Page 1: Giving Your Life to Others Celibacy. Opening article - . Read & Discuss

Giving Your Life to Others


Page 2: Giving Your Life to Others Celibacy. Opening article - . Read & Discuss

Opening article - Read & Discuss

Is Celibacy Awesome?

Page 3: Giving Your Life to Others Celibacy. Opening article - . Read & Discuss


● Celibacy is a sacrifice in that it “skips” marriage (the sign Marriage in Heaven)...

● It directs desire for love, to Love (God)

● The celibate person does not lack love if the Author of Love gives them love.

Page 4: Giving Your Life to Others Celibacy. Opening article - . Read & Discuss

Benefits of Celibacy

● Witness to true Marriage in Heaven for others

● Total gift of self to the Church:

● Can give ALL of their time & love without being divided between family and the Church.

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Not a Cause of Perversion“My research of cases over the past 20 years indicates no evidence whatever that Catholic or other celibate clergy are any more likely to be involved in misconduct or abuse than clergy of any other denomination—or indeed, than non-clergy. However determined news media may be to see this affair as a crisis of celibacy, the charge is just unsupported...My concern over the “pedophile priest” issue is not to defend evil clergy, or a sinful church (I cannot be called a Catholic apologist, since I am not even a Catholic). But I am worried that justified anger over a few awful cases might be turned into ill-focused attacks against innocent clergy. The story of clerical misconduct is bad enough without turning into an unjustifiable outbreak of religious bigotry against the Catholic Church.”

- Dr. Philip Jenkins, Penn St. (“The Myth of the Pedophile Priest,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 3, 2010)

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Youtube: Leaving Soccer for the Priesthood1. How do you view celibacy? Do you see it as

something positive or negative? Explain.2. Do you think celibacy is looked down on in

today’s culture? Why or why not?3. Do you think the soccer player from the video is

wasting his life, or gaining it?

Page 7: Giving Your Life to Others Celibacy. Opening article - . Read & Discuss


4. Do you think Fr. Kapaun from the article found love and happiness in celibacy?5. Would celibacy be a good practice for doctors, law enforcement, or any other professions that require time and risk?6. Could celibacy be for you?
