in numerous organization.

Holds platforms, blogs, forums and other stuff.

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Growing importance of business.

Catch costumers who surf internet more.

Increase costumers which leads more online sales.

Helps in growing brand online with advertisements.

Tracks reputation of competitors selling same product.

Makes purchases convenience to whole new level.

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Commonly used subtopics

Project focus on: Discussions about item administration strategies.

Principles and techniques of bookkeeping and inspecting.

Selection, development and design of distribution.

Positions regarding business, industry, labor and trade.

Protocols to guide decisions.

Achieve rational outcomes.

Guidelines and regulations.

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Product Management

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What is product management?

How does one become a product


Who does product


What do product

managers do?

This presentation seeks to answer the following questions:

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Organizational lifecycle function within company.

Authoritative lifecycle work inside an organization.

Manages arranging, anticipating, creation, promotion of item.

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Market Control

Price Managin


Product Manage


Deploy Products

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Product managers do the following:

o Planning, executing and closing products.

o Managing teams and expectations.

Product managers are always ultimately accountable.

Facilitates commitments and productivity.

Align product to business goals.

Manages stakeholders.

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Functional applications:

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Product managers have a duty to deliver.

They maintain financial benefit to the business.

They decide online and in store prices.

Performs all outbound marketing activities.

They do scheduling, resourcing and cross-functional executing.

Manages the complexity of the product.

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Applying social media product management.

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Applications for product managers

Define, develop and maintain products.

Create sustainable competitive difference

Generate business benefit

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Monitoring and Listening

67 % product managers use monitoring tools.

Google alerts back tweets helps in references.

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Promoting and Sharing

66 % managers use to promote information.

Use sites Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds.

Developing their own proprietary tools.

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Day to Day product management

Key stage actions and deliverables

Social media opportunities.

Social media challenges.

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Social media can be used in product management in three areas:

New ways to identify market opportunities.

Facilitate collaborative and efficient product development.

Manage in-life products more effectively.

Make understand how things being used by customers

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Link related to the product management

How does Social Media help Product Managers? Promoting Managers utilizing LinkedIn is reasonably seen, in what manner can item directors, building administrators power LinkedIn? What patterns would we say we are going to see in statistical surveying systems with social networking channels going standard?

Social media for product managers.

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How social media helps product managers. Helps in exploring range of online tools.

Explores wikis, microblogs and document management tools.

Shows the practicality of using online tools.

Helps connecting with team and new members.

Make group communications and teambuilding easy.

Opens forum for discussion and feedback.

Let them share practical's and lessons learned.

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The community oriented discussions of online networking bring new open doors for item directors to upgrade client learning and make additionally propelling items.

The changing nature of purchaser dealer connections implies clients are more engaged and cooperate with one another utilizing a scope of devices.

Item supervisors must join online discussions to stay mindful of advancing client issues, needs, needs and to keep on defying, create, convey and keep up item that fulfills clients.

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What is Social Media Marketing ?

Gaining website attention through social sites.

Ability to identify and satisfy customer’s need.

Covers text, multimedia for more effective marketing.

Gives marketers a way to communicate.

Communicates to peers, customers and potential consumers.

Keeps momentum and attention needed for success.

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Types of Social Media Marketing

Direct marketing

> Allow organizations to communicate directly with customers/consumers

> For example via text message, emails etcetera.

Brand marketing

> Distinct one product from other sellers

> Via symbols, logos etcetera.

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Aim of Marketing

The right product or service

At the right price

At the right place

At the right time

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Marketing Mix






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Production approach

o Produce at lowest possible cost.

Product approach

o Produce high quality product.

Marketing approach

o Fills consumer needs and corrects prices.

Social marketing approach

o Extend approach to consumers and society.

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Directing Function

Planning Function

Controlling Function

Organizing Functions

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Some laws and techniques

Listening and acting

o Content marketing requires less talking more listening.

o Create content and conversations to add values.

Focus while marketing

o Focus less on conversations, more in creating.

o Attempt to gather feedbacks from all followers.

Value and quality

o Develop relationships with online influencers.

o Create more online connections.

o share amazing content as Quality trumps Quantity.


o Building relationships leads to marketing success.

o Let followers read, share and edit data.

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Why social media marketing?

It provides direct contact to market.

o Creates link between person to person interaction.

o Makes access to technology easy.

General awareness and familiarity to our company.

Generates leads of all kinds of business.

Maintain relationships created with net surfers.

Access to additional sources outside your market.

Attract new customers through friends.

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Advertising on social site.

At the point when inquired as to whether they concurred with the announcement: "My Facebook advertising is viable."

Incredibly, just marginally more than 1 in 3 (37%) concurred! B2c advertisers were far

more inclined to concur (44%) than their B2b peers (29%).

Bigger organizations were significantly more prone to concur that their Facebook promoting endeavors were viable. For instance, 46% of organizations with 1000 or more representatives concurred, contrasted with just 29% of the independently employed.

An industry’s marketing report.

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Facebook Marketing

Uncertain 41%

Disagree 17%

Agree 32%

Strongly Agree 5%

Strongly Disagree 5%

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Changing in marketing via social sites.

Social media:

Facebook started life in 2004. Twitter in 2006. LinkedIn in 2003. Thus, 10 years prior, social networking wasn't even on the advertising scene. Today, organizations use around 8% of their promoting plan on social networking, An assume that is required to expand to just about 20% in the following 5 years.


Ten years prior, the model for attention was most regularly about putting news stories before writers and editors. They were the guards to distribution, whether that was in print or on a site. Organizations today can get much more back from exposure than at any time in the past, if their methodology, dispersion and substance are great

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Content Marketing:

Ten years ago, the acknowledged model was basically about making 'peculiarities and profits' publicizing sort content. Clients couldn't care less about your organization or your items. They think about themselves, their issues, their cravings. Deals centered substance just addresses them when they are intrigued by purchasing – which is something like 1% of the time, if that. This implies, the majority of your substance, more often than not, essentially gets sifted out.

Peer reviews:

‘Word of mouth' is scarcely new and occasional disparaged. Be that as it may 10 years back, that generally implied precisely that: the words you heard straightforwardly from somebody's mouth. Today, associate audits can represent the deciding moment a business, item or administration – they're a center piece of the internet purchasing knowledge.

Change in marketing

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Issues in Marketing

Flying visually impaired:

Numerous organizations pursue online networking strategies with no thought regarding the who, what, when and where of the social web. It's key that organizations first create a listening project to answer those client's inquiries.

Absence of personalization:

Use real professionals in team.

Don’t use some faceless persons.

Organizations can win on the social web by creating a procedure, test and repeat.

Issues in Marketing related to Social Media.

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According to the Social Media Marketing 2010 Industry report by Michael A. Stelzner, a huge 85% of all advertisers demonstrated that their social networking exertions have created presentation for their organizations. Others sited enhanced movement as an alternate significant profit prompting the conclusion that online networking advertising is staying put for quite a while to come. Furthermore that most likely provides for us motivations to create it for you.

Fundamentally, a blend of email and page, Social systems administration locales like Facebook permit organizations to make their tweaked site pages, apply important notices and interface with an assemblage of 400,000,000 dynamic clients. Also Full stop turns into your devoted accomplice in doing that.

Social media marketing conclusion.

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What Are Auditing and Accounting?

Both key business capacities.

Diverse ideas, can interrelate now and again.

Must set up bookkeeping framework.

Open to oversee and record budgetary information

Correspondence, key to comprehension business fund.

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Process of recording, storing, presenting financial data.

Records transactions, sales, expenses, payrolls, taxes.

Make entries.

Construct balance sheets and income statements.

Provide internal ,external stakeholders with insightful glimpses.

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Auditing is a vital part of accounting.

Systematic and independent examination of data.

Process of reviewing and investigating any aspect of a business.

Disrupt the normal flow of business.

Review human resources policies.

Operate procedures.

Survey quality or safety policies,accounting audits.

Ensures internal policies, procedures and guidelines.

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Objectives Of Accounting

To keep up Accounting records

To secure business properties

To register outcomes of operations

To discover budgetary position

To pass on information to the customers

Helps in business and economic decisions.

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Purpose Of Auditing

Express opinion on truth, fairness of financial statements.

Add credibility to financial statements of organization.

Give credence to the accounting records, accounting polices.

Verifying the authenticity and validity of transactions.

Confirming the existence and value assets, liabilities.

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Accounting and Auditing

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Business benefits of accounting

Revolutionised our leisure time.

Redefining the way we do business.

Helps to achieve further growth.

Offers cost-effective ways to market practice, services.

Broadcast messages to a wider audience.

Provide ways of reaching our clients, market.

gives clients snapshot how work is done.

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Benefits of a Social Media Auditing

Transform small business into a global brand.

Provide brand with strategy chance to succeed.

Helps to reduce your overall marketing costs.

Power to greatly impact your brand’s position.

Provide better customer service ,validation of products.

Connect your brand with new business partners.

Enable consumers to connect with brands.

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Future of accounting in social media Grows business complexity, knowledge and requirements.

Increase collaboration and partnering among accounting firms

Growing regulatory result demand for compliance services.

Create new services markets for accounting specialists .

Provide opportunities to serve growing businesses looking.

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Finally we can say that online networking helps a great deal while doing bookkeeping and examining by diminishing the time and by expanding the business development

This slide has given a diagram of current advancements in social bookkeeping and concentrates on the examining issues that emerge in the business.

It likewise portrays profits and also dangers that emerge from the perplexity over wording; the shortcoming of current verification polish; and the from the earlier esteem that the review

preparing, which huge numbers of the expert bookkeeping bodies require of their parts, brings to the table in this field.

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What is Social Media Policy?

Provides rules to employees to post content.

Save the company from embarrassment.

It support, protect and empower high quality engagement.

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What is Social media and how does your business use it?

Here’s the link for it:

Business use in social media

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What to Include in social media policy ?

Mission Statement

Social media goals

Style guide

Roles and responsibilities

External regulation

Appropriate Action

Best Practices

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Why have a social media & blog policies? New media , web administrations changed the way.

Particular data at showcase on sites, Facebook ,etc.

Particular and the expert circle line gets smudged.

Corporate data accessible from loads of sources.

Clients spread data about brands, items and organizations.

Web permits viral spread of data.

Awful news travel quick.

Uplifting news can additionally travel quick.

Media and the blogosphere impact one another.

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What Social media policy covers ?

Network Security

Use of social networking sites

Data protection

Objectives of business

Disciplinary procedures

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Use of social media in recruitment

By advertising jobs on social sites.

By screening applicants

Helping people for job seeking

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Why our Business Needs Social Media Policy?

Helps increase marketing potential

The policy prevent bad things to happen

For example it avoid crisis.

Helps staff to take right decision

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A good social media policy will…

Instruct and additionally direct

Furnish individuals with fundamental new media information

Supplement a current set of principles

"Teach on", appreciation and uphold protection rules

Set productive limits

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A social media policy is not…

A substitution for sound initiative.

Separated from corporate implicit rules.

Intended to application.

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Sample Policies Be prepared

Give one of a kind points of view

Post significant substance

Be deferential and responsive

Regard secrecy


Take after the Intel Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy (you do have those,right?)

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Best practices in policies Don't begin with banning.

Do have a reason.

Don't be draconian.

Do keep it basic.

Do be adaptable and reasonable.

Don't permit unknown interest.

Don't make engineering a substitute.

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A social media policy should…

Must be the genuine objective.

Social networking or web arrangement make communications.

More web simpler, more agreeable, and more secure for your stakeholders.

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Link related

An auspicious examination from an assortment of masters in Law and Human Resources on the significance of having a social networking approach for your business and a few contemplations you ought to make while making it.

Crafting Social Media Policy for Business.

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In a broad sense, a mix of email and page, Social frameworks organization regions like Facebook license associations to make their tweaked site pages, apply imperative notices and interface with a collection of customers. Additionally Full stop transforms into your dedicated associate in doing that

The changing nature of buyer merchant associations infers customers are more captivated and participate with each other using an extent of gadgets. Thing chiefs must join online discourses to stay aware of progressing customer issues, needs, needs and to continue opposing, make, pass on and keep up thing that satisfies customers.

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Accounting and Auditing:







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Marketing using Social Media:o





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Project about Future of business and social media:

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Chris Drohan Harpreet Kaur.

Jarnail Sohpal.

Arshdeep Kaur Khokhar.

Anukaran Kharbanda.
