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ة مع ة الج حف ت

G I F T o f J U M U ʿ A H



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Gift of Jumuʿah Copyright © 2018 by Mohammed Badat Edited by Arifa Hudda All rights reserved. Aside from fair use, meaning a few pages or less for non-profit educational purposes, review, or scholarly citation, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Book and Cover design by Islamic Publishing House – ISBN: 978-0-9950787-2-7 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................ i

Foreword ............................................................................................................................... iv

Preface ................................................................................................................................... 17

KHUṬBAH 1: There is Nothing That Does not Glorify Allāh ............................... 21

KHUṬBAH 2: Enriching the Heart with Īmān (Faith) .............................................. 37

KHUṬBAH 3: Glorious is Allāh, the Best of Creators .............................................. 55

KHUṬBAH 4: In the Footsteps of Our Prophet (): Key to Our Success ........... 71

KHUṬBAH 5: Ṣalāh (Daily Prayers): The Key to Good Outcomes ....................... 77

KHUṬBAH 6: Nourishing the Soul with Tahajjud .................................................... 97

KHUṬBAH 7: Is Allāh’s Worship Our Delight? ...................................................... 119

KHUṬBAH 8: Towards Becoming People of Goodness ......................................... 133

KHUṬBAH 9: What Did ʿĪsā ‘Jesus’ () Say? .......................................................... 153

KHUṬBAH 10: Words of Worth .................................................................................. 165

KHUṬBAH 11: Better Learning Through Better Reading ..................................... 177

KHUṬBAH 12: Reflections on Natural Disasters..................................................... 193

KHUṬBAH 13: ʿImrān ibn Ḥuṣain (): A Model of Patience .............................. 207

KHUṬBAH 14: End of Summer Reflections .............................................................. 229

KHUṬBAH 15: Adversities: A Sign of Allah’s Benevolence and Forgiveness . 245

KHUṬBAH 16: The Bitter Reality ................................................................................ 255

KHUṬBAH 17: Choosing Wisely ................................................................................. 271

KHUṬBAH 18: Concept of Wishing in Islām ........................................................... 281

KHUṬBAH 19: Unblemished Beauty: Umm Maʿbud’s () Description of the Prophet () ....................................................................................................................... 297

KHUṬBAH 20: Istiʿādhah: Defence Against the Mischiefs of the Menacing Shayṭān ............................................................................................................................... 341

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KHUṬBAH 21: Prophetic Provisions .......................................................................... 341

KHUṬBAH 22: The Rayḥānah, Fragrant Flower of the Prophet (): Ḥusayn Ibn ʿAlī () ............................................................................................................................... 351

KHUṬBAH 23: Seeking a Pure Heart ......................................................................... 373

KHUṬBAH 24: A New Hijrah Year: Journeying to the Meaning of Hijrah...... 387

KHUṬBAH 25: Welcoming the New Year: Taking Stock ...................................... 403

KHUṬBAH 26: Duʿā: The Need is Ever More Crucial!........................................... 411

KHUṬBAH 27: Remission of Sins through Simple Actions .................................. 425

KHUṬBAH 28: Ways for Fostering Communal Happiness .................................. 439

KHUṬBAH 29: Fostering Good Relations with Neighbours ................................. 453

KHUṬBAH 30: Connotation of ʿIbādah (Worship) in Islām ................................. 465

KHUṬBAH 31: The Qur’ānic Narrative of the People of ʿĀd ............................... 477

KHUṬBAH 32: The Concept of Beauty in Islām...................................................... 491

KHUṬBAH 33: Best of the Best .................................................................................... 507

KHUṬBAH 34: Wisdom is the Lost Property of the Believer - Let Him Claim it Wherever One Finds it.................................................................................................... 551

KHUṬBAH 35: Enhancing Faith with Benevolence and Compassion ............... 565

KHUṬBAH 36: Islāmic Connotation on Loving One’s Country and Remembrance Day ........................................................................................................... 583

KHUṬBAH 37: Positive Thinking: The Road to Excellence in Islām ................. 603

KHUṬBAH 38: The Imminent Imposter: al-Masīḥ al-Dajjāl ................................ 619

KHUṬBAH 39: Making a Will: A Very Serious Undertaking............................... 645

KHUṬBAH 40: Our Legacy: What Will We Leave Behind When Our Time is Over? ................................................................................................................................... 655

Epilogue .............................................................................................................................. 669

About the Author ............................................................................................................. 679

Glossary of Arabic Terms .............................................................................................. 685

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Dedicated to my parents

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The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without

the participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not

all be enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and

gratefully acknowledged.

Above all, I am extremely grateful to Allāh for giving me the strength

and opportunity to complete this noble project.

May Allāh accept from all of us our good deeds. Āmīn

Mohammed ibn Salim Badat Thursday, June 14, 2018 29, Ramaḍān 1439 Ottawa, Canada

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ل خ ا ل و وا الخ ل ح صل ة ا ي وا الن ص ل م الع ول و

ن الف دا ع ولون غ سو كم م ن إ

ل ف ل موا الز و ق و

ل ت ف ث ن إ م م إ ة ف ي اض ة ز ش ي ي غ هو ف

ه ف ن ي از و م ت ف ن خ إ م م

ا ه و ن ي از و ة م ي او ه ه مإ ف

Rectify errors and purify intentions,

Repair wrongdoings for the reason that tomorrow you will be questioned

about your words and deeds,

So he whose scales of deeds in the balance will be heavy, He will be in

luxury and delight,

But as for him whose scales of deeds in the balance will be light, His abode

will be Hāwīyah (a pit in Hell)!

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By Shaykh Yusuf Badat

Toronto, Canada

The weekly Friday sermons serve as a powerful medium to be

enlightened and inspired for the entire week. The khaṭīb (preacher) who

conducts a thorough preparation and constructs his message with

relevance and in an organized fashion, will certainly have a positive

impact, in not only enabling transformation of individuals, but also


The ‘Gift of Jumuʿah’ is a collection of sermons on pertinent topics of

self-reformation and spirituality, referenced with traditional sources

including the Noble Qur’ān and the Prophetic ḥadīth (traditions).

I am confident that this compilation will bring benefit to all of those

who read it. This can also serve as a reference for a khaṭīb to assist in

sermon preparation.

After looking at sections of this compilation, one can understand the

time and effort that went into bringing this to fruition. I pray that

Almighty Allāh accepts the efforts of the author, raises his ranks, and

allows this to be a source of benefit for one and all. Āmīn.


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By Michael (Ahmed) Kadoura

Ottawa, Canada

The weekly congregational prayer, Jumuʿah, is one of the most important

elements in Islām. It provides two essential purposes for the ‘ummah’.

Jumuʿah helps build a sense of community by bringing believers together.

The sermons that are delivered by a khaṭīb serve as a reminder of the

various duties and attitudes that we are supposed to embody.

It seems a great irony of our times that while access to information of

all types is only a mouse-click away for most: many people remain

ignorant of the great teachings in our religion.

Fortunately, Allāh in His infinite love and care has provided us with

scholars who have both access to, and a deep understanding of our faith.

The greatest human being in the universe passed away long, long ago.

However, our Creator placed certain people among us, even today, who

are learned and faithful. They are real life resources for us to benefit from

in these ‘modern’ times.

One such person in our community is Shaykh/Imām Mohammed

Badat. This book is a collection of forty sermons that Imām Mohammed

has compiled for our reflection, application, and if the situation calls for,

use in our own sermons on the day of Jumuʿah. I personally have found

both the need for and a great appreciation for the wisdom that this book


May Allāh reward him for his efforts, and may Allāh also reward any

person who reads the words contained therein with the intention of

gaining Allāh’s pleasure and by spreading His religion.

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By Shaykh ʿAbbās Ibn Ādam Sarīgat

Dārul ʿUlūm Zakarīyā

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In the Name of Allāh, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

All praise is exclusive to Allāh for He is Sufficient. May greetings of peace

be upon His chosen servants.

As to what follows,

My dear acquaintance, Shaykh Mohammed Badat (may he be increased

in rank) is amongst the early graduate scholars of Dārul ʿUlūm Zakarīyā.

While his stay here, with the mercy of the Almighty, he took great

benefit from the institution. He remained in the special tutelage and

supervision of all of the respected instructors. Apart from proficiently

utilizing his time in studies, he also presented himself in the service of

honourable teachers during his free time, to persistently quench his

thirst of knowledge. During his stay here, he also had the honour of

leading dawn prayers. From time to time, after the night prayers, he

addressed the audience expounding on a brief ḥadīth in a comprehensive

manner - which was appreciated by both students and teachers.

After the customary graduation, Shaykh Mohammed Badat made the

popular city of Canada - Ottawa, his field of service at the grand masjid.

For many years now, he consistently fulfills his obligations with utmost

excellence, splendour and sincerity. Along with his duties as an imām,

he continues to mentor both the general and the elite. His work, in

particular his sermons, 20 minutes prior to Jumuʿah is a manifestation

from the dictates of the verse “Remind! For verily the reminder is

beneficial for the believers.” He addresses relevant topics of discussion

succinctly, thus maximizing the limited time, at the Friday services.

All praise to the Almighty, Shaykh Mohammed Badat has been

blessed with a special ability to consider the place, time and audience

when delivering sermons. With this God given blessing, he has a strong

ability to explain any topic through a very eloquent approach, stories

with comprehensive lessons and heart touching examples. His speeches

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and renditions melt the hearts and motivate meaningful practice. Due to

a considerable number of Arab congregants, he attracts the attention of

listeners through direct Qur’ānic verses, prophetic narrations, quotes of

source texts, Arabic poetry and outstanding examples.

Due to his service for many years, he has now intended to bring to

the fore, a published version of his discoursers on various topics. The

intent is to have the masses benefit. I have full confidence in the

Almighty that people will find this publication of great value and also

serve as a treasure for the imāms of different masājid. Shaykh

Mohammed Badat is a dear associate and acquaintance on the basis of

“Love for the sake of the Almighty.”

Every year during my travels to Toronto, he feels it an honour to meet

this humble servant. It is my heartfelt supplication in the court of the

Almighty that He beautifies this collection of sermons with acceptance

and facilitates value for both the intermediate, as well as the advanced

learner. May this be a means of his success and forgiveness in the

hereafter. May the rewards of this work be a source of his health, safety,

elevation and good mention in this world. May we also be graced with a

portion of the supplications resulting from this structured effort. Āmīn.

May you be in safety and prosperity for a thousand years [if you live

as long]!

May the days of every year be equal to fifty thousand [in worth and


ʿAbbās Ibn Ādam Sarīgat

Dārul ʿUlūm Zakarīyā - South Africa

22 April, 2018 – 6 Shʿabān, 1439

Sunday after ʿIshā

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The Jumuʿah prayer is one of the most distinct features of Islām that

differentiates it from other faiths. Allāh has blessed Muslims by granting

them the day of Jumuʿah as a day of communal worship.

Ḥāfiẓ ibn Kathīr () mentions:

ي ك ه ف ن ف عون م ي ح سل ام ت هل الأ

ن ا إ مع ف ن الج ة م ف ي إ مس ه ن

أ ة ل مع ة ج مع ت الج ي م م إ س ن وع ا سي ل ا

ع ال ي م مل ج ه ك ن ف از و ي د الك اي ع إلم ة ي ز ق الله م ل ي خ ت ة ال ي ن الس س م اد وم الش ه الن ي إ

ق ف خ ل اث اغ وم الش ف ه ث ن ف إ و ه ي ج م ز

خ ه ا ن ف ة و ي ل الج دخ

ه ا ن ف م و د ق ا ل ه خ ن ف زض و الأ ات و او م إ الس ه ي ة ف

ل ن ي شإ م د مو ي إ ع ه ق اف و ة ل ا ث ه ساغ ن ف ي ت و خاد

ل ك الأ د ت ي ن ي إ ي م ك اه ي اه ا

عط ل ا ا را ا ي إ الله خ ه ي ف

حاج الص ر( ي ر اب ن كث شي ف )ث

“The day of Jumuʿah is called Jumuʿah because it is derived from

the word al-Jamʿa’ which means gathering. The people of Islām

gather weekly, every Friday in the major places of worship. It

was on a Friday that Allāh completed the creation, and on the

sixth day, during which Allāh created the heavens and earth. It

is on Friday, that Allāh created Ādam, and he was placed in

Paradise; and it was a Friday when he was taken out of Paradise.

It will be on a Friday when the Last Hour will commence. There

is an hour during Friday, wherein no faithful servant asks Allāh

for something good, but that Allāh will give him what he asked

for.” (Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr)


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One of the most imperative parts of the many acts of worship carried out

on the day of Jumuʿah is the delivering of the khuṭbah prior to the ṣalāh.

This book is a selection of forty easy-to-read fully referenced Friday

khuṭab (sermons) delivered by the author at the Islamic Society of

Cumberland (Masjid Bilal) in Ottawa, Canada, over a number of years,

and it is intended to provide the reader with inspiration and motivation

to enhance one’s faith, as well as a resource to help those who need to

prepare and deliver the Friday khuṭab (sermons).

The khuṭab have been arranged to cover a wide variety of topics,

relating to various acts of worship and Islāmic values. They also offer

simple, insightful explanations and teachings on topics of faith and will

stimulate thought and encourage the reader to take their faith to a higher

level, becoming closer and closer to Allāh, not only in words but also in


This book is a great knowledge resource for both beginners and

advanced learners. The sermons are also fairly informative and may be

used for personal study and enlightenment.

The main purpose of this literature is to be educational while

enlightening at the same time. As a result, the book has been titled:

ة مع ة الج حف ت – ‘GIFT OF JUMUʿAH’

It should be noted that every individual differs in their way of delivering

a Friday khuṭbah, therefore we are in no way signifying that a person

needs to read these discourses word for word directly from the book.

Evidently, one may find the need to amend the discourses of this book

based on the situations and needs of their specific community. The use

of this book however, could enhance the presentation of the Friday

khuṭab but certainly not impede it.

Nonetheless, anyone who is preparing a Friday khuṭbah may derive

useful concepts, textual evidence to substantiate statements and other

valuable information relating to the preparation of the Friday khuṭab.

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While every effort has been made to ensure that the book is free from

errors, we are only human and prone to err. We would greatly appreciate

being informed of any errors so that they can be rectified in future


A poet says:

لا غ ه و ن ت ف ي ن لأ ع ل م د الخ ل لا ۞ خ إ ف ش ن ي د ع ج ن ت ا

از( ي از غلى الدز المح )زد المحي

“O reader if it carries some accordance in words and meanings, do not reject it but honour it with your approval,

If you see some fault, then ignore it because Allāh Alone is Flawless, High and Sublime.”

May Allāh accept this effort and make it be a source of inspiration and

guidance for everyone.

We sincerely hope that the readers will benefit from this book. In

addition, we ask Allāh to grant all of us knowledge, action, acceptance

and success in both abodes. Āmīn.

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There is Nothing That Does not Glorify Allāh

Our Lord Allāh holds the most perfect and most beautiful attributes and

He is free from all types of defects and imperfections.

Allāh is Self-Sufficient and free from all needs, whereas the creations

of Allāh depend upon Him and are in constant need of Allāh.

اس لن هأ ٱ ي أ د﴾﴿ي لحمي ى ٱ ن

لغ لله هو ٱ لله وٱ لى ٱ ء ٱ رٱ ف لف م ٱ ت ن ٱ

“O people, you are the ones who need Allāh, and Allāh is self-

sufficient, the Ever-Praised.” (Fāṭir 35:15)

مد﴾ ل ص لله ٱ ﴿ٱ “Allāh is independent. (He needs no one and nothing, but

everyone and everything else needs Him.)” (Ikhlāṣ 112:2)

Since Allāh is the Owner of Majesty and Glory. Everything in the

universe displays complete submission to Allāh and submits to Him by

choice or by constraint.

ماوات لس ى ٱ سلم من ف غون وله ٱ ه ي رج لي وعأ وكرهأ وٱ

رض ط لأ وٱ

“And whoever is in the heavens and the earth has embraced His

obedience (whether) by choice or by constraint, and to Him shall

they all be returned.” (Āl-ʿImrān 3:83)

Believers submit to Allāh by choice through the faith in their hearts and

the actions of their limbs.


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All living things fully submit to Allāh. Everything that is on the face

of the earth and within the skies, including birds, pray to Allāh and

worship Him in their own ways.

نلم ي ر ٱ ه ٱ ح ن ه وت سب

لاي د علم ص ف ات كل ف أ ر ص ي ل ط رض وٱ لأ ماوات وٱ لس ى ٱ ح له من ف

ب لله ي س ٱ غلون ف مأ ي م ب لله علت

وٱ “Do you not see that Allāh is exalted by whoever is within the

heavens and the earth and by the birds with wings spread in

flight? Each of them knows his means of prayer and exalting

Him, and Allāh knows what they do.” (Nūr 24:41)

Every single day, 70,000 angels enter al-Bayt al-Maʿmūr to perform ṣalāh

in it never to return again. The Messenger of Allāh () highlighting in

the ḥadīth of Mīʿrāj, after his journey to the seventh heaven mentions:

إل ف ، ف ل ي ر ي خ لت شإ عموز ف ي ت الم ى الن ع ل زف

ة ... ف ع اث اء الش م إ الس ن ي ي إ ي ت :ف ا الن

د ه و ه كل ث ن ي ف

صل عموز ث م الم ه ي ل إ غ ز م خ ه ا ن ل عودوا ا م ث

وا ل خ ز ا خ د ك، ا ل لف م عون ا م سي

) ازي ح )زواه الن “Then I was taken up to the al-Bayt al-Māʿmūr, I asked Jibrīl ()

about it and he replied, this is al-Bayt al-Māʿmūr , every day

70,000 angels perform prayers in it, and when they leave they

never return to it.” (Bukhārī)

All creatures prostrate to Allāh in complete humility and submissiveness.

لي مر وٱ لف مس وٱ لس رض وٱ لأ ى ٱ ماوات ومن ف لس

ى ٱ د له من ف سج لله ي ن ٱ لم ي ر ٱ أل ٱ ي لح

وم وٱ ح اس لن ن ٱ ر م ي ت وكث وٱ لد ر وٱ ح لس وٱ

“Have you not seen that to Allāh prostrate all of those in the skies

and all of those on the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the

stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals and

many from mankind?” (Ḥajj 22:18)

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Imām Ibn al-Qayyim () comments and says:

ي م زجمه الله إل اب ن الف ي شان :ف ود الأ ل سح ء مي ي ود كل ش ن ن كون سح ت ا ج ولا ت

امع الزساي ل( )خ

“The way other creatures prostrate to Allāh does not need to be

identical to that of the humans.” (Jāmʿi al-Rasā’il)

Animals and angels prostrate out of fear of Allāh. The Qur’ān says:

رون كي كة وهم لأ ت سي ن

لملا ة وٱ ي رض من دٱ لأ ى ٱ ماوات ومأ ف لس

ى ٱ د مأ ف سج ون ولله ي اف خ ي ه وق ن ف هم م مرون ري و غلون مأ ي ف م وي

“And to Allāh whatever creature there is in the heavens and on

the earth prostrate, and the angels (too) and they show no

arrogance. They fear their Lord above them and do as they are

commanded.” (Naḥl 16:49-50)

Every day, the sun goes down under the ʿArsh and prostrates before


One time when the sun was setting, the Messenger of Allāh () asked

Abū Dharr ():

ز ى د ب أ م ل سل ه و ن ل صل ي الله غ ي ت

إل الن إل ف ه ف ي ي الله ع ض ز ز ى د ب ن ا مس ع ي ت الس ز ن ع ي خ

زس جت الع د ت سج ي ت ت خت ه

د إ ي ه ن إ م ف إل ف غل وله ا س ز لت الله و ت ف ه

د ب ن ي ي ا دز ي ا

) ازي ح )زواه الن

“Do you know where the sun goes?” I replied, “Allah and His

Messenger know best.” The Messenger of Allāh () answered,

“It goes and prostrates under the ʿArsh of Allāh.” (Bukhārī)

One of the great pious predecessors Shaykh Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn al-ʿArabī

() says:

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ى زجمه الله إل اب ن العزب م :ف وان والج ء من الجي ي ن كل ش مك ن ن ع من ف دزة الله ا ن ولا ماث ادات ا

د له ت سج ) ازي )عمدة الف

“Nothing prevents the Power of Allāh from enabling everything,

including the animals and inanimate objects, to prostrate before

Him.” (ʿUmdat al-Qārī)

In fact, everything that has a shadow in the universe prostrates before

Allāh. The Qur’ān says:

ل دٱ ل ل سج ي مأ لس ن وٱ مي لي

لاله عن ٱ ط أ ي ف ت ء ي ى لله من ش لق ٱ لى مأ خ و لم ي روٱ ٱ

ه وهم ٱ رون داخ

“Have they not observed the things Allāh has created, their

shadows inclining from the right and the left prostrating

themselves before Allāh, while they are humble?” (Naḥl 16:48)

In addition to their prayers and prostration before Allāh, all creatures

glorify Allāh and magnify Allāh’s praises. The Qur’ān says:

ماوات لس ح له ٱ ب س خمده ي ح ي ب س

لأ ي ء ٱ ى ن ش ن م ن هن وٱ ومن ف

رض لأ ع وٱ ي لس ٱ

“The seven heavens and earth together with whatever is within

them (all of the creation) glorify Him. There is nothing that does

not glorify His praises.” (Isrā’ 17:44)

Thunder also glorifies Allāh’s praises out of awe of Him:

ه ي ف ي كة من خ لملان خمده وٱ عد ي لر ح ٱ ب س

وي “And the thunder and the angels glorify Him with His praise out

of His fear.” (Rʿad 13:13)

Ants also glorify Allāh and exalt Him for being above any partners or


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ول الله س عت ز : سم ه، ف إل ي ي الله ع ض ز ة ب ز إ هز ي ن ا ، ا ة م ى سل ب ا ، و ت د ب ن المشي ي ن سع

صل ي ع ، ف اء ن ي ي ن الأ إ م ن ي ه ي مل صت ن ول: ف ز ف ، ث م سل ه و ن ل وحى الله الله غ

إ ، ف ف ت خز إ ، ف مل ة الن زي ف ز ث م

إ ح سب م ت م ن الأ ة م م ف ت ا خز ه ا مل ك ن ضي ز ن ف

: ا ه ن ل ا ) ازي ح )زواه الن

“An ant stung a Prophet from the Prophets of the past, so he

ordered that the entire ant colony be burnt. But then Allāh

revealed to him, ‘Is it because you were stung by an ant that you

burnt a nation amongst the nations that glorify Me?’” (Bukhārī)

Plants also glorify Allāh and exalt Him. Imām Ibn al-Qayyim () states:

ي م زجمه الله إل اب ن الف ازك :ف ي ن لا ف ها، ف ي ان وزاق ومي لك الأ ط ي علم مشاف ي ث ن الد الله زت العالمي

عهإ و ن هإ وي رن اد غلى كي هإ العي د اه لو س ا ف ه، ومع هد علم لا ث ط ا ه، ولا ي سف ي د إ لا ب ة ا هإ وزف زج مي ح ت وا خ ز، ولزا خ مزا ا هإ ا مإل دوا من ج اه از لش ج س ان والأ ن ف ماز والأ هإ مع الث حمد زن ح ب

سب هإ وهى ت ي لف

ت ف ل ي م خ ن عط إ هإ لش ن موا ا زي، ولعل خ ن ا عي ث ) اج داز السعادة ي )مف

“Blessed is Allāh, Lord of the Worlds, Who knows the places

where leaves fall and the soil in which they grow, such that no

leaf grows without His permission, and no leaf falls without His

knowledge. However, if the servants of Allāh were to see the

different and numerous plants as well as the fruits, the branches,

and trees in the act of glorifying Allāh, they would perceive their

beauty and contemplate their creation in a different way, and

then they would realize that they have been created for a great

purpose.” (Miftāḥ Dār al-Saʿādah)

On various occasions, the Prophet’s () companions () would hear

food glorifying Allāh when they were eating with the Prophet ().

ʿAbdūllah ibn Masūd () says:

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ل ك و هو ث ام و ع ح الط ن شي ع ي إ ن سم د كي ف

ل ، ف إل و د الله ي ن ع ع ) ازي ح )زواه الن

“We would hear the food glorifying Allāh while it was being

eaten.” (Bukhārī)

Even every particle in this universe glorifies Allāh. The Qur’ān says:

خمده ح ي ب س لأ ي ء ٱ ى ن ش ن م وٱ

“There is nothing that does not glorify His praises.” (Isrā’ 17:44)

Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Kathīr () comments on this verse and says:

ات اي ي الن ات و اد م الج ات و اي و ي ي الج ام ف ا غ د ه و

ر اب ن ك شي ف ر()ث ي ث

“This applies to all animals, objects, and plants without any

exception.” (Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr)

Only Allāh knows the way in which each creature glorifies Him.

هم ح ن هون ت سب ف ف كن لأ ي ـ ول

“But you do not understand their glorification.” (Isrā’ 17:44)

When glorifying Allāh, there are even rocks that fall down from their

height in total fear of Allāh and in complete submission to Him:

لله ة ٱ ي س هي ط من خ هأ لمأ ي مي ن وٱ

“And surely there are even those (rocks) that fall down (in

prostration) out of fear of Allāh.” (Baqarah 2:74)

There were even objects that loved the Messenger of Allāh () and

greeted him during his lifetime.

The Prophet () states:

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ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س إل ز : ف ، ف إل ة ز اب ز ب ن سمن خ م ع ل ان ي ش ة ك ك م حخ زا ن

عز ف أ ي ل ب : ا م سل ه و

ن ه الأ ف عز أ ي ل ب ا ت ع ث ن ا ل ا ن ي ف ل غ

)زواه مشلم(

“I still know of a stone in Makkah that used to greet me prior to

the dawn of my Prophethood.” (Muslim)

There was also a date palm tree trunk that cried loudly when the Prophet

() stopped standing by it while delivering his sermons.

Jābir ibn ʿAbdūllāh () narrates:

ه ي إل ك، ا س ب ن م

ي د الله ب ن ا ن ص ب ن عي

ي خف ب ر ي خ : ا د، ف إل ي ي ب ن سع جت

ن ت د ع ي اب ز ب ن ع ع خ سم

صل ي ا ي ت ان الن ل، ف ك ج ن ت وع م د ل ي خ إ غ وف سف د م سح الم

ان ول: ك ف ا، ث هم ي ي الله ع ض لله الله ز ر و ي ي ه الم ع ل ي إ ض م ل ا، ف ه ي ع م

د ي خ ل وم ا ف ت ث ط ا خ د م ا

سل ه و ن ل ع غ د ل ك الج إ ل د عي سم ، ف ه ن ل ان غ ك

ت ي سك إ ف ه ي ل ه غ د ع ي ض و م ق سل ه و ن ل صل ي الله غ ي ت

اء الن ي خ ، خت از ش صوت الع إ ك ضوي ) ازي ح )زواه الن

“The roof of the mosque was built over trunks of palm trees

which served as pillars. Whenever the Prophet () delivered a

sermon, he would stand by one of those trunks. But when the

pulpit was made for him, he used it instead. We then heard the

trunk moaning like a pregnant she-camel. It kept on doing so

until the Prophet () came to it and laid his hand on it, and it

was only then that the trunk calmed down.” (Bukhārī)

Whenever Ḥasan al-Baṣrī () would discuss this ḥadīth he would say:

ل ي ن ا ج ة ت ي ن الخ س ي م ر المشل عش إ م إل: ي كي وف ي ت ن د ا الج

د ه ن ت ا خد د صري ا شن الن الج

ان وك ل ي ل إ ا وف م س سل ه و ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س ه ز ن ل وا ا

اق ي ي س ن خق ا م ا ي ن إ ه ف اي ف

لاء( ي غلام الن ر ا )سي

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“Fellow Muslims! A piece of wood longed for the Messenger of

Allāh ()! You are more obligated than this piece of wood to

long for him.” (Siyar ʿAlām al-Nubalā’)

A sign of true love for the Prophet () is to follow his guidance without

exaggeration or negligence.

Once a rock moved when the Prophet () and a few of his closest

companions climbed it.

Abū Hurairah () narrates:

ول الله صل ي الله غ س ن ز ، ا ة ب ز ى هز ب

ن ا ان ع م عي ز و عم كز و و ن ث ا اء هو و ز ل ي خ ان غ ك م سل ه و ن ل

،ا : اهد م سل ه و ن ل صل ي الله غ ي ت

إل الن ف ، ف ة ز ح ز ك ت الص ج ت ر ف ي ي الز و لحة ط ل ي و غ ل ا و ك ا ن

ل إ غ م ف ه و ش ق ا ث د و ص ا ي ت د ن ي

)زواه مشلم(

“Once the Messenger of Allāh () was on Ḥirā, a mountain

located in Makkāh. Abū Bakr, ʿUmar, ʿUthmān, ʿAlī, Ṭalḥa, and

Zubair () were also with him when the rock (Mount Ḥirā)

began to tremble. Witnessing this, the Messenger of Allāh ()

said to it, ‘Calm down. There is no one on you except a Prophet,

a man of truth, and a martyr.’” (Muslim)

A whole mountain (Uḥud) even shook when the Prophet () climbed it

along with three of the rightly guided companions ().

Anas ibn Mālik () narrates:

ع م د و خ ل ي ا م ا سل ه و ن ل صل ي الله غ ي ت

د الن : ضع ه، ف إل ي ي الله ع ض إل ك ز س ب ن م ي ن ا و ع ث

ه ا ت ل ا ن ك ا ن ل إ غ م د ف خ

ي ت ا : اي إل ، ف ل ه خ ه ب ز ي ر

ص م، ف ه ن ف خ ، ف ز ان م عي ز، و عم كز، و و ن

، ا ي ان د ي ه و ش ، ا ق ث د ص

) ازي ح )زواه الن

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“The Prophet () climbed Mount Uḥud along with Abū Bakr,

ʿUmar, ʿ Uthmān () and the mountain began to tremble beneath

them. The Prophet () struck it with his foot and said, ‘Stay still

Uḥud, for there is no one on you except a Prophet, a man of truth,

and two martyrs.’” (Bukhārī)

One of the pious predecessors, Ibn al-Munayyir () comments and says:

ر زجمه الله ي إل اب ن المي هادة :ف ة والش ي ف ث ة والصد و ي ام الن ص غلى مف ا ث ، ولهد ت ة الطز ه هز وهد ي ث هالت صلت ي روز مإ اث ت س وخ

) ق ل الصدث اي ص ع ص ف ن ق ي صدث هل الن ة ا حف )ت

“This was an apprehension of joy. That is why the Prophet ()

confirmed the rank of prophethood, truthfulness, and

martyrdom, which are all bound to cause a joy of anything with

which they come into contact.” (Tuḥfah Ahl al-Taṣdīq)

Mount Uḥud even loves those who obey Allāh and His Messenger ().

د ف خ ه ا ع ل ل ، ط م سل ه و ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س ن ز

ه، ا ي ي الله ع ض إل ك ز س ب ن م ي ن ا إل ع ا : ف د ه ل ت ي ه خ ي ح

ت إ و ن ي ح ) ازي ح )زواه الن

“Uḥud is a mountain which loves us and which we love.”


Imām al-Nawawī () comments and says:

ووي زجمه الله ه :ف إل الن جت ي ا ت ر ي مي ه ن ن عالى ف ، خ عل الله ث ة ف ي إ خف ن حي د ت خ

ا ح مشلم( ووي غلى صحي رج الن )س

“Mount Uḥud truly loves us because Allāh has endowed it with

a quality whereby it is able to feel love.” (Sharḥ al-Nawawī)

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The family of the Prophet () owned a wild animal. Whenever the

Prophet () entered his house, it would stay still so as not to harm him.

ʿĀ’ishah () narrates:

ج ز ز ا خ د إ خس ف م و سل ه و ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س ل ز

أ ان ل ة ك اي ش إل ت غ د ف إل ف اه ن مج ول ع س خس ب ز ا ا د إ دب ز ف ا ل و ن ف ا د و ي اس ت و ع م ل سل ه و ن ل م الله صل ي الله غ سل ه و ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س

ة ي اه ز ي ت ك ي الن م ف سل ه و ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س ام ز إ د م م مز ر ي م ي ل ص ف ث ل ز خ د د ه ف ي د و ن ث

ا جمد( )زواه ا

“The family of the Prophet () owned a wild animal. Whenever

the Prophet () left the house, it would play wildly and scamper

back and forth. However, when it sensed that the Prophet ()

was coming back, then it would sit down and would not move as

long as the Prophet () was at home for fear that it would harm

him.” (Aḥmed)

Indeed all living things, with the exception of the humans and the jinn

who disobey Allāh, recognize that Mohammed is the Messenger of Allāh


Jābir ibn ʿAbdullāh () narrates:

ول س ع ز إ م لن ن ف : ا ، ف إل د الله ي اب ز ب ن ع

ن خ إ ع عي ا دف د ي ا ز خت ن سف م م سل ه و ن ل الله صل ي الله غ ا ج ات ي ه عت م ث ط

م ل ف ه ج ن ا ف د از ا ح ي الن ت ان ن ط ي ن خ ط م ل ي خاث د ٬ا ل ا س ط ا اث خد الج

ل ا دخ ل ا ي ه ن ل صل ي الل ٬غ ي ت

خ اء الن : ف ي ف إل ه ف ز

ف س عإ م اض اء و خ ر ف ي ع إ الن غ د

ط ف اث ب ي الج ي ا م خت سل ه و ن ل ه غ

ه ي د ن ي ي ك ي ي ب ز زض خت اما ٬الأ ط وا خ اث : ه م سل ه و ن ل صل ي الله غ ي ت

إل الن ف ل ي ٬ف ه ا ع ف د ه و م خ ط ف

ه اي صج م ٬ا ول ث س ي ز

ب م ا عل ث ل ا و زض ا

الأ اء و م ن الس ي ء ي ي ي س ش ه ل ي : ا إل ف

اس ف ي الن ل ت ا ف الن

ي س الأ ن و ي الج اض ر غ ي الله غ جمد( )زواه ا

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“Once we set out on a journey with the Prophet (), and as we

got to one of the orchards belonging to the tribe of Banū al-

Najjār, we saw that there was a camel which would spring up at

the sight of anyone coming into the orchard in an attempt to

attack him. When the Prophet () was told about this, he made

his way to the orchard and called the camel, which came to him

bending its head low out of reverence for him and kneeled down

before the Prophet (). The Prophet () instructed, ‘Go and

bring me its rein.’ So it was brought and the Prophet ()

harnessed the camel and turned it over to its owner. The Prophet

() then turned to the people and said, ‘Everything between the

heavens and the earth knows that I am the Messenger of Allāh,

except the disobedient from the humans and the jinn.’” (Aḥmed)

Everything in the heavens and the earth, including the fish in the sea,

pray to Allāh for the forgiveness of the ʿulemā (scholars).

م سل ه و ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س ن ز ي : ، ف إل ع ن ف م ات و و م ي الس ن ف ه م ز ل ف ع سي ي م ل إل ن الع ا و

اء ي الم ف ان ي ي ي الج زض خت

الأ و داود( ث )زواه ا

“The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, even the fish in

the depths of the oceans seek forgiveness for the learned people.”

(Abū Dāwūd)

There are even some things that recite the talbīyah alongside a muḥrim

when one recites it.

ت ل ا ل ي ا ت ل م ي ن مشل إ م : م م سل ه و ن ل ول الله صل ي الله غ س إل ز : ف هل ب ن سعد ف إل ن ش

ع ن ع ن ي م ا اهي ه إ و اهي ن ه زض م

ع الأ ط ف ن ي ي ز، خت د و م ز، ا ح و س ن حخ ز، ا إل ه م م ن س و ع

، ا ه ن ي م ث ) ي رمد )زواه الي

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“There is no Muslim who recites the talbīyah during the Ḥajj and

ʿUmrah but that everything which is to his right and left also

recite it with him. Whether it is rocks, trees or even soil, to the

farthest ends of the earth in each direction, from here and from

there.” (Tirmidhī)

Even the heavens and the earth weep in grief over a believer who passes

away. Allāh mentions about the people of Firʿawn:

ري ن وٱ مي ط رض ومأ كاي

لأ ء وٱ مأ لس هم ٱ مأ ن كت علي ف “So neither did the sky nor the earth weep over them, nor were

they given a respite.” (Dukhān 44:29)

ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿAbbās () comments that:

ي ر ب د ب ن ج ب ع ن س ل :ف إل ٬ع خ اس ز ي ي اب ن ع ب إل ٬ا ف ك :ف از ن ول الله ي ي ت ق

ا ز اس ا ي إ ع ي إ ا ي

ال ي ع ث ب ن و ز ط وا مي اث إ ك م زض و

الأ اء و م م الس ه ي ل ك ت غ إ ن م ل ي ف زض غ

الأ اء و م ي الس ك ن ل ي ه ف

خد؟ ف إل م ا :ا ع هث ف ز ل ز ر

ي ه ي ي اء م م ي الس ات ف ه ي ل ا ل ق ا ن الخ ل اث خد م

س ا ي ه ل د ٬ي صع ه ث ن ف و له م له ٬ع م ه ع ن د ف صع ان ث ي ك د

اء ال م ن الس ه م اي ق ي ل غ إ ن ف م ات المو ا م د إ

ف ه ٬ف ز ه ز ي ل م ر ي ي ٬و

ا د ا : و ه ن ل ك ي غ ان ه ي ي ف

صل ان ث ي ك ت زض ال ن الأ ه مصل اه م د ف ه ٬ف ن ل ك ت غ إ ن ه ي كز الله ف

د ي و ) ري ر الطي شي ف )ث

“When a believer passes away and leaves the place where one

used to pray and remember Allāh, the heavens and the earth will

weep for that person.” (Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī)

Shirk and associating partners with Allāh is the gravest of all sins.

Inanimate objects, out of veneration of Allāh, will be filled with rage at

hearing someone associating partners with Allāh. The Qur’ān says:

ي ألوٱ ٱ ن ولدٱ وف ـ حم لر د ٱ ٱ ج د أ ٱ ن ب م س ت ي د خ ق لف س ب ه وي رن مي ط ف ت ماوات ي لس كاد ٱ ن ٱ أل هد ي لح

ر ٱ خ رض وي لأ ٱ

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“And they say, ‘The Most Merciful has taken (for Himself) a son.’

You have done an atrocious thing. The heavens may just burst at

this (fabricated lie) and the earth splits open and the mountains

collapse in devastation.” (Maryam 19:88-90)

Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Kathīr () commenting on this verse says:

ن إل ه م ف ه الم د اعهن ه د سم ي ل ك ع كون د اد ن ك ي ن هن ا ن

أ ل الا ل خ ا ت و امإ ل لز عط م ا د ي ا ت ة ن خ ز ف

ده ي وخ ل ي ث شات غ س مو لوف ات و ج م ر اب ن كث شي ف ر( ي )ث

“It means that the heavens, the earth, and the mountains nearly

react in this way out of veneration of Allāh when they hear the

transgressors from among the children of Ādam () associate

partners with Allāh, because such inanimate objects have been

created and established for affirming the oneness of Allāh.”

(Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr)

Even a bird voiced its condemnation of some people who associated

partners with Allāh and invited them to the oneness of Him. The Qur’ān


ن ي ف أ ي ن ب أ ي ي ك من س ن ي ه وخ خط ي

مأ لم ي طت ب ج أل ٱ ف د ق غي ر ي ي ع

مكت ة ف مرٱ دت ٱ ى وخ

ن ٱ ب ت من كل وي

ملك هم وٱ م ي ت عط ء ولهأ عرس ى مس من دون ش دون للس سج ومهأ ي هأ وف دي وخ

دون هي هم لأ ي ل ق ن ب لس هم عن ٱ د ص عمألهم ق

ان ٱ ي ط لس ي ن لهم ٱ لله ور ى ٱ ل د دوٱ لله ٱ سج

لأ ي ٱ

لس ى ٱ ء ف لخ ت رج ٱ خ ون ي غلي ون ومأ ي ف خ غلم مأ ي رض وي

لأ ماوات وٱ “Then he (the hoopoe) did not take long and said (to Sulaimān

), ‘I have discovered what you did not, and have brought to

you a sure information from Sabā (Sheba). I have found a woman

ruling over them, and all sorts of things are given to her, and she

has a great throne. I have found her and her people prostrating

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themselves to the sun, instead of Allāh, and Satan has beautified

their deeds for them and has prevented them from the way, so

they do not take the right path, that is, they do not prostrate to

Allāh who brings forth what is hidden in the heavens and the

earth, and who knows whatever you conceal and whatever you

reveal.’” (Naml 27:22-25)

Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Kathīr () commenting on this verse says:

اه و إ ز م له ك ن ن ف ى ع ه ه ث ود ل ح الس خده و ة الله و اد ي ع ر و ي الخ ي

ل إ ا ي اع الهدهد د ان إ ك م ل ام و م الأ

ي صل ي ال ت ى الن ه ه ف إل ث ي ي الله ع ض ة ز ب ز ى هز ب

ن ا ه ع اخ اب ن م اود و و د ث ا د و جم ن ا م ع سل ه و ن ل له غ

ح ي اده صح سي ا د و ر الص الهدهد و ه و حل الن ه و مل : الن ات و ن الد ع م زث

ا ر( ي ر اب ن كث شي ف )ث

“Since the hoopoe invited towards goodness, worshipping Allāh

alone, and prostrating to Him only, it was prohibited to kill it.”

(Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr)


• Everything - be it the angels, inanimate objects, plants, animals,

or even fish in the sea declare the glorification of Allāh and

testify to His Oneness, prostrate and humble themselves before

Allāh and obey Him.

• The children of Ādam () are more obligated to do the same.

• If humans truly worship, revere and obey Allāh as Allāh deserves

to be worshiped, revered and obeyed, then he will be the most

honourable of all creatures.


• In our thoughts. Allāh knows our minds and our hearts; and our

inner self usually reflects our outer actions, deeds, and attitudes.

So if our desire is to venerate Allāh in everything that we do,

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then we should ensure that our thoughts and our emotions are

glorifying Him by remaining true to His commandments.

• In our words. The way we speak to others and about others

should be glorifying to Allāh. Therefore, avoid abusive or harsh

words, mockery, gossip and negative language that is meant to

hurt, insult, abuse or belittle anyone else.

• In our deeds. This includes not only the activities we partake in

for others, but also those we do for ourselves. Our deeds should

be a reflection of Allāh’s veneration. So when people see what

we do and the way that we behave, they see Allāh’s reverence in

all of our actions.

• In our attitude. Our perspective about life, people and ourselves

is an outward reflection of our inner self. People are usually

turned off by a negative or pessimistic person. It’s important to

maintain a humble attitude that encompasses patience,

goodness, kindness, and compassion.

• In our physical self. The way that we treat our bodies that Allāh

gifted us with is a way of glorifying Him. Examples include:

keeping our bodies healthy by not overindulging or under

nourishing ourselves, we should not abuse it with drugs etc.

Modesty is also important in presenting ourselves in a manner

that glorifies Allāh.

• In good and bad times. It is easy to glorify Allāh when things are

going well, or right but what about during those times of struggle

and suffering? These are the moments when glorifying Allāh

means so much more.

• In our work. This relates to schools, jobs and everyday tasks.

Enhancing our minds and strengthening our knowledge are

ways that we can use the amazing mind that Allāh has given to

us! Our religion demands from us to work hard, but to never

allow work, money and ambition to consume us or overshadow

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Allāh. Similarly, every aspect of our work ethics should reveal

Allāh’s magnificence.

• In our leisure. This includes our free time, how we use our time

and what we consume our minds with – whether it is through

TV, the internet, books, social media etc. We should focus on

media that will enhance us spiritually. In activities such as sports,

we should remain true to Allāh’s directives, such as playing fair

and being honest. Likewise, when we hang out with friends etc.

we should always remember to behave in a manner that reflects

the respect of Allāh.

• In our speech. Glorify Allāh’s name at every opportunity; and this

includes not taking Allāh’s name in vain. In the same way, when

sharing Allāh’s glory with others, we must do so in a manner

that adheres to Allāh’s dictates and not to our own agendas. We

must do everything with kindness and compassion and without

judging the heart of others, or assuming ourselves to be better

than others. We should be bringing people closer to Allāh, not

turning them away from them.

• In our relationships. The way that we treat our families and

friends should be a reflection of how the Prophet () treated the

people around him. The relationships that we have should

adhere to Allāh’s dictates. Therefore, on a daily basis endeavor

to create happy and healthy relationships with everyone.

صد ف ن إك ف د ۞ كلا ولا مولى هي عي ود سواك زت ث مإ ف ي الوخ إ م وخد ي ات ث ن إ وكل الكاي ـ زهإ ۞ زهي سـ إ وه ي ت الوخ ن له عي

ي ۞ ــد له الواخد الجق الـ ي ت الأ هد ا ز وي ش ف ـوت له ث لـ كل الف