
LegacyStories and Family Tree

Gathering and Sharing LegacyStories Gordon Taylor (CLA)- [email protected]

I noted the Family Search Portal as a group of Premium Family History Websites and certified affiliates that are now available to patron on their laptops at FHCs. One of these is LegacyStories.LegacyStories is Web based (icloud) application that uses major browsers to capture and store histories. It store pictures and oral/written historical events for both the living and the dead, It can link these histories of dead to FamilySearch-Family Tree via Tree Connect. It can also share the stories over social media networks and with some commercial genealogy applications. It works on both MAC and PC computer devices. Input forms: Traditional Journals & written histories documents and PDFsPhotos with up to 3 minutes audio narration each (Narrated Slideshows)Format - Pictures.jpg and audio .mp3. Audio Albums with up to 150 files; each with a selected photo and up to 30 minutes Formats iPads or camera and prerecorded .mp3 or .wav filesVideo -link to YouTube for journalsFive levels of Security determined by creator of history- private, friends, family, friends& family, and public.Since FamilySearch does not provide training on 3rd party application, as a Certified LegacyStories Advisor (CLA), I would be more than willing to present an overview help interested patrons with the application. I can also provide patron workshops. ( I live in Denver area.)LegacyStories does have four tutorial videos about the interface between LegacyStories and Family Tree available at you are interested in providing you staff insight on the LegacyStories application for patrons, I would be happy to visit one of your staff training or orientation meetings. Call to schedule at 303 683 9244 or email at [email protected]

1AgendaWhy Gather Family StoriesWhy cloud StorageLegacyStoriesFeaturesApplicationsReview training tutorialsDemonstrate iPad recording processStory Recording Labs2Why Gather Stories?Its about he DashThe sum of life experiencesHistorical - places/eventsMoral values/principles

Purpose Commanded to keep a recordAbraham wrote. ..For the benefit of my posterity that shall come after me.Foundation future generations

3Overview of Legacy Stories

4Why Cloud StorageEasily shared over web.Universal available Using Link to family project or needsAlternate storage of data text and multimedia pictures, audio and video

Why Legacy Stories Certified FamilySearch PartnerSync LinkAgreement on contentTFA - Humanitarian - non profit accountShare content through family associationIndividual accounts are free with 1 GB of storage and options for more.

5Legacy Stories - CloudPlus Repurpose Information

Share stories globally - based on permissionsCollaborate on research/historiesRepurposeGenealogy applicationsCommercial AppsFamily Search Family TreeSocial NetworksShare with family

6What to ShareWhat to share options & recommendationsLegacy events for future genderationsBook of Remembrance or Small Plates items Personal Spiritual eventsPersonal stories of character & moral valuePersonal Historical eventsLarge PlatesOther important details of lifeWhy by event or short story- Genealogy applicationsFamily Home EveningTestimonials7Legacy Stories - FeaturesTraditional Journals & written histories documents and PDFs with inserted multimediaPhotos with up to 3 minutes audio narration each (Narrated Slideshows with over 100 photo) Format Pictures .jpg and audio .mp3 or wave. Audio Albums with up to 150 files/events; each with a selected photo and up to 45 minutes , mp3 using a digital recorderMobile app with photo (.jpg) and up to 3 minutes of narration (Mp3).

8Legacy Stories Easy to UseComputer and/orMobile ToolsApp iPad, Tablet or smart phone capabile 1 July.2014Digital recorderEstablish Account www.legacystories.orgQuick TrainingSign in and recordChallenge organizing thoughts and media9


11 Free plan for TFA Progrm upgrade 1 July 2014

12Four LegacyStories TutorialHow to create your account Basic Free How to use story telling elements of legacy Stories website How to link to FS Family TreeStoriesSlideshows photoNarrated Photos Pict-Oral MemoirAudios 13FS Tutorials screen shoots




17Three Ways to Narrate Photo Events - SummaryAttach narration to photo in computerTalking photo 3 min for each photoSave to slideshow/album in cloudCombined photos and narration on computerTake photo separatelyDigitally record narration up to 45 min.Combined and Save/album to cloudUse iPad (apple and android) lets to take photo and attach narration Up to 5 minutes per photo.Upload cloud and your account.All three can be linked to Family Tree of other websites.

18Examples ofTypes of StoriesHistorical sitesHistorical eventsPersonalReflectionAccomplishmentRecognitionLife's lessonsvalues

19Mobile Recording processContent Artifact, Photo, StoryDisplay Artifacts or Photo on standSetting lighting, quiet, comfortableStory preparation plan ahead, outline, promptsStandard opening name, date and story titleDetermine if story is about dead or living

Demonstrate withShow three frames






25Get homeLog with your email and pass wordProfileChange the PW and make other changesClick Pict-Oral and click on edit and listen to your story. Recommend adding tag words to search for story or topics in the future. Link to Family Search if the person is dead. (You will need to know the 7 digit # to easily link)You may want to invite family and friends to visit the site as well.26Questions?Story Recording Booth is OpenCome and SeeThank You

27Review of Afternoon SubjectsAfternoonIpresenters and subjectYour planRoom # are on chart by Reg. deskIf you want to change workshops check with reg. for space Story Booth sign up or drop by and watch Evaluation form appreciate your comments and suggestionEnjoy a brief lunchSlicer brunchStory Booth openListen to Brians narrated Taylor History2829Audio Examples Narrated photo(s)

Combined photo & narration on computer[]=3037Combined photo and narration from iPad Stories Basic - free

