
GRADE 3: Monday 11th October Welcome to Week 2 – Keep up the amazing work Grade 3s!! Don’t forget to check in on the Google Form every day before 1:00pm please:

READING WRITING MATHS INQUIRY/OTHER Learning intention Learning intention Learning intention Learning intention Focus: Author’s Purpose We are learning to understand the author’s purpose.

Focus: Spelling (Revision of Plurals)

We are learning to demonstrate our understanding of plurals.

Focus: Problem Solving We are learning to understand how to apply problem solving strategies to solve addition and subtraction sums.

We are learning to understand how day and

night occur.

Success Criteria Success Criteria Success Criteria Success Criteria I can identify the author’s purpose for writing a text. I can provide reasons to justify the author’s purpose.

I can write at least 3-5 plurals correctly using one of the rules. I can write a sentence with the singular noun and plural noun both in it.

I can identify important words in the question. I can apply different strategies to solve the problem.

I can explain the differences between day

and night.

I can explain how day and night occur.

Task Task Task Task ACTIVITY 1: Read for 15 minutes independently – You can read a book of your choice from home, or a story from Sunshine Online, Reading Eggs/Eggspress or Kids News.

ACTIVITY 2: As we know, the main three reasons why an author writes a text is to either:

Persuade, Inform or Entertain Watch this video by Grog the Zombie explaining Author’s Purpose: CLICK HERE Read the sheet What’s the Author’s Purpose? You Decide! (see below). Then:

1) State the Author’s Purpose 2) Explain or justify how you know this

is the author’s purpose (look for clues).

Watch the plurals video: The video showed you that to make a word change from singular to plural, there are a few rules we can use to assist us. For example; -Simply add an ‘s’. -Add ‘es’ to words ending in sh, ch, s, ss, o, x or z. -Drop the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’ when a word ends in a consonant and y. -Drop the ‘f or fe’ and add ‘ves’. -Some words change totally in the plural form. -Some words stay the same. -Some words are exceptions and don’t follow the rules.

WARM UP: Dice Challenge: Roll two dice and add the two numbers to find a sum. The sum becomes your score for that round. First player to 100 wins. You will need 2 dice and 2 players to play this game.


When solving problems, you must remember

to reread the problem.

You can use different strategies to solve

problems, such as guess and check, drawing a

table, making a list or drawing a picture.

Let’s try to solve a few problems.

1. At the arcade Mr M had won 18

tickets. Later he won 23 more tickets. How many tickets did Mr M win in total?

Today you will learn the differences between day and night.

ACTIVITY 1: If the weather is nice, go outside and find something soft to lay down on. Look up into the sky (do not look directly at the sun). In your workbook, write the heading ‘DAY’ and write down what you can see. Then, close your eyes and imagine that it is

ACTIVITY: In your book, copy the table below and use your knowledge of the plural rules to write the plural of the singular words listed below.

This task must be written in your

handwriting, not typed on the computer.

Singular Plural Singular Plural crash life child potato baby photo country tooth knife half rock church ice fox party lady bush shelf berry thief

2. There were 59 people in line at lunch. 16 more joined in the line. How many people were there altogether in the line?

3. For a birthday party a clown gave away 7 balloons. Now he has 9 balloons left. How many balloons did the clown have to start with?

4. A shop had 57 customers. If 23 left, how many customers would the shop still have?

5. An aquarium had 47 fish in it. Later they added 13 fish. After 2 weeks 10 fish died. How many fish are in the aquarium now?

6. Mr Shaam was playing basketball with his friend. Mr Shaam scored 64 points and his friend scored 48 points. How many points did they score altogether? What is the difference between their points?

7. Mrs Day Askham drank 23 cans of Pepsi in March, 36 cans in April and 27 cans in May? What is the total number of cans she drank?

midnight (night). Use your imagination to imagine what you would see when looking up at the sky. Write the heading ‘NIGHT’ and write down what you imagine. ACTIVITY 2: The Earth rotates on its axis, but revolves

around the Sun at the same time. Night and

day is caused by rotation, and the seasons

are caused by the tilt of the axis and the

revolution around the Sun.

CLICK HERE to learn about how and why day

and night happen.

After watching the video, create a poster or presentation explaining how and why day and night happen. Remember to use the information from the video. Include pictures and words in your


Too hard? Too hard? Too hard? Too hard? Just state the author’s purpose. Attempt as many as you can. Just do your

best! Complete Worksheet 1 (See below)

We would like everyone to attempt the task. Watch the video again to help you with Activity 2.

Too easy? Too easy? Too easy? Too easy? Complete the task, then choose some texts of your own and state the author’s purpose and justify your reasons. The texts could be from books, digital texts, magazines, tv etc.

Complete the above table, then write some sentences using the singular and plural form of the noun in the sentence. For example; The blueberry bush was hidden amongst some native bushes.

Answer all the problems above and then complete Worksheet 2 (See below)

Make sure you include a detailed diagram in your presentation.

Don’t have _________? Don’t have _________? Don’t have _________? Don’t have _________? N/A N/A N/A N/A

READING: What’s the Author’s Purpose? – You Decide!


MATHS: Worded Problems
