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• 1. During the summer holiday season it is difficult to find a(n) _____ room in the hotels here.

A. empty B. vacant C. free D. deserted

Part 1 Words

• 2. The police have offered a large ____ for information leading to the robber’s arrest.

• A. award• B. compensation• C. prize• D. reward

• 3. Although he has become rich, he is still very ____ of his money.

• A. economic• B. thrifty• C. frugal• D. careful

• 4. Your advice would be ____ valuable to him, who is now at a loss as to what to do first.

• A. exceedingly• B. excessively• C. extensively• D. exclusively

• 5. The customer expressed her ____ for that broad hat.

• A. disapproval• B. distaste• C. dissatisfaction• D. dismay

• 5. In order to raise money, Aunt Nicola had to ____ with some of her most treasured possessions.

• A. divide• B separate• C. part• D abandon

• 6. The old couple will never ____ the loss of their son.

• A. get over • B. get away• C. get off• D. get across

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

1.Main idea / Topic Questions

2.Specific Questions

3.Inference Questions

4.Reference Question / Vocabulary

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

1.Main idea / Topic Questions


2.Specific Questions

3.Inference Questions

4.Reference Question / Vocabulary

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

1.Main idea / Topic Questions

2.Specific Questions

3.Inference Questions

4.Reference Question / Vocabulary

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

1.Main idea / Topic Questions

2.Specific Questions出现频率高,找到对应的句子;无法直接找到的信息,要读出句子字里行间的意思;“意思一致”、“信息一致”的原则;推荐排除法。

3.Inference Questions

4.Reference Question / Vocabulary

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

1.Main idea / Topic Questions

2.Specific Questions

3.Inference Questions

4.Reference Question / Vocabulary

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

1.Main idea / Topic Questions

2.Specific Questions

3.Inference Questions

原文没有直接写出来,须推理得出合理结论,读出“言外之意” 。

4.Reference Question / Vocabulary

Part 2 Reading Comprehension

1.Main idea / Topic Questions

2.Specific Questions

3.Inference Questions

4.Reference Question / Vocabulary

People in modern society live under a lot of pressure, from education, career or family. So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.

Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood

Part 3 Writing

Para.1Pressure seems to be a natural part

of our daily life in the competitive society. Some people would complain the pressure is to difficult to handle. But from my point of view, to keep a good mood under whatever circumstance is vital for us in this society.


Pressure seems to be a natural part of our daily life in the competitive society. 开门见山,点明主题。 Some people would complain the pressure is to difficult to handle. But from my point of view, to keep a good mood under whatever circumstance is vital for us in this society.


Pressure seems to be a natural part of our daily life in the competitive society. Some people would complain the pressure is to difficult to handle. 过渡句,大现象到自我观念的过度。 But from my point of view, to keep a good mood under whatever circumstance is vital for us in this society.


Pressure seems to be a natural part of our daily life in the competitive society. Some people would complain the pressure is to difficult to handle. But from my point of view, to keep a good mood under whatever circumstance is vital for us in this society. 全文主旨句,摆明自己的观点,引起下一段的论述。

To start with, keeping a good mood is favorable to our study. Many people complain they can’t remember words quickly or clearly. This arises largely from anxiety. They are too eager to learn them by heart. Actually, if they keep a good mood and calm mind, they will succeed more easily.


To start with, keeping a good mood is favorable to our study. 论点 1. Many people complain they can’t remember words quickly or clearly. This arises largely from anxiety. They are too eager to learn them by heart. Actually, if they keep a good mood and calm mind, they will succeed more easily.


To start with, keeping a good mood is favorable to our study. 论点 1. Many people complain they can’t remember words quickly or clearly. This arises largely from anxiety. They are too eager to learn them by heart. Actually, if they keep a good mood and calm mind, they will succeed more easily.


Secondly, people in good moods are most likely to do well in their work. In today’s society, competition is inevitable. We should be optimistic when we meet obstacles and try to overcome them. Statistics show that happy people are more likely to succeed in their work.


Secondly, people in good moods are most likely to do well in their work. 论点 2. In today’s society, competition is inevitable. We should be optimistic when we meet obstacles and try to overcome them. Statistics show that happy people are more likely to succeed in their work.


Secondly, people in good moods are most likely to do well in their work. 论点 2. In today’s society, competition is inevitable. We should be optimistic when we meet obstacles and try to overcome them. Statistics show that happy people are more likely to succeed in their work. 事实例证


Finally, a good mood contributes to our health. According to some scientific reports, energetic and vigorous people are generally enjoying a good mood, socializing with people friendly and cheerfully.


Finally, a good mood contributes to our health. 论点 3. According to some scientific reports, energetic and vigorous people are generally enjoying a good mood, socializing with people friendly and cheerfully.


Finally, a good mood contributes to our health. 论点 3. According to some scientific reports, energetic and vigorous people are generally enjoying a good mood, socializing with people friendly and cheerfully. 加从句,使举行有变化


To sum up, keeping a good mood is of primary importance because of its various benefits. So instead of frowning, please smile as often as you can.


To sum up, 总结的标志 keeping a good mood is of primary importance because of its various benefits. So instead of frowning, please smile as often as you can.


To sum up, 总结的标志 keeping a good mood is of primary importance because of its various benefits. 换种表达强调观点 So instead of frowning, please smile as often as you can.


April 16, 2011Dear Jack,

I’ve got to know that you are planning a weekend excursion for the class. I’m very glad to hear that and certainly I don’t want to miss it. May I ask you about two details of the trip? What time are we going to start out and, before that, where are we going to meet?

Please give me a call when you receive this note.

Yours, Sonia

Part 4 Note Writing

Question 1 The main theme of this passage is ____. A. the change in recent drinking habits B. the connection between cancer and alcohol C. whether moderate drinkers outlive

nondrinkers D. whether alcohol may be good for your


Question 2 According to the author, an increasing number of

married women are able to work because____. A. their children no longer require their care B. there are more jobs available nowadays C. technology has enabled them to find acceptable

jobs D. they spend far less time on child care than before

Question 3It can be concluded from the passage that

_________. A. men could walk on the inside of the sidewalk B. women are becoming more capable than

before C. in women’s liberation men are also liberated D. it’s safe to break rules of social behavior
