  • Generations Today When the Age Bubble and the Youth Bubble Collide

WassUP? Unlike any other time, today there are 5 generations working , living under thae same roof, and doing business together! The Goal Understanding strengths and differences of each generational group. Leveraging the strengths and creating a work environment that values differences Barbara Hill-Gen X Executive ATT Which generation are you? w w A New Generation (18-33) Their Behaviors Are Shaking Things Up Meet Daniel Murphy New York Mets second baseman Boomer Esiason, on WFANs Murphys wife should have insisted his wife have a C- section before the season starts. He needs to be at Opening Day, Im sorry As far as Mike Francesa is concerned, paternity leave from any job, even at his station WFAN, is a scam and a gimmick. The Gap Aging Bubble Youth Bubble The conflict arises from trying to fit an increasingly nontraditional workforce into a largely traditional workplace. By 2025 GenY will be 75% of the Workforce Fixed Mindset Growth Mindse If it aint broke dont fix it There are new and different ways The generation of people at the top of this organization are the ones that matterThe rest need to grow up or shut up. The generational change is an emerging issue within our organization but we havent done much about it, yet. We view generational change as an emerging opportunity. Were actively changing the work culture to harness the power of generational changes. It Starts with an UNDERSTANDING Traditionalist born before 1946 Traits of the Traditionalist Self- discipline Loyalty Frugal My Way or the Highway management style Sacrifice for the Greater Good Values Conformity, Authority and Rules Believes in logic and very defined sense of right and wrong- Honors loyalty and respect for authority Traditionalist Traits of the Boomer- Hard Working-Dedicated Experience- Wisdom- Relationships Highly Motivated Values Independence- Lone Ranger Just Do It Management Style Sacrifice for the Family Boomers Values Individual choice Community involvement Prosperity Ownership Self-actualizing Health and wellness Traits of GEN X Work-Life Balance Innovative and Creative Self Reliant and Practical Questioning and Cynical Dislike Hoopla - Seeks Acknowledgement Loyal to People not Organizations Gen X Values Contribution Feedback and recognition Autonomy Time with manager Work and Life Balance Tech Savvy Mobile Enthusiastic Bright Task Oriented Purpose driven Talented Highly Adaptable to Change Work/Life Integration Flexible Questionable Work Ethic Lazy Promotion! Now!! SpoiledEntitled Fun is a core value Unrealistic Expectations No Loyalty to Employer Lack of social skills Ego Driven Whats in it for me? Gen Y Values Self-expression is more important than self-control Marketing and branding self is important Fear living poorlythis is related to lifestyle enjoyment, not wealth Respect must be earned; it is not freely granted based on age, authority or title Share Email Embed Like Save Why are they like this? Whats different? Affluent Technology Globalization Media 2008 Recession T y p e t o e n t e r t e Parents Ways of Engagement If you want these slides Open your phone # you are Texting to is22828 Your message: KARENMC You will get a request to send in your email address and you will get the slides! Respect Trust Value FOCUS ON THE SIMILARITIES NOT THE DIFFERENCES ENCOURAGE MENTORING BUILD A SENSE OF PURPOSING AND MEANING AT WORK AND MENTORING Stop the Command and Control Management Style Acknowledgement Acceptance Encouragement Positive Feedback ------------------------------- Shame Blame Justification Criticism THE RULES Please Dont: Stereotype Ridicule Make Assumptions Missed Opportunities Make it Fun And make it about them Name the Generation Traditionalists Boomers Gen X Gen Y 1959 1990 1969 2009 Now!!!!! 1989 NOW! 1965 The End! Want these slides? Give me your card or email me [email protected]