Page 1: Gauge Field Theories Second Edition

Gauge Field TheoriesSecond Edition

STEFAN POKORSKIInstitute for Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw

Page 2: Gauge Field Theories Second Edition


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c© Cambridge University Press 1987, 2000

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First published 1987First paperback edition 1989

Reprinted 1990Second edition 2000

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TypefaceTimes 11/14pt. SystemLATEX 2ε [DBD]

A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data

Gauge field theories/Stefan Pokorskip. cm. – (Cambridge monographs in mathematical physics)

Includes bibliographic references.ISBN 0 521 47245 8 (hc.)ISBN 0 521 47816 2 (pb.)

1. Gauge fields. I. Pokorski, S. II. Title.QA246.7.K66 1999

512’.73–dc21 99-19601 CIP

ISBN 0 521 47245 8 hardbackISBN 0 521 47816 2 paperback

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Preface to the First Edition pagexviiPreface to the Second Edition xviii

0 Introduction 10.1 Gauge invariance 10.2 Reasons for gauge theories of strong and electroweak interactions 3

QCD 3Electroweak theory 5

1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking 111.1 The action, equations of motion, symmetries and conservation laws 12

Equations of motion 12Global symmetries 13Space-time transformations 16Examples 18

1.2 Classical field equations 20Scalar field theory and spontaneous breaking of global symmetries 20Spinor fields 22

1.3 Gauge field theories 29U (1) gauge symmetry 29Non-abelian gauge symmetry 31

1.4 From classical to quantum fields (canonical quantization) 35Scalar fields 36The Feynman propagator 39Spinor fields 40Symmetry transformations for quantum fields 45

1.5 Discrete symmetries 48Space reflection 48Time reversal 53Charge conjugation 56Summary and theCPT transformation 62CPviolation in the neutral K0–K0-system 64Problems 68


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x Contents

2 Path integral formulation of quantum field theory 712.1 Path integrals in quantum mechanics 71

Transition matrix elements as path integrals 71Matrix elements of position operators 75

2.2 Vacuum-to-vacuum transitions and the imaginary time formalism 76General discussion 76Harmonic oscillator 78Euclidean Green’s functions 82

2.3 Path integral formulation of quantum field theory 83Green’s functions as path integrals 83Action quadratic in fields 87Gaussian integration 88

2.4 Introduction to perturbation theory 90Perturbation theory and the generating functional 90Wick’s theorem 92An example: four-point Green’s function inλ84 93Momentum space 97

2.5 Path integrals for fermions; Grassmann algebra 100Anticommutingc-numbers 100Dirac propagator 102

2.6 Generating functionals for Green’s functions and proper vertices; effectivepotential 105Classification of Green’s functions and generating functionals 105Effective action 107Spontaneous symmetry breaking and effective action 109Effective potential 111

2.7 Green’s functions and the scattering operator 113Problems 120

3 Feynman rules for Yang–Mills theories 1243.1 The Faddeev–Popov determinant 124

Gauge invariance and the path integral 124Faddeev–Popov determinant 126Examples 129Non-covariant gauges 132

3.2 Feynman rules for QCD 133Calculation of the Faddeev–Popov determinant 133Feynman rules 135

3.3 Unitarity, ghosts, Becchi–Rouet–Stora transformation 140Unitarity and ghosts 140BRS and anti-BRS symmetry 143Problems 147

4 Introduction to the theory of renormalization 1484.1 Physical sense of renormalization and its arbitrariness 148

Bare and ‘physical’ quantities 148Counterterms and the renormalization conditions 152

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Contents xi

Arbitrariness of renormalization 153Final remarks 156

4.2 Classification of the divergent diagrams 157Structure of the UV divergences by momentum power counting 157Classification of divergent diagrams 159Necessary counterterms 161

4.3 λ84: low order renormalization 164Feynman rules including counterterms 164Calculation of Fig. 4.8(b) 166Comments on analytic continuation ton 6= 4 dimensions 168Lowest order renormalization 170

4.4 Effective field theories 173Problems 175

5 Quantum electrodynamics 1775.1 Ward–Takahashi identities 179

General derivation by the functional technique 179Examples 181

5.2 Lowest order QED radiative corrections by the dimensional regularizationtechnique 184General introduction 184Vacuum polarization 185Electron self-energy correction 187Electron self-energy: IR singularities regularized by photon mass 190On-shell vertex correction 191

5.3 Massless QED 1945.4 Dispersion calculation ofO(α) virtual corrections in massless QED, in

(4∓ ε) dimensions 196Self-energy calculation 197Vertex calculation 198

5.5 Coulomb scattering and the IR problem 200Corrections of orderα 200IR problem to all orders inα 205Problems 208

6 Renormalization group 2096.1 Renormalization group equation (RGE) 209

Derivation of the RGE 209Solving the RGE 212Green’s functions for rescaled momenta 214RGE in QED 215

6.2 Calculation of the renormalization group functionsβ, γ, γm 2166.3 Fixed points; effective coupling constant 219

Fixed points 219Effective coupling constant 222

6.4 Renormalization scheme and gauge dependence of the RGEparameters 224

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xii Contents

Renormalization scheme dependence 224Effectiveα in QED 226Gauge dependence of theβ-function 227Problems 228

7 Scale invariance and operator product expansion 2307.1 Scale invariance 230

Scale transformations 230Dilatation current 233Conformal transformations 235

7.2 Broken scale invariance 237General discussion 237Anomalous breaking of scale invariance 238

7.3 Dimensional transmutation 2427.4 Operator product expansion (OPE) 243

Short distance expansion 243Light-cone expansion 247

7.5 The relevance of the light-cone 249Electron–positron annihilation 249Deep inelastic hadron leptoproduction 250Wilson coefficients and moments of the structure function 254

7.6 Renormalization group and OPE 256Renormalization of local composite operators 256RGE for Wilson coefficients 259OPE beyond perturbation theory 261

7.7 OPE and effective field theories 262Problems 269

8 Quantum chromodynamics 2728.1 General introduction 272

Renormalization and BRS invariance; counterterms 272Asymptotic freedom of QCD 274The Slavnov–Taylor identities 277

8.2 The background field method 2798.3 The structure of the vacuum in non-abelian gauge theories 282

Homotopy classes and topological vacua 282Physical vacuum 2842-vacuum and the functional integral formalism 287

8.4 Perturbative QCD and hard collisions 290Parton picture 290Factorization theorem 291

8.5 Deep inelastic electron–nucleon scattering in first order QCD (Feynmangauge) 293Structure functions and Born approximation 293Deep inelastic quark structure functions in the first order in the strongcoupling constant 298Final result for the quark structure functions 302

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Contents xiii

Hadron structure functions; probabilistic interpretation 3048.6 Light-cone variables, light-like gauge 3068.7 Beyond the one-loop approximation 312

Comments on the IR problem in QCD 314Problems 315

9 Chiral symmetry; spontaneous symmetry breaking 3179.1 Chiral symmetry of the QCD lagrangian 3179.2 Hypothesis of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in strong interactions 3209.3 Phenomenological chirally symmetric model of the strong interactions

(σ -model) 3249.4 Goldstone bosons as eigenvectors of the mass matrix and poles of Green’s

functions in theories with elementary scalars 327Goldstone bosons as eigenvectors of the mass matrix 327General proof of Goldstone’s theorem 330

9.5 Patterns of spontaneous symmetry breaking 3339.6 Goldstone bosons in QCD 337

10 Spontaneous and explicit global symmetry breaking 34210.1 Internal symmetries and Ward identities 342

Preliminaries 342Ward identities from the path integral 344Comparison with the operator language 347Ward identities and short-distance singularities of the operatorproducts 348Renormalization of currents 351

10.2 Quark masses and chiral perturbation theory 353Simple approach 353Approach based on use of the Ward identity 354

10.3 Dashen’s theorems 356Formulation of Dashen’s theorems 356Dashen’s conditions and global symmetry broken by weak gauge interactions 358

10.4 Electromagneticπ+–π0 mass difference and spectral function sumrules 362Electromagneticπ+–π0 mass difference from Dashen’s formula 362Spectral function sum rules 363Results 366

11 Higgs mechanism in gauge theories 36911.1 Higgs mechanism 36911.2 Spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking by radiative corrections 37311.3 Dynamical breaking of gauge symmetries and vacuum alignment 379

Dynamical breaking of gauge symmetry 379Examples 382Problems 388

12 Standard electroweak theory 38912.1 The lagrangian 391

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xiv Contents

12.2 Electroweak currents and physical gauge boson fields 39412.3 Fermion masses and mixing 39812.4 Phenomenology of the tree level lagrangian 402

Effective four-fermion interactions 403Z0 couplings 406

12.5 Beyond tree level 407Renormalization and counterterms 407Corrections to gauge boson propagators 411Fermion self-energies 418Runningα(µ) in the electroweak theory 419Muon decay in the one-loop approximation 422Corrections to theZ0 partial decay widths 430

12.6 Effective low energy theory for electroweak processes 435QED as the effective low energy theory 438

12.7 Flavour changing neutral-current processes 441QCD corrections toCPviolation in the neutral kaon system 445Problems 456

13 Chiral anomalies 45713.1 Triangle diagram and different renormalization conditions 457

Introduction 457Calculation of the triangle amplitude 459Different renormalization constraints for the triangle amplitude 464Important comments 465

13.2 Some physical consequences of the chiral anomalies 469Chiral invariance in spinor electrodynamics 469π0→ 2γ 471Chiral anomaly for the axialU (1) current in QCD;UA(1) problem 473Anomaly cancellation in theSU(2)×U (1) electroweak theory 475Anomaly-free models 478

13.3 Anomalies and the path integral 478Introduction 478Abelian anomaly 480Non-abelian anomaly and gauge invariance 481Consistent and covariant anomaly 484

13.4 Anomalies from the path integral in Euclidean space 486Introduction 486Abelian anomaly with Dirac fermions 488Non-abelian anomaly and chiral fermions 491Problems 492

14 Effective lagrangians 49514.1 Non-linear realization of the symmetry group 495

Non-linearσ -model 495Effective lagrangian in theξa(x) basis 500Matrix representation for Goldstone boson fields 502

14.2 Effective lagrangians and anomalies 504

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Abelian anomaly 505The Wess–Zumino term 506Problems 508

15 Introduction to supersymmetry 50915.1 Introduction 50915.2 The supersymmetry algebra 51115.3 Simple consequences of the supersymmetry algebra 51315.4 Superspace and superfields forN = 1 supersymmetry 515

Superspace 515Superfields 519

15.5 Supersymmetric lagrangian; Wess–Zumino model 52115.6 Supersymmetry breaking 52415.7 Supergraphs and the non-renormalization theorem 531

Appendix A: Spinors and their properties 539Lorentz transformations and two-dimensional representations of thegroupSL(2,C) 539Solutions of the free Weyl and Dirac equations and their properties 546Parity 550Time reversal 551Charge conjugation 552

Appendix B: Feynman rules for QED and QCD and Feynman integrals 555Feynman rules for theλ84 theory 555Feynman rules for QED 556Feynman rules for QCD 557Dirac algebra inn dimensions 558Feynman parameters 559Feynman integrals inn dimensions 559Gaussian integrals 560λ-parameter integrals 560Feynman integrals in light-like gaugen · A = 0, n2 = 0 561Convention for the logarithm 561Spence functions 562

Appendix C: Feynman rules for the Standard Model 563Propagators of fermions 563Propagators of the gauge bosons 564Propagators of the Higgs and Goldstone bosons 565Propagators of the ghost fields 566Mixed propagators (only counterterms exist) 567Gauge interactions of fermions 567Yukawa interactions of fermions 570Gauge interactions of the gauge bosons 571Self-interactions of the Higgs and Goldstone bosons 573Gauge interactions of the Higgs and Goldstone bosons 574Gauge interactions of the ghost fields 578Interactions of ghosts with Higgs and Goldstone bosons 579

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xvi Contents

Appendix D: One-loop Feynman integrals 583Two-point functions 583Three- and four-point functions 585General expressions for the one-loop vector boson self-energies 586

Appendix E: Elements of group theory 591Definitions 591Transformation of operators 593Complex and real representations 593Traces 594σ -model 596

References 599Index 605

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Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

Classically, we distinguish particles and forces which are responsible for interac-tion between particles. The forces are described by classical fields. The motionof particles in force fields is subject to the laws of classical mechanics. Quanti-zation converts classical mechanics into quantum mechanics which describes thebehaviour of particles at the quantum level. A state of a particle is describedby a vector|8(t)〉 in the Hilbert space or by its concrete representation, e.g.the wave-function8(x) = 〈x|8(t)〉 (x = (t, x)) whose modulus squared isinterpreted as the density of probability of finding the particle in pointx at thetime t . As a next step, the wave-function is interpreted as a physical field andquantized. We then arrive at quantum field theory as the universal physicalscheme for fundamental interactions. It is also reached by quantization of fieldsdescribing classical forces, such as electromagnetic forces. The basic physicalconcept which underlies quantum field theory is the equivalence of particles andforces. This logical structure of theories for fundamental interactions is illustratedby the diagram shown below:

PARTICLES FORCESClassical mechanics Classical field theory

(quantization) (quantization)

Quantum mechanics(wave-function8(x) is interpretedas a physical field and quantized)


This chapter is devoted to a brief summary of classical field theory. The readershould not be surprised by such formulations as, for example, the ‘classical’ Diracfield which describes the spin12 particle. It is interpreted as a wave function for theDirac particle. Our ultimate goal is quantum field theory and our classical fields in


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12 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

this chapter are not necessarily only the fields which describe the classical forcesobserved in Nature.

1.1 The action, equations of motion, symmetries and conservation laws

Equations of motion

All fundamental laws of physics can be understood in terms of a mathematicalconstruct: the action. An ansatz for the actionS = ∫

dt L = ∫d4xL can be

regarded as a formulation of a theory. In classical field theory the lagrangiandensityL is a function of fields8 and their derivatives. In general, the fields8are multiplets under Lorentz transformations and in a space of internal degreesof freedom. It is our experience so far that in physically relevant theoriesthe action satisfies several general principles such as: (i) Poincare invariance(or general covariance for theories which take gravity into consideration), (ii)locality of L and its, at most, bilinearity in the derivatives∂ν8(x) (to get atmost second order differential equations of motion),† (iii) invariance under allsymmetry transformations which characterize the considered physical system, (iv)S has to be real to account for the absence of absorption in classical physics andfor conservation of probability in quantum physics. The action is then the mostgeneral functional which satisfies the above constraints.

From the action we get:

equations of motion (invoking Hamilton’s principle);conservations laws (from Noether’s theorem);transition from classical to quantum physics (by using path integrals or canonicalquantization).

In this section we briefly recall the first two results. Path integrals are discussed indetail in Chapter 2.

The equations of motion for a system described by the action

S=∫ t1




(8(x), ∂µ8(x)


(the volumeV may be finite or infinite; in the latter case we assume the systemto be localized in space‡) are obtained from Hamilton’s principle. This ansatz(whose physical sense becomes clearer when classical theory is considered as alimit of quantum theory formulated in terms of path integrals) says: the dynamicsof the system evolving from the initial state8(t0, x) to the final state8(t1, x) is

† Later we shall encounter effective lagrangians that may contain terms with more derivatives. Such terms canusually be interpreted as a perturbation.

‡ Although we shall often use plane wave solutions to the equations of motion, we always assume implicitlythat real physical systems are described by wave packets localized in space.

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1.1 Action, equations of motion, symmetries and conservation 13

such that the action (taken as a functional of the fields and their first derivatives)remains stationary during the evolution, i.e.

δS= 0 (1.2)

for arbitrary variations

8(x)→ 8(x)+ δ8(x) (1.3)

which vanish on the boundary ofÄ ≡ (1t,V).Explicit calculation of the variationδSgives:




δ8+ ∂L∂(∂ν8)



(summation over all fields8 and for each field8 over its Lorentz and ‘internal’indices is always understood). Since in the variation the coordinatesx do notchange we have:

δ(∂ν8) = ∂νδ8 (1.5)

and (1.4) can be rewritten as follows:



{[∂L∂8− ∂ν ∂L


]δ8+ ∂ν




The second term in (1.6) is a surface term which vanishes and, therefore, theconditionδS= 0 gives us the Euler–Lagrange equations of motion for the classicalfields:




− ∂ν ∂L∂(∂ν8


i )= 0

ν, µ = 0,1,2,3

i = 1, . . . , n(1.7)

(here we keep the indices explicitly, with8 taken as a Lorentz vector;i s areinternal quantum number indices). It is important to notice that lagrangian densitieswhich differ from each other by a total derivative of an arbitrary function of fields

L′ = L+ ∂µ3µ(8) (1.8)

give the same classical equations of motion (due to the vanishing of variations offields on the boundary ofÄ).

Global symmetries

Eq. (1.6) can also be used to derive conservation laws which follow from a certainclass of symmetries of the physical system. Let us consider a Lie group ofcontinuous global (x-independent) infinitesimal transformations (here we restrictourselves to unitary transformations; conformal transformations are discussed in

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14 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

Chapter 7) acting in the space of internal degrees of freedom of the fields8i .Under infinitesimal rotation of the reference frame (passive view) or of the physicalsystem (active view) in that space:

8i (x)→ 8′i (x) = 8i (x)+ δ08i (x) (1.9)


δ08i (x) = −i2aTai j8 j (x) (1.10)

and8′i (x) is understood as thei th component of the field8(x) in the new referenceframe or of the rotated field in the original frame (active). Note that a rotation ofthe reference frame by angle2 corresponds to active rotation by(−2). TheTasare a set of hermitean matricesTa

i j satisfying the Lie algebra of the groupG[Ta, Tb

] = icabcTc, Tr(TaTb) = 12δ

ab (1.11)

and the2as arex-independent.Under the change of variables8→ 8′(x) given by (1.9) the lagrangian density

is transformed into

L′(8′(x), ∂µ8′(x)

) ≡ L(8(x), ∂µ8(x)) (1.12)

and, of course, the action remains numerically unchanged:

δ2S= S′ − S=∫Ä

d4x[L′(8′, ∂µ8′)− L(8, ∂µ8)

] = 0 (1.13)

(we use the symbolδ2S for the change of the action under transformation (1.9)on the fields to distinguish it from the variationsδS′ andδS). For the variationswe haveδS′ = δS. Thus, if8(x) describes a motion of a system,8′(x) is also asolution of the equations of motion for the transformed fields which, however, ingeneral are different in form from the original ones.

Transformations (1.9) are symmetry transformations for a physical system ifits equations of motion remain form-invariant in the transformed fields. In otherwords, a solution to the equations of motion after being transformed according to(1.9) remains a solution of the same equations. This is ensured if the densityL isinvariant under transformations (1.9) (for scale transformations see Chapter 7):

L′(8′(x), ∂µ8′(x)) = L(8′(x), ∂µ8′(x)) (1.14)

or, equivalently,

L(8′(x), ∂µ8′(x)) = L(8(x), ∂µ8(x)).Indeed, variation of the action generated by arbitrary variations of the fields

8′(x) with boundary conditions (1.3) is again given by (1.6) (with8 → 8′ etc.)

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1.1 Action, equations of motion, symmetries and conservation 15

and we derive the same equations for8′(x) as for8(x). Moreover, the change(1.14) of the lagrangian density under the symmetry transformations:

L′(8′, ∂µ8′)− L(8, ∂µ8) = L(8′, ∂µ8′)− L(8, ∂µ8) = 0 (1.15)

is formally given by the integrand in (1.6) withδ8s given by (1.9). It follows from(1.15) and the equations of motion that the currents

j aµ(x) = −i

∂L∂(∂µ8i )

Tai j8 j (1.16)

are conserved and the charges

Qa(t) =∫

d3x ja0 (t, x) (1.17)

are constants of motion, provided the currents fall off sufficiently rapidly at thespace boundary ofÄ.

It is very important to notice that the charges defined by (1.17) (even if theyare not conserved) are the generators of the transformation (1.10). Firstly, theysatisfy (in an obvious way) the same commutation relation as the matricesTa.Secondly, they indeed generate transformations (1.10) through Poisson brackets.Let us introduce conjugate momenta for the fields8(x):

5(t, x) = ∂L∂(∂08(t, x))


(we assume here that5 6= 0; there are interesting exceptions, with5 = 0, suchas, for example, classical electrodynamics; these have to be discussed separately).Again, the Lorentz and ‘internal space’ indices of the5s and8s are hidden. Thehamiltonian of the system reads

H =∫

d3xH(5,8), H = 5∂08− L (1.19)

and the Poisson bracket of two functionalsF1 and F2 of the fields5 and8 isdefined as

{F1(t, x), F2(t, y)} =∫


[∂F1(t, x)∂8(t, z)

∂F2(t, y)∂5(t, z)

− ∂F1(t, x)∂5(t, z)

∂F2(t, y)∂8(t, z)


We get, in particular,

{5(t, x),8(t, y)} = −δ(x− y)

{5(t, x),5(t, y)} = {8(t, x),8(t, y)} = 0


The charge (1.17) can be written as

Qa(t) =∫

d3x5(t, x)(−iTa)8(t, x) (1.22)

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16 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

and for its Poisson bracket with the field8 we get:{Qa(t),8(t, x)

} = (iTa)8(t, x) (1.23)

i.e. indeed the transformation (1.10). Thus, generators of symmetry transforma-tions are conserved charges and vice versa.

Space-time transformations

Finally, we consider transformations (changes of reference frame) which actsimultaneously on the coordinates and the fields. The well-known examplesare, for instance, translations, spatial rotations and Lorentz boosts. In this caseour formalism has to be slightly generalized. We consider an infinitesimaltransformation

x′µ = xµ + δxµ = xµ + εµ(x) (1.24)

and suppose that the fields8(x) seen in the first frame transform under somerepresentationT(ε) of the transformation (1.24) (which acts on their Lorentzstructure) into8′(x′) in the transformed frame:

8′(x′) = exp[−iT(ε)]8(x) (1.25)

(the Lorentz indices are implicit and8′α(x′) is understood as theαth component of

the field8(x′) in the new reference frame). For infinitesimal transformations wehave (∂ ′ denotes differentiation with respect tox′):

8′(x′) = 8′(x)+ δxµ∂µ8(x)+O(ε2)

∂ ′µ8′(x′) = ∂µ8′(x)+ δxν∂µ∂ν8(x)+O(ε2)


The lagrangian densityL′ after the transformation is defined by the equation (see,for example, Trautman (1962, 1996))

S′ =∫Ä′

d4x′ L′(8′(x′), ∂ ′µ8



d4x[L(8(x), ∂µ8(x)

)− ∂µδ3µ (8(x))]


(Ä′ denotes the image ofÄ under the transformation (1.24) andδ3µ is an arbitraryfunction of the fields) which is a sufficient condition for the new equations ofmotion to be equivalent to the old ones. By this we mean that a change ofthe reference frame has no implications for the motion of the system, i.e. atransformed solution to the original equations remains a solution to the newequations (since (1.27) impliesδS′ = δS). In general det(∂x′/∂x) 6= 1 and alsoL′(8′(x), ∂ ′µ8

′(x′)) 6= L(8(x), ∂µ8(x)). Moreover, there is an arbitrariness in

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1.1 Action, equations of motion, symmetries and conservation 17

the choice ofL′ due to the presence in (1.27) of the total derivative of an arbitraryfunctionδ3µ(8(x)).

Symmetry transformations are again defined as transformations which leaveequations of motion form-invariant. A sufficient condition is that, for a certainchoice ofδ3, theL′ defined by (1.27) satisfies the equation:

L′(8′(x′), ∂ ′µ8′(x′)) = L(8′(x′), ∂ ′µ8′(x′)) (1.28)

or, equivalently,

L(8′(x′), ∂ ′µ8′(x′))d4x′ = [L(8(x), ∂µ8(x))− ∂µδ3µ(8(x))]

d4x (1.28a)

Note that, if det(∂x′/∂x) = 1, we recover condition (1.14) up to the total derivative.The most famous example of symmetry transformations up to a non-vanishing totalderivative is supersymmetry (see Chapter 15).

The change of the action under symmetry transformations can be calculated interms of

δL = L(8′(x′), ∂ ′µ8′(x′))− L(8(x), ∂µ8(x)) (1.29)

wherex andx′ are connected by the transformation (1.24). Using (1.26) we get

δL = ∂L∂8

δ08+ ∂L∂(∂µ8)

δ0(∂µ8)+ δxµ∂µL+O(ε2) (1.30)


δ08(x) = 8′(x)−8(x) (1.31)

and, therefore, sinceδ0 is a functional change,

δ0∂µ8 = ∂µδ08 (1.32)

Eq. (1.30) can be rewritten in the following form:

δL = δxµ∂µL+[∂L∂8− ∂µ ∂L


]δ08+ ∂µ







)= 1+ ∂µδxµ (1.34)

we finally get (using (1.28a), (1.33) and the equations of motion):

0= L∂µδxµ + δxµ∂µL+ ∂µ(



)+ ∂µδ3µ +O(ε2)

= Lδxµ + ∂L∂(∂µ8)

δ08+ δ3µ +O(ε2) (1.35)

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18 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

Re-expressingδ08 in terms ofδ8 = 8′(x′)−8(x) = δ08+δxµ∂µ8we concludethat

∂µ j µ ≡ ∂µ{[Lgµρ −



]δxρ + ∂L

∂(∂µ8)δ8+ δ3µ

}= 0 (1.36)

This is a generalization of the result (1.16) to space-time symmetries and bothresults are the content of the Noether’s theorem which states that symmetries of aphysical system imply conservation laws.


We now consider several examples. Invariance of a physical system undertranslations

x′µ = xµ + εµ (1.37)

implies the conservation law

∂µ2µν(x) = 0 (1.38)

where2µν is the energy–momentum tensor

2µν(x) = ∂L∂(∂µ8)

∂ν8− gµνL (1.39)

(we have assumed that the considered system is such thatL′(x′) defined by (1.27)with 3 ≡ 0 satisfiesL′(x′) = L(x′); note also that det(∂x′/∂x) = 1). The fourconstants of motion

Pν =∫

d3x20ν(x) (1.40)

are the total energy of the system(ν = 0) and its momentum vector(ν = 1,2,3).It is easy to check that transformations of the field8(x) under translations in timeand space are given by

{Pµ,8(x)} = − ∂

∂xµ8(x) (1.41)

so that8′(x) = 8(x)+ {Pµ,8(x)} εµ.The energy–momentum tensor defined by (1.39) is the so-called canonical

energy–momentum tensor. It is important to notice that the physical interpretationof the energy–momentum tensor remains unchanged under the redefinition

2µν(x)→ 2µν(x)+ f µν(x) (1.42)

where f µν(x) are arbitrary functions satisfying the conservation law

∂µ f µν(x) = 0 (1.43)

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1.1 Action, equations of motion, symmetries and conservation 19

with vanishing charges ∫d3x f 0ν(x) = 0 (1.44)

Then (1.38) and (1.40) remain unchanged. A solution to these constraints is

f µν(x) = ∂ρ f µνρ (1.45)

where f µνρ(x) is antisymmetric in indices(µρ). This freedom can be used to makethe energy–momentum tensor symmetric and gauge-invariant (see Problem 1.3).

An infinitesimal Lorentz transformation reads

x′µ ≡ 3µν(ω)x

ν ≈ xµ + ωµνxν (1.46)

(with ωµν antisymmetric) and it is accompanied by the transformation on the fields

8′(x′) = exp(


µν)8(x) ≈ (1+ 1

2ωµν6µν)8(x) (1.47)

where6µν is a spin matrix. For Lorentz scalars6 = 0, for Dirac spinors6µν =(−i/2)σµν = 1

4[γ µ, γ ν ] (for the notation see Appendix A). Inserting (1.46) and(1.47) into (1.36) (using (1.38) and replacing the canonical energy–momentumtensor by a symmetric one and finally using the antisymmetry ofωµν), we get thefollowing conserved currents:

for a scalar field:

Mµ,νρ(x) = xν2µρ − xρ2µν (1.48)

for a field with a non-zero spin:

Mµ,νρ(x) = xν2µρ − xρ2µν + ∂L∂(∂µ8)

6νρ8 (1.49)

The conserved charges

Mνρ(t) =∫

d3x M0,νρ(t, x) (1.50)

are identified with the total angular momentum tensor of the considered physicalsystem. The chargesMµν are the generators of Lorentz transformations on thefields8(x) with

{Mµν,8(x)} = −(xµ∂ν − xν∂µ +6µν)8(x) (1.51)

so that8′(x) = 8(x)− 12ωµν {Mµν,8(x)}.

The tensorMµν is not translationally invariant. The total angular momentumthree-vector is obtained by constructing the Pauli–Lubanski vector

Wµ = 12εµνρκMνρPκ (1.52)

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20 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

(whereεµνρκ is the totally antisymmetric tensor defined byε0123 = −ε0123 = 1)which reduces in the rest framePµ = (m,0) to the three-dimensional total angularmomentumMk ≡ 1

2εi jk Mi j : Mk = Wk/m.

1.2 Classical field equations

Scalar field theory and spontaneous breaking of global symmetries

In this section we illustrate our general considerations with the simplest example:the classical theory of scalar fields8(x). We take these to be complex, inorder to be able to discuss a theory which is invariant under continuous globalsymmetry of phase transformations (U (1) symmetry group of one-parameter,unitary, unimodular transformations):

8′(x) = exp(−iq2)8(x) ≈ (1− iq2)8(x) (1.53)

Thus, the field8(x) (its complex conjugate8?(x)) carries the internal quantumnumberq (−q). It is sometimes also useful to introduce two real fields

φ = 1√2(8+8?), χ = −i√

2(8−8?) (1.54)

The lagrangian density which satisfies all the constraints of the previous sectionreads:

L = ∂µ8∂µ8? −m288? − 1

2λ(88?)2− 1


(88?)3+ · · · = T − V (1.55)

whereT is the kinetic energy density andV is the potential energy density. Theterms which are higher than second powers of the bilinear combination88?

require on dimensional grounds couplings with dimension of negative powers ofmass.†

Using the formalism of the previous section we derive the equation of motion(since we have two physical degrees of freedom, the variations in8 and8? areindependent):

(¤+m2)8+ λ88?8+ 1


(88?)28+ · · · = 0 (1.56)

In the limit of vanishing couplings (free fields) we get the Klein–Gordon equation.The conservedU (1) current

jµ(x) = iq(8?∂µ8−8∂µ8?) (1.57)

† In unitsc = 1, the action has the dimension [S] = g · cm= [h]. Thus [L] = g · cm−3, [8] = (g/cm)1/2 andthe coefficients [m2] = cm−2, [λ] = (g · cm)−1, [m2

1] = g2. In unitsc = h = 1 we have [L] = g4, [8] = g,

[m2] = [m21] = g2 andSandλ are dimensionless.

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1.2 Classical field equations 21

and the canonical energy–momentum tensor

2µν = ∂µ8∂ν8? + ∂ν8∂µ8? − gµν(∂ρ8∂ρ8?)

+ gµνm288? + 1

2λgµν(88?)2+ · · · (1.58)

are obtained from (1.16) and (1.33), respectively. This tensor can be written inother forms, for example, by adding the term∂ρ(gµν8∂ρ8? − gρν8∂µ8?) andusing the equation of motion. Invariance under Lorentz transformation gives theconserved current (1.48).

The U (1) symmetry of our scalar field theory can be realized in the so-calledWigner mode or in the Goldstone–Nambu mode, i.e. it can be spontaneouslybroken. The phenomenon of spontaneous breaking of global symmetries is wellknown in condensed matter physics. The standard example of a physical theorywith spontaneous symmetry breakdown is the Heisenberg ferromagnet, an infinitearray of spin1

2 magnetic dipoles. The spin–spin interactions between neighbouringdipoles cause them to align. The hamiltonian is rotationally invariant but theground state is not: it is a state in which all the dipoles are aligned in somearbitrary direction. So for an infinite ferromagnet there is an infinite degeneracy ofthe vacuum.

We say that the symmetryG is spontaneously broken if the ground state (usuallycalled the vacuum) of a physical system with symmetryG (i.e. described by alagrangian which is symmetric underG) is not invariant under the transformationsG. Intuitively speaking, the vacuum is filled with scalars (with zero four-momenta)carrying the quantum number (s) of the broken symmetry. Since we do not wantspontaneously to break the Lorentz invariance, spontaneous symmetry breakingcan be realized only in the presence of scalar fields (fundamental or composite).

Let us return to the question of spontaneous breaking of theU (1) symmetry inthe theory defined by the lagrangian (1.55). The minimum of the potential occursfor the classical field configurations such that


∂8= ∂V

∂8?= 0 (1.59)

For m2 > 0 the minimum of the potential exists for8 = 80 = 0 andV(80) = 0.However, form2 < 0 (andm2

1 > 0; study the potential form21 < 0!) the solutions

to these equations are (note thatλ must be positive for the potential to be boundedfrom below)

80(2) = exp(i2)



)1/2 [1+O




with V(80) = −(m4/2λ). The dependence of the potential on the field8 is shownin Fig. 1.1. Thus, theU (1) symmetric state is no longer the ground state of this

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22 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

Fig. 1.1.

theory. Instead, the potential has its minimum for an infinite, degenerate set ofstates (one often calls it a ‘flat direction’) connected to each other by theU (1)rotations. In this example we can choose any one of these vacua as the groundstate of our theory with spontaneously brokenU (1) symmetry.

Physical interpretation of this model (and of the negative mass parameterm2)is obtained if we expand the lagrangian (1.55) around the true ground state,i.e. rewrite it in terms of the fields (we choose2 = 0 and putm2

1 = ∞):8(x) = 8(x) − 80. After a short calculation we see that the two dynamicaldegrees of freedom,φ(x) andχ(x) (see (1.54)), have the mass parameters(−m2)

(i.e. positive) and zero, respectively (see Chapter 11 for more details). Theχ(x) describes the so-called Goldstone boson – a massless mode whose presenceis related to the spontaneous breaking of a continuous global symmetry. Thedegenerate set of vacua (1.60) requires massless excitations to transform onevacuum into another one. We shall return to this subject later (Chapter 9).

In theories with spontaneously broken symmetries the currents remain conservedbut the charges corresponding to the broken generators of the symmetry group areonly formal in the sense that, generically, the integral (1.17) taken over all spacedoes not exist. Still, the Poisson brackets (or the commutators) of a charge witha field can be defined provided we integrate over the space after performing theoperation at the level of the current (see, for example, Bernstein (1974)).

Spinor fields

The basic objects which describe spin12 particles are two-component anticom-

muting Weyl spinorsλα and χ α, transforming, respectively, as representations(1

2,0) and (0, 12) of the Lorentz group or, in other words, as two inequivalent

representations of theSL(2,C) group of complex two-dimensional matricesM

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1.2 Classical field equations 23

of determinant 1:

λ′α(x′) = M β

α λβ(x) (1.61)

χ ′α(x′) = (M†−1)αβχ β (x) (1.62)

wherex′ andx are connected by the transformation (1.46),

M = exp[−(i/4)ωµνσµν] (1.63)

and the two-dimensional matricesσµν are defined in Appendix A. We use thesame symbol for two- and four-dimensional matricesσµν since it should not leadto any confusion in every concrete context. Two other possible representationsof the SL(2,C) group denoted asλα and χα and transforming through matrices(M−1)T and M∗ are unitarily equivalent to the representations (1.61) and (1.62),respectively. The corresponding unitary transformations are given by:

λα = εαβλβ, χ α = χβεβα (1.64)

where the antisymmetric tensorsεαβ and εαβ are defined in Appendix A. Sincetransition from the representation (1.61) to (1.62) involves complex conjugation itis natural to denote one of them with a bar. The distinction between the undottedand dotted indices is made to stress that the two representations are inequivalent.The pairwise equivalent representations correspond to lower and upper indices.The choice of (1.61) and (1.62) as fundamental representations is dictated by ourconvention which identifies (A.32) with the matrixM in (A.16). Those unfamiliarwith two-component spinors and their properties should read Appendix A beforestarting this subsection.

Scalars ofSL(2,C) can now be constructed as antisymmetric products(12,0)⊗

(12,0) and(0, 1

2)⊗(0, 12). They have, for example, the structureεαβλβφα = λαφα =

−λαφα ≡ λ · φ or χ β ηαεβα = χαηα = −χ αηα ≡ χ · η. Thus, the tensorsεαβ and

εαβ are metric tensors for the spinor representations. A four-vector is a product of(1

2,0) and(0, 12) representations, for example,εαβλβ(σµ)αβ χ

β = λα (σµ)αβ χ β orχα (σ

µ)αβ λβ (see Appendix A for the definitions ofσµ andσ µ).We suppose now that a physical system can be described by a Weyl field (or a set

of Weyl fields)λα which transforms as(12,0) under the Lorentz group. Its complex

conjugates areλα ≡ (λα)? (see the text above (1.64)) andλα = λβε

βα which

transforms as(0, 12) representation. (Note, that numerically

{εαβ} = {εαβ} = iσ 2.)

It is clear thatSL(2,C)-invariant kinetic terms read

L = iλσµ∂µλ = iλσ µ∂µλ (1.65)

where the two terms are equal up to a total derivative. The factor i has been

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24 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

introduced for hermiticity of the lagrangian since one assumes that the spinorcomponents are anticommutingc-numbers. Indeed, this is what we have toassume for these classical fields when we follow the path integral approach to fieldquantization (see Chapter 2).

Furthermore, if the fieldλ carries no internal charges (or transforms as a realrepresentation of an internal symmetry group), one can construct the Lorentzscalarsλλ = λαλα and λλ = λαλ

α and introduce the so-called Majorana massterm

Lm = −12m

(λλ+ λλ) (1.66)

The most general hermitean combination,−12m1(λλ + λλ) − (i/2)m2(λλ − λλ),

can be recast in the above form withm = (m21+m2

2)1/2 by the transformation

λ→ exp(iϕ)λ with exp(2iϕ) = (m1− im2)/(m21+m2

2)1/2. The termLm does not

vanish sinceλαs are anticommutingc-numbers. Finally, we remark that a systemdescribed by a single Weyl spinor has two degrees of freedom, with the equationof motion obtained from the principle of minimal action (variations with respect toλ andλ are independent): (

iσ µ∂µλ)α= mλα (1.67)

We now consider the case of a system described by a set of Weyl spinorsλiα

which transform as a complex representationR (see Appendix E for the definitionof complex and real representations) of a group of internal symmetry. Such theoryis called chiral. Then, the kinetic lagrangian remains as in (1.65) but no invariantmass term can be constructed since Lorentz invariantsλiλ j and λi λ j are notinvariant under the symmetry group. Note that in this case the spinorsλα (andλα),i.e. the spinors transforming as(0, 1

2) (or its unitary equivalent) under the Lorentztransformations, form the representationR?, i.e. complex conjugate toR.

There are also interesting physical systems that consist of pairs of independentsets of Weyl fieldsλα andλc

α (the internal symmetry indicesi , for example,λiα, and

the summation over them are always implicit), both being(12,0) representations

of the Lorentz group but withλcα transforming as the representationR?, complex

conjugate toR. Such theory is called vector-like. We call such spinors chargeconjugate to each other. The operation of charge conjugation will be discussedin more detail in Section 1.5. The mass term can then be introduced and the fulllagrangian of such a system then reads:

L = iλσ µ∂µλ+ iλcσµ∂µλc −m

(λλc + λλc


Similarly to the case of Majorana mass, the mass term−im′(λλc− λλc), if present,can be rotated away by the appropriate phase transformation. Remember thatλcσµ∂µλ

c = λcσ µ∂µλc (up to a total derivative), so both fieldsλ andλc enter the

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1.2 Classical field equations 25

lagrangian in a fully symmetric way. The mass term, the so-called Dirac mass, isnow invariant under the internal symmetry group. The equations of motion whichfollow from (1.68) are: (

iσ µ∂µλ)α= mλc

α (1.69)

and similarly forλc. Thus, the mass term mixes positive energy solutions forλwithnegative ones forλc (which are represented by positive energy solutions forλc

α) andvice versa. In accord with the discussion of Appendix A, this can be interpreted asa mixing between different helicity states of the same massless particle.

As we shall discuss in more detail later, the electroweak theory is chiraland quantum chromodynamics is vector-like. In both cases, it is convenient totake as the fundamental fields of the theory Weyl spinors which transform as(1

2,0) representations ofSL(2,C). We recall that (as discussed in Appendix A)positive energy classical solutions for spinorsλi

αs describe massless fermionstates with helicity−1

2 and, therefore,λiαs are called left-handed chiral fields.

In the electroweak theory (see Chapter 12) all the left-handed physical fieldsare included in the set ofλi

αs which transforms then as a reducible, complexrepresentationR of the symmetry groupG = SU(2) × U (1) (R 6= R?). To bemore specific, in this case the setλi

α includes pairs of left-handed particles withopposite electric charges such as, for example, e−, e+ and quarks with electriccharges∓1

3, ±23, i.e. this set forms a real representation of the electromagnetic

U (1) gauge group, but transforms as a complex representationR under the fullSU(2) × U (1) group. Negative energy classical solutions forλi

αs, in the Diracsea interpretation, describe massless helicity+1

2 states transforming asR?. Eachpair of states described byλi

α is connected by theC P transformation (see later)and can therefore be termed particle and antiparticle. These pairs consist of thestates with opposite helicities. (Whether within a given reducible representationcontained inR the−1

2 or +12 helicity states are called particles is, of course, a

matter of convention.)An equivalent description of the same theory in terms of the fieldsλi α transform-

ing as(0, 12) representations ofSL(2,C) and asR? under the internal symmetry

group can be given. In this formulation positive (negative) energy solutions forλi αsdescribe all+1

2 (−12) helicity massless states of the theory (formerly described as

negative (positive) energy solutions forλiαs).

In the second case (QCD) the fundamental fields of the theory, the left-handedλiαs andλci

α s, transform as3and3? of SU(3), respectively, and are related by chargeconjugation. Positive energy solutions forλi

αs are identified with−12 helicity states

of massless quarks and positive energy solutions forλciα s describe−1

2 helicitystates of massless antiquarks. Negative energy solutions forλi

αs andλciα s describe,

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26 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

respectively, antiquarks and quarks with helicity+12. Since the representationR is

real, mass terms are possible.For a vector-like theory, like QCD, with charge conjugate pairs of Weyl spinors

λ and λc, both transforming as(12,0) of the Lorentz group but asR and R?

representations of an internal symmetry group, it is convenient to use the Diracfour-component spinors (in the presence of the mass term in (1.68)λ andλc can beinterpreted as describing opposite helicity (chirality) states of the same masslessparticle which mix with each other due to the mass term)

9 =(λα


)or 9c =




transforming asR and R?, respectively, under the group of internal symmetries.The lagrangian (1.68) can be rewritten as

L = i9γ µ∂µ9 −m99 (1.71)

where we have introduced9 ≡ (λcα, λα) to recover the mass term of (1.68).Writing 9 = 9†γ 0 and comparing the kinetic terms of (1.68) and (1.71) we definethe matricesγ µ. They are called Dirac matrices in the chiral representation and aregiven in Appendix A. Also in Appendix A we derive the Lorentz transformationsfor the Dirac spinors. Another possible hermitean mass term,−im9γ59, can berotated away by the appropriate phase transformation of the spinorsλ andλc.

Four-component notation can also be introduced and, in fact, is quite convenientfor Weyl spinorsλα and χ α transforming as(1

2,0) and (0, 12) under the Lorentz

group. We define four-component chiral fermion fields as follows

9L =(λα


)9R =

(0χ α


They satisfy the equations

9L = 1− γ5

29L ≡ PL9L, PR9L = 0

9R = 1+ γ5

29R ≡ PR9R, PL9R = 0


which define the matrixγ5 in the chiral representation. By analogy with thenomenclature introduced forλα and χ α the fields9L and9R are called left-and right-handed chiral fields, respectively. Possible Lorentz invariants are of theform 9R9L ≡ χαλα and 9L9R ≡ λαχ

α. The invariantsλαλα and λαλα canbe written as9T

L C9L and 9LC9TL , respectively, with the matrixC defined in

(A.104). In particular, for a set of Weyl spinorsλα and their complex conjugate

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1.2 Classical field equations 27

λα, transforming asR andR?, respectively, under the internal symmetry group, thesets†

9 iL =




R =(

0λi α


also transform asR and R?, respectively. For instance, in ordinary QED if9L

has a charge−1 (+1) under theU (1) symmetry group, we can identify it with theleft-handed chiral electron (positron) field. The9c

R is then the chiral right-handedpositron (electron) field.

Lorentz invariants9 iL9

cjR and9ci

R9jL (or a combination of them) are generically

not invariant under the internal symmetry group but such invariants can beconstructed by coupling them, for example, to scalar fields transforming properlyunder this group (see later). The kinetic part of the lagrangian for the chiral fieldsis the same as in (1.71) but no mass term is allowed.

We note thatγ 5 = γ5 = iγ 0γ 1γ 2γ 3 and that the following algebra is satisfied:

{γ µ, γ ν} = 2gµν,{γ 5, γ µ

} = 0 (1.75)

Finally, for objects represented by a Weyl fieldλα with no internal chargesor transforming as a real representation of an internal symmetry group we canintroduce the so-called Majorana spinor

9M =(λα



In this notation the lagrangian given by (1.65) and (1.66) reads

LM = i


µ∂µ9M − m

29M9M (1.77)

The equations of motion for free four-dimensional spinors have the form(iγ µ∂µ −m

)9 = 0 (1.78)

for the Dirac spinors and withm = 0 for the chiral spinors. In the latter case it issupplemented by the conditions (1.73). The solutions to the equations of motionfor the Weyl spinors and for the four-component spinors in the chiral and Diracrepresentations for theγ µ matrices are given in Appendix A.

† The notation in (1.74) has been introduced by analogy with (1.70). Note, however, that the superscript ‘c’in the spinors9ci

R is now used even thoughλα and λα are not charge conjugate to each other (since theyare in different Lorentz group representations). Thus, unlike the spinors in (1.70) the spinors in (1.74) aredefined for both chiral and vector-like spectra of the fundamental fields. For a vector-like spectrum we have9ci

R = (9ci )R.

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28 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

A few more remarks on the free Dirac spinors should be added here. Themomentum conjugate to9 is

5α = ∂L∂(∂09α)

= i9†α (1.79)

For the hamiltonian density we get

H = 5∂09 − L = 9†γ 0(−iγγγ · ∂∂∂ +m)9 (1.80)

and the energy–momentum tensor density reads

2µν = i9γ µ∂

∂xν9 (1.81)

((1.81) is obtained after using the equations of motion). The angular momentumdensity

Mκ,µν = i9γ κ(


∂xν− xν

∂xµ− i


)9 (1.82)

(where four-dimensionalσµν = (i/2)[γµ, γν ]) gives the conserved angular mo-mentum tensor

Mµν =∫

d3x M0µν (1.83)

The lagrangian (1.65) can be extended to include various interaction terms. Forinstance, for a neutral (with respect to the internal quantum numbers) Weyl spinorλ interacting with a complex scalar fieldφ (also neutral) the dimension four ([m]4

in units h = c = 1) Yukawa interaction terms are:

λλφ, λλφ?, λλφ?, λλφ (1.84)

Similar terms can be written down for several spinor fields(λ, χ, . . .) interactingwith scalar fields. Additional symmetries, if assumed, would further constrain theallowed terms. These may be internal symmetries or, for instance, supersymmetry(see Chapter 15). The simplest supersymmetric theory, the so-called Wess–Zuminomodel, describing interactions of one complex scalar fieldφ(x) with one chiralfermionλ(x) has the following lagrangian†

LWZ = iλσ · ∂λ− 12m(λλ+ λλ)+ ∂µφ?∂µφ −m2φ?φ

− g(φλλ+ φ?λλ)− gmφ?φ(φ? + φ)− g2(φ?φ)2 (1.85)

The absence of otherwise perfectly allowed coupling−g′(φ?λλ + φλλ) is dueto supersymmetry. In the four-component notation we get(φλλ + φ?λλ) =9M PL9Mφ + 9M PR9Mφ

?, where9M is given by (1.76).

† This form of the lagrangian follows after eliminating auxiliary fields via their (algebraic) equations of motion,see Chapter 15.

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1.3 Gauge field theories 29

In general, in the four-component notation the Yukawa terms have the genericstructure(9 i

R9jL ± 9 j


k(8k?) where the chiral fields are defined by (1.72)and the internal symmetry indices are properly contracted.

If λi s transform as a representationR (with hermitean generatorsTa) of aninternal symmetry group, the interactions with vector fieldsAa

µ in the adjointrepresentation of the group (as for the gauge fields, see Section 1.3) take the form:

λi σ µ(Ta)j

i λ j Aaµ = 9 i


ji 9L j Aa


with 9L given by (1.72).For a vector-like theory, the lagrangian (1.68) in whichλci transforms as a

representationR∗ of the group (with generators−Ta∗, see Appendix E) can besupplemented by terms like:

λi σ µ(Ta)j

i λ j Aaµ + λc

i σµ(−Ta∗)i jλ

c j Aaµ

= λi σ µ(Ta)j

i λ j Aaµ + λc jσµ(Ta) i

j λcj Aa


= 9 i γ µ(Ta)j

i 9 j Aaµ

In the last form (in which9(x) is given by (1.70)) this interaction can beadded to the lagrangian (1.71). For the abelian fieldAµ this is the same as theminimal coupling of the electron to the electromagnetic field (pµ → pµ + eAµ).Other interaction terms of a Dirac field (1.70), for example, with a scalar field9(x) or a vector fieldAµ(x), are possible as well. A Lorentz-invariant andhermitean interaction part of the lagrangian density may consist, for example, ofthe operators:

998, 9γ 598, 9γ 5γµAµ9 (1.86)








M29999 etc.

(1.87)The first two terms are Yukawa couplings (scalar and pseudoscalar). The terms in(1.87) require dimensionful coupling constants, with the mass scale denoted byM .The last term, describing the self-interactions of a Dirac field, is called the Fermiinteraction. It is straightforward to include the interaction terms in the equation ofmotion.

1.3 Gauge field theories

U (1) gauge symmetry

As a well-known example, we consider gauge invariance in electrodynamics. It isoften introduced as follows: consider a free-field theory ofn Dirac particles with

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30 1 Classical fields, symmetries and their breaking

the lagrangian density

L =n∑


(9i iγ

µ∂µ9i −m9i9i)


Then define aU (1) group of transformations on the fields by

9 ′i (x) = exp(−iqi2)9i (x) (1.89)

where the parameterqi is an eigenvalue of the generatorQ of U (1) and numbersthe representation to which the field9i belongs. The lagrangian (1.88) is invariantunder that group of transformations.

By Noether’s theorem (see Section 1.1), theU (1) symmetry of the la-grangian (1.88) implies the existence of the conserved current

jµ(x) =∑


qi 9i γµ9i (1.90)

and therefore conservation of the corresponding charge (1.17). We now considergauge transformations (local phase transformations in which2 is allowed to varywith x)

9 ′i (x) = exp[−iqi2(x)]9i (x) (1.91)

It is straightforward to verify that lagrangian (1.88) is not invariant under gaugetransformations because transformation of the derivatives of fields gives extra termsproportional to∂µ2(x). To make the lagrangian invariant one must introduce anew term which can compensate for the extra terms. Equivalently, one should finda modified derivativeDµ9i (x) which transforms like9i (x)

[Dµ9i (x)]′ = exp[−iqi2(x)]Dµ9i (x) (1.92)

and replace∂µ by Dµ in the lagrangian (1.88).The derivativeDµ is called a covariant derivative. The covariant derivative is

constructed by introducing a vector (gauge) fieldAµ(x) and defining†

Dµ9i (x) = [∂µ + iqi eAµ(x)]9i (x) (1.93)

wheree is an arbitrary positive constant. The transformation rule (1.92) is ensuredif the gauge fieldAµ(x) transforms as:

A′µ(x) = Aµ(x)+ 1

e∂µ2(x) (1.94)

Covariant derivatives play an important role in gauge theories. In particular

† The sign convention in the covariant derivative is consistent with the standard minimal coupling in the classicallimit (Bjorken and Drell (1964); note thate< 0 in this reference).
