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1. Goggles 2. Goggles is a web-site centered around the Master Swimming Competition world, its Meetings, the Sporting Venues and its social life. Goggles can: Automatically store official competition results directly from several sources all over the web. Manually store hand-taken or non-official results (passages, chrono trainings, special exercises, entry times...). Manage trainings with model creation and customization for each user. Manage swimming pool reviews, competition info, starting lists, entry lists & much more. Goggles 3. Created in its version 1.0 as a centralized place for importing, storing and retrieving all of the Master Swimmers Competition results, it has subsequently evolved into a portal for everything related to the Master Swimming life. Includes social features (friendship-like for team mates & swimming buddies, with sharing features, tags, comments and reviews). Every user can be associated to a single swimmer/athlete during a straightforward process which leads to a certified goggler (a user associated with a swimmer or a team has more actions available on the site). Currently still on closed beta for a few selected Swimming Teams, this is just a quick tour of the more heavily used features. Goggles 4. The basic Search Meetings page. The Meetings can be searched and filtered by several fields. Each certified goggler receives a notification in the news feed of the site (or via e-mail, if requested) when his own results or his friend's are available. 5. The Meeting Results page. For every Meeting all the events are separated by style and category and are easily reachable by a side nav-bar. 6. The Meeting Individual Results page. Clicking on the athlete name in this context yields the Radiography (profile) page of that swimmer, only if the current user is classified as a certified goggler or a swimming buddy of the current athlete. 7. The Meeting Rankings page. Clicking on a Team name yields the Team Results page for the current Meeting. 8. The Meeting Statistics page. These are the stats for all the Teams combined for a selected Meeting. 9. A portion of the Meeting > Team Results page. This includes also performance stats for a specific Team. Clicking on a name yields the page of all the current Meeting results for that swimmer. 10. The Radiography page for a selected swimmer athlete. Each athlete owns a personal history built upon all the results & stats data collected through official and non-official sources. This data is aggregated and displayed as a swimmer profile, in several dedicated sub-pages (private or sharable w/ swimming buddies). 11. A swimming pool info page. A user can display the map to the venue, check the reviews (if there are any). Only certified gogglers can add reviews. 12. The basic Search Training Models page. Beside his own, each user can browse or copy Training Models that are available because made public or belonging to friends. Each Training Model can be used to create several User Trainings which, in turn, can be used frequently, recording each time a different User Story, with execution comments and timings for each work-out. 13. A Training display page. Trainings can also be printed or exported on PDF for ease of reference beside the pool. 14. The Training edit/create form. User Trainings and Training Models use a complex form supporting drag'n'drop to build heavily structured lists of exercises that can be grouped (or un-grouped) to create multiple super-sets by dragging each row and by editing its values.
