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Sant Bernat Calbó School celebrates Grannies and Grandparents' Week!!!!!

Sant Bernat Calbó School thinks it's importat to build closer bounds between generations and wants to honour the important role grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren, our pupils!

La nostra escola pensa que és important enfortir els vincles entre generacions i vol rendir un petit homenatge als avis i àvies pel paper tan important que tenen en la vida dels seus néts i nétes, els quals són els nostres alumnes.

El nostre alumnat va gaudir molt amb aquesta activitat i els va crear la inquietud de parlar molt més amb els seus avis i àvies; i a interessar-se més per coses de la seva vida, a vegades tan diferent de la seva!

From May 21st to May 25th We opened our school to grandparents and some of them opened their houses to us.

Because pupils and teachers were interested in grandparents' childhood:

schools teachers poems

games songs lives

Page 2: Grandparents

And we also wanted to know about their hobbies

Birds thimbles...

The little ones could listen to stories around this topic and they could draw pictures and write descriptions of their grannies and grandpas. They gave to their grandparents these pictures and descriptions as a gift.

How wonderful it was when they share their nostalgic memories with all of us!!!!

It was so lovely!!!!

Thanks to all of you for sharing and being so nice!!!!!!We love you!!!!!