Download pdf - Game Physics Test

Page 1: Game Physics Test

GameSalad PhysicsYoung-min Kang

Tongmyong University

Page 2: Game Physics Test

goal• Physics Test Application

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scene1 - gravity• prepare some images

and actors

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add some behaviors

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create a ball actor

If it’s out of window, destroy it

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add gravity and spawn balls


Behavior of the instance

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Be careful• These are not ‘moveable’

only moveable

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Test it• When you touch the background, balls will appear and fall

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scene 2 - collision• prepare more actors • place them in the scene

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ball collision• add more

behaviors to the ball actor

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You will see colliding balls

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scene 3 - bounciness• add new actors of which bounciness will be changed


not moveable

will collide with our new floor actor

these guys will display their own bounciness

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touch input for bounciness• prepare this image

bouncinesses of the ball and the floor will be determined by where you touch inside this actor !x direction: floor direction y direction: ball direction

new attributes

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table for bouncinesses• Prepare a table “TB Bounciness”

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place them in the scene

actors for some message display

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bounciness input

Spawn balls whenever this actor is touched

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change bounciness• add more behaviors

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Test• balls bounce with different bounciness values

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scene 4 - elasticity• Prepare a scene which look like this

final result

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add properties• force and other variable for calculating the force

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set values for each instancemoveable

not moveable not moveable

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index setting• behavior for circle_icon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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prepare a table• table for storing the locations of circles

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behavior of moveable circles

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Compute Differenceindex-1




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compute distancesindex-1





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normalize the directions

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compute spring forcef =



k(li � l0i )~di

k = 10

l0i = 5

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update velocityvt+h = vt +

Z t+h


m = 1 ) f = a vt+h = vt +

Z t+h


Euler integration

vt+h = vt + hfh=0.03

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Test it

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scene 5 - friction• prepare a scene

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different friction values• 30, 20, 10, 0 for floors which are not moveable

• 0 for the left box on each floor

• 3, 2, 1, 0 for the right boxes

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scene 6 - attraction• prepare a scene like this

final result

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we need more attributes• add an attribute to the background actor

• count:integer

• add two attributes to the game (global variables)

• touchX:real

• touchY:real

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behaviors of background• spawn planets that will be attracted by sun

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behaviors of background• prepare a sun actor and spawn it

• when the background it touched

• store the touch location to game.touchX and game.touchY

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“sun” actor• prepare a “sun” actor and constrain its location to

the touched point

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“planets” and its behaviors• we need some attributes for this actor

• these planets will be attracted by “sun”

• planet behavior

• compute attraction force and update its velocity

• “every 0.03 seconds (=h), update the state of the planet”

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vector from planet to sun• d = (dx, dy)

• sun is located at (Game.touchX, Game.touchY)

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compute distance between planet and sun

• simple computation

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normalize the direction• also simple

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compute “attraction”• attraction force

fattr = Cattrmplanet ·msun


Cattr ·mplanet ·msun = 2, 000, 000

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collision handling

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scene 7- drag• prepare a scene like this

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set different drag values

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scene 8 - rope physics

• rope is not elastic

• joint is required to express rope

• no joints are available in GameSalad

• we will use “fake” dynamics

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• rope model

• linked “line segments”

• line segments are linked with rivets

• we will display only the rivets

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table for locations of rivets

• 16 rivets

• location (x,y)

• index

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behaviors of background• spawn 16 rivets and locate them in accordance with the table contents

• assign indices to the rivets Explained in the next slide

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assigning unique index to each rivet

• add an attribute to Game

• Shared Integer Variable: integer

• every time you spawn a rivet, you set this value and the spawned rivet will use this for its own index

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behaviors of background• if touched, adjust Game.touchX and Game.touchY

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How rivets move• when it is spawned

• set its unique index

• rivet with index 1

• immediately moves to the touched position

• other rivets

• each rivet tries to keep the given distance to the previous rivet of which index is 1 less than its own

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rivet with index 1constrain its location to the touched position

store its location to the table

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other rivets• update its location every 0.03 seconds

store its location to the table

state update

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apply gravity• we apply our own gravity instead of GameSalad gravity

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compute difference• difference with the previous rivet

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distance to the previous one• simple…

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normalize the direction• simple…

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adjust location and velocity• try to keep the given distance

Padjusted = P+ (l � l0)~d

• change of position

• velocity that incur the change should be computed


• original velocity: v

vadjusted = 0.5 · v + 0.5 · v+

Our model


v+ =(l � l0)~d


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adjust location and velocity• try to keep the given distance

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