

Gosford Hill School

Sixth Form

Proprio Moto

“ Of one’s own accord”

Advice and Information for

Students and Parents

September 2015



We would like to welcome you to Gosford Hill Sixth Form. We hope the advice and

information in this booklet is helpful to you as you begin the next stage of your academic


At Gosford Hill School, we have an open door policy for parents and students and strongly

believe that staff, students and parents need to work as a team in order to maximise the

individual student’s potential.

This booklet will be issued to all students. It contains key information on Sixth Form

expectations, policies and events. It is not exhaustive and additional information will be

distributed throughout the year. We hope this booklet gives you all of the information and

advice you need, but please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Sixth Form team

should you need any further help or assistance.

How to contact us:

School telephone number is: 01865 374971

If you are ringing to tell us about an absence or general administrative enquires, Liz Hounsell

will be able to help. For other queries and concerns please speak to the student’s tutor in

the first instance.

The members of staff with direct responsibility for and involvement with Sixth Form

Students are:

Head of Sixth Form: Mrs L De Bruyn [email protected]

Assistant Head of Sixth Form: Mr B Whittaker [email protected]

14 – 19 Pathway Manager: Mrs L Hounsell [email protected]

Sixth Form Tutors:

Mr S Williams [email protected]

Mr Culkeen [email protected]

Mrs H Curtis [email protected]

Mr N Barker [email protected]

Miss D Green [email protected]

Mrs A Driscoll/ Mrs Edwards [email protected]


Student Timetable

Morning registration is from 8.50am – 9am and afternoon registration is from

3.05pm – 3.20pm. Students are expected to be punctual and present at all registrations,

unless alternative provision has been agreed by the tutor and Head of Sixth Form. Every

student will receive a minimum of 1 academic mentoring session per term.

Assemblies are on Wednesday Afternoon 3.05 – 3.20pm in the main hall. Assemblies will

be held in the main hall and are compulsory for both years.

Enrichment Wednesday P5 - compulsory for both year groups.

All students are expected to complete 1 hour of Community Service per week. This must be

verified and recorded termly in the planner.

Student Timetable:

Registration 8.50 – 9am

Period 1 9 – 10am

Period 2 10 -11am


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1 –



Period 3 11.20- 12.20pm

Period 4 12.20 – 1.20pm


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– 2


Period 5 2.05 – 3.05pm


Monday Administration and bulletin.

Preparation for the week ahead.

Tuesday Administration and bulletin.

Tutor Activity

Wednesday Administration and bulletin.

Enrich- ment


Thursday Administration and bulletin.

Academic mentoring

Friday Administration and bulletin.

Academic mentoring


Gosford Hill Sixth Form Success and Expectations

Gosford Hill is really proud of its students’ achievements. Staff work tirelessly to provide the best

teaching and support for students throughout the two year course.

This year a number of students secured places at the Russell Group Universities including Warwick,

Nottingham and Leeds. 100% of students that applied to University were offered a place and are

studying a variety of degree courses ranging from Physics and Mathematics to English.

At Gosford we believe it is important to develop the individual as a whole and, in addition to the

students rigorous academic timetable, students have had opportunities to be involved in a number

of enrichment activities ranging from the School Council to the Production of The Wiz. Students

have been involved in the Brookes Engage Programme supporting them with their applications to

Higher Education. In addition the Sixth Form boys have competed in the Under 19 Football Oxford

County Cup receiving compliments from officials on their impressive sportsmanship and conduct.

Finally, some year 12 students enjoyed a range work experience; placements varied from a student

interested in applying to study zoology working at a Donkey Sanctuary to student applying for

Drama spending time at Pegasus Theatre. All these extra experiences will have helped the students

write comprehensive personal statements for UCAS applications and extend their range of skills for

the work place.

To continue to build upon this level of success, it is essential that our students meet the Sixth Form

expectations. We want the students to be engaged learners who are passionate ambassadors for

the subjects they have chosen. In order to fulfil their academic potential, they must work to the

best of their ability in all lessons and use private study effectively. Beyond the classroom, they are

expected to participate in the wider life of the school and the local community, making a positive

impact on the lives of others. They should use the enrichment and tutor programmes to develop

themselves as reflective learners, able leaders and responsible citizens and learn to create a healthy

balance between study, work and their social life. Above all, we expect our students to rise to the

challenge of A level study whilst embracing the huge range of opportunities they will be offered.


Predicting Performance: ALPs

Each student is an individual , an exception and is to be valued

Gosford Hill School introduced students to Alps (Advanced Level Performance System) 2 years ago. The aim

of Alps is to help young people nationally to raise their achievements through aspiration, inspiration and


It is an effective tool for monitoring student progress and is used in thousands of schools across the UK. The

data provides a set of bench marks and performance indicators covering all A ‘level subjects taught at this


The aim of ALPs at Gosford Hill is to encourage improved student performance, allowing students to set

themselves apart from others when applying to University or entering the world of work.

How ALPs works:

Each student works out their QCA score by apply the following points to their GCSE results.

A* A B C D E F G U

Full GCSE 58 52 46 40 34 28 22 16 0

Short GCSE 29 26 23 20 17 14 11 8 0

Dist * Dist Merit Pass Fail

OCR National First (eqiv 1 GCSE)

58 55 49 40 0

Btec first diploma (4 GCSEs)

232 208 196 160 0

From the table we can compare your son/daughter’s GCSE score nationally and then be able to predict your

minimum estimated target grade at AS/A2. This is monitored throughout the year and reported through

progress checks.

Please see table below to compare how students with similar minimum GCSE scores have performed at


The challenge is for the student to exceed their minimum estimated target grade!

Band AS

QCA Score

Aspirational target grade

Minimum expected grade

Subjects taken

Band A2

QCA Score

Aspirational target grade

Minimum expected grade

Subjects taken

1 55-58 A AAAB 4 1 55-58 A* /A A*AAA 4

2 52-55 B ABBB 4 2 52-55 A AAA 3/4

3 50.2-52.0 B BBBC 4 3 50.2-52.0 B ABB 3

4 48.4-50.2 B/C BBCC 4 4 48.4-50.2 B BBB 3

5 46.6-48.4 C CCCC 4 5 46.6-48.4 B/C BBC 3

6 44.8-46.6 C/D CCDD 4 6 44.8-46.6 B/C BCC 3

7 43-44.8 C/D CDDD 4 7 43-44.8 C CCC 3

8 41.2-43 D DDDD 4 8 41.2-43 C CCD 3

9 38.2-41.2 D DD(D)E 3/ 4 9 38.2-41.2 C/D CDD 3

10 34-38.2 D/E DDE 3 10 34-38.2 D DDD 3/2


UCAS Dates and Information

Year 12 2015 April

Begin discussions on HE and career plans. Tutor programme introduces students to the UCAS application process. Research courses, Universities and dates for open days and visits (These usually occur between March and July).

May Draft personal statements. Oxbridge/ Medicine/ Veterinary/ Dentistry students, supported with early applications.

June 2014 login information available to students to begin applications. Higher Education Evening for parents and students (Wednesday 11th June).

July 1st draft personal statement handed into tutors for checking.

August Results

Year 13 September

Register to UCAS online. Complete all sections regarding education and personal details by 15th September. Complete personal statement especially if applying to Oxford/ Cambridge.

October Print off completed forms and give to tutor for checking. Once completed send electronic application to Liz Hounsell for processing and pay the £23 administration fee online. Oxbridge/ Medicine/ Dentistry/ Veterinary courses deadline 15th October

November Monitor progress of application, offers and rejections on UCAS Track and read instructions on how to accept offers carefully. School deadline 8th November for completed UCAS applications.

2016 January

UCAS application deadline 15th January. Applications received after this date is considered late and universities will only consider the application at their own discretion.

April Students must accept or decline offers if they have not done so. Apply online for student finance UCAS extra becomes available for those who have not received any University courses.

August Receive results. UCAS track will confirm places. If students have exceeded their predictions, they can apply through Adjustment for courses with higher grade offers. School will be open on results day and the day after from 9am - 3pm. Sixth Form Team and careers available to support students who have not been accepted. Students who still hope to go to University need to go through Clearing, available courses shown on UCAS web site and daily newspaper. Confirm accommodation and student finance.

Late September

Most courses start.


UCAS Tariff

The new UCAS Tariff will be used for courses starting from September 2017. The new UCAS Tariff points apply to learners who are thinking about applying in 2016/17, and start university or college from September 2017. Offers of places will be made in terms of Tariff points.

A2 New Tariff Current Tariff A* 56 140

A 48 120

B 40 100

C 32 80 D 24 60

E 16 40

School Term Times

Term 1 Term 3 Term 5

Term starts Thursday 3rd Sept

Term starts Mon 4th Jan Term starts Mon 11th April

Holiday 26th - 30th Oct Holiday 15th – 19th Feb Holiday 30th May – 4th June

Term 2 Term 4 Term 6

Term starts Mon 2nd Nov Term starts Mon 22nd Feb Term starts Mon 6th June (Please note year 12 students must return for the final term

after their exams)

Holiday 21st Dec - 1st Jan Holiday 25th March – 11th April Term ends Wednesday 20th July

INSET Days: 1st September, 9th October, 4th December 2015, 22nd February 2016 ILP Day: 2nd September 2015 Bank Holiday: 2nd May 2016


Key Dates


Friday 2nd October Year 12 Student Ice Breaker 7.30pm

Wed 23rd September Year 12 Parent Work Shop: Supporting your Child in Sixth Form

Wednesday 14th October 6th Form Parent Consultation evening

Thursday 15th October UCAS early Entry deadline 6pm

Friday 16th – 17th October DofE skills training

Mon 19th October Year 12/13 Assessment Week

Thursday 5th November Year 12/13 Maths Challenge

Wednesday 11th November Year 13 Trip -Safe Drive Stay Alive

Friday 12th December Sixth Form Christmas Party

Friday 18th December Year 12/13 Report 1 sent home

Mon 4th – Friday 10th January Year 12/ 13 Practice Exams (study leave arrangements tbc)

Wednesday 13th January Year 12 Higher Education Conference at Brookes University

Wed 10th – Friday 12th February

Year 12/13 Geography and Biology Field Trip

Wednesday 24th February Year 12/13 Parent Consultation Evening

Thursday 24th March Year 12/13 Report 2 sent home.

Friday 15th- Saturday 16th March

DofE Practice Expedition

Wednesday 20th April Year 12 Higher Education Information Evening 6 -7pm

Thursday 21st April Year 12 Ucas Convention tbc

Wednesday 4th May Alderman Wise Celebration Evening

Monday 16th May Exams start (Study leave arrangements tbc. Year 12 students return to GHS for term 6 after completing their exams, date tbc).

Wed 29th – Thursday 30th June DofE Expedition

Friday 24th June Sixth Form Summer Ball tbc

Thursday 18th August A level results day

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and more detailed information regarding individual examination timetables/ coursework deadlines, year 12 work experience, student social events and study leave will be shared and clarified throughout the year.


General Sixth Form Information

Study Commitment:

To be successful in A ‘levels students need to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Students

need to take responsibility for organising themselves, making and keeping accurate notes. Students

are expected when not in lessons to use their private study time to consolidate and reinforce their

learning and read widely around their subject choices. It is essential that all homework and

coursework is complete and students meet all deadlines set. It is expected that for every one hour

lesson students have, they should be doing the equivalent hours of independent learning. An

approximate guide is 20 hours of additional learning per week.

During private study time, students can use the Sixth Form Centre, Ron Groves, Study Rooms, ICT

suite and Learning Resource Centre. The Sixth Form students have their own laptop trolley should

they require additional ICT facilities and Wi-Fi connection throughout the Sixth Form Centre should

they wish to use their own equipment. Students are welcome to use all facilities from 8.15am - 5pm

throughout the school week.

If students fail to complete work set, staff can ask students to work with them during their private

study time and or after school in order to meet the student’s potential.

Attendance and Punctuality

Successful students are those with excellent attendance and who attend all registrations, lessons

and private study sessions. The school day begins at 8.50 and punctuality to registration, assemblies

and lessons is essential to ensure maximised learning time. The minimum expectation for

attendance is 96%, this prevents significant gaps in learning occurring and under performance in

exams. If students need time off to attend interviews or hospital appointments, please let the

school know in advance.

We recognise that personal student circumstances occur throughout the year that may prevent full

attendance and we would encourage students to discuss any issues they may have with a member

of the Sixth Form Team, so that students can be supported with their learning through any difficult

times. We would also ask that you inform the school on the first day of absence due to illness or

family circumstances and indicate how long the absence may last.

Please ensure that doctor’s appointments (where possible), driving tests and holidays are not

booked during school time. Any requests for holidays should be made in writing to the Head of

Sixth Form and Head Teacher. A holiday form can be collected from the main reception and must

be completed.


Students are permitted to attend 3 University Open days, during term time. Students must

however, discuss this with their tutor and subject leaders to ensure that they are not missing vital

parts of their learning. Students are not permitted to take the days during the exam period.

If issues arise with attendance or punctuality, parents will be informed in order to support the

student regain better independent learning routines.

Changing or Dropping Courses:

During the first few weeks of the new school year, students often change their mind about courses

they wish to take for a variety of reasons. We understand this and students are allowed to change,

as long as the student has met the entry requirements for the subject and the subject teacher, the

Head/Assistant Head of Sixth Form and parents are informed and agree to the changes.

All amendments to timetables must be made by the beginning of October and no students will be

allowed to swap or drop subjects past this point. The students must continue all subjects agreed

upon, after the exam period in Year 12 and until the AS results have been received. If students and

parents have any concerns regarding this policy, you must make an appointment with the Head of

Sixth Form.

Home Study:

We recognise that students have preferred learning environments/styles and for a small number of

students, working in the comfort and privacy of their home can be beneficial. If a student meets all

of the expectations below, they can apply to their tutor for home study. The number of home study

hours and times will be negotiated for each individual student with the tutor. A letter will be sent

home confirming the agreed times of home study, which can only be taken during private study

time. This is a privilege and failure to meet the agreed terms and or lateness to lessons, will result in

the home study being revoked.

Year 12 – can only apply for home study from January onwards, to allow time for settling in to the

rigours of A level study. Students must have 96% attendance of above. Students must be either meeting or exceeding their ALPs targets at all times. Students must attend a minimum of 2 afternoon registrations/ week. The number of periods will be negotiated on an individual basis. Students must attend assemblies and Enrichment. Students on contract will not be granted home study at all. If students start to fall behind with their work, it can be revoked at any time.


Part Time Employment:

We accept that part time employment is beneficial both financially and personally to students and

they can gain valuable skills and experiences from this. However, a job that is tiring or has late

hours can impact heavily on students’ studies, we would therefore suggest that part time work

should be restricted to one evening in the week and either a Saturday or Sunday at the weekend

(about 8 – 10 hours per week), allowing students a healthy balance between study, work and

leisure time. We would welcome your help and support on this matter, so that the students’ studies

remain the number one priority.

Dress Code:

Students are given the independence to dress as they wish, although the clothing worn must be appropriate for the learning environment. They must also remember that they act as both ambassadors for the school and role models for younger students, therefore they must exercise good judgement on what they chose to wear.

Clothing that reveals too much flesh or underwear is inappropriate. Dresses and skirts that are too short (mid- thigh length or above), board shorts and t-shirts with offensive logos are not appropriate. Footwear must be sensible, no flip flops and hats and caps are not to be worn in the school building. Facial piercings with the exception of one small nose stud and earrings are not permitted and tattoos must be covered up.

It is not our intention to embarrass students and our focus is on learning, however, if a student fails to adhere to the dress code, they will be asked to go home and change into something more appropriate.

In addition to this students are expected to wear their student ID badges while on the school premises. If students fail to bring their badge to school they must get a temporary badge from the Sixth Form Administration Office.

The Sixth Form Centre and Personal Belongings:

We ask that the students keep the Sixth Form Centre clean, tidy and free from litter.

Students must accept responsibility for their own belongings and are advised not to bring large sums of money or valuables into school.

Bursary Fund:

The Sixth Form has a bursary fund to assist students with financial support for A ‘Level study. This

could include transport, course books, specialist equipment, support for school trips and visits, food

etc. The bursary fund is discretionary. If financial support is needed either collect a form from Mrs

Hounsell, Mrs De Bruyn or download it from the school website.


6th Form Student Driving Agreement Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to inform tutors if they are driving to and from school, once

they have passed their driving test.

Students must complete this form, provide a photocopy of their driving license/ insurance

and have their parents’ consent.

Students should not be driving other students to or from school, unless they have

permission from their own and the parents of the students, that they are transporting. They

also need to have the correct insurance. This will not be monitored by the school and

therefore we accept no responsibility for the students welfare if they choose to use this

method of arriving to and from school.

Students will drive safely and sensibly on the school site, adhering to the speed limit. Failure

to do so will lead to the student’s right to park on the school site revoked and their parents

will be contacted.

Name Car - Make and model

Registration Number

Driving license (tick if photocopy provided)

Insurance (tick if photocopy provided)

Student Agreement to the above conditions:

Sign: ………………………………………………………………………………… Date:

Parent Consent to student driving to and from school:

Sign: …………………………………………………………………………………. Date:


Sixth Form Contract Process


Pastoral issues: monitored by the form tutor.

Subject issues: monitored by the subject teacher.

Action: Contact Liz Hounsell to send a letter home to parents and record contract on TPS.


Pastoral issues: monitored by Assistant head of Sixth Form.

Subject issues: monitored by the subject leader (if there are concerns in more than one area,

monitored by Assistant Head of Sixth Form).

Action: parents will be contacted by the contract leader and the student will be expected to attend

the agreed Study Support Sessions from 3.20 – 4.20.


Pastoral issues: monitored by Head of Sixth Form.

Subject issues: monitored by the Head of Faculty (if there are concerns in more than one area,

monitored by the Head of Sixth Form).

Action: parents will be contacted by the contract leader and invited in for a meeting and the student

will be expected to attend a number of agreed Study Support Sessions from 3.20 – 4.20. If there is no

improvement after the review period, the student will be given a final warning in a meeting with the

parents and a member of the SLT team before being asked to leave.

Cause of Concern

Attendance/ Punctuality/ Attitude/ Homework/Meeting deadlines

(All contracts will be reviewed after 3 weeks. If a student achieves their target they will be removed from the contract, if not they will go up to the next level. A student cannot return to a previous stage until the new academic year)


Sixth Form Support and Mentoring

Level 1

Subject issue: is identified and shared with the student by subject leader or tutor.

Action: The student is responsible for meeting their subject leader and discussing what they need

to do to reach their potential. The action points must be clearly identified and recorded by the

student, with a date agreed for their progress to be reviewed.

Mentor: Tutor

Level 2

Subject issue: the student has been unable to make significant progress and their parents are

informed, by the subject leader.

Action: More formal intervention may be required e.g. attendance at support groups and or 1; 1

mentoring from the subject specialist. The action points must be clearly identified and recorded by

the student, with a date agreed for their progress to be reviewed.

Mentor: Subject leader

Level 3

Subject Issue: the student has been unable to make any significant progress and is at risk of

underperforming in the final exam.

Action: student and parents will be invited in to school to meet with the Head of Faculty, to discuss the

expected performance in an exam and discuss the most appropriate route from here e.g. to enter the

exam, but not continue the subject into A2 and or removal from the exam. The Head of Sixth Form will

also be present to discuss an alternative programme of study either at GHS and or another provider.

Mentor: Head of Faculty/ Head of Sixth Form

On occasions both high attaining and hard- working students, despite every effort find it difficult to reach and achieve their target grades. If this continues over time, then GHS Sixth Form will

put a supportive action plan in place. The aim is to ensure the student knows what they have to do in order to reach their potential, who will mentor them during this process and how parents

will be informed and involved.


Sixth Form Student Learning Agreement

The Student Learning Agreement is intended to give students a clear understanding of what they

can expect from Gosford Hill School Sixth Form and what will be expected in return.

Under this agreement Gosford Hill School will endeavour to provide:

High quality teaching.

A friendly, caring and supportive environment.

A Tutor and Sixth Form Leadership Team that will monitor your progress, provide guidance and assistance in setting targets for improvement.

Advice and guidance about careers and Higher Education.

The opportunity to gain wider key skills/wider enrichment opportunities.

Facilities for private study.

The opportunity for your parents to come into the school to discuss your progress.

Regular tracking of student progress.

As a Sixth Form student at Gosford Hill School you will be expected to:

Attend all registrations, lessons and assemblies punctually.

Complete 1 hour of Enrichment each week.

Use private study time effectively and appropriately.

Attend all scheduled examinations and complete all coursework by the required deadline. Failure to do so will result in you being invoiced for the cost of the exam or coursework that you failed to attend and or complete.

Act as a positive role model for the younger students in both school and the community.

Undertake 1 hour of community service per week. Year 12 students are also expected to complete a minimum of 1 weeks work experience.

Adhere to the Sixth Form dress code, students will be asked to return home and change if dressed inappropriately.

Wear Student ID badges at all times.

Sign in and out at the Sixth Form Administration office when leaving the site for lunch and or for agreed home study.

As a parent we would ask you to:

Contact the school on the first day of absence if your son/ daughter is unable to attend school.

If a holiday is to be taken during term time please complete a holiday request form and address it to the Head of Sixth Form.

Where possible attend all Parent Consultation Evenings and Workshops.

If you have any concern, contact the tutor when the issue arises so that we can support you in resolving the problem.

Student name:……………………………….. TutorGroup :………………………………. Date:………….

Signed (Student): ………………………………………… Signed (Parent/Carer): ……………………………………………

Signed (Tutor): ………………………………………………

