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20 Gems of Leadership from


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Grandma’s Gems

Often the best mentors come from the most unlikely places.

There are strong parallels between what

Grandma does, the priorities she lives by, and the skills necessary to be a great leader.

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Grandma’s Gems

Here are 20 plays from Grandma’s playbook; you can decide what they mean to

you as a leader.


1. Is the matriarch. The family holds her accountable in the role; she didn’t ask for the job. There is no training program; she learns

on the run and is guided by road sense.

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Grandma’s Gems


2. Is honest. She calls it as she sees it. She puts the needs of her tribe first. She doesn’t have

a political bone in her body but on occasion bends the truth to avoid hurting someone.

3. Loves unconditionally. She didn’t learn to; it’s innate. It comes from caring and nurturing


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Grandma’s Gems


4. Protects her turf. Her instinct is to defend her family. Intruders beware. Mess with anyone

in her den and look out.

5. Acts on her feelings. Precise logic takes a second seat. Being “right” isn’t her prime

objective; achieving a positive emotional outcome is.

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Grandma’s Gems


6. Tends to the comfort of her family. She believes that to be happy one’s basic needs

must be taken care of first.

7. Steals kisses. Showing affection openly makes it OK for others to do the same. An

emotional bond is the net that keeps her family together.

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Grandma’s Gems


8. Spoils. She goes the extra and unexpected mile for everyone. Surprise and indulgence spell

her mantra.

9. Never forgets. She remembers special events, achievements and family moments. She is always looking for something to celebrate and is a copious note-taker to make sure she doesn’t


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Grandma’s Gems


10. Is playful and fun. She feels at ease releasing her inner child and isn’t all that

concerned about what others think.

11. Forgives, no matter what. She sees perfection as an illusion; people make

mistakes and good intentions should be recognized. She is OK with letting stuff go.

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Grandma’s Gems


12. Exercises her imagination and creativity. She loves art and encourages her “students” to colour outsides the lines.

13. Negotiates to get the best deal. The ultimate advocate, she wades into the parental realm to bargain for what her grandkids want

but don’t necessarily need.

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Grandma’s Gems


14. Wrote the book on care giving. Ask (or even think about asking) for help and she is there.

Family priorities are her priorities. She can be counted on for a daily call with “How can I help?”

15. Is a tenacious problem solver. She dives into any issue that upsets any family

member and does not stop until a resolution has been found.

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Grandma’s Gems


16. Is loyal. It really doesn’t matter if she agrees with what one of her flock says or has

done, she will defend them to the end.

17. Is happy with a zero return on her investment. She expects nothing to come

her way. She gives. Period.

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Grandma’s Gems


18. Tells family stories. Recalling family moments “paints the family picture” and its ancestry and that is what is cherished and


19. Sees bad stuff coming. She’s intuitive. She senses undesirable outcomes and acts on

impulse quickly. Sometimes she’s right; sometimes she’s wrong. It doesn’t matter.

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Grandma’s Gems


20. Ad-libs to enhance the experience. She makes up lyrics to her

bedtime songs. Disrupting the magic and flow of the moment is unthinkable to her.

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Grandma’s Gems

Take a page from Grandma’s Playbook and it will make you a better


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Wrap up – An Invitation

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