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George W. Bush was the governor of Texas. He is married to Laura Bush and has two twin girls Barbara and Jenna.

He went to Yale university. He studied Astronomy, City Planning, Prehistoric Archaeology, Masterpieces of Spanish Literature, Japanese Haiku, Political Science, and Mass Communication.

He majored in Social Studies (history), he took a course called History of the Soviet Union, he said, “The class was an introduction to the struggle between tyranny and freedom, a battle that has held my attention for the rest of my life.”

Senior year at Yale university, the war in Vietnam

was escalating, and President Johnson had

instituted a draft. And George W. Bush served in

the Air Force as a Pilot.

Jimmy Allison, a Midland politician told George W.

Bush about an opportunity on Red Blount’s

campaign for the U.S. Senate in Alabama.

George W. Bush went back to college, to Harvard

Business School. There he learned the mechanics

of finance, accounting, and economics.

In 1977, George and Laura had a small wedding with family and close friends from Midland.

In 1979, George W. Bush had started his own small energy exploration company in Midland.

Soon later, George deepen his faith with God and read the bible more often.

He said, “ he had a calling, to further the country’s future. Cut taxes, raise standards in public schools, reform Social Security and Medicare, rally faith-based charities, lift the sights of the American people by encouraging a new era of personal responsibility.”

At the age of 54,George W. Bush became our

43rd president in 2001-2009.

Bush was in the double-digit polls over his

opponent Vice President Al Gore Jr. But the

gap closed as the election approached and

though Gore finally won the popular vote by

543,895 votes, victory or loss of the presidency

hinged on Florida’s electoral votes. In the end

Bush won the electoral count 271 to 266.

He ran again in 2004 against Massachusetts Democratic Senator John Kerry. And won 51 percent to 48 percent.

George W. Bush set the theme for his second term: “At this second gathering, our duties are defined not by the words I use, but by the history we have seen together. For half a century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet-and then there came a day of fire. There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom – tested but not weary… we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom.”

September 11, 2001, in which nearly 3,000 Americans were killed, transformed George W. Bush into a wartime president. The attacks put on hold many of Bush’s hopes and plans.

Bush was in Florida when he got the message that the second twin tower was hit by a plane. He was in a classroom full of little kids and press. He didn’t want the kids to get worry so after the teacher stop talking he went into a room with parents and said, “The Untied States is under attack.” He stated making phone calls and watch footage from New York. He was hustled into a bunker and made more calls and someone called him back to tell him the pentagon just got hit. “When the first tower got hit, I thought it was an accident, the second one was an attack and the third one was a declaration of war. He went back to Washington D.C. and the secret service wouldn’t let him go back to the capital. Again he made more phone calls. He gave orders to shoot down any airplane that does not respond to get out of the air. He made the best kind of decisions in the fog of war. Bush said we will find whoever was involved with the attacks.

President George W. Bush announces that American troops are on the offensive in Afghanistan. The goal of Operation Enduring Freedom, as the mission was dubbed, was to stamp out Afghanistan's Islamic fundamentalist Taliban regime, which had aided and abetted al-Qaida and its leader, Osama bin Laden. Bush informed the American public that "carefully targeted actions" were being carried out to crush the military capability of al-Qaida and the Taliban, with help from British, Canadian, Australian, German and French troops. By destroying camps and disrupting communications, we will make it more difficult for the terror network to train new recruits and coordinate their evil plans

He was an alcoholic and how he got over the

cravings was with chocolate, run, and his faith

in God.

He was the first son of George and Barbara


George W. Bush had a younger sister name

Robin Bush. She died at age 3 from leukemia.

Later on he had 3 younger brothers (Jeb, Neil,

and Marvin) and 1 younger sister (Doro).

He was in boy scouts, as a Cub scout.

George W. Bush’s mother had a miscarriage.

George’s grandfather Prescott Bush had ran

for senate for Connecticut and lost the first

time. Two years later, Connecticut republicans

persuaded him to try again and won.

When George’s grandfather died they buried

him next to Robin’s gravesite.

While George W. Bush was at Yale university,

he joined Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.

The year George W. Bush was graduating from

Yale university was the year that Martin Luther

King Jr. got assassinated (in April).

In the Air Force he got to learn how to fly the jet

called F-102 at Ellington Air Force Base.

It was only the second time in American history

that a president’s son went on to the White

House, John Quincy Adams, elected the sixth

president in 1824, which was the son of John

Adams, the second president.