Page 1: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD

g o i n g m o b i l e : b r e a k i n g d ow n b a r r i e r s to byo dA guide to understanding and

implementing bring-your-own-device

practices in the workplace

Page 2: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD

3 Introduction to BYOD

5 BYOD forecast

7 Common BYOD hurdles

10 Best practices for BYOD

14 Choosing IT solutions to support BYOD


ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s

Page 3: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


i n t r o d u c t i o n t o b y o d

Large organizations that are making “bring your own device” (BYOD)

a hallmark of their IT strategy may be following a trend, but the shift

towards employees using their mobile devices for work is no passing

fad. A recent Enterprise Strategy Group survey found that 55 per-

cent of midmarket companies and enterprises were seeing significant

growth in employees’ use of smartphones, tablets, netbooks and

other computing devices that do not include the traditional desktop

or notebook PC.

The promise of BYOD is rooted in an overwhelming desire among

employees to establish work as an activity — rather than a place —

and major advances in tech, namely the widespread availability of

Wi-Fi and the advent of mobile devices that rival the performance of

hardwired desktops.

For companies that embrace BYOD practices, there are opportunities

as well, including the ability to:

• Save money on hardware purchases

• Unburden support staff by making users more responsible for

device maintenance

• Increase workforce productivity as employees can work

from anywhere

• Unlock tech-enabled collaborations to facilitate innovative


MIDMARKET100 to 999 employees





ENTERPR ISE1,000 or more employees


8% 2%

a s h i f t i n g l a n d s c a p e f o r e n d – u s e r s

s i g n i f i c a n t

s o m e

m o d e r at e

l i t t l e o r n o

Level of growth in employees’ use of alternative endpoint computing devices

Source: Enterprise Strategy Group study, “Corporate

Endpoint Device Type Trends”

Page 4: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


i n t r o d u c t i o n t o b y o d

Yet despite these obvious benefits, implementing BYOD also brings

to the fore a unique set of security, management and support chal-

lenges. To welcome devices with varying operating systems, configu-

rations and security settings can expose networks to the risk of data

breaches and poor functionality — unless effective solutions are in


In this eBook, we touch on the best practices for developing success-

ful BYOD programs, which include tips on how to:

• Develop an approach built around users

• Involve all stakeholders in the planning phase

• Create clear BYOD polices

• Focus on strong device management

• Optimize infrastructure

of companies expect to

stop providing devices to

employees by 2016


Source: Gartner Inc. study, "Bring Your Own

Device: The Facts and the Future"

Page 5: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


b y o d f o r e c a s t

Demand from end-users has accelerated the BYOD adoption rate. A recent study by Forrester Research found that

61 percent of smartphone users want to use the same device for work as they do at home. Those numbers are not

likely to be reversed. A global survey of chief information officers released by Gartner Inc. found that 38 percent

expect to stop providing devices to workers altogether by the year 2016.

Companies that do not properly manage or support BYOD are taking a big risk. End-users seeking new ways to

achieve higher levels of productivity and mobility are introducing smartphones and tablets as work tools — regard-

less of whether their employers approve of the devices. A survey last year of 3,900 workers in their 20s by research

firm Vision Critical generated some eye-opening statistics:

bring their own devices

to work


ignore company policies that

forbade the use of personal



viewed using their devices at

work as a right as opposed

to a privilege


These attitudes suggest businesses may have to support BYOD to maintain adequate security. Most of the other

motivating factors, however, are rooted in benefits and opportunities to improve business, including those related

to saving money, unburdening support staff, increasing productivity, and unlocking collaborations.

BYOD has officially taken hold — the challenge now is how best to support it.

Page 6: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


b y o d f o r e c a s tm o b i l e d e v i c e s t o p e m p l o y e e s ’ w i s h l i s t

Survey: Which of the following types of alternative endpoint computing devices is most in

demand by your end-users as a new tool to complete work-related tasks and access applications?










Thin-client device Netbook Tablet computer Smartphone

Source: Enterprise Strategy Group study, “Corporate Endpoint Device Type Trends”

Page 7: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


c o m m o n b y o d h u r d l e s

With more devices entering organizations and having access to cor-

porate data, the risk of sensitive files being exposed is on the rise,

elevating the importance of end-user device management. The “2013

Cost of a Data Breach Study: United States” from the Ponemon Insti-

tute revealed that 33 percent of the 54 U.S. organizations surveyed

had experienced a data breach stemming from human error.

i n f e c t e d u s e r d e v i c e s

Malware is another threat worth guarding against, as a compromised

device can be used as a launch pad for a broader attack against

your organization’s network. In some cases, compromised employ-

ee-owned devices bypass inbound filters that typically protect cor-

porate devices, making them even more vulnerable. This is especially

true for Android devices, as the amount of malware targeting Goo-

gle’s operating system has skyrocketed during the past few years.

Though some infections stem from malicious acts, it’s common for

malware to appear on consumer devices after the user unwittingly

visits a website with infected links or downloads an infected applica-

tion. The malware can then slide into the network when the infected

host device connects to it, possibly allowing hackers to access com-

pany servers. End-users can shield their devices from malware by

keeping up with software updates, but some are more diligent about

maintenance than others.

Source: Ponemon Institute, "2013 Cost of Data Breach

Study: United States"




s u r v e y : w h at c a u s e d t h e d ata b r e a c h at y o u r o r g a n i z at i o n ?

m a l i c i o u s o r c r i m i n a l at ta c k

s y s t e m g l i t c h h u m a n e r r o r

Page 8: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


c o m m o n b y o d h u r d l e s

p r i va c y c o n c e r n s

When thinking about security, organizational leaders also need

to look at the other end of the scale and consider questions

surrounding ethics and privacy. Monitoring website visits is

usually considered fair game when the browser is located on a

company-owned device. But when personal devices are in play,

organizations must think more carefully about striking the right

balance. The questions worth asking internally, include:

• Should website monitoring occur on weekends and

evenings when employees probably aren't working?

• Could investigators seize employee-owned devices

as evidence in the same way they can seize corporate


• Should IT have the ability to track the location of

employee-owned devices?

There aren’t one-size-fits all answers to these kinds of ques-

tions. A policy that might suit one company, may not work for


t h e c h a l l e n g e

t h e s o l u t i o n

v i r t u a l i z at i o n h e l p s c i t y ’ s m o b i l e w o r k e r s s tay c o n n e c t e d

North Myrtle Beach, S.C., is a seasonal community of

about 14,000 year-round residents that sees its pop-

ulation grow to more than 100,000 during the sum-

mer. The city needed a way to give mobile employees

access to applications they needed to do their jobs.

“The Public Works guys don’t have to come back to

look things up during the day,” said Rick Wall, direc-

tor of information services for the city. “The building

inspectors enter data into our system throughout the

day rather than returning at the end of the day to en-

ter everything. It has probably given them another 45

minutes of useful time every day.”

Source: VMware

Give public works employees access to the city’s

geographic information system and work orders, and

enable building inspectors to input data from daily


The city began to pursue desktop virtualization.

VMware Horizon View was introduced to allow work-

ers to access virtual desktops.

Page 9: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD



of IT planners believe they have

made a strong business case for

offering BYOD

c o m m o n b y o d h u r d l e s

p a r t n e r u p f o r s u c c e s s

That same principal applies to choosing the right BYOD partner.

Finding an experienced vendor to join your BYOD implementa-

tion team — one that shares your vision of maximizing produc-

tivity while providing users with the freedom to choose their

own devices — can guide you past all of the common BYOD

hurdles by providing IT solutions designed to ease management.

These include mobile device management, mobile application

management and virtual desktop infrastructure. You might also

want to consider hiring an independent security consultant who

can help you minimize risk and take the most advantage of what

BYOD has to offer.Source: Gartner Inc. study, "Bring Your Own

Device: The Facts and the Future"

Page 10: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


o n e

d e v e l o p a n a p p r o a c h b u i lt a r o u n d u s e r s

t w o

i n v o lv e a l l s ta k e h o l d e r s i n t h e p l a n n i n g p h a s e

t h r e e

c r e at e c l e a r b y o d p o l i c i e s

f o u r

e s ta b l i s h a c c e s s c o n t r o l s f o r u s e r s

b e s t p r a c t i c e s f o r b y o d

But with a focused approach and the right technology, imple-

menting a successful BYOD program can be done. Here are

some tips to help your organization get it right:

d e v e l o p a n a p p r o a c h b u i lt a r o u n d u s e r s

IT decision-makers around the world have found that under-

standing the specific access rights and needs of individual users

is key to successful BYOD implementation. This includes know-

ing what devices employees need to do their jobs. The organi-

zations that did it right enjoyed among other things the ability

to deliver applications based on users’ roles, provision devices

and applications when users change roles and improve data


"The first instinct for IT is to think about the challenges

that BYOD creates for them. This is natural. But a great

IT leader recognizes that BYOD is an opportunity to reset

their relationship with employees — and surprise and

delight them with new services and a transformed IT

strategy for mobility and engagement. Think about BYOD

as an opportunity rather than a threat."

Source: Interview with Forrester Research Analyst David Johnson.

Page 11: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


b e s t p r a c t i c e s f o r b y o d

i n v o lv e a l l s ta k e h o l d e r s i n t h e p l a n n i n g p h a s e

Implementing BYOD initiatives should include stakeholders

from every corner of the organization, from the executive level

to human resources to the legal team. Business leaders need to

decide whether they are going to compensate employees for

using their own devices or if end-users will shoulder the cost.

The IT team needs to focus on what devices will be supported

and ensure the proper infrastructure and technology is in place.

The legal team, meanwhile, should be focused on helping the

organization design an end-user agreement that minimizes le-

gal risks to the company and strikes ethical boundaries.

c r e at e c l e a r b y o d p o l i c i e s

The highly individualized needs of businesses means it’s rare

to find two BYOD polices that are exactly alike. There are, how-

ever, common elements that are vital to the success of any

BYOD policy. There needs to be an emphasis on security and

rules requiring end-users to regularly update security features

and protect their devices with passwords. Devices that have

been jail broken or rooted should be banned, as should network

connections via thumb drives. Companies at this stage can also

set parameters for what is considered acceptable use, such as

prohibitions against playing games on company time.

"You need a BYOD policy. But don’t

use the policy as a way to force

control. Rather, think of it as an

agreement between the employees

and the organization that outlines

what each is responsible for and

how both can proceed for mutual

benefit and security. Think of it as a

joint-venture agreement."

Source: Interview with Forrester Research Analyst David Johnson.

Page 12: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


b e s t p r a c t i c e s f o r b y o d

e s ta b l i s h a c c e s s c o n t r o l s f o r u s e r s

Once the BYOD objectives are in place, attention should then

turn to implementation and enforcement. This is where organi-

zations must invest in the right technology to see their plans on

paper come to fruition.

A good starting point might be a mobile data management

(MDM) solution that gives the IT department a way to view,

control and protect data and settings for all mobile devices in

the network. This remote access also gives administrators the

ability to wipe devices of sensitive data when one is either lost

or stolen.

For more granular control, companies can also seek out mobile

application management (MAM) technologies. While MDM fo-

cuses on the device, MAM is laser-focused on applications. Or-

ganizations may invest in MAM solutions to achieve mobile-app

containerization, which separates corporate apps from personal

ones and enables businesses to assert control over how data

is accessed and shared. Making access to the internal network

available only through VPN creates a single point for the orga-

nization to apply network security controls, ensuring the en-

cryption of data transmitted between the network and devices.

"Recognize that BYOD is healthy.

It’s healthy because people are

choosing simpler devices that help

them do their jobs more efficiently.

BYOD allows them to experiment

with new software and different

ways of working."

Source: Interview with Forrester Research Analyst David Johnson.

Page 13: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


b e s t p r a c t i c e s f o r b y o d

o p t i m i z e i n f r a s t r u c t u r e

If your organization wants employees to access business appli-

cations from anywhere and from various devices, then it makes

sense to use an IT architecture specifically built for this. Using a

virtual desktop infrastructure is all about consolidating data and

applications in the cloud or data center, where it can be ade-

quately stored, secured, and deployed on demand. There are

virtualization packages that include preconfigured networking

equipment, storage capacity, and servers to help organizations

adopt VDI and application virtualization in a straightforward


"Use BYOD as a way to rethink

your IT management and support

strategy for personal computing

devices. Get IT out of managing the

devices, operating systems and apps,

and focus on the devices’ interaction

points with IT apps and services."

Source: Interview with Forrester Research Analyst David Johnson.

Page 14: Going Mobile: Breaking Down Barriers to BYOD


c h o o s i n g i t s o l u t i o n s t o s u p p o r t b y o d

As this eBook demonstrates, companies that embrace BYOD can reap the benefits of:

• Saving money on hardware purchases

• Unburdening your IT support staff

• Increasing workforce productivity

• Unlocking tech-enabled collaboration throughout your enterprise

The eBook shows how data-security and device-management challenges can be over-

come with sound policies and the right IT solutions. Tips discuss how to:

• Develop an approach built around users

• Involve all stakeholders in your planning phase

• Create clear BYOD polices

• Focus on strong device management

• Optimize infrastructure

Explore BYOD solutions on or end-user computing options on,

for more details on how to manage BYOD within your organization.