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Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Google AnalyticsJust Do It

Anna Belle Leiserson

November 7, 2008

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

3 web secretsfor senior management

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center3 Web Secrets for Senior Management

1. There is no quick fix

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center3 Web Secrets for Senior Management

2. The closest you can get is…

mastering web analytics

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center3 Web Secrets for Senior Management

3. Almost no one in the university world is doing web analytics .…


So why not make it you?

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterHow Am I Going to Get You to Do It?

1.What is “analytics”?

2.What’s so special about Google’s flavor of analytics?

3.How can YOU set up Google Analytics?

4.How can you do it well?

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhat’s it all about, Alfie?

Once upon a time….

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhat’s it all about, Alfie?

Web analytics meant….

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhat’s it all about, Alfie?

• Log files

• Hits

• Pageviews

• Visitors

• - in other words –

• The numbers

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhat’s it all about, Alfie?

Then analytics meant …

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhat’s it all about, Alfie?

• WebTrends

• Analog

• AW Stats

• Urchin

• - in other words –

• The application

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhat’s it all about, Alfie?

Now analytics means….

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhat’s it all about, Alfie?

The process of matching

core goals with

objective numbers

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

So what?

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

1. Hypothesis:

A good website is a must for any college or university

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

How do you measure website goodness?

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

Any number of ways….

See Alertbox Oct. 6, 2008

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?


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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

Analytics is the easiestway to measure site goodness

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

2. Analytics moves website improvement

past opinionsinto hard data

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

“Watch what users do;don’t just listen to what they say”

- Jakob Nielsen

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

3. It bridges the gap betweenweb professionals andsenior management

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?

Without analytics

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?




are typically based on…

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterWhy Does It Matter?


(Highest Paid Person’s Opinion)

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

But that’s just Analytics…

What’s so special about Google Analytics?

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGoogle Analytics rules because it’s

• Free

• Easy for techies to set up

• Numerical and numbers talk

• Easy to share

• Web 2.0 glamorous

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

In fact, it’s so successful…

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

Now it’s what’s confused with “analytics”

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

How do you start withGoogle Analytics?

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 1 (You)

Set up a “Google Account”

(the same as a gmail account)

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 2 (You)

Set up a “Google Analytics Account”

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 3 (You)

Copy and paste “Google Analytics Tracking Code” into a text file and

email this to IT

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

It will look something like this:<script type="text/javascript">var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));</script><script type="text/javascript">var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-1089968-2");pageTracker._trackPageview();</script>

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 4 (IT)

Pastes code as close to ending </body> tag as possible

in as many pages as possible

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 5 (IT)

Uploads to server; lets you know

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 6 (You)

Test the next day (or later)

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 7 (You - the next day)

If test is not working, loop back to step 5

If working ….

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Step 8 (You)

Dive into analytics

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGet Going with GA

Steps Without webmaster

With webmaster

1. Google account You Webby and you

2. Google Analytics (GA) account

You Webby (will share with you at step 8)

3. GA Tracking Code You Webby

4. Deploy code IT Webby

5. Upload to server IT Webby

6. Test You Webby

7. If not working IT step 4 Webby step 4

8. Dive into analytics You Webby and you

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Google Analytics Best Practices

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGA Best Practices

1. Get a backup

Don’t be the only one with admin rights for a Google Analytics account

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGA Best Practices

2. Set website goals

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGA Best Practices

Possible ways to develop goals. Think about…

• Why did you start your site to begin with?

• What are the pages or sections you care about most?

• What audiences are most important

• What is your strategic plan?

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGA Best Practices

3. Learn your tool

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGA Best Practices

4. Track as many pages as possible within a subdomain,e.g.

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGA Best Practices

Set up filters to limit

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterGA Best Practices

Extra Credit

Use multiple metric tools


Don’t switch!

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The Limits of Google Analytics

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterThe Limits of GA

• Needs time to gather initial data

• Generates a sea of data

• Code installation can be problematic

• Third party so squirrely things can happen

• Doesn’t track PDFs & multimedia files

• 25 month limit

• Won’t work if cookies are off

• Won’t work for password-protected pages

• Limited to 5 million pageviews / month

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

Top 3 Google Analytics Reports

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterTop 3 GA Reports

1. The Dashboard

Tweak it

Schedule emails

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterTop 3 GA Reports

2. Entrance keywords

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterTop 3 GA Reports

3. Top Content

Including Bounce Rates

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer CenterTop GA Reports

Other possibilities

• Referring sites

• Browsers

• Profiles with filters

• Focus on particular directory or page

• Eliminate your own IP address

• Divide internal and external traffic

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Vanderbilt-IngramCancer Center

Resources• THE place to start

• Searchable manual and reference

• Brian Clifton’sAdvanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics


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The end?

Not quite….

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A challenge for you

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Have Google Analyticsin full operation by

Jan. 1, 2009