
What's the point? - Larry D National President p2

Our freedom in Christ allows us to minister – Slim National Sec/Tres p3

That’s how you can start over!- Bigun National Chaplain p5

He impressed upon me that this is a forever calling! - Life in the 8:14 p9

A very nasty type of Cancer had taken over my body– Brother Opie P17

I found myself sleeping in my truck!- Brother Scrape p23


July/October 2011 Edition Volume 1 issue 3 & 4

The The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®

National Newsletter of the Sons of God

Motorcycle Club Ministry®

“the only place a SON calls home”

National Chaplain

National Staff p4-8 4


National President


Life in the 8:14 9

National Sec/Tres


Bro Blackie, Bro Bullitz

Test: Bro Opie 16-17 15

Spring Nats 11-14 11


Show me the Funny-21 20

Chapt Chatter, WC

Gathering p19 18

Test: Bro Casto, Scrape-

23 22

Spring Nats 24-26 24 Psalm 106 27

Thank you Manassas Chapter for a refreshing

Spring National!

Thank you New Mexico for the fulfilling

West Coast Gathering!

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

National President Larry D

Page 2

Bond Slave For Jesus

Before I surrendered, and ac-

cepted Jesus as Lord and Savior;

I was a slave to sin, and hell

bound for sure. Accepting the

gift of salvation, and with free

will, I made a vow to serve Him

for the rest of my life. Of course

at that time, fully believing my

time was short, being 30 years

old, and didn't think I would be

around for much longer. Vows

and commitments were

only until someone gave me just

cause to break them. Having a

couple failed marriages, and with

the road name of crazy Larry...

you get the picture, and getting

ready to marry Clare. I met a

man named Jesus, and He took

me to His Father, and gave me

His Holy Spirit to live in me for-

ever more. Never to leave me

nor forsake me.

At this time Clare and I have

been married for 32 years,

praise Jesus! What a miracle, someone else met Jesus too; or

she would never been able to

put up with someone who was

so driven to serve the Lord. We

are not hirelings, but people

who put others before them-

selves. We received a teach-

ing...notice I didn't say heard a

teaching. Receiving a word or

teaching is a Spirit thing, it be-

comes a part of His Spirit inside

you and goes into your soul

(mind). If you want JOY in

your life you need to put first

things first.

1st J is putting Him


2nd O is putting others


3rd Y is putting your-

self last

It's a way of life, if your mar-

riage is Christ centered. You

have heard it said... it's not

about you....Not to earn

something from God; because

He gave you a gift, and it's for

others too and they don't see

it yet. That's what and why

I'm here....We where told to

go out in to the whole world

and take not fake the gospel.

We are products of prayer! Mk 11:24,25- When you pray,

do you believe or wish? Most of

the good things we are missing

in our lives are a result of our

own belief systems. We need to

make a conscious decision to

refute the doubt that tries to

creep in our minds, and to be-

lieve our heavenly Father. That

is an exercise of our will; Jesus

set the supreme example for us

to learn from.

If you have problems at home,

work, club or those in authority

put this kind of faith in action

and you will see God move


What's the point?

I was honored to be elected to

the National Vice President

seven years ago, and then to Na-

tional President three years plus,

At the spring meeting 2010 I

said," you guys better look for

some else because I'm not going

to do it again".

I was cor-

rected by Holy

Spirit, since

when a servant

tells his master

what he will...

or won't do.

This is God's

Club make

sure you keep

in mind who

you are representing and we cover a

large area. My thanks to the New Mex-

ico chapter for hosting the west coast

conference and all those who attended.



Rock from the Wales is returning to the


See You at the Beach

Larry D



National Secretary/Treasurer Slim

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

Thank you all for your support

and prayer as I continue to organ-

ize the National Business Office. It

is slowly all coming together.

I am looking forward to the West

Coast Fellowship. It will be good

to see those I have talked to but

not met yet. See you soon.

When I am at COC meetings I

think about freedom and how

great our country is. We do tend

to take it for granted at times and

we really should be involved to try

to keep the freedoms allowed to

us by our Creator by giving us a

say in government. It may not be

God's plan in the long run though.

That forces us to look at our free-

dom and where it comes from and

what is promised to us.

Our freedom in Christ allows us

to minister, even when the prevail-

ing government forbids it. Paul

taught freedom while bound in

prison. We have an opportunity to

tell others in the COC chapters

about the freedom they can ex-

perience for themselves by trust-

ing in the blood of our Lord Jesus

Christ. What a perfect setting for

an open door. Our adversary

wants to control the human race

for his nefarious purposes. We get

to preach freedom from that ad-

versary. If I am allowed to have a

favorite chapter in the Bible it is

Ephesians Chapter 6.

Eph 6:1 Children, obey your

parents in the Lord, for this is

right. "Honor your father and

mother" (this is the first com-

mandment with a promise),

"that it may go well with you

and that you may live long in

the land." Fathers, do not pro-

voke your children to anger, but

bring them up in the discipline

and instruction of the Lord.

Slaves, obey your earthly mas-

ters with fear and trembling,

with a sincere heart, as you

would Christ, not by the way of

eye-service, as people-pleasers,

but as servants of Christ, doing

the will of God from the heart,

rendering service with a good

will as to the Lord and not to

man, knowing that whatever

good anyone does, this he will

receive back from the Lord,

whether he is a slave or free.

Masters, do the same to them,

and stop your threatening,

knowing that he who is both

their Master and yours is in

heaven, and that there is no

partiality with him. Finally, be

strong in the Lord and in the

strength of his might. Put on the

whole armor of God, that you

may be able to stand against

the schemes of the devil. For we

do not wrestle against flesh and

blood, but against the rulers,

against the authorities, against

the cosmic powers over this pre-

sent darkness, against the spiri-

tual forces of evil in the heav-

enly places. Therefore take up

the whole armor of God, that

you may be able to withstand in

the evil day, and having done

all, to stand firm. Stand there-

fore, having fastened on the

belt of truth, and having put on

the breastplate of righteous-

ness, and, as shoes for your feet,

having put on the readiness

given by the gospel of peace. In

all circumstances take up the

shield of faith, with which you

can extinguish all the flaming

darts of the evil one; and take

the helmet of salvation, and the

sword of the

Spirit, which is

the word of

God, praying at

all times in the

Spirit, with all

prayer and


To that end

keep alert with

all persever-

ance, making supplication for all the saints,

and also for me, that words may be given

to me in opening my mouth boldly to pro-

claim the mystery of the gospel, for which I

am an ambassador in chains, that I may

declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. So

that you also may know how I am and

what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved

brother and faithful minister in the Lord

will tell you everything. I have sent him to

you for this very purpose, that you may

know how we are, and that he may encour-

age your hearts. Peace be to the brothers,

and love with faith, from God the Father

and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all

who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love


This chapter starts out with admonishing chil-

dren to obey their parents. Meditate on this

passage. As obedient children we are given

complete protection to go into strongholds

and proclaim victory to the captives. We are

truly blessed to be able to and be trusted with

that awesome task. Think about this on the

Fourth of July. Think outside the box that is

America. As we learn to shake off the shackles

of this world we gain the true freedom that is

Jesus Christ. Continue to proclaim His free-


We are already victorious. Praise



Page 3

Page 4

National Staff Chaplain Bigun

Bigun & Mary

Hello Everyone!

Something on my heart today is the word 'Peace'. Well, anyone you talk to will tell you, "I could always use more of that!" In a world where we stay busy and have to deal with all kinds of pressures like jobs, families, co-workers, bosses, bills, relation-ships and all the other things; most people you meet don‘t have much peace in their

lives. Many people spend thousands and thousands of dollars on sleep aids to help them rest,

then depend on caffeine and energy pills to get them going during the day. No peace. Isaiah 26:3. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you:

because he trusts in you.

When I came to the Lord, one of the things that attracted me to Him and the Chris-tian life was the peace that I had seen in the 'real' Christian people I had met. Even when it seemed that life was pushing them down, they would still hang on to their

hope and sanity. They had an edge that I knew I didn‘t have. When I got stressed, the 'worlds' way was

to go get stoned and forget all your troubles! Of course you could only do that for a few days, then reality would set back in and your problem was even bigger now be-cause you had spent all your rent money partying and now you were also homeless!

Jesus was called "The Prince of Peace."

Romans 8:6- For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

So we see it‘s impossible to have peace living and making decisions using our old way of thinking, or the carnal mind. You

remember that mind don‘t you? The one that wants you to do everything you shouldn‘t. The one who don‘t want you to go to church or obey Gods plan for a peaceful life. The reason is that mind we were raised

with is 'opposed' to God. Romans 8:7. Because the carnal mind is enmity (opposed to) against God: for it

is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be. 8. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

That‘s why the first thing you want to do when somebody cuts you off in traffic is yell something at them or send them a nice hand signal! The carnal mind is the 'old way of thinking.' We trained that mind from our childhood to think and react a certain way.

It‘s also referred to as the 'natural man.' I have to say this for someone...IT ALSO HATES TO SAY, "IM SORRY!"

1Cor 2:14. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritu-ally discerned.

It doesn’t receive the things of God because they are foolish. I remember making fun of 'church people' before I was saved. That 'turn the other cheek stuff' didn‘t set well with me! I couldn‘t see myself sitting in that room full of ‗stiff‘ church folks listening to

that boring ol‘ preacher. And all those self righteous people talking about the sweet by

& by and looking down on me and all my

friends! I had my own views on life and MY OWN WAY of doing things, so don‘t tell me

about all that religious stuff! But... I was still empty and needing peace.

Romans 8:13. For if you live after the flesh, you shall die: but if you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the

body, you shall live. 14. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

But you have to understand, that was the type of Christians I had been exposed

to. But every once and a while my mind would clear up enough to remember peo-ple like my grandmother. She was 96 years

old when she died. I believe I‘m alive and serving God today

because of her prayers. Even when she was hurting, she would hold on to the hope in Christ. (I don‘t ever remember

her trashing anybody.) She would get ex-cited out in that little trailer beside our house praising her God and even though I didn‘t understand all of her ways, I knew

she was a Godly woman. Grandma had peace even when life was

pushing her down! She lived to see all of her children die. I remember them all get-ting together to go tell her another one

was gone. She would cry so hard, then she would begin to pray and her God would give her such comfort...such peace. She

knew she would see them again...that‘s the hope we have in Him.

I‘ll never forget the night I "made my

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

When I got up off When I got up off my knees..I was my knees..I was

not the same not the same man that that knelt...

Page 5

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

Cont p5 National Staff Chaplain Bigun peace" with God. When I got up off my knees, I was not the same

man that knelt down there. I can‘t describe it any better than say-ing, 'I was born again!' I was still facing all of the same problems I had faced before, but I had such a peace and confidence inside.

Somehow I knew I was going to be alright. Because the Creator of the universe was living inside of me, and I knew I could handle any-thing with His help!

All of the regrets for the stupid things I wish I hadn‘t done. All of the pain you have to face when you remember the people you‘ve

hurt and the guilt & accusations in your head. It just runs out in your tears! There is such a release when He comes in. Its because He takes all of that...and carries it to the cross.. and hangs it on Himself!

That‘s how you can start over. That‘s how you can receive forgive-ness that only comes from Him and deal with hurts, rejection,

abuse, failure, mistakes, regret, guilt, and any other emotion or tragedy you‘ve been through! Allow Him to let you feel that peace today. Ask Him to forgive you...then you must forgive yourself. It

took me months to learn how to do that. The secret is when you start feeling the guilt and regret and close your eyes and see Jesus hanging there with His body torn and bloody, and say with confidence, "He took these feelings and all my wrong on Himself that day, so I don‘t have to be

ashamed anymore. I‘m free!"

(LB) Isaiah 53:4 Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a pun-ishment from God, for his own sins!

5 But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; AND BY HIS STRIPES we were healed!

That‘s what makes me love Him so much. Those times I was drunk & I done all those evil things I‘m too ashamed to talk about...when I stole, all those times

I lied to my wife..He took ALL OF MY SIN on Himself! So now when the memory comes...I know HE took my sins! It makes me appreciate Him even more!

If you‘re a Christian, and guilt is eating you today for something you did ...Repent! That means apologize to your Father and turn

around and go the right way. Then allow Him to set you up on His lap and hold you awhile!

Gods love passes our human understanding. The closest thing I have found to compare it to is our love for our children or grand-children. If they come and truly are sorry for something they have

done. Will you throw them away? Turn your back on them? Tell them you don‘t love them anymore? Let it go and tell the accuser, you are free because you

have made PEACE with your God! Here‘s a few things to ponder on...

Psalms 4: 8. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for you, Lord, only make me dwell in safety.

Proverbs 3:1. My son, forget not my law; but let your heart keep my commandments: 2. For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they

add to you. Proverbs 16:7. When a man's ways please the Lord, he

makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Isaiah 26:3. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you.

Some of you are trying to find peace in everything and are

getting so sick of life. I pray your eyes will open to the real truth. There is no life without Jesus!

No peace, no contentment, no reason to take another breath. What are you waiting for? When will you decide to make a change? How you live is up to you. You decide what‘s best

for you. You have to make the decision to take another road. You say those little prayers to Him but you are still miserable because you wont 'give up' that disappointing life you are liv-

ing. Ask Him right now to set you free. To come into your life and

change you…RIGHT NOW! Then do what He asks you to do! That‘s when you will truly be have to give up...Surrender...admit you have failed. Then allow Him to give

you a new plan. You will know you are free when you have believed in your

heart....then tell someone what has happened to you...then... Go to a church...somewhere and listen to truth. You will know which one…because He will lead you there. He will offer you thoughts of better ways to live. He will make sugges-

tions for a life of PEACE. It‘s up to you to listen and do it! It took you years to get this way...give Him a little time and He will fix it!!

Well…God loves you...I mean REALLY loves you...Talk to Him now…Then listen for Him to talk back.

God Bless


Brothers, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus! It is my hope that all is well with everyone's spirits and sleds. I wanted to speak briefly to you about the impor-tance of being an aroma, a sweet fragrance for Christ in this dying world of ours.

2Co 2:14-17 But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal pro-cession, and through us spreads the fra-grance of the knowledge of him every-where. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.

WOW! I know when I read the Scriptures I often sit back and think to myself…”hmmm

God, you know its me You’re asking this from, right?” Like all sinners we once walked among the sons of disobedience. Some of us had relatively less violent or muddy pasts than others but the condition of our natures were all the same, cor-rupt. When we transition from darkness into the light, this does not mean that we stop contending with the old nature, on the contrary we fight much harder with it. We have been given a perfect Spirit inside of an imperfect body. As we learn to live in the light of the Lord we also learn to die to self daily. In this process we must remember that we are being observed by the sons of disobedience and with that knowledge must strive to crucify our old self that much more! Not just for the sake of Christ which is first but for the sake of the lost as well.

I mentioned what I often say to myself above only to share with you the answer to my question.

Php 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

We all know this verse but do we really understand it? If you are like me, then you are still finding out even now the depths of its meaning. When I need to put to death my flesh, I MUST remember that my God in Christ has already given me the tools I need for successful living. The tools are alive in me per the power of the Holy Spirit and revealed to me by Him through His Word. I so need to apply my-self harder at using these tools so that I may indeed be the aroma of Christ to a decaying world. When I am weak He is so strong.

Whenever your question pops in your head as you read the Word, remember our Lord who gave Himself up to be murdered for us to enjoy the sweet aroma of His death and resurrection...eternal peace, joy and life.

What is the aroma of the death of your flesh? Let it be Christ that others may live. We can do it through Him. Amen

It is NEVER about US, It is ALWAYS about HIM! In Jesus, Wolf

Wolf National Staff Newsletter Editor

Page 6

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

Greetings from your Forum Administrator

It’s truly a blessing to see the forum being used to edify the Body of Christ! I must admit I am feeling very blessed to have so many people come and check it out, prayfully to glorify the Name above all Names, our Father, our Friend, the Lover of our souls!

Thank you to all who have found their way in and have used the “tool” wisely. This from my per-spective has been all of you. Thank you and may God continue to use you all to build each other up.

Just a quick “Rules of Engagement” lesson… Please, when signing up to go onto the forum, really read the rules before you check the little “I Accept” box. It helps me out and it helps you get in much quicker, I know who you are if you simply follow the directions you have “Accepted”… enough about that.

It was brought to my attention that there may be

some prospects out there who have not as of yet signed up to go on the fo-rum because you didn’t think you were allowed. Not true, and I hope it is only a few of you. Based on the amount of prospects that made it to the National in Manassas, I would sure like to see more prospect participation; it’s a great place to introduce yourself to the Patch Holders and to your prospect brothers.

I want to send out a shout to the SIS ladies who are participating as well. You have your own private area, as well as the majority of the General Forum, thank and thank you again.

Remember this is our forum, ideas are wel-come and new boards are encouraged. I need your input if you have any, thanks in advance! On the other side, if you believe we should ditch some boards, let’s talk.

Please remember that we are always under attack and our leader-ship is especially being scoped out by those pow-ers and principalities that desire our failure, the forum is a great place to lift them up, encourage them and remind us all of the need.

SFFS, I love you all!


Forum Administrator National Staff Chief

Webmaster National Staff Gadget

Page 7

Life in the 8:14Life in the 8:14 Once we explain…………..only God can make you understand!

Greeting Brothers in the name of our

Lord and Savior Jesus,

It has been a pleasure being your web-

master for the last several months. I want

to thank you for your patients over some

delays getting your requests done due to

being on the road. I encourage you to

keep sending updates, pictures, etc on

your Chapter so we can keep your page

(s) up to date. The chapter sites seem to

be popular and get many visits, so keep

them fresh so they work for you and our

Lord. Oh, one thing you could do for

me, please send what chapter you

are from so I know and what your

position is and I can process your

request right away.

Even though we got a late start on the

season due to a late winter we finished

strong on runs and miles. Our season

here in the North

Idaho Chapter was a

true blessing for me, I

got to see two national

parks I have wanted to

see from childhood,

they would be the

Grand Canyon and Yel-

lowstone. The hand of

God is truly remark-

able and such magnifi-

cent beauty rivals any-

thing on any continent.

I also had a spiritual

blessing while in New

Mexico, Brother Tools

took us to a ruin of a

400 year old Church,

and I felt God there.

That place and Debbie

Jo singing in a 400 year

old sanctuary washed my soul. I have felt so

refreshed and encour-

aged since that

moment I can‘t

even put it into

words. It sounded

like the rocks of

the Church were

singing along with

Debbie Jo it was

greater than any

Bose system I have

ever heard it was-

n‘t just stereophonic it was Godphonic. I

not got to share it with some of my

Idaho Brothers but was blessed to share

that experience with Sasquatch and

Tools, Debbi Jo and Bob. Thank You


I hope to see you all very soon, may God

truly bless you.

With Respect,


The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

A Lesson In Sharing

A man spoke with the Lord about heaven and hell. The Lord said to the man ―come, I will show you hell.‖

They entered a room where a group of hungry people sat around a huge pot of cooking stew. Everyone in

the room was starving. Each person held a spoon that reached the pot but each spoon had a handle so much

longer than their own arms that it could not be used to get the stew into their own mouths. The suffering

was terrible. ―Come now, I will show you heaven‖ the Lord said.

They entered a room identical to the first, the big pot of stew, the group of people and the same long-

handled spoons. But here everyone was happy and well nourished. ―I don‘t understand‖ said the man. ―Why

is everyone happy here and miserable in the other room? Everything is the same.‖

―Here, said the Lord, they have learned to SERVE each other.‖


The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

I pray that everyone has had a

blessed riding season so far.

I would like to thank all who have

visited and

made purchases from our new

web store. As we continue to take

the store to a new level some

changes are

going to be made. Many have sent

me suggestions and comments and I ask that you continue

to do so.

This quarter I have the pleasure of reporting on our spring

national. What a blessed and spirit filled weekend we

had. This, as you know, was my first national as store man-

ager. I have to admit I had no idea what to expect

as we pulled into the church. Zman and I pulled in on

Thursday evening and were in awe of our surroundings.

What a beautiful setting to have a national to rejuvenate

our souls. We tried to keep the store open as long as

possible so that everyone could get what they were look-

ing for. I apologize for the lack of some stock items.

We arrived in VA at 7:00pm and the stock I had ordered

arrived at my home in NY around 4pm. All in all I

think that everyone was pleased with how things went. I‘m

also happy to say we sold out of the National tshirt‘s.

Coming together for a national should bring us together

like the back of the shirt said, ―United We

Stand‖. The front of the shirt was a reminder that we need

to put on our armor of God everyday.

The phrase “full armor of God” comes from

Ephesians 6:13-17: “Therefore put on the full armor of

God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be

able to stand your ground, and after you have done

everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of

truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate

of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted

with the readiness that comes from the gospel of


In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with

which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of

the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the

sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Ephesians 6:12 clearly indicates that the conflict with Sa-

tan is spiritual, and therefore no tangible weapons

can be effectively used against him and his minions. We are

not given a list of specific tactics Satan will use.

however, the passage is clear that when we follow all the

instructions faithfully, we will be able to stand, and

we will have victory regardless of Satan‘s strategy.

The first element of our armor is truth (vs. 14), also in

verse 14, we are told to put on the breastplate of

righteousness. Verse 15 speaks of the preparation of the

feet for spiritual conflict. In warfare, sometimes an

enemy places dangerous obstacles in the path of advancing

troops. The idea of the preparation of the gospel of

peace as footwear suggests what we need to advance into

Satan's territory, aware that there will be traps, with

the message of grace so essential to winning souls to

Christ. Satan has many obstacles placed in the path to

halt the spreading of the gospel. The shield of faith is spo-

ken of in verse 16. The helmet of salvation in verse

17 is protection for the head, keeping protected a critical

part of the body. Verse 17 interprets itself as to the

meaning of the sword of the Spirit—it is the Word of

God. While all the other pieces of spiritual armor are

defensive in nature, the sword of the Spirit is the only of-

fensive weapon in the armor of God. It speaks of the

holiness and power of the Word of God. What greater

spiritual weapon do we need? In Jesus' temptations in

the desert, the Word of God was always His overpow-

ering response to Satan. What a blessing that the same

Word is available to us! In verse 18, we are told to pray

in the Spirit (that is, with the mind of Christ, with

His heart and His priorities) in addition to wearing the

full armor of God. Without prayer, without reliance

upon God, our efforts at spiritual warfare are empty and

futile. The full armor of God—truth, righteousness,

the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer—

are the tools God has given us, through which we

can be spiritually victorious, overcoming Satan‘s attacks

and temptations.

As we venture into rallies, runs, and events remember to

pray before you go and have your sword at ready.

Our enemy lurks around like a lion, ready to devour us.

With the full armor of God and His protection we can

be assured we are going to be able to defeat the enemy. If

we stand together as one, we are sure to win souls

for the kingdom. I would like to thank you all for letting

me serve you as Store Manager and may God Bless

everyone and keep you all safe this season.

In Christ‘s Love,

Matt (Rev) Store Manager

Page 8

Matt National Staff Store Manager

Shortly after I accepted the Lord in

1988, the then self proclaimed Natl.

Prez of the SOG MC approached me.

As a Biker, but a new Christian, I had

NEVER even heard of a Christian

Biker. Well, this man came to me and

asked if I wanted to wear a Patch for

the Sons. My answer was an emphatic

NO!!!!!! I told him, I would NEVER

wear another patch. I could ride my

old Sporty and serve God without the

burden of a patch.

Well, it wasn't long before God began

to speak to me about wearing a patch

for the Sons. I told God the same

thing that I had told this man. ―I don't

need a patch to serve You ". Well

brother, I fought God, it seemed like a

long time. Finally in May of 1989, I gave

in to the calling of Gods Holy Spirit.

This was the beginning of a very differ-

ent kind of life.

As I began my walk in the 8:14, I had

the privilege to meet many brothers.

Back in the '80's, there was no pros-

pect period, but you had to be at least

one year old in the Lord. Many baby

Christians came to the Sons, but we

would disciple them for at least one

year before they could patch out.

SOG members from all over the coun-

try would fly into Charlotte, rent a

car, and drive to Hickory for a week-

end of fellowship and Bible study. It

seemed to be a great time for the

Sons. In my early years, there was a

lot of turmoil and colors were being

sold to anyone that had the money.

This of course caused the Sons much

unneeded and unwanted media atten-

tion. This was finally resolved, and the

Sons began a new chapter of exis-


For the next few years, many men

came into the Sons because they

―liked the colors ", but when their loy-

alty to the patch was challenged, they

turned their patch in.

In the '90's, the Sons

of God was con-

fronted by just about

every secular club in

existence. As a virtu-

ally unknown club, we

were challenged to

“prove our faith ". Be-

cause we were what

we proclaimed to

be, we were re-

spected and accepted.

As I continued to grow

in the 8:14, I went

through many changes,

especially in the first

years. The transition

from secular biker to Christian biker,

was probably very trying to Jesus, but,

because of His infinite patience for me

He finally started to chip away some of

the rough edges from this old lump of

coal. When God put this patch on my

back, He impressed upon me that this

is a FOREVER calling.

For many years, I was away from my

family on my birthday (Memorial Day)

and Thanksgiving. Luckily I had a very

understanding and tolerant wife. She

constantly prayed for me as I grew in

the Lord and the SOG MC. As time

passed, members just fell to the way-

side. Many times I became discour-

aged, but by the Grace of God, I re-

mained Faithful. As time passed, the

club was challenged by Satan it seemed

at every turn, but as I mentioned be-

fore, but only by the Grace of God, we


In 2000, I was elected into the position

as Natl. Vice President. This was an-

other turning point in my life, my wife

finally decided that she would not only

support me with her prayers, but she

decided to join SISters. This, for me

was a God thing. I continued in this

position until spring 2004. In fall of

2004, my faith was put to the test

once again. It began a seeming very

long walk through a very dark valley of

shadows. If not for the Grace and

mercy of God, and the fervent prayers

of my club Brothers, I don't know

what might have happened. As I

walked through this valley, although I

wasn't as faithful to God as He was to

me, the 8:14 continued to pray for me

as I healed. In the book of James 5:16

Confess faults to one another, and

pray for one another, that you may

be healed. The effectual fervent

prayer of a righteous one avails


Again, I cannot stress enough what the

Sons of God means to me. This club,

put together by God has been my

life for many years. I cannot even

imagine what life would be like outside

the 8:14. I have met many Godly men

in my walk with the Lord and the Sons

of God. I pray that as we move

forward for the Lord, the Sons of

God would continue to grow and

minister to a lost and dying

world. As we minister to the secular

biker world, we need not pay atten-

tion to the patch, but be concerned

for their salvation. We must continue

to encourage, not discourage. Much

Love and Respect.

Preacher Curt S F F S

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LIFE IN THE 8:14 Curt

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Be strong Brothers...We belong to the one true God

You are the one true God, Holy and pure

You call for obedience, your laws to be heeded You are the one true God, Strong and Secure

Your judgment is righteous, and desperately needed

You are a Patient God, there is none to compare

All mankind have turned their face from you You are a merciful God, providing escape from despair

Giving the disobedient this gracious avenue

Worthy is Your Name, for all glory, Honor and praise

For while we were yet in sin it was you that came Worthy is Your Name, the souls of men You will raise

You became flesh, and as a lamb You were slain

You are the redeeming God, by Your everlasting grace

The blood which Jesus shed is the only way

You are the sovereign God, Your power is what shapes Repentance is the sounding call for this day

You are the loving God, thank you for this gift In Christ alone there is salvation for my soul

You are the caring God, my heart is yours to sift My works would never measure up for the goal

My heart rejoices at the wonder of your hands

To mold me in this present and what I will become

The sojourn ever changes, as I walk in these lands My focus is on you and what I am no longer kept from

You are the one true God, there is none like You.

Author: WOLF Southern VA Rev 5:12 saying with a great voice, Worthy is the Lamb that

hath been slain to receive the power, and riches, and wis-

dom, and might and honor, and glory, and blessing.

SOGMC Nationals

Thanks to all that attended, my prayer is that everyone had a large time. The Lord was good to us in providing good weather

for the event. Members started arriving as early as

Thursday and many more throughout Fri-day. Most everyone that came was in at-tendance at the church, Liberty Commu-

nity on Friday night where we all enjoyed an evening of fellowship and pizza. Actu-ally, many members were still hanging out

after 12:00 midnight, praise God. Saturday started early with a great break-

fast served by the many, many, prospects in attendance and prepared by Dave Peake of Brightwood General Store. This would

be the theme for all meals throughout the day.

National Officers meeting started directly after, as did the women's fellowship and meeting for praise and worship. I‘d like to

commend the National officers, primarily Larry D, for making due with a smaller room in the basement than would have

been ideal in order to allow the rest of the

club to enjoy the larger Sanctuary for hanging and having the three bands play for us.

As a member of the Hosting Chapter, I can say that our goal was to provide for a solid and productive National meeting and

to have everyone really have a good time in fellowship; enjoying music, dancing, sing-ing, worship. “Bring and offering and

come before him; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness” 1CH 16:29b. I know when those we minister

to get together, they party, and we thought there is no reason a Christian MC shouldn‘t party too. In fact, all the more

reason we should be partying, dancing, Worshiping our Father in Heaven and His Son our Savior.

Around 1PM there was a ride with quite a few members and their wives riding

through the Virginia countryside. Good day for it too. However, I do believe a small group continued on to Manassas to

the dealership located there and were caught in a bit of a down pour. Ah well, there are

worse things in life.

After dinner was served there was the traditional meeting with members, wives, prospects, and others that was presided

by Larry D where he spoke of many posi-tive things for the club. It was announced that a few prospecting chapters were

voted in! Each new chapter came up front with each member being introduced and given an opportunity to speak to the club.

Later several prospects were given their patches and announced to the club, con-

gratulations to those prospecting mem-bers and chapters, may God give them wisdom to serve Him through our minis-

try. I thank all of you for coming, you truly

made it a great event, may God bless you richly and may He guide us all and I pray that He remains first in our lives, ministry,

and club. In His love,


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Your picture HERE

(send me one of you

at the next event)

Notes From Chaplain Blackie

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I am putting on paper today some notes and also a little of God's word. I believe our lives will

be transformed by God's power and His word!

In Mark 11:22-25. Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God....23. I tell you the

truth, you can say to this mountain, 'May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea', and it will

happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. 24. I tell

you, you can pray for anything and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours. *25.

But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, “So that

you’re Father in Heaven will forgive your sins, too.”

My notes for 22-25

22,23.-- Remember the kind of prayer that moves mountains is prayer for the fruitfulness of

God's kingdom. It would seem impossible to move a mountain into the sea, so Jesus used that

illustration to show that God can do the impossible. God will answer your prayers but not as a

result of your positive mental attitude. *Other conditions must be met: 1. you must be a be-

liever. 2. We must not hold a grudge against other brothers or sisters, 3. We must not pray with

selfish motives. 4. Your request must be for the good of God's kingdom. To pray effectively,

we or you need faith in our God, not faith in the object of our request. You will be left with

nothing if your request is refused.

24.-- Remember Jesus prayed. His example was “Everything is possible for you... yet I want

your will to be done not mine” (Mark 14:36). Our prayers are often motivated by our own in-

terests and desires; we like to hear that we can have anything. But Jesus prayed with God's in-

terest in mind. Remember when we pray, we can express our desires, but always remember we

should want His will above ours. So check yourself to see if your prayers focus on your inter-

ests or God's. 25- Remember, remember, and remember forgiving others is tough work. So

much so that many people or brother and sisters would rather do something totally distasteful

than offer forgiveness to a brother or sister who has wronged them. For a person to pray while

bearing a grudge, however is like a tree sprouting leaves and bearing no fruit (Mark 11:13).

True faith changes the heart. Real prayer dismantles pride and vengeance, filling the holes

with love. Real faith seeks peace, for our motorcycle ministry to have prayer power, there must

be harmony and forgiveness evident in the body of motorcycle believers-- let go of hurts, aban-

don grudges and forgive others.

Chaplain Blackie

Sons of God M/C Redding CA


Author Unknown used from e-mail

Page 16

Hello brothers,

On 18Jun2011, the Phila-

delphia chapter of SOG

held their annual pig roast

and blues concert. I vol-

unteered to help with get-

ting the affair in order,

and was eventually

dubbed the pig roast

―Czar‖. Obviously, I‘m not

a man to be trifled with. It

was not until I started

looking for a prospect to

behead that I realized the

position had gone to my

head….but I digress.

We had some out of

town company from some

brothers in CT. (JP), Can-

ada (51), Sammy (from

Buffalo) and Munch (who

were put up at Smiley's

house). The brothers

from Delaware had some

road troubles and had to

turn back, we missed


JP‘s wife knitted our Presi-

dent, Blue a new sweater

for his new grand-

daughter during the pig

roast. What a blessing

our women can be!

I have a brother, Ernie,

(the son of my parents),

12 years my junior, who

has been fighting an addic-

tion problem for many

years. He has served time

in a federal prison. I be-

lieve him to be saved. My

brother recently entered

the House of Adonai, a

halfway/recovery house

run by SOG brother Big

Sky. Big Sky always brings a whole bunch of guys from

―the house‖ to the pig roast every year. This year that

would include my brother Ernie. To be honest, I did

not want to see Ernie. I was still angry with him over

the loss of some money I had given him. I had said to

myself that was the last time I was going to be used as

a sucker. So, all the guys show up and there is Ernie,

he comes over to me, we hug, idly chit chat. The pig

roast commences.

The band that we use every year is named Obadiah.

They are a blues based, rock band with a touch of

Latino percussion/influence thrown in for good meas-

ure (that came in handy later). They are great musi-

cians. The songs they play all contain Christian lyrics.

My brother, who has quite a rap going on…he can

talk the balls off a pool table, begins a conversa-

tion with the lead guitarist and discovers that he was

the guitarist for a local band that I used to follow

around named Witness. His name is Tommy Golden.

This band was at one time, the biggest draw in the

Philly/New Jersey club scene. They did a killer set of

Genesis, Jethro Tull, Billy Joel, and some other cov-ers. So while I was following that band around, doing

drugs and drinking underage, Tommy was about 19

years old and playing in that band. He had named the

band Witness as a testimony. Now, unfortunately, the

rest of the boys in the band were not really all that

God fearing.

So, Ernie comes over to me and tells me all of this, so

I go over and tell Tommy how I used to love that

band. He told me it was difficult to play certain songs,

and had refused to play Billy Joel‘s: Only The Good

Die Young, because of its message. Very cool how

things come around.

During the course of the day, a local club with whom

we have developed an excellent relationship showed

up. Guess I shouldn‘t name them, but they loved the

Latin flavor of the music. This club has made our pig

roast a mandatory run. I‘m guessing about 20 mem-

bers, their significant others, and maybe a few kids

thrown in too.

Later, my Brother Chief gave a powerful and moving

testimony. At the end, he said the sinner‘s prayer and

all those clubbers and their ladies had their heads

bowed in prayer. I can‘t say if any conversions oc-

curred, that is between them and God. But I do know

that through Chief, the Holy Spirit spoke.

This same club opened a

second chapter in Philly

not long after the pig

roast. Most of our chap-

ter made the run. We

were treated as honored

guests at that affair. One

of the men in that chapter

told my brother Roadrash

that he could not ade-

quately express how the

music and prayer at the

pig roast had moved him.

He was crying in the mid-

dle of the street while he

directed traffic. God is so

powerful, who can re-


At the end of the pig

roast, the guys from ―the

house‖ always help us

clean up. As that was go-ing on, I sat with my

brother and we made our

peace. Big Sky gives me

updates on Ernie‘s pro-

gress whenever I see him

and tells me he is doing

well. I don‘t know that I

can fully trust him yet, I

suppose that will take

time, but I‘m working on


The Lord works at this

event every year. It was

last year at our ‗roast that

my sister was saved.

God is good, all

the time!


Cool Roastings In Philly Brother Bullitz

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Testimony Brother Opie

Dear Brothers,

Opie here from the North Idaho chapter. I am blessed to be writing

this story of how God has worked in my life. I was born and raised in

Redding, California. I will be 25 years of age this July. I began my journey

with God when I was a young man. I accepted the Lord into my life at

the age of seven. I then was baptized, thus showing the outward clean-

sing of sin in my life. Entering into teen years was a hard time for me and

my family. Not only was I changing but things and life in general were

also changing. In 1999 my family lost our house to a terrible wild fire that

happened in Northern California. Not understanding why this was hap-

pening to us, and wondering where we would live, I would constantly push God away. My brother was the

strong one for me growing up. At the time this had happened he was on a mission trip with 3 of his friends

going to every state in the U.S. I can remember nights when he would call, and ask how my walk with God

was going. With simple replies he knew that it wasn‘t in fact going anywhere. That next year was my first

year of high school. Wow, what a cruel and harsh place. Teenagers running around like fools, and being ruth-

less to the fresh meat coming in. I quickly turned to sports to help me cope with the pressures of high

school. It wasn‘t long before I knew it, that I was being overtaken by the pressure to consume alcohol at age

14. Parties and drunkenness went hand in hand! Another year had come and gone, and I was not living for

the Lord. The next summer, with some strong encouragement I went

to high school bible study at the church I grew up in. I slowly began

thinking about Christ like things, but still wasn‘t sure about where I

was going or exactly what I wanted. That winter at age 16, God

gave me what I like to call ―the spiritual two by four". I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a very

nasty type of cancer that had taken over my body. I was in a drug induced coma for approximately 3-4

weeks. The cancer had taken its toll on my body. When I was brought out of the coma, it took a few days to

realize and come to understand what was happening. It was then that one night, a little house keeper who

wasn‘t suppose to be working, nor even be on the pediatric cancer ward came in and started talking with me

and my family, and sharing just what I had told you. She began asking questions, and in the process gathering

that she too was a believer in our Lord and Savior. When she heard this, she immediately pulled a bottle of oil out and asked if she could pray for and anoint me. I still swear to this day that little Hispanic

women were an angel from God. Thus setting off the long process of healing. In Romans 8:28, the writer ex-

plains that all things work together for good according to those who love him and are called according to his

purpose. God had spared my life for a reason! That was the turning point for me Brothers!

Since then I have given my life back to God to live for Him and serve Him. I have realized that God gave me

the gift of compassion and empathy. This M/C is truly what God has called me to do. Being part of this for

over 4 years now, I can truly look back over these years and see God working in my life, and the lives of

many others. I am truly thankful for this club, and what joy it has brought to my life. Matthew 5:9 talks

about being a peacemaker. Brothers God has each and every one of us on a different, but similar path! Going

out and serving him and bringing the peace and love of the Gospel to the lost. I am very thankful for

what God has done in my life, and where he has me in this moment. Thank you all for letting me

write this little letter about what our God has done for me. As riding season is pretty much here, I pray that

all of us can hear Gods voice and follow His direction, not only in our own lives, but for our club as well.

Grace and Peace be with you Brothers.




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Page 18

Are we compelled to

go? Or Mi Vida Con Dios (my life with God)

We (New Mexico) would like to thank all those who showed

up for the West Coast Confer-ence. It was GREAT to watch you all ride in from all over.

We also would like to thank and welcome those who stepped up and offered to help

make it what it was- a great time with Brothers and SIS-ters in Christ for His purpose.

For it is "By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you have love one to an-

other."and we begin to realize, "what manner of love the Fa-ther has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the

sons of God,"

Tools, Bambam, Dawg, and Jorge(our hang around) poured

themselves out for the Broth-ers, SISters, and guest. The food was New Mexican,

cooked Matanzas style by many helping hands and prayers. Brothers from our local church

who eagerly stepped to serve our Brothers came to us later and told us how blessed they

had been to be a part of this


Some came and asked me why and how these were men so motivated to serve the way

they do. My short answer is, ―God is in their lives.". We hold our Bible study and per-

sonal accountability in high re-gard; we consider it our duty to know our Brothers. I have

shared with these Brothers what has encouraged me. It began when I made the trip to

the Nationals in Alabama. It began as a comedy of mistakes, bad circumstances; my spon-

sor‘s bike broke the morning we were to leave. Okay I know a guy who can fixed it (we had invited him to go with

us but he was told no by his people) sure enough the man stepped up and fixed the bike, I

then discovered I had lost $500 from my wallet on the way. I went back and retraced my

steps, not finding it I decided to continue on to the Nationals. After we got to the nationals a

Brother came to me and asked if he could pray for me(sure we all need prayer). His prayer

was short and yet must have

been sweet to our Fathers ears, ―Father, would you give Postal

back the money he lost, we will give you all the Glory." The next morning my wife calls and tells me we had received the strangest letter." You don‘t know me but I found something that might belong to you......." $500 dropped on a busy street in Phoenix,

one person stopping then searching out the rightful owner--what are

the odds? With God there are no odds--only possibilities. Then

being sent out from my Brothers at the national and on the way home to

have a chance encounter with a man who had lost his way in our m/c

world. Our Father using his two servants to speak truth and love with that man letting us watch as the Holy Spirit ushered him back to God. These are the sorts of things in my scrapbook

along with Bible studies, flyers, notes, some things only I know what they mean. As the time has passed I find it easier to look back and see God's hand in it all.

Sometimes we show up and then wonder why we went. We need to

remember it's not for our purpose we go out…it is for HIS purpose.

Thanks again for making the West Coast Conference a great time.

Postal Sons of God M/C New Mexico Chapter

Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Serve the King. Vaya con Dios



New MexicoNew Mexico


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West Coast Gathering Pictures

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Are We Drinking Plenty Of Water?

Page 20

Drink Plenty of Water!

I've heard it. I've read it. As long as I have been running, it's always been the same message: "drink plenty of water."

All along most race courses are water stations, and most runners slow down to drink a cup of cool water. Keeping your water level up is critical when you run. If you get slightly dehydrated, you will not run well. If you get moderately dehydrated, you will become disoriented. If you get seriously dehydrated, you can die. It's serious business.

The first year I ran was 1991, and I was inexperienced (also younger, slimmer, stupider, etc.) I passed water stop after water stop, occasionally drinking a swallow or two. I felt good, and I wasn't going to waste precious seconds drinking water, even though it was a hot, humid day.

Big mistake. As I neared the final mile, I "hit the wall." My energy level dropped to zero, I began having to walk some, and I realized I would have to work hard just to finish. I did make it across the line, but only with a tremendous headache and hardly enough energy to walk. It was not much fun.

I learned an important lesson that year. Stopping for water doesn't actually slow you down. In fact, you will run a better race if you do drink water. The bottom line is that your body is simply not de-signed to function without water.

In the same way, your spiritual stamina depends on stopping for regular drinks of "spiritual water." The dilemma for busy believers is finding time to invest in reading the Word and meeting with God in prayer. Like the runner intent on reaching the finish line, we tend to put off those regular drinks of water until we are totally parched.

But in the long run, you will run a better race if you will stop for spiritual water. In fact, finishing the Christian race at all may depend on it. And runners who don't ever slow down to take a drink often stumble off the course far short of the finish line.

In this year's race, I saw a man become dehydrated just a mile from the finish. Strangely, he didn't seem to recognize that anything was wrong. He was swaying from side to side as he walked, mum-bling over and over, "I'm fine. I'm fine." He was so disoriented that he didn't even recognize his own sick condition.

If you let yourself become spiritually dehydrated, you may not even be able to recognize it. Stop to-

day to drink some cool "living water." For serious runners, it's a must. =Anonymous

Joh 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him

will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will

become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

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The sin of lying

A minister told his congregation, ―Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to

read Mark 17.‖

The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the minis-

ter asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many had

read Mark 17. Every hand went up.

The minister smiled and said, ―Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.‖

Getting Older Getting Older my foot….perpetually aging sounds better

I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I got my doctor‘s permission to join a fitness club and start exercising. I de-cided to take an aerobics class for seniors. I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But, by the

time I got my leotards on, the class was over.

— Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: ―And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?‖ the reporter asked.

She simply replied, ―No peer pressure.‖— The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.

— Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, ―How old was your husband?‖ ―98,‖ she replied. ―Two years older than me.‖ ―So you‘re 96,‖ the undertaker commented. She responded, ―Hardly worth going

home, is it?— I‘ve sure gotten old.! I‘ve had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement, new knees. Fought prostate cancer and diabe-tes. I‘m half blind, can‘t hear anything quieter than a jet engine, take 40 different medications that make me dizzy, winded, and sub-ject to blackouts. Have bouts with dementia. Have poor circulation; hardly feel my hands and feet anymore. Can‘t remember if I‘m

85 or 92. Have lost all my friends. But, thank God, I still have my driver‘s license.— An elderly woman decided to prepare her will and told her preacher she had two final requests. First, she wanted to be cremated, and second, she wanted her ashes scattered over Wal-Mart. ―Wal-Mart?‖ the preacher exclaimed. ―Why Wal-Mart?‖ ―Then I‘ll be sure my daughters visit me twice a week .‖—

My memory‘s not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory‘s not as sharp as it used to be.— Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out.—I‘ve still got it, but nobody wants to see it.—I‘m getting into swing dancing. Not on purpose. Some parts of my body are just prone to swinging.—It‘s scary when you start making the same noises as your coffeemaker.—These days

about half the stuff in my shopping cart says, ―For fast relief.‖—I‘ve tried to find a suitable exercise video for women my age, but they haven‘t made one called ―Buns of Putty.‖– -Don‘t think of it as getting hot flashes. Think of it as your inner child playing with matches.—Don‘t let aging get you down. It‘s too hard to get back up.!— Remember: You don‘t stop laughing because you grow

old, You grow old because you stop laughing. Anonymous

Last minute waiter

A minister waited in line to have his car filled with gas just before a long holiday weekend. The attendant worked quickly, but there were many cars ahead of him in front of the service station. Finally, the attendant motioned him to-ward a vacant pump.

“Reverend,” said the young man, “sorry about the delay. It seems as if every-one waits until the last minute to get ready for a long trip.”

The minister chuckled, “I know what you mean. It’s the same in my business.”

A place for the sick

A little girl was in church with her mother when she started feeling ill. ―Mommy,‖ she said, ―can we leave now?‖ ―No,‖ her mother replied.

―Well, I think I have to throw up!‖ ―Then go out the front door and around to the back of the church and throw up behind a bush.‖

After about 60 seconds the little girl returned to her seat. ―Did you throw up?‖ Mom asked.

―Yes.‖ ―How could you have gone all the way to the back of the church and returned

so quickly?‖ ―I didn‘t have to go out of the church, Mommy. They have a box next to the

front door that says, ‗For the Sick.‘‖


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Testimony Brother Casto

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My road name is Casto. I grew up in a town where the bars outnum-ber the churches 20 to 1. I went to church as a child but I only had a history lesson of religion. As time passed I kept trying to fill the void in my life with work, parties and ultimately even joined the local secular motorcycle club, not your mom and pop guys either. Drugs, violence and crime were a part of normal life for us.

Most members ended up in jail or dead and that sounded like a bar-gain. Finally, the vi-cious cycle of work, partying and loneli-ness would end. After several “run- ins” with the law, I figured it was time to take a break from the club and see if there was anything left of my mar-riage to salvage. By that time there was too much “water under the bridge” so, in August of 2003 I left. By the end of October the di-vorce was final and by the end of November I was so exhausted and lonely from trying to work my-self to death, I just wanted to end it all.

On November 28th, 2003 I was out of my mind on chemicals and

sadness. There was a bar in town that I knew was loaded with peo-ple that I felt had to pay for all the trouble they caused me. So I loaded up an assault rifle and headed off to end my life and as many others’ as I could. On the way I wasn’t playing my heavy metal music at full blast as usual. It was so quiet, and what I can only describe as the loudest whis-per I’ve ever heard said, “Don’t do this for I have plans for you…” I pulled off along side the

road in tears and cried out to Je-sus to help me. I Said, “I’m so sorry for the mess I’ve made, please take this weight off of me;

I’m being crushed- Save me!!!”

From that moment on how things have changed. Problems that seemed as though there was no way out were moved out of the way. I left the club in good stand-ing and God led me to move to North Carolina. Here I found a great lady that loves God and loves me too. Most of all since

that night I asked Christ into my life, I’ve never felt alone. I did miss riding my motorcycle with my brothers and knew the secular clubs were a thing of the past and didn’t desire to make “ice cream runs” a part of the future. I needed a Ministry of like minded Brothers that had the same desire of see-ing lost bikers- Saved. In came The Sons of God M/C. It has all the elements of the club life with-out the sin and I’ve met a great bunch of Brothers that can relate

to a “destructive past” and a changed life thanks to Jesus. I have also been hon-ored with the position of Chapter Chaplain. Time has passed and

now The Lord has impressed upon my heart that He has much larger plans for me than just con-struction. At 42 years old, after much prayer and godly council, I’m quite sure I have been called to full time Ministry. I currently am going to Seminary as I believe that God desires to equip me to bring the Gospel message to the outlaw biker subculture and prison inmates. The kind of people some may shy away from, I can easily relate to and have a burden for these men. Christ didn’t come to make good people better; He came to make bad people dif-ferent…


It has all the elements of

the club life without the sin


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The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

Testimony Brother Scrape

This is my Testimony of the True and Living God of Creation

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testi-

mony; and they loved not their life even unto death.

For the first five years of life I lived with my father, mother and three sisters, my father was an abusive alcoholic who

physically abused my sisters so by the time I was five years old my mom packed us up and moved away. My mother did

all she could to raise the four of us which did not leave much time for nurturing and or teaching me the ways of how a

man should be brought up, but bless her heart she did the best she could. From the age of five years old to the age of

thirteen life was good as could be, going to school and doing all the things a young man could do in those days, at thir-

teen I smoked my first joint and had sex for the first time. Little did I know that life for the next twenty four years

would be spent high on drugs and or drunk, I will spare you all the war stories during that time because Lord knows

we all have them. At the age of thirty seven I hit rock bottom I found myself sleeping in my truck waiting for a welfare

check to get me to Idaho where my oldest sister lived. I stayed with them until I got drunk and got into a fight with my

brother in law. I spent ten days in jail and lost my job and place to live so I had to live in the mission where you had to

be in at seven pm and attend a bible study in order to have a bunk for the night. Well after five months of this I de-

cided one morning to make a conscience decision to read the Bible just to see what it said. When I did this the Spirit of

the Living God in His small still voice said to me that I will receive this word with the faith of a child and then said

something that blew my mind, God said to me the I will go where there is more dope than hope, meaning that my call-

ing will be to help those that are getting saved and sober… sometimes that means going into the streets. At that time

God flat out delivered me from twenty four years of drugs and alcohol, Praise God. During this time and up to my

present life I had a passion for Harley Davidson‘s and I am so glad I did not own a Harley during my partying days or I

would not be here telling you my testimony. I say all that to say God opened the doors for me to become a member of

Sons of God Motorcycle Club. There is nothing like being saved and sober and riding for the Living God that pre-

served me through all those years of drugs and alcohol to live out one of my passions to ride with a Christian Motorcy-

cle Club. I share this with you today because one of our most powerful tools is our testimony, simply because the

world wants to know if this God of ours is so good, what did he do for you and that‘s where our testimony comes into

play. I have learned to always be ready to give my testimony, especially a three to four minute one for those chance

meetings we have with little time to give our testimony knowing full well that we may never see that person again; I

keep it short and sweet and let God do the rest, amen.

Love, Honor and Respect

Steve ‘scrape’ Taranda

Patch Holder, North Idaho Chapter

There is nothing like being

saved and sober and riding

for the Living God

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FALL Nationals 2011

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

Hotel Information

Fall National, Virginia Beach, VA

Windham Virginia Beach Oceanfront

5700 Atlantic Ave (57th St and Atlantic Avenue North Beach)

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

$58.65/night Sons of God MC rate garanteed up to November 8, 2011

Reservations made after cut off date will be honored at the SOGMC rate "as available"

(use Block Code - 11256712SO , Block ID - 2696712 when you book the room)


1-800-365-3032 for reservations

Ramada Oceanfront Resort

615 Atlantic Ave (South Beach)

Virginia Beach, VA 23451

1-2 Adults $71.20, 3 Adults $79.20, 4 Adults $87.20 rate guaranteed until 26 October 2011

Reservations made after cut off date will be honored at the SOGMC rate "as available"

(use confirmation code 55819154 to lock in the rate)


1-877-361-2502 for reservations

Fall National Family Activities

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The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®


Fall Nationals 2011 Family Activities

General area information:

Average weather is 60 with 40’s at night. We have had both snow and 80 degrees on Thanksgiving Day, dress for colder weather but pray for warmth. Totally unpredictable weather, so no promises will be made!

There are over 6,000 restaurants, 307 hotels and 4,000 retail stores, a good assortment of motorcycle shops (including 2 fac-tory HD dealers), and 1,000 grocery stores within a 35 mile radius of VA Beach. If you can’t find it here, it doesn’t exist.

We have broken down the local activities into three categories, patriotically called “Red”, “White”, and “Blue”. They are organized by cost, with the “Red” being free or very low cost, “White” having a modest cost, nominally about $10, and “Blue” for the big spend-ers. We hope this will help you in maximizing your visit to our humble home. Naturally there will be activities at the camp site (horse-shoes and such), the pool will be closed but the children’s play ground is open year round. If you come to the Nat’s and find yourself bored, well, we can’t help you with a personal choice like that. There are many, many more things to do than what is listed here, feel free to explore on your own.

All activities listed below are within 40 miles of VA Beach. Most activities are within 20 miles of the beach. The oceanfront boardwalk and resort area is less than 2 miles from the camp ground. Call the number provided for the activity you are interested in, or Google the activity by name if you need directions or more detailed information. Everything is very easy to get to! All phone #’s are in the 757 area code.

For further information about local activities contact the Virginia Beach Visitor’s Center:

2100 Parks Avenue

Virginia Beach, VA 23451

437-4919, 491-7886, (800) 822-3224

Thanks and God Bless!

John “TJ” Schaefer

Sons of God MC

Southern Virginia


This itinerary is designed for the budget minded. The activities listed below are usually free; the only cost is if you want to buy food or souvenirs and maybe a little gas to get there.

First Landing State Park, Virginia Beach

(not just a cleaver name, it was the first landing spot of the English in the new world)………….…………….. 412-2300

Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum (free; Virginia Beach)....................... 437-8432

Battleship Wisconsin (free; berthed at Nauticus in Norfolk)..............322-2988/664-1000

The Casemate Museum, Fort Monroe(free; located in Hampton).............................. 788-3391

Virginia Beach Boardwalk, VA Beach…public access year round

Chrysler Museum, Norfolk (closed Mondays and Tuesdays)..................... 664-6200

The Hampton Roads Naval Museum (free; located inside Nauticus)........................ 444-8971

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Fall National Family Activities

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

MacArthur Memorial Museum, Norfolk (free; donations accepted)............................... 441-2965

Old Coast Guard Station, Virginia Beach ............... 422-1587

The U.S. Army Transportation Museum,Fort Eustis (free; located in upper Newport News; closed Mondays).................... 878-1182

*Navy ship tours when available*call to schedule ................................................. 444-3373


These activities require admission of a few dollars to enjoy but won’t break the bank.


*Virginia Beach Boardwalk, VA Beach/ Norfolk Botanical Gardens For a small fee you can take your vehicle on the boardwalk at the oceanfront and drive through the botanical gardens for the annual Holiday Lights At the Beach display. A national award win-ning display, a local favorite and well worth seeing. It’s the absolute only time you are allowed to drive on the boardwalk.

Children’s Museum of Virginia (Portsmouth).......... 393-5258

Mariner’s Museum, Newport News (military discount on admission) ................... 596-2222

Virginia Living Museum, Newport News ............... 595-1900

Virginia Sports Hall of Fame, Portsmouth .............. 393-8031

Virginia War Museum, Newport News (military discount on admission) ................... 247-8523

The Children’s Museum of Virginia, Portsmouth ............................... 393-5258/8393

Hermitage Foundation Museum, Norfolk................ 423-2052

* The Lightship Museum, Portsmouth ................... 393-8741

* The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

Museum, Portsmouth .................................... 393-8591

* Courthouse Galleries, Portsmouth ....................... 393-8543

* A Key Pass may be purchased for $9.00 which will cover

admission to these four museums for one person (good for

30 days). Call 393-5258 for information.

Doumar’s Drive In, Norfolk (invented the ice cream cone in 1903)…………627-4163

Old Cape Henry Lighthouse Fort Story, Virginia Beach (admission free in uniform)....... 422-9421

Virginia Zoological Park, Norfolk............... 441-5227/5240

Blue Itinerary

For those with deep pockets the following activities will provide day long entertainment and you may possibly learn something along the way. Bring your check book and don’t be stingy.

Nauticus, The National Maritime Center Norfolk Waterfront......................................... 664-1000

Virginia Air and Space Museum/Hampton Roads History Center, Hampton (Family Memberships available)..................... 727-0900

Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center, Virginia Beach (Family Memberships available )... 385-FISH

*Colonial Williamsburg .............................1-757-220-7645 (Discount tickets available at ITT Offices)

*Jamestown Settlement, Williamsburg........1-757-253-4838 (ITT rates available at bases)

*Yorktown Victory Center………….(888) 593-4682

*This area is known as the “historic triangle” and is where US history began.

Did we mention 4,000 retail stores?

Note: Colors Management: Anyone out there with an old tattered set of colors that would like to ex-

change them for a “less used” set please contact me to work out the details.—Slim

Editors note: Life in the 8:14 is a column I would like to see flourish. This can only happen with your par-

ticipation as with the growth of our newsletter. If you would like to submit to Life in the 8:14, articles are

to not be your “come to Jesus” moment (testimony) but how you came to SOGMC and its ef-

fect in your life. Thanks

Psalm 106

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®

Psa 106:1 Praise the LORD! Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Who can utter the mighty deeds of the LORD, or declare all his praise? Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times! Remember me, O LORD, when you show favor to your people; help me when you save them, that I may look upon the prosperity of your chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the gladness of your nation, that I may glory with your inheritance. Both we and our fathers have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have done wickedness. Our fathers, when they were in Egypt, did not consider your wondrous works; they did not remember the abundance of your steadfast love, but rebelled by the sea, at the Red Sea. Yet he saved them for his name's sake, that he might make known his mighty power. He rebuked the Red Sea, and it became dry, and he led them through the deep as through a desert. So he saved them from the hand of the foe and redeemed them from the power of the enemy. And the waters covered their adversaries; not one of them was left. Then they believed his words; they sang his praise. But they soon forgot his works; they did not wait for his counsel. But they had a wanton craving in the wilderness, and put God to the test in the desert; he gave them what they asked, but sent a wasting disease among them. When men in the camp were jealous of Moses and Aaron, the holy one of the LORD, the earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abiram. Fire also broke out in their company; the flame burned up the wicked. They made a calf in Horeb and worshiped a metal image. They exchanged the glory of God for the image of an ox that eats grass. They forgot God, their Savior, who had done great things in Egypt, wondrous works in the land of Ham, and awesome deeds by the Red Sea. Therefore he said he would destroy them-- had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him, to turn away his wrath from destroying them. Then they despised the pleasant land, having no faith in his promise. They murmured in their tents, and did not obey the voice of the LORD. Therefore he raised his hand and swore to them that he would make them fall in the wilderness, and would make their offspring fall among the nations, scattering them among the lands. Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor, and ate sacrifices offered to the dead; they provoked the LORD to anger with their deeds, and a plague broke out among them. Then Phinehas stood up and intervened, and the plague was stayed. And that was counted to him as righteousness from generation to generation forever. They angered him at the waters of Meribah, and it went ill with Moses on their account, for they made his spirit bitter, and he spoke rashly with his lips. They did not destroy the peoples, as the LORD com-manded them, but they mixed with the nations and learned to do as they did. They served their idols, which became a snare to them. They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood. Thus they became unclean by their acts, and played the whore in their deeds. Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against his people, and he ab-horred his heritage; he gave them into the hand of the nations, so that those who hated them ruled over them. Their enemies oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their power. Many times he delivered them, but they were rebellious in their purposes and were brought low through their iniquity. Nevertheless, he looked upon their distress, when he heard their cry. For their sake he remembered his covenant, and relented according to the abundance of his steadfast love. He caused them to be pitied by all those who held them captive. Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise. Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting! And let all the people say, "Amen!" Praise the LORD!

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Sons of God MC

PO Box 208

Haddonfield, NJ 08033.

Mission Statement

The Sons of God Motorcycle Club Ministry® made up of Christian Bikers who share a vision of

spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ with other bikers. The primary focus of this ministry is to

reach the secular MC “bikers” who have not had the opportunity to have their lives touched by

Jesus Christ.

Other aspects of our ministry include, reaching motorcyclists of all types, and discipling those who

make a decision to follow the biblical teachings of Christ. We can give testimony to the life saving

power of Jesus Christ by speaking to youth, men’s groups and church/revival services. We conduct

bible studies to teach the word of God to bikers and to provide discipling to bikers and their fami-

lies. We have ordained ministers who can perform biker weddings and funerals. We are available

to do visitations in prisons, Hospitals and Veteran Events. We attend many biker events through-

out the country in order to reach out to bikers.

The Sons of God Motorcycle Club Ministry® has many chapters though out the United States,

including members in England and Canada. We ride our motorcycles in the name of Jesus Christ

sharing the gospel of “Good News” about everlasting life. Our doctrine includes the belief in the

virgin birth of Christ; the death, burial and bodily resurrection of Christ; that Jesus is the only

begotten Son of God; and that Salvation by grace through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus

Christ. The bible is our instruction for our daily walk as Christians.

Romans 8:14

For as many that are led by the Spirit

of God are the Sons of God.

The new Jerusalem new Jerusalem is a National publication of the Sons of God Motorcycle

Club Ministry®. All rights reserved 2005. May not be reproduced.

God has a plan!

www. sonso f godm c .o r g

The New Jerusalem New Jerusalem ®®
