  • 8/6/2019 Good Medicine Magazine (Autumn 2010)


    Good Medicine

    Pediatricians vs. Junk Food GiantsNASA Engineer ResignsOver Monkey Radiation


    Want to Go Vegan?

    Theres an App or That

    Ensuring CosmeticsTesting Bill SupportsNonanimal Methods

    Vegan DietDramatically Improves

    GEICO EmployeesHealth

    Great Ape ProtectionAct Reaches Senate

    PCRM Sues FDA OveAvandias Side Efects

    From the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine / Autumn 2010 / Vol. XIX, No. 4

    PCRM Doctors Report from Front Lines of Obesity Battle

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    E a

    2 GOOD MEDICINE Au um 2010

    Neal D. Ba a d, M.D.P es de f PCRM

    The End of theMeat Industry

    Some doctors wonder whetherthey should recommend thattheir patients stop eatingmeat. The act is, the juryrendered its verdict long ago.

    G rowing up in North D kot , thcr g roun my hom town w u or c tt n c tt . T

    rm r th m v w r goo p optrying to m k iving. My gr n th rr i c tt , n my unc n cou in

    o ow in hi oot t p .Unbeknownst to all of us, researchers had meanwhile set up shop in Framingham, Mass., mea-

    suring cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and studying who stayed healthy and who did not in

    the Framingham Heart Study. Their painstaking research linked the very foods my family raised toheart disease, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Since then, it has become abundantly clear that meat eating increases the risk of other problems, too. Meat-eaters have three times therisk of diabetes, compared with vegans. Red and processed meats are clearly linked to colon cancerand other forms of the disease. The regular string of meat recalls shows us how often fecal bacteriacontaminate meat products, sometimes leading to deadly infections.

    But health problems were just the beginning. Environmentalists soon weighed in, pointing outthat grains used to feed cattle could be much more ef ciently used to feed people. And growingmassive amounts of feed grains for animals creates havoc for the environment.

    Irrigation of feed grains uses far more water than watering our lawns, washing our cars, or any other routine human activity. It takes about a million gallons of water to grow just one acre of corn. As that water trickles into rivers and streams, it carries fertilizer along with itfertilizer thatthe farmers had applied to their elds. That fertilizer makes algae overgrow in the waterways. And

    as algae decomposes, it uses up oxygen in the water, killing marine life.Long before BP fouled the Gulf of Mexico with oil, there was already an8,000-square-mile dead zone below Louisiana and Texas, all thanks toAmerican agriculture.

    Each cow is as big as a sofa, and in the United States, the combinedmass of the 100 million or so beef and dairy cattle easily outweighs thatof the human population. Every last one is busily belching methane intothe airmethane that is produced as the feed in their stomachs ferments.

    Methane is a potent greenhouse gasmuch more potent than carbon dioxide.At any given time, the result is an enormous invisible methane cloud.

    Some doctors wonder whether they should recommend that their patientsstop eating meat. Many laypeople wonder if its better to set meat aside. Thefact is, the jury rendered its verdict long ago. Whether we are thinking of ourcoronary arteries, our children, or the Earth, it is time to rethink our foodchoices and act accordingly.

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    PCRMDoctors and laypersons workintogether for compassionateand effective medical practice, research, anhealth promotion.

    C eC e s

    Autumn 2010 GOOD MEDICINE printEd on rECyClEd pApEr

    PCRM Phone Extensions202-686-2210Research Issues ................................................................................ext. 335Health Charities ............................................................................... ext.384Literature Requests .......................................................................... ext.306Media ............................................................................................... ext.316Membership (change o address, duplicate

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    Good Medicine

    Fro tHE pHy iCiAn Co ittEEFor rE pon iblE EdiCinE

    AuTuMn 2010 VOL. XIX, nO. 4

    Editor in Chief Neal D. Barnard, M.D.Managing Editor/DesignerDoug Hall

    EditorCarrie MumahAssociate EditorPatrick Sullivan Production ManagerLynne CraneSenior Web DesignerLisa Schulz

    AD SO Y BOA DT. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.Cornell UniversityCaldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D.The Cleveland ClinicHenry J. Heimlich, M.D., Sc.D.The Heimlich Institute

    Suzanne Havala Hobbs, Dr.P.H., M.S., .D.University of North CarolinaChapel Hill

    Lawrence Kushi, Sc.D.Kaiser Permanente John McDougall, M.D.McDougall Program

    irginia Messina, M.P.H., .D.Nutrition Matters, Inc.Milton Mills, M.D.Gilead Medical Group

    Myriam Parham, .D., C.D.E., C.L.C.Florida Hospital ZephyrhillsWilliam oberts, M.D.Baylor Cardiovascular Institute

    Andrew Weil, M.D.University of Arizona A liations are listed or identifcation only.

    PCRM STAFF Kristin AdairPublic A airs Associate & Legislative Counsel Neal Barnard,M.D.President Nancy Beck, Ph.D.Scientifc and Policy Adviser Noelle CallahanResearchProgram Coordinator Metta ChaphivMarketing Associate Lynne CraneProduction Man-ager Cael CroftAssociate Designer Claudia Delman, M.P.H.Outreach Manager DaniaDePas, M.C.Communications Assistant Debra Durham, Ph.D.Senior Research Scientist

    Jill Eckart, C.H.H.C.Assistant to the President Joanne Evans, R.N., M.Ed., C.S.NurseOutreach Coordinator Tara FaileyCommunications Coordinator Hope Ferdowsian, M.D.,M.P.H.Director o Research Policy Rebecca FryeResearch Program Coordinator JessicaFrostCommunications Coordinator Noah GittellResearch and Education Programs Coordi-nator Joseph Gonzales, R.D.Dietitian Doug HallPublications Director Vaishali HonawarCommunications Coordinator Patricia HowardAdvertising and PSA Manager Sanjay JainEducational Program and Volunteer Coordinator Michael KeevicanWeb Editor/Sta Writer Mark Kennedy, Esq.Associate General Counsel Dan Kinburn, Esq.General Counsel Leah KoeppelNutrition and Research Assistant Elizabeth KucinichDirector o Public andGovernment A airs Ruby Lathon, Ph.D.Nutrition Policy Manager Susan Levin, M.S.,R.D.Director o Nutrition Education Lauray MacElhernCancer Project Managing Director Lynn MaurerAssociate Designer Greg MazurResearch and Education Program CoordinatorJeanne Stuart McVeyMedia Relations Manager Ryan MerkleyManager o Research andEducation Programs Carrie MumahSta Writer John Pippin, M.D.Senior Medical andResearch Adviser Dawnyel PryorMarketing Manager Emily RichardEducational ProgramManager Chip RogersLegislative Director Leslie Rudlo , Esq.Senior Counsel ChadSandusky, Ph.D.Director o Toxicology and Regulatory Testing Lisa SchulzWeb Designer Nick ShahaniPhysician Outreach Coordinator Kathryn Strong, M.S., R.D.Dietitian KristieSullivan, M.P.H.Scientifc and Policy Adviser Patrick SullivanDirector o Communications Caroline Trapp, M.S.N., A.P.R.N., B.C.-ADM, C.D.E.Director o Diabetes Education andCare Anna WestPublic Relations and New Media Manager PCRM FOUNDATION NabilaAbdulwahabData Processor Bruce BanksSta Accountant Melinda BeardReception-ist Nikki Bollaer t, M.N.M., C.F.R.E., C.A.P.Director o Special Gi ts Deniz CorcoranDataEntry Manager Sossena DagneData Processor John EvansDatabase/Web Developer Stacey GlaeserDirector o Human Resources Erica HannaIn ormation Technology Man-ager Lesley HillBudget Coordinator Stephen KaneFinance Director Jacqueline KellerDevelopment Assistant Brittany KeyesHuman Resources Assistant JohnR Llewellyn Internet Marketing Manager Enrique LozanoHelp Desk Technician Garron MarshFa-cilities Coordinator Andria MatroneInternet Marketing Coordinator Melanie McCormickMembership Assistant Debbi MillerSpecial Events Manager Margaret MurrayMajor Gi tsO cer John NetzelFacilities Manager Manali PatelSta Accountant Sarah PetersenHuman Resources Coordinator Isaac SkeltonGrants Manager Kalpesh SutharAccountsPayable Coordinator Betsy Wason, C.F.R.E.Director o Development Rod WeaverDataManager Christopher WrightFinance Assistant Craig ZiskinAssociate Director o AnnualGiving WASHINGTON CENTER FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH Laura AdelsonClinical ResearchCoordinator Suruchi MishraClinical Research Coordinator Kavita RajasekharClinical Re-search Coordinator Jia Xu, Ph.D.Clinical Research Coordinator CONSULTANTS JonathanBalcombe, Ph.D. Amber Green, R.D. Jenni er Hu Amy Lanou, Ph.D. Paul Marcone Jenni er Reilly, R.D.

    Good Medicine is published quarterly by the Physicians Committee or Responsible Medicine, 5100Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20016, tel 202-686-2210, ax 202-686-2216. It isdistributed as a membership beneft to PCRM members. Basic annual membership in PCRM is $20(tax-deductible). PCRM promotes good nutrition, preventive medicine, ethical research practices, andcompassionate medical policy.

    Readers are welcome to reprint articles without additional permission. Please inc lude the creditline: Reprinted romGood Medicine , Autumn 2010, Physicians Committee or Responsible Medicine.Articles are not to be reprinted or resale. Please contact PCRM at [email protected] regardingother permissions. PCRM 2010.

    Good Medicine is not intended as individual medical advice. Persons withmedical conditions or who are taking medications should discuss any diet andli estyle changes with their health pro essional.

    Good Medicine is a registered trademark o the Physicians Committee or ResponsibleMedicine. Physicians Committee or Responsible Medicine,PCRM, The Cancer Project,Humane Charity Seal,and The Gold Planare trademarks o PCRM, ederal registration pending.


    p e e a nu

    6 Pediatricians vs. Junk Food Giants: PCRM Doctors Report from Front Lines of Obesity Bat8 Vegan Diet Dramatically Improves GEICO Employees Health9 PCRM Sues FDA Over Avandias Side E ects

    Diabetes Educators Learn Vegan Approach10 Want to Go Vegan? Theres an App for That B12 a Good Role Modelresea ch issues

    11 PCRM Conference Pushes Animal Research Dialogue Forward 12 PCRM Works to Halt Transfer of Chimpanzees to Laboratory True Blood s Kristin Bauer Speaks Up for Chimpanzees Action Alert: Contact the FDA About Animal Testing13 Victory for Pigs in Wisconsin and Tennessee Seinfeld Writer Supports Humane Charities in Radio AdpCr leg s a e Fu

    14 Ensuring Cosmetics Testing Bill Supports Nonanimal Methods 15 Great Ape Protection Act Reaches Senate NASA Engineer Resigns Over Monkey Radiation Experiments European Space Agency Opposes Monkey Experiments the Ca ce p jec

    16 The Cancer Project Update Helping Those Who eed It the Most17 The News You Needde a me s

    4 The Latest in...18 Member Support Celebrating 25 Years (25 Good Things to Do ow)20 PCRM Marketplace23 Just the Facts24 Physician Pro le Trauma Training the Modern Way: Marie Crandall, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.

    CovEr: do G HAll

    10 116

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    the la es the la es rE EArCH EtHiC By Kristie Sullivan, M.P.H.

    4 GOOD MEDICINE Au um 2010

    toxiCity tE tinG

    A t r mor th n c o ci nti cr rch, th Org ni tion or Eco-nomic Coop r tion n D v opm nt(OECD) h pprov n w, non nimt ting gui in or kin irrit tion th tc n mo t comp t y r p c th Dr izr bbit kin t t.

    T Dr iz , v op in th 1940 ,h b n th tr ition w y to -

    wh th r ch mic , p tici ,

    co m tic , n con um r pro uctmight irrit t hum n kin. T t tinvo v pp ying ub t nc to h v

    kin on r bbit b ck . T n w gui -in ow or th u o thr rti ci

    hum n kin mo ngin r by SkinEthic in Nic , Fr nc , n M t k o A h n , M ., or oth r m thoth t m t th gui in p ci c tion .

    h n w m tho provi

    A a ces i ha a t c tes g

    R rch r in th Unit St tn Switz r n h v cr t twon w non nim mo or ing thng r o inh toxic nt .H rv r r rch r h v inv nt

    ung on chip th t how gr t prom-i or t ting hum n h th ct o toxic nt without u ing nim .

    T H rv r mo u micro u-i ic t chno ogytiny ch mb r o c

    p r t by m mbr n to mimic ungcon truction. A v cuum on ith r io th c h p mimic xp n ion ncontr ction uring norm br thing. Tc in th upp r ch mb r r xpo to

    ir n t t ub t nc , whi ow r ch m-b r c r b th in ui th t mimicth int rn i o th ung b rri r.

    T mo c n t t, or x mp , wh th r inh n nop rtic c ncro thi b rri r, or wh th r inh

    ub t nc c u th c to pro uc -rgic or oth r h rm u r ction . Micro-t chno ogy c n ow m ny ub t nc tob t t t onc , pro ucing t r r u t .

    Switz r n -b Epith ix cr tth Muci AirM mo to th cto r p t xpo ur to irborn ch mi-c on hum n irw y c . Muci AirM i 3-D con truct o hum n c romth r pir tory y t m.

    Wh n grown in p tic i h, thmo i r nti t into th v riou ctyp o th r pir tory y t m, inc u -ing gob t, b , mucu , n ci i tc . T c v n cont in CYP450

    ra -F ee k i a tes A e W w e

    m t bo ic nzym cruci or t n ing th pot nti toxic

    inh ub t nc . Mo t impth mo c n b u or up to

    n b ing ong r-t rm t t th n ovitro mo .

    At th r c nt Linz Congr ont rn tiv to Anim ting, Epi

    ci nti t pr nt th r u tcon uct with orm hy oMuci AirM mo . T t trong yr t with wh t i known bout hur pon to orm hy . T co

    p n to xp n th mo to ing or rg nicity n c rcinogFor mor in orm tion, vi

    Huh et al. Science. 2010;328:1662-1668.

    hum n n mor ccur t m nt o th pot nti or hum n irrit tion. M nu ctur r con tru3-D y r o kin u ing xc

    rom urgic proc ur ; th mc o y mimic th prop rti o h

    kin. Sub t nc r pp i to thto th pot nti or kin

    T OECD pro uc ty-tgui in or it 31 m mb r n which inc u North Am ric , W

    Europ , J p n, South Kor , Au trn oth r rg conomi , wm ny i t countri th t oby th t t gui in , uch Ru i , n In i .OECD Test Guideline 439In Vitro Skin Irritation: ReconstructedHuman Epidermis Test Method. Available at: AccessedSeptember 2010.

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    n trition the la es b usa le , . ., r.d., a Ka h g, . ., r.d.

    H ghe ea i ake lea s Ea e pu e f G s

    EntAl HEAltH

    rEprod CtivE HEAltH

    Autumn 2010 GOOD MEDICINE

    ea Causes We gh Ga

    E ting m t to w ightg in, ccor ing to n w tu y pub i h in th American

    Journal of Clinical Nutrition.R rch r tu i th i to 373,803 p rticip nt in thEurop n Pro p ctiv Inv -tig tion into C nc r (EPIC)

    tu y. To who t 8.8 ounc( bout two rving ) o m t p r

    y g in mor w ight y rby y r, comp r with p op who

    t m t or non t . T w ightg in ttribut b to m t con umption

    w bout 1 xtr poun p r y r. Tr rch r conc u th t r ucing

    V g t ri n h v ow r in t nco pr ion, ccor ing to n w tu y inNutrition Journal . R rch rook t 60 v g t ri n n 78 m t-

    t r in th outhw t rn Unit St tn oun th t v g t ri n cor igni -

    c nt y b tt r on t n r iz moo t t .T moo t t m ur pr ion,

    nxi ty, n tr n w r comp r

    ea d e s a Fue de ess

    Accor ing to n w tu y, gir whot th mo t m t pro uct uringchi hoo m y h v n r i r occur-r nc o pub rty, incr ing th ir ri k o

    i uch c nc r, h rt i , no t oporo i . R rch r o ow 3,298

    gir in Bri to , Eng n , n g th rth ir i t ry int k wh n th y w r 3,7, n 10 y r o . Forty-nin p rc nto gir who t mor th n 12 portiono m t p r w k t rt th ir p rioby g 12, comp r with 35 p rc nt o gir who t w r th n our portion o m t p r w k.Rogers IS, orthstone K, Dunger DB, Cooper AR, ess AR, Emmett PM. Dietthroughout childhood and age at menarche in a contemporary cohortof British girls. Public Health Nutr. Published ahead of print June 8, 2010.

    g in t oo r qu ncy qu tionT v g t ri n con um

    nt noic ci (EPA), oco h xci (DHA), n r chi onic ci nim ourc o nti t

    but r port high r m n int k oourc o om g -6 n om g -3

    Beezhold BL, Johnston CS, Daigle DR. Vegetarian diets are associatedwith healthy mood states: a cross-sectional study in Seventh DayAdventist adults. Nutr J. 2010;9:26.

    m t con umption m y h p pvoi w ight g in.

    Vergnaud AC, orat T, Romaguera D, et al. Meat consumption andprospective weight change in participants of the EPIC-PA ACEAstudy. Am J Clin Nutr.Published ahead of print June 30, 2010. doi:10.3945/ajcn.2009.28713.

    ph s ca i ac d es nCause We gh Ga Ch e

    L ck o phy ic ctivity i not thc u o w ight g in in chi r n,ccor ing to tu y in Archives of Dis-

    eases in Childhood . R rch r m urphy ic ctivity n bo y t p rc nt gin 202 chi r n nnu y rom g 7 to

    g 10. T mount o phy ic ctivity i not r u t in ch ng in bo y t.

    A though phy ic ctivity i import nt,ocu ing on oo int k m y h v rg r

    imp ct on w ight o , th r rch rconc u .Metcalf BS, Hosking J, Je ery A , Voss LD, Henley W, Wilkin TJ. Fatnessleads to inactivity, but inactivity does not lead to fatness: a longitu-dinal study in children (EarlyBird 45). Arch Dis Child.Published aheadof print June 23, 2010. doi: 10.1136/adc.2009.175927.

    WEiGHt Control

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    J ck i typic chi in Dr. Rin Sh h pr ctic .Exc pt th t t 6 y r o h w igh 100 poun .T v r g chi hi g hou b c o r to 50

    poun , y Dr. Sh h, p i trici n in V jo, C i .J ck i on o th m ny chi r n in my pr ctic who

    trugg with ting h thy n b coming mor ctiv .Mor th n 12 mi ion chi r n n o c nt in

    th Unit St t r ob . On in thr chi r n borninc th y r 2000 wi v op i b t t om point

    in i , ccor ing to th C nt r or Di Contron Pr v ntion.Dr. Sh h n oth r PCRM p i trici n h v h r

    r th n ccount o how th y r b tt ing th chi -hoo ob ity pi mic in th ir own pr ctic .

    Fighting Fast Food

    L i Brown, M.D., p i trici n in N w Or n ,i oing h c n to ght junk oo v rti ing bothin h r pr ctic n in h r own mi y.

    I h my ught r w tchSuper Size Me wh n w bout 12, y Dr. Brown. An h rint r t in t oo .

    P i trici n n tionwi r w ging wunh thy choo unch n junk oo t rg ting chi r n. Chi r n n t n g r 7,600 oo comm rci ch y r. A mo t

    or ruit or v g t b . An junk oo o nt ju t m n or c n y n o

    or burg r , chick n nugg t , n v n thmi k th t i now known to b m jor contribu

    t n cho t ro . A uring, mi ion- oc mp ign r con itioning chi r n to opt o

    ik Big M c in t o brocco i n b n nM jor oo n b v r g comp ni p n

    ion p r y r v rti ing to chi r n, ccor ingF r r Commi ion r port. Oth r ti

    high $10 bi ion. Foo m rk ting to chinot ju t V . Comp ni t rg t chi r n vth y p n tim inc u ing choo , on in , cvi o g m , movi , n groc ry tor ir t ur nt ur ki by o ring r toy with

    Anoth r PCRM m mb r p i trici n, J y Go

    M.D., b nn t oo rom hi Lo Angom on w k into th w iting room with M b g, th y r k to v th oo

    R rch how th t junk oo v rti mIn ct, th y r o pow r u th y c n convincth t i ntic pro uct t t i r nt. A r c

    rom Y Ru C nt r or Foo Po icy noun th t ki r mor ttr ct to junk oo c rtoon c brity orn th p ck g . T y

    ki i ntic gummy ruit n oth r oo p ck ging picting Shr k n oth r popu r ch

    n om in p in p ck ging n h o th

    Rina Shah, M.D., and her daughter Diya Leslie Brown, M.D. Jay Gordon, M.D. Roberta Gray, M.D.

    Pediatricians vs.Junk Food GiantsPCRM Doctors Report from Front Lines of Obesity Battle

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    p e e & nu

    i th c rtoon- orn n ck ctu y t t b tt rth n th m oo in p in p ck g .

    Cu tur b i n oci ting h bit r p y ntr nch , y Rob rt Gr y, M.D., PCRM p i -

    trici n in Rock Hi , S.C. H ving pr ctic prim ri y in th rur South n App chi , wh r u t nchi hoo ob ity pr v nc h b n th high t inth n tion or c , th r m to b p rv iv

    oci comp c ncy n cc pt nc o ob ity. A y ting out o c oph n wr pp r i th norm.

    Anoth r r c nt tu y con rm th t it not ittingin ront o th V th t m k ki ov rw ightitth junk- oo th y w tch whi itting th r .UCLA r rch r comp r chi r n who w tchcomm rci - r progr mming n DVD with tho w tching r gu r V with comm rci . T y ounth t V w tching w oci t with incr ob ity

    r t on y mong th ki who w tch comm rci .Dr. Gr y xp in th t junk oo n t oo p r-m t p ct o chi r n iv , v n wh n th yr

    itting in th octor o c .I nt r th x m room t 10 .m. to my 6-y r-

    o , ob , hyp rt n iv p ti nt, y Dr. Gr y, -cribing typic pr ctic occurr nc . T r 1,000

    poun mi y in thi roommom, , m t rngr n moth r, my p ti nt, n h r 4-y r-o broth r.T moth r t th chi r n to b goo n h t kth m to Chuck E. Ch . Ti vi it w o ow-up to

    t month vi it wh n th y h ngthy con u t tion with th p i tric i titi n.

    Prescription Produce

    P i trici n n oth r h th c r pro ion rn ing innov tiv w y to count r ct oo v rti ingn h p chi r n v op t t or ruit , v g t b ,

    who gr in , n oth r h th u oo . Doctor ro t king ction to improv cc to h th u oo .

    Doctor t thr h th c nt r in M chu tth v t rt h n ing out pro uc pr cription toh p ght ob ity in chi r n in ow-incom r .T y giv p ti nt mi i coupon to purch ruit

    n v g t b t rm r m rk t . Ti progr m i n w w y to comp t with th ch p, proc ooon t- oo o r m nu .

    I think th bigg t prob m i ki cc to junk oo n ug ry rink n p r nt unwi ingn toimit th m, y Dr. Brown. I ov rh r p r nt o ki

    in my pr ctic promi ing unch t McDon to m kup or h ving to com in or vi it.

    Dr. Brown y h think p r nt h v b n to

    b i v c rt in oo r h th u wh n th y r not.Sh h b n in priv t pr ctic or 13 y r n yth p rc nt g o ov rw ight n ob p ti nt ri

    v ry y r.Dr. Brown n oth r PCRM octor r trying to

    giv both p r nt n chi r n b tt r un r t n ingo nutrition o th y know which oo to imit or voi .

    An Apple a Day

    Dr. Sh h org niz nutrition min r or ki ik J ck n th ir mi i t umm r. F mi i c m onc

    w k or thr w k n rn bout h thy oo

    ot-So-Happy Meals

    With 840 calories, 37 grams of fat, and about as much sodiumas a child should consume in an entire day, McDonaldsMighty Kids Meal has topped a list of the ve most unhealthfulfast-food meals marketed to children. The list, based on analysisby PCRM dietitians, also includes meals from Wendys, KFC, andA&W, as well as Burger Kings just-released BK Kids Breakfast Meal.

    Kids shouldnt have to dodge cholesterol bombs packaged incolorful, toy- lled boxes, says PCRM nutrition education directorSusan Levin, M.S., R.D. Were losing the war against childhoodobesity, but fast-food chains are still making obscene pro ts bytargeting children with high-fat meals.

    Here are the ve most unhealthful kids meals, ranked fromworst to least bad:

    Rank Five Worst Fast-Food Kids Meals Nutritional Pro le

    WorstMcDonalds Mighty Kids Meal:Double Cheeseburger, french fries,and chocolate milk

    840 calories; 37 gramsof fat


    Wendys Kids Meal:Chicken Sandwich, french fries,and chocolate Frosty

    770 calories; 34 gramsof fat


    KFC Kids Meal:Popcorn chicken, potato wedges,string cheese, and soda

    800 calories; 1,800milligrams of sodium



    A&W Kids Meal:Cheeseburger, french fries, andsoda

    780 calories; 9 grams of

    saturated fat

    5th Worst

    Burger Kings BK Kids:Breakfast mu n sandwich meal

    95 milligrams of cholesterol; exceedsrecommended limit onsodium intake

    ONL NE> Read the complete

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    p e e & nu

    Vegan Diet Dramatically Improves GEICO Employees Health

    Th n w r to Am ric ob ity pi mic cou b c o th workp c c t ri . A n w tu y pub i h in Ju y American Journal of Health Promo-tion oun th t GEICO mp oy who witch to v g n i t in work it nutrition progr m o t w ight,

    r uc th ir b oo pr -ur , n mi w r

    y o work.Gov rnm nt Em-

    p oy In ur nc Co.

    (GEICO) mp oy with bo y m in x w r r cruit to p rticip t in th tu y con uth W hington C nt r or C inic R rch

    ub i i ry. Sixty- ight mp oy t th ChM ., oc tion w r k to o ow ow-

    or 22 w k without ch nging th ir x rci P rticip nt o tt n w k y nutrition pror cooking mon tr tion n w r o rv g n br k t n unch option in th com

    t ri . Stu y p rticip nt t GEICO Fr ri

    V ., it w r k to continu th ir r gux rci h bit .Emp oy in th int rv ntion group o t

    poun on v r g , r ucing th ir ri k or hhigh b oo pr ur , n i b t . At tp nt o t mor th n 40 poun , n th y

    w r hour t work th n contro group p rticContro group p rticip nt o ow n om

    i t n xp ri nc w ight g in n ripr ur .

    Annu co t o ob ity-r t xp n itun h v b n tim t t pproxim tbut h th c r co t or mp oy r who onutrition progr m r ik y to b ow r.

    Emp oy r m y b motiv t to provi r t int rv ntion , b c u th y o t n ci i bi ity or h th outcom n co t ,th tu y uthor . Epi mio ogic tu i hth t popu tion con uming ow- t, p nt-br uc bo y w ight, improv p m ipi ction , r v r coron ry th ro c ro i , n im2 i b t m n g m nt.

    ONL NE> GEICO employees Bruce and Hillary describethe bene ts of their employers worksite nutritionprogram in this inspiring

    rom nutritioni t n h th uc tor. T min ro inc u group coun ing.

    T chi r n w r g r to p rticip t n rnbout wh t w h thy n wh t w not, y Dr.

    Sh h. I w J ck in o ow up bout month t r. H w ting mor r h ruit n v g t b , x rci ing,

    n trying to b h thi r.Dr. Sh h o k p ti nt to k p oo i ry. Sh

    t rt with chi r n young r t gr n k th mn th ir mi i to t th ir own go or h thy t-

    ing. Sh n th t chi r n r mor wi ing to m kch ng i th y cr t th ir go r th r th n h r t ingth m wh t th y n to ccomp i h.

    Dr. Gor on o t rt t king to hi p ti nt boutnutrition t young g .

    By ollowing a low- at vegan diet, Hillary and Bruce experienced vast improvementsin their weight and overall health.


    I t k to my 5-, 10-, 15-y r-o bout mch n k th m to think bout wh t wob tt r or th ir S tur y t rnoon occ r g

    y . I y, I you t mor ruit n v gc n run t r.

    PCRM p i trici n h v o b n hPCRM c mp ign to improv choo unch .b n p king out g in t th t oo proc m t o t n rv in choo unc

    ncour ging Congr to provi choo wiv g t ri n commo ity option .

    T y w nt chi r n to h v cc to h tht choo , t hom , n in th ir communiti

    wi v op ting h bit th t c n h p h thy n out o th octor o c .

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    PCRM Sues FDAOver Avandias

    Side E ects

    P CRM w nt i b t p ti nt to know bouti t ry t rn tiv to ng rou or i b trug . o n ur th t octor n p ti nt g t th

    ct , PCRM uit g in t th Foo n Drug A mini tr tion thi Ju y.

    T w uit, in th U.S. Di trict Court or th

    Di trict o Co umbi , t rg t Foo n Drug A min-i tr tion (FDA) commi ion r M rg r t H mburg,M.D., or i ing to ct on PCRM mini tr tivp tition. T p tition urg th FDA to r quir th t

    i b t rug c rry w rning b t ing p ti nt th tow- t p nt-b i t c n ctiv y tr t typ 2i b t without ng rou i ct oci t with

    or m ic tion .A 2006 tu y un by th N tion In titut o

    H th oun th t ow- t p nt-b i t w ctiv or m ic tion t r ucing b oo g uco

    n cho t ro in p op with i b t .A p nt-b i t i ctiv rug or ow r-

    ing b oo ug r, n much mor ctiv or trimmingbo y w ight, y PCRM pr i nt N B rn r ,M.D. Doctor n p ti nt n th ct .

    T w uit c m t r r rch r r t ink-ing Av n i to i -thr t ning i ct th t mighth v ki or injur t n o thou n o p op . Fo -

    owing th n ing , th FDA took xp rt n pub ict timony on Av n i t p ci joint m ting o two

    vi ory p n .

    Diabetes Educators LearnVegan Approach

    PCRM educated health care professionals about the bene ts of a plant-based approach to treating diabetes at the AmericanAssociation of Diabetes Educators annual meeting in San Antoniothis August.

    More than 500 diabetes educators attended PCRMs screening of Forks Over Knives, the new documentary examining how most de-generative diseases can be controlled, or even reversed, by remov-ing animal products from the diet.

    Dr. Barnards research on how a vegan diet can prevent andreverse diabetes was presented in a poster session titled InsulinResistance and Diet: E ective utrition as First-Line Treatment.PCRM director of diabetes education and care Caroline Trapp,

    M.S. ., C.D.E., presented on PCRMs GEICO workplace weight-loss study and on reimbursement for vegan nutrition education.Brenda Davis, R.D., author of Becoming Vegan and De eating Diabe-tes, discussed her experience helping people in the Marshall Islandsmanage their diabetes through healthy eating.

    During the conferences awards ceremony, PCRM presented therst PCRM/American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)

    Foundation award, the Plant-Based utrition Education Scholar-ship. The winner, Julie Mantis, R. ., M.S., manages the diabeteseducation program at Community Hospital in Crown Point, Ind. Ms.Mantis application essay explained how PCRMs presentations atthe 2009 AADE conference and the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart programhelped her switch to a vegan diet and inspire her patients and co-workers. Ms. Mantis says shes now a better athlete and can speak con dently about this healthy nutrition option with her patients.

    Plant-Based Nutrition Education Scholarship winner Julie Mantis, R.N., M.S.,with PCRMs Caroline Trapp, M.S.N., C.D.E.

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    Want to Go Vegan?

    Theres an App or That

    B12 a Good Role Model

    Wh n h ring th h th b n t o p nt-bi t, it i import nt to by x mp . Dontb ch - n - r nch- ri v g t ri nin t , oup on r h ruit n v g t b , who gr in , n

    gum . A o, b ur to p n or comp t nutrition.It y n import nt.

    T m in nutri nt v g n hou p n or i vit minB12. It i nti or h thy n rv n h thy b oo .It i m by n ith r nim nor p nt ; it i mby b ct ri . Pr um b y, b or th v nt o mo rnhygi n , th b ct ri in th oi n on p nt provitr c o B12. How v r, tho ourc r c rt in y

    not r i b now y . D ci ncir r r , but th y m ni t n rvymptom th t m y b irr v r ib . So

    b ur to g t your B12 rom i y mu tip vit min, B12 upp m nt,or orti oo ( .g., orti c r ,

    oymi k, tc.)Ov r , v g n i t provi b tt r

    nutrition th n ny oth r kin o i t with p nty o prot in, c cium, niron, n n bun nc o vit min

    n min r without th prob mpo by nim t n cho t ro .But it nti to inc u ourc o vit min B12. An it cou nt b i rto o.

    A res u ce f21s Ce u

    e c e

    nu C E.A Website for Health Care Professionals

    utritionCME is an online, evidence-based nutritionresource featuring free continuing medical education(CME) credits and continuing education units (CE )for physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, dietitians,and physician assistants.

    Sponsored by the Physicians Committee forResponsible Medicine and The George Washington


    Now your iPhon c n h p you g t h thy, in ition to mu ingg m , n w , n nt rt inm nt. PCRM h unch rto comp m nt th 21-D y V g n Kick t rt on in progr m.T Kick t rt pp provi 21 y o ow- t v g n br k t

    n inn r r cip , ccomp ni by nutrition tip n vibr nt phototh r cip . T pp ow u r to cro through r cip , ch ck bookm rk vorit , n rch by k ywor .

    Mor th n 20,000 p op tri out v g n i t thi S pt mbPCRM 21-D y V g n Kick t rt, n m ny o th m took v ntn w iPhon pp. T n xt Kick t rt b gin in J nu ry.

    ONL NE> Download the free iPhone app and sign up for the January Kickstart at 21DayKickstart.o.

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    Mor th n 200 ci nti t , m ic pro ion ,n po icym k r c m tog th r in W hington,D.C., in t Augu t or PCRM in ugur con r ncon nim xp rim nt n t rn tiv .

    D pit w ov r c ntury o b t , th thic nci nti c i u urroun ing nim r rch h v r r y

    b n tu i tog th r in b nc , org niz orum.But t PCRM Anim , R rch, n A t rn tivcon r nc , mor th n 20 p k r rom roun th wor h r th ir xp rti on th ci nti c, g , npo itic opportuniti n ch ng to imp m nting

    t rn tiv to nim xp rim nt .During thi two- y v nt, tt n rn how

    xp n ing know g o nim p ycho ogic noci ttribut r in orc th urg ncy o r v u ting

    th ir u in r rch.T r t pr nt r, John G uck, Ph.D., o th Uni-

    v r ity o N w M xico n th K nn y In titut orEthic t G org town Univ r ity, con uct prim tr rch or y r b or turning hi tt ntion to th

    thic o nim r rch. Dr. G uck n oth r p k rxp in th t nim h v th ir own t o n n

    th t th n r compromi wh n nim r

    orc to iv in bor tory tting . J k P nk pp, Ph.D., o W hington St t Univ r-ity, xp in th t ov rwh ming vi nc upport

    th t nim xp ri nc v riou motion . M rc B ko ,Ph.D., o th Univ r ity o Co or o, point out why th motion n mor iv o nim m tt r.

    Sp k r r th phy ic p in nim u rrom in bor tori n o i cu th v r p ycho-ogic u ring c u by u ing nim in xp rim nt .

    PCRM r rch po icy ir ctor Hop F r ow i n,M.D., M.P.H., i cu h r ob rv tion tu y o chimp nz , which oun th t m ny chimp nz uin bor tory r rch continu to xhibit ymptom o

    pr ion n po t-tr um tic tr i or r y r t rb ing r to nctu ri .

    Con r nc tt n o rn bout xcitingv nc in m ic r rch, inc u ing urrog t

    hum n immun y t m or pr icting v ccin ty, comput r imu tion nvironm nt th t ign n w

    in u in tr tm nt or i b t , hum n ti u yor rug v opm nt, n r vo ution ry ppro ch

    to br t c nc r r rch.

    T con r nc w co- pon or by th In titut orIn Vitro Sci nc , John Hopkin Univ r ity C nt r or A t rn tiv to Anim ting, T G org W hingtonUniv r ity M ic C nt r, n th K nn y In tituto Ethic t G org town Univ r ity.

    Fun ing or thi con r nc w r c iv rom th Arcu Foun tion n th N tion Sci nc Foun tion.

    resea ch issues

    Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Keynote Speaker Charles Kimwele, Ph.D., A rican Netwoor Animal Wel are, University o Nair

    Alicia Karas, D.V.M., Tu ts University John Gluck, Ph.D., University o New Mexico, Kennedy Institute o Ethics at Georgetown University

    ONL NE> For more information about the conference and speakers,go

    Autumn 2010 GOOD MEDICINE 1

    PCRM Con erence Pushes Animal Research Dialogue Forward

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    resea ch issues

    P CRM i working to top th tr n r o n r y 200chimp nz rom th A mogor o Prim t F ci -ity in N w M xico to bor tory in x wh r th y wou b u in inv iv xp rim nt .

    T chimp nz h v not b n u in inv ivr rch inc 2001. Som w r pr viou y u in t t-ing t priv t y run ci ity th t w r pon ib or35 chimp nz th . Now, th N tion In titut o H th (NIH) p n to mov th chimp nz to th

    Southw t N tion Prim t R rch F ci Antonio, bor tory notoriou or nim w

    tion . B c u o th ir h th con ition ng , om m y not v n urviv th mov .T r i tr m n ou oc upport or k

    chimp nz in A mogor o. PCRM i r chto conc rn N w M xico o ci , provi ing with r ourc bout NIH p n n th th

    ci nti c prob m with chimp nz xp rimIn Ju y, N w M xico Gov. Bi Rich r on

    tt r to NIH oppo ing th mov . H t r D.C. r to m t with g ncy o ci , n h continu to

    upport p rm n nt y r tiringth chimp nz .

    Un ortun t y, th rgov rnm nt h ignor p-

    p rom Rich r on, phy-ici n , prim to ogi t , noth r who oppo thi p n.NIH h r y mov 14 o th chimp nz to th x

    ci ity n p n to mov thoth r chimp nz oon.

    True Blood s Kristin BauerSpeaks p for Chimpanzees

    K ristin Bauer, whoplays a vampireon the TV series TrueBlood , has joined

    ew Mexico Gov. BillRichardson and manyothers who are speak-ing out on behalf of the Alamogordo

    chimpanzees.Ive always been fascinated by chimpanzees.

    We now know that these amazing animals usetools, grieve for their dead, and are capable of complex communication with humans, wroteBauer in her letter to IH director Francis S. Col-lins, M.D., Ph.D. When chimpanzees are used ininvasive experiments, they are kept in small metalcages, deprived of normal social interaction, andoften subjected to harmful procedures.

    Action Alert

    Contact the FDA About Animal Testing

    Every day, thousands of animals are experimented on and killedto create and test drugs, many of which will never help a sick human being. Thats why PCRM and an international coalitionof scientists, doctors, and animal-protection organizations filedthe Mandatory Alternatives Petition with the .S. Food and DrugAdministration. The petition asks the FDA to mandate the use of validated nonanimal testing methods, when those alternativesexist, to create safer drugs for American consumers.

    The FDA is currently reviewing the initiative. During this time, weneed you to contact the FDA and urge the agency to mandate theuse of validated alternatives to animal tests. Please write to:

    Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D., Commissioner.S. Food and Drug Administration

    5600 Fishers LaneRockville, MD 20857

    ONL NE> To learn more about the Mandatory Alternatives Petition, visit To sign PCRMs online petition to the FDA, go to

    New Mexico GoBill Richardso

    ONL NE> Urge Health and Human Services secretary Kathto cancel this

    PCRM Works toHalt Transfer of

    Chimpanzeesto Laboratory

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    resea ch issues

    Sein eld Writer Supports Humane Charities in Radio Ad

    Victory or Pigs inWisconsin and Tennessee

    P CRM h work or y r to r p c nim u with hum n-b t rn tiv in m ic choo . With h p rom m mb r , PCRM r c nt y chi vtwo mor victori wh n th Univ r ity o Wi con inSchoo o M icin n Pub ic H th n th Univ r-

    ity o nn Co g o M icin in M mphi bothtopp u ing iv pig .Pr viou y, uring th r t-y r phy io ogy cour b

    t th Univ r ity o Wi con in (UW), m ic tu ntpr ctic on iv pig b or th nim w r b outn ki . UW now join th ov rwh ming m jority

    o m ic choo th t no ong r u iv nim tot ch utur phy ici n .

    PCRM h b n qu y ctiv t n ing nimu in A v nc r um Li Support (A LS) progr m ,

    n r c nt y rn th t th Univ r ity o nn htopp u ing iv pig in thi cour . PCRM h pn th u o iv pig in m ic tu nt urg ry

    b t th Univ r ity o nn in 2008. T pig w r initi y r p c with tu nt rot tion in n rho pit b or th choo purch two r um M nSy t m imu tor . In Jun , t r PCRM rcomp int ov r th choo u o nim in it A LSprogr m, th univ r ity con rm th t it h toppu ing iv pig n i u ing tho m imu tor in ittr um tr ining cour .

    PCRM h ju t ix mor in titution to th i to tr um tr ining progr m u ing non nim m tho .But h n u o progr m , inc u ing u n Univ r ity

    Schoo o M icin , continu to u iv nim intr um tr ining cour .At u n , th A LS cour ti invo v cutting

    op n iv , n th tiz pig n pr cticing proc uruch in rting tub n n into th nim

    ch t c viti n cutting into th ir thro t . A t r thtr ining ion, th nim r ki .

    C ro L i r n humor in v rything xc ptnot knowing wh r h r mon y go wh n hon t to h th ch rity. In n w r io pub ic rvicnnounc m nt, h xp in how PCRM Hum n

    Ch rity S o Approv progr m h p onor nch riti th t provi vit c r n v nc r rch without u ing nim .

    L i r, t n -up comic n uthor who h writ-t n orSeinfeld n Saturday Night Live , urg onorto giv n t iv by upporting comp ion tch riti committ to provi ing vit rvic nc r to p ti nt or v ncing r rch without th uo nim .

    Anim xp rim nt r no jok . T nk goo nci nti t r n ing b tt r, mor hum n w y to -

    v op tr tm nt or c nc r n oth r ki r i ,y L i r in th PSA.

    ONL NE > To listen to the PSA,

    ONL NE> To help save animals at Tulane,

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    pCr leg s a e Fu

    Ensuring Cosmetics TestingBill Supports Nonanimal


    Th PCRM L gi tiv Fun i working to n urth t n w co m tic t ting gi tion inc u pro-vi ion to upport th v opm nt n u o ctivnon nim t t m tho , n ppro ch th t wi prot ctmi ion o nim n h p pro uc r pro uct

    or hum n .T S Co m tic Act o 2010, H.R. 5786, w

    intro uc in Ju y by R p . J n Sch kow ky, D-I .,E w r M rk y, D-M ., n mmy B win, D- Wi ., to ov rh u co m tic r gu tion. T bi wintro uc within two y o th oxic Ch micS ty Act, which PCRM i o working to tr ngth n,

    n i p rt o bro r tr n ov r th t w y r toimprov r gu tion o ch mic in th nvironm nt

    n in con um r pro uct .Curr nt y, co m tic r r gu t by th Foon Drug A mini tr tion (FDA) through th F r

    Foo , Drug, n Co m tic Act (FFDCA). Un r thFFDCA, co m tic m nu-

    ctur r r r pon ib orv ri ying th ty o th irpro uct , but th y r notr quir to p r orm p r-ticu r ty t t or g in

    pprov rom th FDA prior to m rk ting th ir pro uct . Ti conc rn m ny who ir gr t r ov r ight o con um r pro uct .

    H.R. 5786 wou incr r gu tory uthority, butth bi wou o r quir th t co m tic ingr i ntun rgo xt n iv toxicity t t or n rr y o pot ntih th ct . A though th r r cc pt b non nimm tho or c rt in typ o ty t t , much o thm n tory t ting c or in thi bi wou r quirth u o nim . T t ting r quir m nt r o

    r-r ching th t comp ni with -n tur pro uct

    ONL NE> For more information on our chemicalpolicy work, go

    Animal tests are not a goodway to assess how cosmeticsingredients will a ect humanhealth, says PCRM scientistNancy Beck, Ph.D.

    r conc rn th y wi h v to t t ingr iv n r n g in nim .Anim t t r not goo w y to

    co m tic ingr i nt wi ct hum n hPCRM ci nti t N ncy B ck, Ph.D. An v n w r , th mount o t ting r quir by thicomp t y unwork b b c u o th hug

    nim , bor tory c p city, tim , n mon yor t ting, w th r ourc n

    r vi w thi t .PCRM i pu hing or common n

    by urging gi tor to upport t ting t i oingr i nt r th r th n on - iz - t - ch

    ition, PCRM ci nti t r c ing or

    th t th FDA n co m tic comp ni conxi ting t on n ingr i nt to t rmin ition in orm tion i n . Ti ppro

    r uc nim u whi o cr ting mm nt y t m.

    A though th S Co m tic Act c t ting, it o inc u ction th t r quiro xi ting non nim t rn tiv wh r pTi i trong r ngu g th n th n w ch mic

    gi tion, which on y ncour g th u oPCRM i pu hing or v n trong r provi ion

    bi to r p c nim t ting with ctiv inc u ing xp icit m ntion o mo rn toxicity

    ppro ch uch in vitro n comput tion T Europ n Union r c nt y opt n w c

    ic t ting mo , th Co m tic Dir ctiv ,EEC. Ti gi tion h purr innov tiom tho v opm nt by gr u y b nning t

    nim . T b n ctiv y prompt th vo v r v nc m tho to r coPCRM i urging Unit St t gi tor to mo .

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    pCr leg s a e Fu

    Great Ape Protection Act Reaches SenateTh PCRM L gi tiv Fun c mp ign to nchimp nz xp rim nt took critic t p orw rin Augu t with th intro uction o bip rti n S n t

    bi . W hington S n. M ri C ntw , V rmont S n.B rni S n r , n M in S n. Su n Co in intro-

    uc th Gr t Ap Prot ction Act, S. 3694, p rbi to th Hou v r ion, H.R. 1326. T bi wou

    n th u o chimp nz in inv iv xp rim nt ,r mor th n 500 r y own chimp nz top rm n nt nctu ri , n prohibit th br ing o chimp nz or r rch.

    Mi ion o w t o r n c o i x-p rim nt h v mon tr t th t chimp nz r poormo or r rching hum n i , y PCRM

    ir ctor o r rch po icy Hop F r-ow i n, M.D., M.P.H. Ti n w

    bi wou r chimp nz n

    n ur th t t x o r r not w ton th cru , i xp rim nt .

    T L gi tiv Fun t m con-tinu to m t with S n t o c tog rn r ition upport or S. 3694.T Hou bi h g in igni c ntmom ntum n now h n r y 150co- pon or .

    ASA Engineer Resigns OverMonkey Radiation Experiments

    N ASA ngin r Apri Ev n r c nt y r ign wh nth p c g ncy r u to r h r conc rnbout it propo monk y r i tion xp rim nt .Ev n ci ion to quit NASA, wh r h w n r-

    chit ct on th Int rn tion Sp c St tion, h r c ivxt n iv cov r g , inc u ing tory in thHouston

    Chronicle .In S pt mb r, Ev n t voic m i m g or

    mp oy t Brookh v n N tion L bor tory on LongI n , wh r th quirr monk y wi b xpo tor i tion, n McL n Ho pit in B mont, M ., wh r th nim wi b hou uring th ur tiono th xp rim nt .

    Im c ing b c u your mp oy r i r pon ib orm king th n ci ion on wh th r to ow NASA to xpo quirr monk y to h rm u v o r i -tion, i Ev n in h r voic m i . Irr i ting monk yc nnot bri g th g p o know g critic to n b ing

    ong-t rm hum n p c xp or tion. T r r b tt rtr t gic ppro ch v i b or NASA to comb t

    r i tion, uch v oping p c r i tion hi ingt chno ogi to prot ct our tron ut .

    NASA p nn xp rim nt invo v p n ing$1.75 mi ion to tu y th ct o w hour o r i tion xpo ur on 2-poun quirr monk y in n

    tt mpt to t rmin th ct o month or y r o p c tr v on 180-poun hum n tron ut . PCRM

    i pu hing th g ncy in t to oc t thi mon y

    tow r mo rn non ni-m t rn tiv , uch

    nthropomorphic ph n-tom , which r prov nmor ccur t th n nim

    xp rim nt .

    European Space Agency OpposesMonkey Experiments

    The European Space Agency recently became the rst spaceagency to voice clear opposition to primate experimentation.In April, the agencys director Jean-Jacques Dordain wrote a letterto Animal Defenders International stating that the European SpaceAgency (ESA) declines any interest in monkey research and doesnot consider any need oruse for such result.

    This demonstrates aclear opposition to ASAsproposed monkey radiation experiments. PCRM and other orga-nizations are urging ASA to consider ESAs views and focus onnonanimal research methods relevant to human astronauts.

    ONL NE> The PCRM Legislative Fund is urging members of Congress to takagainst NASAs proposed experiments. Contact your representative

    ONL NE> Ask Congress to pass the Great ApeProtection

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    the Ca ce p jec a the Ca ce p jec

    16 GOOD MEDICINE Au um 2010

    Helping Those Who eed It the Most

    Educational Alliance Partner Highlight

    Grilled Chicken Cancer Warning Lawsuit Moves Forward

    D vi P. nb rg (19142005) wn xtr or in ry m n, r tirB timor ph rm ci t n nim ov r who work n ic tion to rviccontinu to m k r m tic i r ncin th iv o tho who n it th mo t.T t t o D vi P. nb rg Ch rit bFoun tion Inc., m n g by M rvin

    nb rg, r t b g n working with TC nc r Proj ct to intro uc h thy v g t ri n m choic iciou nti -b i hto th p tron o Our D i y Br hot m progr m, which rvmor th n qu rt r-mi ion m to th

    hungry o B timor City ch y r.Ti chi v m nt to gr nt or TC nc r Proj ct in J nu ry 2009 to hoongoing nutrition n cooking cto t ch cruci , pot nti y i ving

    ki to th p tron o Chri toph r P cEmp oym nt Ac my, n int n iv r i-

    nti progr m th t provi uc tionn tr ining w r cov ry upport

    to orm r y hom m n. T ucco thi progr m to n xp n ion intoMy Si t r P c , wh r hom wom n

    n th ir chi r n in B timor City c ny p n th ir y n h v cc to

    r ourc n ir ct rvic th y n tob gin th tr n ition b ck to r i nti

    t bi ity n - u ci ncy.By ing th mi ing nutrition com-

    pon nt to Our D i y Br progr m ,T C nc r Proj ct h mpow r thicommunity with th know g o how to choo th h thi t, mo t or b ,

    n iciou oo ; wh r to cc th m;n how to pr p r th ir own m p rt o h thy i ty . o t , th pro-gr m h provi n r y 300 p op withthi critic , int n iv uc tion progr m

    n h intro uc h thy, ti ying

    v g t ri n m choic to th mo700 i y p tron o Our D i y BI you r int r t in i

    how your on tion cou m k nc , cont ct B t y W on tbwason

    P CRM w rning- b w uitg in t t- oo r t ur nt movorw r in Augu t. T St t o C i-orni Court o App in Lo Ang

    r v r ow r court ru ing, puttingcon um r on t p c o r to victory. T

    w uit k to comp McDon noth r ch in to po t w rning in C i or-ni r t ur nt bout th c nc r ri k o gri chick n.

    T t- oo ch in wi now ctri or ing pro uct cont ining PhIP,on o group o c rcinog n oun ingri m t. T w uit w un rC i orni Propo ition 65, which t t

    th t con um r mu t b w rn boutpro uct th t cont in known c rcinog n .T w uit i b on t t th t oun

    PhIP in 100 gri chick n mp rom

    McDon , Chick- -A, Chi i ,Fri y , Outb ck St khou , BKing, n App b . T n ingpi rom in p n nt bor tocommi ion by PCRM ci nti tpub i h in th S pt mb r 2008o Nutrition and Cancer .

    T t t ru ing r c iv xt ntion m i cov r g , inc u ing in Forbes n Te Wall Street Journal .

    Burg r King h tt th n po t w rning ign in it C

    r t ur nt . But th oth r h v y t to in orm cu tom r boc nc r-c u ing ch mic in th ir

    chick n pro uct .

    D vi Whitn M ry- A ic Whit , R.D.,o th MountPi g h Ac my S v nth- y A -

    v nti t Church in C n r, N.C., h vb n bu y bringing cooking n nutritionc to th ir community through TC nc r Proj ct E uc tion A i ncProgr m. L t in th pring, th Whitt ught th ir r t cour , C nc r-Conqu r-ing Cui in , b on T C nc r Proj ctpopu r Foo or Li progr m. T y t ught group o 32 c nc r urvivor ,

    p ti nt , c r giv r , n mi y o tho who i o c nc r, nint r t in rning how to ivh th u y to pr v nt c nc r ro . T c w r w -r cpo itiv comm nt rom p rticinoting how much th y ppr ci tin orm tion C nc r Proj ct prN B rn r , M.D., pr nt DVD , n h ring i t ry ch ng

    b ginning to t mor v g t bruit . ONL NE> Learn more about how your i

    tion can become an Educational

    ONL NE> Learn more about grilled chickPhIP

    Our Daily Bread, Christopher Place Employment Center

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    the news y u nee The Cancer Project is a PCRM program that advances cancer preventionand survival through nutrition education and research.

    By Joseph Gonzales, R.D., and Susan Levin, M.S., R.D.

    Autumn 2010 GOOD MEDICINE 1

    the Ca ce p jec

    p u wom n who con um p nty o ign n r ucth ir ri k o br t c nc r by 14 p rc nt. Lign n r

    imi r in om w y to th i o von oun in oy

    pro uct , but r oun in v ri ty o oo oth r th noy pro uct . R rch r r vi w 21 prior tu i to

    ob rv th conn ction b tw n i t n br t c nc rri k. T b n t rom ign n m y b u to th ir bi -ity to b ock trog n ctivity in th bo y or to oth r

    ntic nc r ct .Buck K, Zaineddin AK, Vrieling A, Linseisen J, Chang-Claude J. Meta-analyses of lignans andenterolignans in relation to breast cancer risk. Am J Clin Nutr.Published ahead of print May12, 2010. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.28573.

    ea i ake l ke

    b a e Ca ceC on umption o r n proc m t incrth ri k o b r c nc r, ccor ing to n w

    tu y. R rch r ook t mor th n 300,000 m nn wom n n oun th t tho who con um th

    mo t r m t h 22 p rc nt incr ri k o b rc nc r, comp r with tho who t th t. Con-

    umption o nitrit n nitr t , compoun u orpr rving, co oring, n voring proc m t , w

    oci t with 28 to 29 p rc nt incr ri k t high-t int k v . PhIP, ch mic common y oun in

    gri chick n n oth r m th t to c rt in t mp r tur , w oci t with 19 p rc ntincr ri k o b r c nc r.P rticip nt w r p rt o thNIH-AARP Di t n H thStu y n w r inc u in

    v n-y r o ow-up.PhIP h b n ink to

    num rou c nc r in hum n ,inc u ing br t, co on, npro t t . Nitrit n nitr t

    h v ong b n r cogniz pot nt c rcinog n .Ferrucci LM, Sinha R, Ward MH, et al. Meat andcomponents of meat and the risk of bladder cancerin the IH-AARP Diet and Health Study. Cancer. Pub-lished ahead of print August 2, 2010. doi: 10.1002/cncr.25463.

    d a e es l ke i c ease Ca ce r sk

    P op with i b t h v up to twic th ri k o -v oping iv r, p ncr tic, n n om tri c nc ro p op who o not h v i b t , ccor ing to tu y pub i h inCA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians . C n-c r o th co on, r ctum, b r, n br t r omor common mong p op with i b t . T r on

    or th incr ri k i unknown, but it m y b imi rri k ctor or both i , uch ob ity n o r

    g . T ink m y o b rom i b tic comp ic tionik high b oo ug r, high b oo in u in, in mm -

    tion, or t r hormon r gu tion, o which c n

    incr c nc r ri k. Ti r port rom th Am ric nDi b t A oci tion n th Am ric n C nc r Soci ty ugg t th t high int k o who gr in , ruit , n

    v g t b n ow int k o proc n r m tr oci t with ow r c nc r ri k.

    Giovannucci E, Harlan DM, Archer MC, et al. Diabetes and cancer: a consensus report. CA Cancer J Clin.Published ahead of print June 16, 2010. doi: 10.3322/caac.20078.

    d e a l g a s re uceb eas Ca ce r sk

    Po tm nop u wom n who i t inc u p nty o ign n , n tur compoun oun in who

    gr in , ruit , v g t b , n x n m ,m y h v ow r ri k o br t c nc r, ccor ing to

    r c nt tu y pub i h in th American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. R rch r oun th t po tm no-

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    em e u

    Celebrating 25 Years (25 Good Things to Do Now)

    P CRM turn 25 thi y r n thorg niz tion i xp n ing in iz ncop ik n v r b or ! T k y to our

    ucc h w y b n th p op b hinth workour phy ici n n ci nti t

    n th m mb r who provi upport orth ir ort . Your invo v m nt h op n

    oor , ncour g v nc m nt , nprovi u with inv u b gui nc . o

    tr ngth n thi p rtn r hip, w h v puttog th r i t o 25 thing you c n o toh p u continu on th p th to ucc .H r r th r t v :

    Help Us Grow!

    1 Bring yourphy ici n copy o Good Medicine

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    2 S n your ri n n mi y n-m i ncour ging th m to ignup or PCRM r on in community

    ( Community ).

    3 Invit your F c book ri n tob com n o PCRM p g( ).

    4 Bring PCRMVegetarianStarter Kit to your

    n xt community t b ing v nt.

    5 M k on tion toh p n ur PCRMh th unn to t k

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    Tank you for your continued support!


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    Mo t o u w nt to b ur th work or mor comp

    wor c rri on w into th imp b qu t provi ion c n m

    h pp n. Inv tm nt ccount n tprop rty, uch r t t nc n b i nti in wi n to b n t p rticu r p r on or orgtion. M ny p op r now cr tin

    t young r g , n it n v r ti you h v t to p onr comm n working with n tto

    p ci izing in wi . T co t or

    b ic wi i v ry r on b ,u ting p c o min i inv u bv y r , you hou v u tn m k up t n .M mb r who inc u PCRM in

    wi r p rt o our p ci groutim P rtn r . o rn mor boLi tim P rtn r progr m n bouing wi , vi itPCRM.PlanYourLegacyor r turn th orm on th t.

    Creating a Compassionate Future

    ONL NE> For the complete list, please

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    em e u

    T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.Research scientist, Professor of Nutritional Biochemistryat Cornell University, and director of the T. Colin CampbellFoundation, Dr. Campbell is author of the bestseller The ChinaStudy:The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition EverConducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, WeightLoss and Long Term Health.

    Marilu Henner Award winning star of stage, screen, and TV and New YorkTimes best-selling author of seven health and tness booksincluding Marilu Henners Total Health Makeover . On she teaches classes based on her books, and herseries Shape Up Your Life is currently seen on the DiscoveryNetworks FitTV.

    Christina Pirello Christina is a nationally known vegetarian/vegan chef,Emmy Award-winning TV celebrity hosting her own show, Christina Cooks, and author of several best-selling cookbooks including Cooking the Whole Foods Way, This CrazyVegan Life , and her latest, Im Mad As Hell and Im Not GonnaEat It Anymore !

    John Salley A four-time NBA champion, actor ( Bad Boys, Confessionsof a Shopaholic ), TV host (The Best Damn Sports ShowPeriod) and wellness guru, John Salley campaigns for vegan organizations like PETA and PCRM, speaking to Congress and appearing on Dr. Oz and other talk shows to promote health and wellness.

    * Rate is in U.S. dollars, per person, based on double occupancy, minimum category. Includes holistic program. Governmentfees, gratuities and fuel surcharge, if any, additional. Certain restrictions apply.Additional charges apply for spa treatments, individual consultations and a few workshops. Ships registry: Panama.

    For reservations contact Travel Group InternationalToll Free: 1-866-447-0750 , ext. 102 or 108 or Ph: 1-561-447-0750

    Email: [email protected]

    For program info , visit or contact Holistic Holiday at Sea directly.Toll-free: 1-800-496-0989 Ph: 1-828-749-9537

    E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Join us for 7 nights on the beautiful, new MSC Poesia, one of the most elegant and ecologically friendlycruise liners on the seas, as we visit quaint Key West; exotic Ocho Rios, Jamaica; beautiful Georgetown,Grand Cayman; and historic Cozumel, Mexico. February 27 - March 6, 2011. Bask in warm, g racious, Italian hospitality and service all while enjoying spirited lectures and

    vegetarian/vegan natural foods and beverages prepared by our own chefs and bakers. Regularcruise menu and gluten-free options available.

    Over 30 teachers and 120 holistic lectures, workshops and 10 vegan cooking classes. Dont missMarilu Henners Role of Your Life workshops. Private consultations and treatments available.

    Daily Yoga, Meditation, Pilates, Do-In, Slimming Dance Walk, Run/Walk Stretch and AB Workouts. Continuing Education Credits available. Dancing, fun socials and singles events; vegan pizza and ice cream parties; cancer support group and

    recovery panel.

    Also scheduled to appear: yoga sage Yogi Desai, vegan chef and cookbook author Isa Chandra Moskowitz, world-famous author and pioneer in integrative medicine, Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., WillTuttle, Ph.D., Ronald Peters, M.D., Jessica Porter, Sherri Baptiste and many others.

    February 27 - March 6, 2011

    H o l i s t i c H o l i d a y a t s e a V i i i B O O K E A R L Y T O R E C E I V E B E S T A V A I L A B L E C A B I N S A N D R A T E S

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    V egetarianC ruisV egetarianC ruis$1,299 *

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    Remembering RodneySociety Calendar

    Thi 13-month c n r i withb uti u im g c br ting nimin th ir n tur urroun ing . It our 25th

    nniv r ry gi t to our month y onorin th R m mb ring Ro n y Soci ty. Our

    p ci oci ty m mb r r invit to join n nnu Pr i nt Up t C ,r c iv in i r c mp ign r port , nh p provi t y un ing to k p o PCRM progr m n c mp ign going

    trong. o r c iv your c n r, b com oci ty m mb r with month y gi t o

    $5 or mor by c ing 202-527-6304 orvi .

    Alec Baldwin Brings Star Power to Sag Harbor Fundraiser

    O n Aug. 7, S g H rbor r i nt rt-i t Dorothy Fr nk g n rou y op n h r hom n cu ptur g r n toho t PCRM b n t. Sp ci gu t A cB win join PCRM pr i nt NB rn r , M.D., n PCRM ir ctor o pub ic ir E iz b th Kucinich to p k

    bout th org ni-z tion work topromot p nt-b i t orgoo h th nto n th u o

    nim in xp r-im nt . Gu t w r tr t to

    n y u o m -m rizing rtcr t by thp rty ho t nv g n tr t uch

    ro t v g t b k w r vin igr tt ipping uc n rh rt ritt r with mon z t

    nut . M . Fr nk pr nt Mr win with on o h r bronz cu ptur cognition o hi out t n ing v

    ort on b h o p op n

    Alec Baldwin, Elizabeth Kucinich, Dorothy Frankel, and Neal Barnard, M

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    pCr a ke acepCr a ke ace


    What Will We Do If We DontExperiment on Animals?

    Medical Research or the 21st CenturyC. Ray Greek, M.D., and Jean Swingle Greek, D.V.M.The Greeks answer the titles question with a tour o trulymodern medical research. With advances in the studyo human genetics and the ability to measure humanresponses to drugs at the molecular level, researchers willfnd it increasingly di fcult to justi y the crude data accu-mulated rom animal experimentation. 262 pgs, $24.99

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    The Best in the WorldFast, Health ul Recipes

    rom Exclusive and Out-o -the-Way RestaurantsNeal D. Barnard, M.D., Editor This popular collection o wonder-

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    The Best in the World IIHealth ul Recipes rom Exclusiveand Out-o -the-Way Restaurants Jennifer L. Keller, R.D., Editor Travel around the world to discover

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    ul vegan cookbook is the sequelto PCRMs original international recipe collection.Hardcover, 71 pgs, $11.95

    The Best in the World IIIHealth ul Recipes rom Exclusiveand Out-o -the-Way RestaurantsNeal Barnard, M.D., Editor Discover delicious and uniquerecipes rom restaurants across

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    Skinny BitchA No-Nonsense, Tough Love Guide or SavWant to Stop Eating Crap and Start LookingRory Freedman and Kim BarnouinThis bestselling vegan guide pulls no punching and sassy, the book rests on a solid health

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    Macro for the MainstreamDVD Sheri DeMarisTV host Sheri DeMaris believes your kitchen is yourmedicine cabinet. In this exciting DVD, she prepares

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    How to Eat Like a Vegetarian Even If YouNever Want to Be OneCarol J. Adams and Patti BreitmanOut o time and out o ideas? Cook

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    Speed VeganQuick, Easy Recipes with a Gourmet Twist Alan Roettinger Che Roettingers un and creative cooking style results inmeals that stand out rom the ordinary. Includes recom-mendations or basic kitchen staples and ways to savemoney on essential kitchen equipment. All dishes can becompleted in 30 minutes or less. 192 pgs, $19.95

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    Crazy Sexy Cancer TipsKris Carr An advice-from-the-trenches cancer

    survival guidebook for young womenwith cancer. Here it is, a righteousguide to kicking cancers tail and livingthe best life ever. Part memoir, parttips, tricks, how-tos, and insights. Kris and13 unbelievable survivor-babes contribute to the adventure story. Join the cancer stitchpass the wisdom along to someone who needsthey face the little c or other life lemons. 2

  • 8/6/2019 Good Medicine Magazine (Autumn 2010)

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    The Nutrition Rainbow PosterThe more naturally color ul your meal ilikely it is to have an abundance o cancnutrients. Pigments that give

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    Prescription for Life PosterThis whimsical work o artintroduces your patients to theimportance o ruits, vegetables,whole grains, and beans incancer prevention and survival.It also tells how to obtain ree

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    recipes. 245 pgs, $19.95Eating Right for Cancer SurvivaldvdNeal Barnard, M.D., Chef SualuaTupolo, Stephanie Beine, R.D.This exciting 2-disc set is designed towork hand in hand with the companionbook,The Cancer Survivors Guide. Ninenutrition presentations and nine cook-ing lessons provide power ul tools or makin health and well-being. 270 mins, $19.95

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    From The Cancer Project

    New VersioN

    The Sublime Restaurant CookbookSouth Floridas Ultimate Destination or Ve

    Nanci Alexander The lavors and beauty Floridas award-winning Restaurant are compiled hsome o Sublimes most nary creations. From Asian

    Mediterranean in uences to more typical Aeach recipe is delight ully conceived, beautiand yet surprisingly quick to prepare. 117 p

    Autumn 2010 GOOD MEDICINE 2

    From Neal D. Barnard, M.D., PCRM president

    A New Approach to Nutrition for DiabetesDVDNeal D. Barnard, M.D.Turn back the clock on diabetes through a low- at vegandiet. In eight compelling lessons, Dr. Barnard explainshis groundbreaking research, unded by the NationalInstitutes o Health, and how to put it to work in your li e.Includes cooking demonstrations by che Toni Fiore anda grocery store tour by Susan Levin, R.D., and CarolineTrapp, M.S.N., C.D.E. 192 mins, $19.95Dr. Neal Barnards Programfor Reversing DiabetesI you have diabetes or areconcerned about developing it,this program could change thecourse o your li e. Dr. Barnardsgroundbreaking clinical studies,the latest unded by the NationalInstitutes o Health, show that diabetes respondsdramatically to a low- at, vegetarian diet. Rather than just compensating or mal unctioning insulin like othertreatment plans, Dr. Barnards program helps repair howthe body uses insulin. Includes 50 delicious recipes.288 pgs, $15.95Foods That Fight PainDid you know that ginger canprevent migraines and that co eesometimes cures them? Drawingon new research, Dr. Barnard showsreaders how to soothe everydayailments and cure chronic painwith common oods. 348 pgs,$14.95

    Breaking the Food SeductionWe all have oods we cant resist,

    oods that sabotage our health.But banishing those cravings orchocolate, cookies, cheese, or burg-ers isnt a question o willpower, itsa matter o biochemistry. Drawingon his own research and that o other leading institutions, Dr. Barnard reveals howdiet and li estyle changes can break the craving cycle.324 pgs, $16.99

    Turn Off the Fat Genes

    Genes, including those that shape our bodies, actu-ally adapt to outside in uences. Dr. Barnard explainsthe process and provides a three-week gene-controlprogram complete with menus and recipes by Jen-ni er Raymond. Here are power ul tools or achievinglong-term weight loss and better health. Paperback,350 pgs, $14.95

    A Physicians Slimming Guide forPermanent Weight ControlYou can succeed in becoming and staying slimmer! Thisbook is not a dietits a comprehensive program thattakes the reader beyond artifcial ormula approaches.

    96 pgs, $7.95Food for LifeThe breakthrough book on aging, heart disease, cancer,weight control, and general health. Pre ace by DeanOrnish, M.D. Loads o tips on changing your diet, 21 dayso menus, plus delicious recipes by Jenni er Raymond.334 pgs, $14.95

    The Kind Diet Alicia Silverstone, Introduction by Neal Barnard, M.D.Deliciously empowering,The Kind Diet opens the door to e ortless weight loss, high energy, clear skin, and smoothdigestion, all while protecting the planet. Three separate dietary tracks rom Flirting to Superherohelp readersmake the vegan transition at their own pace. Discover ood that satisfes at every level. Hardcover, 320 pgs, $29.99

    Building Bone VitalityA Revolutionary Diet Plan to PreventBone Loss and Reverse Osteoporosis

    Amy Lanou Ph.D., Michael CastlemanBone vitality doesnt come through dairyproducts, calcium pill, or drugs. Using thelatest clinical studies, Dr. Lanou exploresthe calcium myth and explains why a low-acid diet is theonly e ective way to prevent bone loss. 256 pgs, $16.95

    The Love-Powered DietEating or Freedom, Health, and JoyVictoria Moran

    Drawing on her personal experience,Moran applies Twelve Step principlesto fnd reedom rom compulsive eat-ing and yo-yo dieting. She proposes a peace ul, naturalway o eating that keeps weight o without dieting.241 pgs, $20.00

    The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook125 Easy and Delicious Recipes to Jump-Start Weight Loss and Help You Feel GreatThese recipes are based on Dr. Neal Barnards landmark two-year study, which showsthat a vegan diet e ectively controls type 2 diabetes. In act, its also benefcial orweight loss, the reversal o heart disease, and the improvement o many other condi-tions.Dr. Barnard and nutritionist Robyn Webb o er easy, delicious meals to improveyour health. 248 pgs, $18.95


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    popularVegetarian Sare available witho

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    usual chicken ngers and pepperonipizza, Mitchs high-powered fruit andvegetable smoothies give him specialpowers, such as supersonic hearing and amazing nightvision to tackle problems and solve mysteries at SunchokeElementary. Mitch Spinach is a great role model for all thethings children need help witheating well, kindness,compassion, helpfulness, and modesty. 28 pgs, $16.95


    Thrive FitnessThe Vegan-Based Training Program for MaximumStrength, Health, and Fitness

    Brendan Brazier Professional Ironman triathlete BrendanBrazier presents his own easy-to-applysystem of total health and tness. Learnhow to get maximum results in minimumtime, sharpen mental clarity, increaseenergy, and prevent injuries. Includes 6-week workout planand list of 15 top foods to fuel workouts, as well as 30 veganrecipes. 272 pgs, $15.95

  • 8/6/2019 Good Medicine Magazine (Autumn 2010)

    23/24 W e 2006GOOD MEDICINE 2 Autumn 2010 GOOD MEDICINE 2

    Jus he Fac

    A Patent ProblemEli Lilly and Co. stopped

    nal-stage clinical trials of an experimental Alzheimersdrug after realizing patientssymptoms worsened aftertaking the drug. Presumablythe drug showed promise inanimals and in small-scalehuman trials, only to fail inlarge human trials.

    Vegetarian in Chie ? The slimmed-down physiqueformer president Bill Clintonrevealed this summer at thewedding of his daughter,Chelsea, may be due toa vegetarian, dairy-freediet. According to Peoplemagazines Sandra SobierajWestfall, Clinton lost 20pounds for the big day bygiving up meat and dairyproducts. Not Making the Grade

    Princeton niversityresearchers may havemishandled primates ina research lab. Accordingto the .S. Departmentof Agriculture inspectionreport, the animals mayhave been receivingwater at levels below theminimum amounts allowedby the Animal Welfare Actand may not have beengiven painkillers followingsurgeries.

    Maggots on a PlanePassengers on a S Airways

    ight got a rude welcome ona recent ight from Atlanta:maggots falling from anoverhead bin. The maggotsoriginated from a package of spoiled meat that had beenbrought aboard in carry-onluggage. The plane had to becleared and cleaned beforetakeo .

    Dead MeatCows being cloned forbreeding stock to boost meatproduction in the nitedStates are being created fromthe cells of dead animals.Farmers are looking to clonecows whose meat theyconsider exceptional, whichcan only be determined frominspecting their carcasses.

    A Statin a Day?Researchers from the Imperial College London suggest thatfast-food outlets begin handing out cholesterol-loweringdrugs alongside the fatty fare. They found that a daily drug

    would be required to neutralize the cardiovascular risk of analmost half-pound cheeseburger and small milkshake. oword on the dosage needed to counteract a typical Americansupersized meal.

    Rocking RedsDave Matthews makes nemusicand now, ne wines.Matthews owns Blenheim

    Vineyards, just south of Charlottesville, Va., with hisfamily. The vineyard recentlyhosted an elaborate vegandinner to celebrate itsselection of vegan wines.

    Poultry PoisonChickens, turkeys, and otherpoultry birds are the leadingcause of food poisoningoutbreaks, according to theCenters for Disease Controland Prevention. Poultryconsumption accountedfor 17 percent of foodborneillness outbreaks reported tothe government in 2007.

    Not a CharadeA new report looking at 20years of data on the apes of Borneo, Indonesia, nds thatorangutans play out scenesto communicate with oneanother and to humans. Thischaradelike behavior waspreviously thought to beunique to humans.

    Emotional IntelligenceLike humans, animals have emotions that may tell them how dangerous their world is,according to a new review published online in the Royal Societys Proceedings B: Biological Sciences. Animals regularly threatened by predators will develop a negative mood, researchersfound, while the opposite is true of animals in a less-threatening environment.

    Out o Sight, Out o MindChildren who live closer to cheap burgers and fries are morelikely to be obese, according to a study from the College of William & Mary. Even after adjusting for economic status,proximity to fast-food restaurants was tied to obesity andhigher body mass indexes.

  • 8/6/2019 Good Medicine Magazine (Autumn 2010)


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    Trauma Training theModern WayMarie Crandall, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.

    Tr um urg on M ri Cr n ,M.D., c r or riou y injurp ti nt t Northw t rn M mori Ho -pit in Chic go. Sh op r t on p ti nt with i -thr t ning injuri , uch t b woun to th h rt or ruptur p n .

    An h rn o h r urgic kiu ing m tho b on hum n n tomy,not nim n tomy.

    Anim w r not r gu r p rt o ur-gic tr ining t my r i ncy progr m,

    y Dr. Cr n . r ining con i t -mo t o y o gr u t ppr ntic hipmo o ow y incr ing r pon ibi ity

    or p ti nt c r . A v nc r um LiSupport w t ught u ing nim , but by th tim I w tr um ow, r um -M n w b ing u . A t chno ogy h

    v nc , imu tion n oth r high-r t ntion, ri k-r uc m tho h vb com vit p rt o urgic uc tion.

    A v nc r um Li Support (A LS)i two- y cour or v nc pr ctitio-n r to rn th v u tion n t bi iz -tion o tr um p ti nt . In th A LS cour

    Dr. Cr n y th t

    woun c n b int r ting n rth y r not th t rg t o ny immint rv ntion oth r th n woun cov

    p inting r ctur xtr miti , ing pr ur to contro h morrh g

    Sh xp in th t th procn oth r, mor import nt proc ur

    c n b t ught u ing non nim mWh t i r y import nt i th

    nition n m n g m nt o immi -thr t ning injuri th t occuirw y, ung , h rt, n gr t vxp in Dr. Cr n . r um

    with imu tion c n optim y tvi r n c ry urgic kiboth t cti n comput r- imu

    b ck or rn r th t c n bn r p t , imi r to th im

    tr ining uti iz by ght r pi ot .From th critic injuri h

    n tr t v ry y, Dr.Cr n know how cruci iti th t tr um tr in h v

    comp t , ccur t un r t n ingo hum n n tomy.

    Please keep

    Dr. Cr n t ch t Northw t rn Uni-v r ity, tu nt u p ti nt c n rio withmou g vo unt r n hum n imu torto rn n pr ctic critic proc ur .

    T v u o th imu tor i th t th y h v int rch ng b , r p c b p rt ,

    y Dr. Cr n . On imu tor c n bu or 15 tu nt to p c ch t tub , ju t by xch nging th ch t w or

    r h on . T n tomic corr ctn nti u r b o ut y unp r .

    Dr. Cr n h p y c ntr roin PCRM c mp ign to n th mi i-t ry u o nim in tr um tr ining.In Augu t, h w to S n Antonio to

    mon tr t tr um proc ur on hum n-p ti nt imu tor, SimM n, or r port r int r t in th c mp ign. Sh

    o h tt n congr ion m tingto urg h r m mb r o Congr to up-port th BES Pr ctic Act, th bi th t wou r quir th mi it ry to r p c thu o nim with imu tor n oth rhum n-b m tho .

    M ny br nch o th mi it ry rr y tting th t n r or imu tion-

    b m ic uc tion, y Dr. Cr n-. Oth r mi it ry r th t woun

    c r in truction in th c n on y bmimick by r woun thu th y u

    nim n in ict woun on th m.