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Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences


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• Howard Gardner’s theory suggests that individual possesses not one but various intelligences and each of which is relatively distinct and independent of the other.

Gardner’s Theory of 8 Multiple Intelligences

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• Musical

• Bodily Kinesthetic

• Logical Mathematical

• Linguistic

• Spatial

• Interpersonal

• Intrapersonal

• Naturalistic

8 Multiple Intelligences

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• Skills in tasks involving music. Example:

• Conrad Tao (Born June 11, 1994)

• Found playing children's songs on piano at the age of 18 months. First public recital at the age of 4 and made his concerto debut with the Utah Chamber Music Festival at age 8. Named a 2011 Presidential Scholar for the Arts by President Obama in a White House ceremony, he is in demand as a composer, violinist, and pianist. He’ll perform Bach, Liszt, Stravinsky, Beethoven, and three of his own piano pieces.

Musical Intelligence

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• Skills in using the body or various in the solution of problems or in the construction of the products or displays, exemplified by dancers, athletes, actors, and surgeons.

• Michael Jordan (Feb 16, 1973) was a star player for the NBA's Chicago Bulls for many years and is often considered the greatest basketball player in the league's history. He helped the Chicago Bulls win six NBA championships from 1991-993 and 1996-1998. Jordan was named rookie of the year in his first season and earned three all-star game MVP awards, five regular season MVP awards and six NBA Finals MVP awards.

Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence

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• Skills in problem-solving and scientific thinking. Example:

• Akshay Venkatesh (born 29 August 1981)

• is an Australian mathematician. Won a bronze medal at the International Physics Olympiad at age 11. Won a Bronze medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) at 12. Graduated university at age 15 with a double major in mathematics/physics. Finished his PhD at 20 from Princeton University. Associate Professor at age 23.

Logical-mathematical Intelligence

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• Skills involved in the production and use of language. Example:

• Brianna and Brittany Winner

• These identical twins are multiple award-winning young American authors who wrote the fictional series of novels entitled the Strand series. At the end of fourth grade they used a speech to text software to complete an 80,000-word novel and were recognized as child prodigies in 2010. They have won multiple awards for the first book in the series titled The Strand Prophecy including the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best Adolescent Fiction. Published their first novel at 12 and became America's youngest multiple award winning authors.

Linguistic Intelligence

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• Skills involving spatial configurations, such as those used by artists and architects. Example:

• Steven Spielberg is one of the Hollywood's best known director and one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world. Spielberg has countless big-grossing, critically acclaimed credits to his name, as producer, director and writer. Known on-set for being able to work and come up with ideas very quickly.

Spatial Intelligence

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• Skills in interacting with others, such as sensitivity to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and intentions of others. Example:

• Molly Pitcher, born Mary Ludwig, was an American Revolutionary war hero. Mary helped American troops fend off British troops, first by bringing water to the revolutionaries during the battle (earning her the nickname "Molly Pitcher"), then by manning a cannon after her soldier husband succumbed to either the heat or a battle wound. After the victory at Monmouth, George Washington himself met with Mary Hays, commending her for her courage and honoring her by bestowing upon her the honorary, non-compensatory commission of Sergeant.

Interpersonal Intelligence

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• Knowledge of the internal aspects of oneself; access to one’s own feelings and emotions. Example:

• Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) was an American author, political activist and lecturer. She was the first deaf/blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. The story of how Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing her to blossom as she learned to communicate. In 1912, she joined the Industrial Workers of the World and wrote In Why I Became an IWW, Keller explained that her motivation for activism came in part from her concern about blindness and other disabilities: “I was appointed on a commission to investigate the conditions of the blind. For the first time I, who had thought blindness a misfortune beyond human control, found that too much of it was traceable to wrong industrial conditions, often caused by the selfishness and greed of employers. And the social evil contributed its share. I found that poverty drove women to a life of shame that ended in blindness.”

Intrapersonal Intelligence

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• Ability to identify and classify patterns in nature. Example:

• Rachel an American marine biologist and a science writer was born in 1907 in Pennsylvania. She is known for her book "Silent Spring" in which she elaborated on the long term effects of synthetic pesticides. Carson initially started working as a biologist with the U.S Bureau of Fisheries and later on became a known figure and researcher in that field.

Naturalistic Intelligence
