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The candidate

My name is Patrick Gajos and I am running to be the next President of your LSS. Over the past year I have served as President of the 2016 Council here at Queen’s Law. We have seen great success, already reaching over $2000 in fundraising efforts for both our council and charitable causes within the community. I have a one hundred percent attendance record at all LSS Assembly and Council meetings, and have tirelessly advocated on behalf of the student voice.

As President, I will oversee the LSS Assembly and other boards to make sure your interests are always being served. We are approaching a critical year in 2014/2015, with the class expansion coming into effect. During discussions to decide how to allocate the funds from expansion, I promise to be there fighting for what matters to you. The school will have about 2 million dollars in additional revenue, and the spending of these funds must be done responsibly. I have established key relationships with the administration, and I have the experience, passion, and capability to lead Queen’s Law forward.

This platform outlines the issues that I promise to address as your President. Most importantly I intend to have your voice lead the LSS. As such, I urge you to continue to contact me to discuss issues important to you.

We have an opportunity to make our great law school even better. Let’s get it done - together.

Your LSS Presidential Candidate,

Patrick Gajos 647 261 [email protected]/patrickgajos

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I have consulted the student body and done the research. Everything in this platform will happen with your support. Cast your ballot on February 4 & 5, and let’s get to work.

$ A system for easy communication with the LSS

$ 24/7 Library exam hours

$ Unrelenting advocacy (expansion spending)

$ Alumni Directory

$ LSSO consultation

$ Continued funding for QL clubs

$ Coffee/Tea/Snacks stocked in the lounge

$ ‘Spiced up’ lounge (ping pong table)

$ QL monument outside Macdonald Hall

$ ‘Law student only’ library space

$ Clean/stocked facilities

Making it Happen


Currently, if you want to get in touch with the LSS you need to attend office hours or send an email to a representative. The problem is that it is not very convenient. It is not always clear who to contact about a particular issue, and it just takes too long. I plan to create an easily accessible form on the LSS website where you can submit your comment or concern online. We will get the message, sort out the administrative details, and ensure that you get an accurate response within 24 hours. Anonymity optional. As President, your concerns are my concern. I have an unwavering belief that the LSS is here to serve you.


I will sit down with the administration and seek to work out a feasible plan to have 24/7 hours during exam season. With the increase in our enrollment, this relatively minor cost should be possible, and we won’t settle for anything less.

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We are reaching a very critical time at Queen’s Law this coming year. The administration is undergoing a number of changes. First and foremost, there will be a larger class size beginning next year, and this means increased revenue of about 2 million dollars. It is all too easy for the administration to forget the interests of the students, and as such I will be sure to impose those interests at every moment. Responsible spending. Thorough professor screenings. Sincere student consultation. I will personally oversee these crucial steps in the decision making process.


An alumni directory would connect current students with QL alumni in order to get access to information directly from those who have gone through the things we are facing. Other major law schools have similar directories, and I feel it would be incredibly beneficial for us to have one as well. The QL sense of community never ends, and I am certain that many of our forerunners will be more than happy to use their experience to give us insight into achieving our goals. The administration is on board with the creation of this directory, but it will take a push from the students to secure funding, and I will make that happen.


The LSSO is a body of law student societies from schools across the province. There are many good reasons in favor of joining, and I would direct you to the committee report released this year for details on its merits (which can be found in your Queen’s email inbox titled “Law Student Society of Ontario (LSSO) Committee Report & Referendum”). While I personally believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, this is an issue where the role of the President is not to advance his/her personal views on the matter. It is a time for the President of the LSS to represent the student voice. I will closely monitor the results of the referendum and your opinions on the matter, and stand with your voice.


Our community is part of what makes Queen’s Law the best law school in the country. The LSS currently provides $300 of funding to all approved clubs to promote themselves and organize activities and events. As President, I will ensure that this funding remains in tact, as I believe that the wide variety of clubs is as a core part of the QL experience.

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As law students, we probably all binge on coffee, tea, and snacks from time to time. I believe that we shouldn’t have to trudge across campus for these basic necessities, and as President, I will ensure that our lounge is always stocked with a variety of coffee, tea and snacks (both the healthy and unhealthy kinds). During exams, we will have Starbucks and Tim Hortons urns to keep you energized during those all-day study sessions.


The lounge is great, but it could use a little more flair. It is time to replace that century-old squeaky foosball table with something else. We won’t get rid of the table, but just get something new. If elected, I promise that on day one I will organize a poll on getting a new piece of lounge equipment. Current favorites include: ping pong table and air hockey table.

Additionally, the lounge could use a little decor. Namely a clock, but some artwork would not hurt either. The Queen’s Law community has so many talented artists, and we will commission several of them to create some artwork for us.


We currently have a painted crest on the concrete outside Macdonald Hall. Don’t get me wrong, this crest has so much history and tradition to it, but it’s not exactly the most beautiful creation. Many of the major law schools in Ontario have monuments outside indicating the school name. I promise to explore non-LSS funding sources to have this monument created.


You may have heard that a ‘Law Student Only’ library is impossible, which is true to some extent, and for good reason. We do not intend to exclude any of our fellow Queen’s colleagues from access to Lederman library services. All we intend to do is to create a space where law students can find a seat in Macdonald Hall. Similar to the “Graduate Reading Room” in Stauffer, I would lobby to have an area of the same variety created in Lederman.


Dirty bathrooms, no TP, unsalted sidewalks, Lake Ontario in the front foyer etc. The only way to ensure clean/stocked facilities is to put significant pressure on Queen’s maintenance that this needs to be addressed. Emails will be sent, calls will be made, more strongly worded emails will be re-sent.

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