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  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


    Neurons, Synapses and


  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


    Review of last class

    What is the CNS? Struc and function of Neurons?

    What are Glia? Types?

    How do neurons transmit signals?

    How does ion transport occur across the cellmembrane?

    Pumps? Channels? Transporters?

    Resting membrane potential

    Nernst Equation

  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


    Equilibrium potential

    Flux due to concentration gradient is equal to flux due to

    electrical gradient Equilibrium potential for an ion = Nernst Equation

    EK= 2.3 RT log [K+]right

    nF [K+

    ]left R = Universal gas constant

    T = Absolute temperature

    n= Number of charges on the ion

    F = Faradays constant (96500 coulombs/mole)

    At 20C and n=1, the equation becomes-

    EK= 58mvolts X log [K+]right


  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


    Membrane Potential (Emem) in animal cells depends largely on

    Potassium ion movement through open resting K+channels

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    Resting Membrane Potential (Emem)

    Resting Membrane Potential = GHK Equation

    Eresting= 2.3 RT log PK[K+]outside + PNa[Na+]outside

    F PK [K+]inside+ PNa[Na


    For cations (+) use o/i

    For anions (-) use i/o

    R = Universal gas constant

    T = Absolute temperature

    F = Faradays constant (96500 coulombs/mole)

    P = Relative Membrane Permeability for an ion

  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13




    represents proteins that have a negative charge at theneutral pH of blood and cells

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    The Na+ / K+ATPase Pump

    Essential for setting the Resting Membrane Potential

  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


    Generation of an Action


  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


    Introduction to Action Potentials

    The average neuron receives inputs from about 10,000synapses.

    Inputs are integrated in space and time

    If sum of input reaches threshold potential (~65mV)then neuron fires an action potential down its axon.

    All axon potentials have same strength but coded by

    different frequencies.

    Signal frequency ranges from 1-100 action potentials/s

  • 8/12/2019 Genetic 13


    Ionic Basis for the Action Potential:

    Voltage gated Na+Channels

    Action potential= rapid and transient permeabilityto Na+and K+

    Upstrokeis due to opening of Voltage gated Na+


    According to GHK equation in permeability to Na+

    causes Vmto move towards ENa.

    Small local depolarization causes influx of Na+which

    causes more voltage gated Na+Channels to open =

    Feedback loop

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    OpenVoltage-gated ionchannels

    Influx ofNa+


    Positive feedback loop for activation of

    Voltage-gated Na+channels

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    Thresholdis the voltage at which enough Na+Channels are

    open Feedback loop

    All-or-none : feedback loop continues till all Na+Channels

    are activated

    Inactivation of Na+Channels: Immediately after opening Na+

    Channels inactivate

    Inactivated channels have to close to become active again.

    Na+Channels require 5-20msec at -60mV to go from

    inactivated to closed state

    Ionic Basis for the Action Potential:

    Voltage gated Na+Channels

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    Initial stimulus: Na+ influx

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    Are activated by depolarization

    2 Differences between Na+and K+ Channels

    Activation of K+Channels is slower than activation of Na+Channels

    Activation requires stronger depolarization than activation of a few

    Na+Channels therefore K+Channels are activated at the peak of

    action potential.

    Voltage gated K+Channels in nerve axons do not inactivate.

    Absolute refractory period is due to activation and inactivation of Na+


    No action potentials can be initiated during this period

    Relative refractory period is due to recovery of Na+Channels from

    inactivation and activation of voltage gated K+Channels

    Requires a greater stimulus since membrane is closer to EKand


    Ionic Basis for Action Potential:

    Voltage gated K+Channels

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    Resistance is inversely proportional to thickness of wire

    R = l


    R = Resistance

    = Resistivity (depends on the medium)

    l = length of wire (or axon)r = radius of wire (or axon)

    Speed of action potential

    1) Increase diameter of axon

    2) Increase insulation so that electrotonic ion flow in

    cytoplasm can extend further - Myelination

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    Function of Action Potentials Neurons: Cell-Cell Communication

    Muscle: Contraction

    Beta cells of Pancreas: Release of Insulin
