Page 1: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East
Page 2: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

Anatolia Plateau

Iranian Plateau



Page 3: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East
Page 4: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East
Page 5: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East
Page 6: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East
Page 7: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

Chapter 25 Section 2

Early Civilizations

Page 8: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

Sumer•3500 B.C.•Tigris and Euphrates•All-knowing priests•Ziggurat•Cuneiform

Sumer•3500 B.C.•Tigris and Euphrates•All-knowing priests•Ziggurat•Cuneiform

Page 9: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East
Page 10: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

•Satraps•Well-Built Roads•Coinage•Diverse Languages

•Satraps•Well-Built Roads•Coinage•Diverse Languages

Page 11: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

Greek and Roman Influences• Hellenistic Civilizations–Alexander of Macedonia–Alexandria–Blended Mediterranean and Middle East–HEY SHOW THE WITNESS HISTORY VIDEO

• Roman conquests–A.D. 115–Allowed Egyptian and Persian cultures to flow


Page 12: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

Chapter 25 Section 3

Judaism and Christianity

Page 13: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

•Hebrews•King Saul•King David•King Solomon•Diaspora

Page 14: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

•God chose a special people.•Torah outline standards of conduct for everyday life.•Ten Commandments

Page 15: Geography & Early History of the  Middle East

•Gospels•The prophets•Messiah•A.D. 33 arrested by the Romans.

•Romans suspicious of Christians.•Martyrs•A.D. 313 Constantine•Pope•Byzantine