Page 1: GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK - Amazon S3 · GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK We publish the following extracts from letters recently received because we are sure they will make all who read

U n i t y B u i l d i n g , 9 1 3 T r a c y A v e n u e

V O L . I I K A N S A S C I T \ , M O . , T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 14, 1910 N O . 10

GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORKW e publish the follow ing ex tracts

from le tte rs recently received because we are sure they w ill make a ll who read them rejo ice in the good th a t is being done th rough U nity.

V illisca, Iowa.D ea r sirs: Enclosed p lease find $1.00 to

p ay for my subscription to W e e k l y U n i t y . T hank you for sending the p a ­per in advance of the pay. I t has been g rea tly a p p re c ia te d ; also fo r th e bank and m onth of p ro sperity treatm ents. I wish I m ay do the same good to others th a t I have received from U nity.

W ith love and blessings to U nity.M. E . S.

San Antonio, Texas.D ea r U n ity : Y our little book has

helped me more than any th ing I ever had, sim ple, p rac tica l, helpfu l. I am happy , peaceful and up lifted . One of the g rea t­est happinesses I have is know ing I can give it to some one who needs it as much as I do, and am so happy to hear them say how much they have en joyed it and how much it has helped them.

Y ours sincerely, L. F .Buckhannon, Va.

D ea r U n ity : E nclosed you w ill find$1.00 fo r the renew al of subscription for U n i t y m agazine as I know it runs out this m onth. I th ink th is w ill be the ten th year I have been tak ing it and it gets bet­ter and better. I would miss it very much as its kind he lp fu l words mean much to me. E . R. F .

Ind ianapolis, Ind .D ear U n ity : I w ill be g lad to d is trib ­

ute any of the U nity lite ra tu re . H ave taken U n i t y th ree years and bought back num bers, but M ay is the only one I have. I have given them aw ay and sent them

everyw here. M any have subscribed. I have never seen any th ing th a t brings so much sp iritua l ligh t and com fort to every one as U n i t y , C ady Lessons and M r. F illm ore’s books. Y ours, M. A. J . L .

L aw ndale, Cal.D ea r F rien d s: I t is about a month since

I w rote you some of my early experiences with New Thought, or as I now consider it, sp iritu a l things. Six years ago I was en tirely cured of a severe stom ach trouble, also of a lifelong periodical sick head­ache, by absent trea tm en t, and have had neither of them since then and have made some personal dem onstrations since then. I s truck my finger a fu ll blow w ith a ham ­m er, knocking the nail lose except a lit­tle around the edge. I im m ediately gave it a silent trea tm en t and d id not look a t it th a t day again. N ex t m orning it was clear and in a few days more it was en­tire ly well. I also cut my hand with a chisel, gash was 1J4 inches. I wound a cloth to keep d ir t out and kept on w ork­ing and fe lt no pain or inconvenience from it and in a week it was en tirely well. Be­fore I began studying the Science of L ife and P rac tica l C h ris tian ity I had been an invalid 29 years and a f te r beginning this study began to build up and now fo r six years have the best of health and am able to do a fu ll d ay ’s w ork, and m any tim es do not even get tired for weeks, “F or the F a th e r who is in me, he doeth the w ork.” I consider this a m arvel of the power and w ill of S p irit when my years are con­sidered. -I am usually ju d g ed to be 60 or 70). bu t am 76. Am w ell a ll the time.

U n i t y is my most favored read ing and I pass them out when I find an interested reader, and w ill g lad ly d istribu te copies if you wish to send to me. H ave sent m any subscribers besides pay ing for some m yself. G . E . H.

Page 2: GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK - Amazon S3 · GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK We publish the following extracts from letters recently received because we are sure they will make all who read





L O W E L L F IL L M O R E . M a n a g in g E d ito r


V o l . 2 $1.00 p e r j-ear, 2 cts . p e r copy N o . 10

Miss Im elda O ctavia Shanklin , one of the S ilent U nity w orkers, is now on her vacation, which will be spent in Viola, Iowa. W e send her God speed.

L ast Sunday m orning buttons were aw arded to the follow ing for receiving twelve “ On T im e” ta g s : F ra n k E aton , B ert E aton , Theodore W allace, D orothy Mathewq, A lberta Y ancey, M rs. L a Cosse.

L ast week was a record m aker in S ilent U nity correspondence work. F o r the five days in which the office was open, 678 le t­te rs came in and 861 w ere sent fo rth b ea r­ing the word of life , hea lth and supply. T he work is expanding to m eet the op­portunities o f the new building.

All U nity friends will be g lad to know th a t our co-w orkers, Ju d g e and M rs. Benson, are am ong us again, and w ill re ­main for a tim e in K ansas C ity so th a t a ll w ill have an opportun ity of shaking hands and visiting w ith them. T hey are fu ll to overflowing of the T ru th which they teach, and it shows fo rth in the ir happy faces. I f you haven’t m et them , better get acquainted.

C a l l e r s a t U n i t y H e a d q u a r t e r s D u r i n g t h e W e e k

M rs. C. M. H anson, H ay w ard s, Cal. Ju d g e H . H . Benson and M rs. Em m a

Benson, Oklahom a C ity , Okla.M r. and M rs. C. P . H ill, G reen B ay , Wis.


U nity Building.W hen?

T uesday evening, J u ly 19.W hat?

Vocal and instrum enta l solos, comic songs, piano duets, recitations, ice cream , su rp rises, etc., etc.H o w M uch?

F re e will offerings will be received in com pensation.For W hat?

Benefit o f New B uilding Fund.W ho Gives the E nterta inm en t?

U nity Guild.W ho H andles the M oney?

U nity Guild.W ho is Inv ited?



A U n ity visitor said :“ T he first tim e I attended a U nity m eet­

ing I was much im pressed by the b lot on the wall above the word ‘Love.’

“A p p aren tly the elem ents, m isdirected, had attem pted to obliterate ‘Love’ in U nity . B u t I was very g lad , very much relieved, to see th a t the b lo tting elem ent had been restra ined ju s t before it reached ‘Love.’ I saw th a t the separa ting ele­m ent, which would ob literate ‘Love,’ had begun its work, fo r the first le tte r, ‘L ,’ had been p a rtia lly cut off.

“ I am glad to learn th a t the m isdirect­ing agent has been righted and tru s t the b lo tting effects w ill soon be ‘for-g iven’— and here is a piece of money as evidence of my sincerity.

“ Showers of blessing, in the ir natu re good— refresh ing and life-giving— m isdi­rected or misused, work havoc— blot out Love. B ut W isdom directs a rig h t.”

T he vacation habit is becoming con­tagious am ong the U nity employees.

Page 3: GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK - Amazon S3 · GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK We publish the following extracts from letters recently received because we are sure they will make all who read



S u n d ay , Ju ly 17

L et there be light.W hatsoever doth m ake m anifest is light.T here is a S p irit in me and the insp ir­

ation of the A lm ighty giveth me under­standing.

T hrough the quickening of my sp ir it­ual understand ing I discern the C hrist of God.

In him was life and the life was the ligh t of men.

Awake and C hrist shall give thee light.C h ris t is my quickening life and light.T he ligh t of thy indw elling Presence

dispels a ll the darkness of e rro r and thy g lory fills my Body-Tem ple.

M y w ords they are S p irit and they are life.

T he en trance of th y w ords giveth light.T h y W ord is a lam p unto my feet and

a ligh t unto my path .I w alk in the ligh t of life.T hy ligh t shall break fo rth as the m orn­

ing and th y health shall sp ring forth speedily.

T he Lord is my ligh t and my salvation.L igh t is sown for the righteous.

THINGS TO BE REMEMBEREDRem em ber th a t sm iling aids digestion.Rem em ber to keep doubt and fea r out

of your mind if you would succeed.Rem em ber th a t possessions do not b ring

happiness, but happiness b rings posses­sions.

Rem em ber th a t you m ust p ractice your religion if you w an t it to be of any use.

Rem em ber th a t God would save man m any a doctor b ill if he w ere consulted first.

Rem em ber th a t if you are a du tifu l child to your H eavenly F a th e r you will not m istreat your little b ro thers and sis­ters.

Rem em ber to le t even your lightest w ords conform to the T ru th .

Rem em ber the entertainm ent Tuesday evening, J u ly 19th. E very one is invited to come.

Rem em ber M r. B e ttes’ class every T h u rsd ay evening.

Rem em ber th a t the U nity In n will open T h u rsd ay , Ju ly 14th.

Rem em ber to hand in your nam e if you wish to become a m em ber of the U nity Society of P rac tica l C hristian ity .

Rem em ber th a t P rosperity Banks are s till being given out w ith yearly subscrip­tions to the W e e k l y U n i t y .

Rem em ber th a t Ju ly U n i t y is out.Rem em ber the U nity V egetarian Cook

Book a t $1.00.Rem em ber to pay your music pledges

S unday m orning to M rs. F’vkfe.

NOTES FROM THE FIELDM rs. V an M arte r, who is still in F or­

tress M onroe, V irgin ia, says in a le tter ju s t received:

“ O f course I am having a most delight­ful tim e and am being en tertained quite royally . T here are some people who are much in terested in the lessons and several tim es the re have been people over from N orfo lk . A t la s t n ig h t’s lesson there was one lady from N orfo lk who had recently been to W ashington to consult a special­is t (an em inent physic ian ), and all he did fo r her was to advise her to read and s tudy some New T hought books, so, her husband brought her here, and a fte r the lesson la st n igh t they subscribed for U n i t y and ordered Tw elve Lessons in C hristian H ealing . She first took a good look a t Tw elve Lessons, which I had w ith me, and then sa id : ‘Oh, th a t is ju s t w hat I w an t.’ I expect to rem ain here another week and go to O scaw ana, N . Y., on the 16th. In the m eantim e I am to see some more of the ‘sights.’ A lthough I can scarcely im agine w hat can be le ft to be seen. I have been to N orfo lk and have had a glim pse of the Jam estow n E xposi­tion grounds, and have been over the new

Page 4: GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK - Amazon S3 · GOOD WORDS FOR UNITY WORK We publish the following extracts from letters recently received because we are sure they will make all who read

WEEKLY UNITYbattlesh ip , the D elaw are, and have seen something of the Fortifications and have been tak ing drives to see the beautifu l surroundings. I have adm ired above all the luxury of the verdure, and the gor­geousness of the flow ers; especially the mimosa tree and the crape m yrtle , both of which are one mass of gorgeous blos­soms.

“ M rs. B alderson (who recen tly visited U n ity ) , came here w ith a niece from P h il­adelphia to a ttend these lessons. She was here a little over a week, and her p res­ence was indeed a benediction in every way. She said m any good th ings to the people here about the U nity w ork in K ansas C ity, and in every w ay helped and encouraged those who were becoming interested in the T ru th .

“W ith m any thoughts of love and bless­ing to a ll.”

CUPID ENCOREMiss W ilda B eal and M r. L ucian W ar-

inner, two well known young associates of the U nity w ork1 and congregation, were m arried M onday afternoon , J u ly 11.

Miss Beal has been for th ree years a fa ith fu l w orker in S ilent U nity , and M r. W arinner is a successful business man. The U nity people unite in blessings of p rosperity and success.

Tuesday m orning M r. and M rs. W a r­m er le ft for D enver and other Colorado points, w here they w ill spend the ir honey­moon-vacation. T hey w ill be gone a month.

Before M rs. V an M arte r le ft the U nity C enter she gave two dozen of her photo­graphs to the U nity G uild. T hey are to be sold and the proceeds from the sale are to be given to the N ew B uild ing Fund. O nly free-w ill offerings w ill be accepted for them. A nyone desiring a photograph o f this beloved co-w orker w ill find one on d isplay in the lib ra ry . G ive your orders to M rs. C ro ft or to any m em ber of the Guild.

The U nity G uild has p ledged $500.00

Unity Auditorium,U N ITY B U IL D IN G , g i3 TRACY,

Sunday, July 17, 1910S u n d a y S chool at 10:00 A. i t .

A d d r e s s b y C h a r l e s F i l l m o r e

11 a. m.S u b j e c t : Sp iritua l D iscernm ent.

T h e C o n c e n t r a t i o n C l a s s a t 3:30

to the New B uild ing F und and is anxious to raise the am ount. U p to the p resen t date $278.25 of the am ount has been suc­cessfully raised by these enthusiastic w orkers of this Society. A good w ay to assist the w ork of th is C enter is to p u r­chase one of these photographs. Also read the announcem ent in th is p ap e r of the E n te rta in m en t to be given by the G uild, T uesday evening J u ly 19th.

D on’t fo rget the G uild E n terta inm ent.

R E G U L A R M E E T I N G S I n U n i t y A u d i t o r i u m

SUNDAYSunday School, 10 a. m.

M rs . W. G. U aseltine , S u p erin ten d en t. R egular sorvice, i i a. m. C harles F illm ore

T h e C oncentration Class 3:3c p . m. MONDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15. L esson in H ealth and H arm ony 2:30 p. m.

TUESDAY H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 2:3^ p. m, WEDNESDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15. M id-W eek M eeting, 2:30 p. m.

H ealing M eeting 8 p. m. THURSDAY

H igh Noon S ilence, 12 to 12:15. Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p m

FRIDAYH igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p. m. SATURDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12-15 Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony. 2:30 p. m
