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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Section 7.1

Consequences of Conflict

Section 7.2

Settling Conflicts

Chapter 7

Chapter Conflict Resolution Skills7

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


There are many different causes of conflicts. Although some results of conflict can be positive, many results are negative. Violence is the most extreme negative result.

Section 7.1 Consequences of Conflict

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary

conflictpower struggleprejudiceviolencebully


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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Why Conflicts Happen

• Some conflicts can be easily resolved, but others can lead to disagreements or violence.


A clash between people who have opposing ideas or interests. violence

Physical force used to injure or abuse someone.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Why Conflicts Happen

• A power struggle happens when different people or groups feel a need to be in control.

• Prejudice is an unfair judgment of others made without knowing all the facts.

power struggle

When multiple individuals or groups feel a need to be in control.


An unfair judgment made without knowing all the facts.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Results of conflict

• Conflicts can have both positive and negative results.

• Negative results include negative emotions, stress, hurtful words, damaged relationships, and violence.

Name some positive results that can come from conflict.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills



• Bullies may need help dealing with their own insecurities and anger.

• Seek help from bullying from trusted adults.

How can bullying at school affect your ability to achieve your educational and personal goals?

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


It is best to prevent conflicts before they develop by adapting your behavior and examining your attitude. If a conflict cannot be avoided, try resolving it through negotiation or mediation.

Section 7.2 Conflict Prevention

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Content Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary

peer educationnegotiationwin-win solutionmediationpeer mediation


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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Conflict Prevention

• The best way to deal with conflict is to keep it from happening.

• Conflicts may escalate into bigger disagreements or violence.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Conflict Prevention

• Often, it is easiest to adapt your behavior to match the other person’s.

• Self-awareness can help you adjust your attitude.

What are some questions to ask yourself when you look to adjust your attitude?

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Conflict Prevention

• Violence is never acceptable in settling differences.

• Warning signs of violence include drug and alcohol use, prejudice, social withdrawal, and threats.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Conflict Resolution

• Find a fair solution that is considerate of both sides of an argument.

• Preserve the relationship if it can continue healthfully.

• Strengthen your existing relationships by keeping communication open and respectful.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Conflict Resolution

• A win-win solution benefits everyone involved.• Sometimes, a solution to a conflict cannot be

reached between the parties involved.• A third party may be needed to help resolve the


win-win solution A solution that benefits everyone involved and has no real drawbacks for anyone.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Conflict Resolution

• Many schools have a peer mediation program to help resolve conflicts.

peer mediation A process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflicts peacefully.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Chapter Summary Section 7.1

• Conflicts happen between people with different ideas or interests.

• Causes of conflicts include poor communication, power struggles, personality differences, jealousy, and prejudice.

Consequences of Conflicts

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Chapter Summary Section 7.1

• Sometimes conflict can lead to positive outcomes, but many times it results in negative consequences, including violence.

• Prevent violence by educating yourself, finding resources, seeing warning signs, reporting potential violence, and avoiding gang influence.

Consequences of Conflicts

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Chapter Summary Section 7.2

• The best way to deal with conflicts is to prevent them.

• Adapt your behavior and examine your attitude.• Try to find fair solutions and preserve relationships

when a fair resolution can be made.

Settling Conflicts

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Chapter Summary Section 7.2

• Negotiation and compromise can work when people communicate about a problem to find a fair solution.

• Mediation can help when people are unable to resolve a conflict on their own.

• Peer mediation is used by schools to settle differences between students.

Settling Conflicts

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills




Do you remember the vocabulary terms from this chapter? Use the following slides to check your knowledge of the definitions.

The slides in this section include both English and Spanish terms and definitions.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


conflict conflictoA clash among people who have opposing ideas or interests.

Un choque entre personas que tienen ideas o intereses distintos.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


power struggle lucha de poderWhen multiple individuals or groups feel a need to be in control

Cuando varios individuos o grupos sienten la necesidad de estar en control.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


prejudice prejuicio

An unfair judgment made without knowing all the facts.

Un juicio injusto que se hace sin conocer todos los hechos.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


violence violencia

Physical force used to injure or abuse someone.

Fuerza fisica usada para herir o maltratar a alguien.

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Glencoe Managing Life Skills Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills

Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


bully bravucónAn aggressive person who intimidates, abuses, or mistreats people.

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Una persona agresiva que intimida, abusa, o maltrata a otras personas.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


peer education educación entre paresA program that is based on the principle of teens teaching teens.

Un programa basado en el principio de adolescentes que enseñan a otros adolescentes.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


negotiation negociación

Communication about a problem with the goal of finding a solution.

Comunicación sobre un problema con el objetivo de encontrar una solución.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


win-win solution solución de ganancia mutual

A solution that benefits everyone involved and has no real drawbacks for anyone.

Una solución que beneficia a todos los involucrados y en la que nadie sale perdiendo.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


mediation mediación Settling a conflict with the help of a neutral third party.

Terminar un conflicto con la ayuda de un tercer actor neutral.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


Peer mediation mediación entre compañeros

A process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflicts peacefully.

Proceso por el cual estudiantes capacitados ayudan a otros compañeros a resolver conflictos pacificamente.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


trivial trivial

Minor or unimportant. Menor o sin importancia.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


progress progresar

Move forward or advance.

Moverse hacia adelante o avanzar.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


adapt adaptarChange to fit. Cambiar para ajustarse.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


project proyectar

Display outwardly. Mostrar hacia el exterior.

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Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Skills


End of

Chapter 1 The Amazing World of Food

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