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GrandVIEW™ EMS 4.1Installation InstructionsDocument Number 7890-A2-GN12-10

October 2003

ContentsIntroduction ................................................................................................... 2

Product Documentation ................................................................................ 2

Supported Operating Systems ...................................................................... 3

Hardware Requirements ............................................................................... 3

Preparation ................................................................................................... 4

Special Considerations for Solaris Installations ............................................ 4

Solaris Permissions and Settings ........................................................... 4

Solaris Color Adjustment ........................................................................ 5

Solaris Patches Required ....................................................................... 5

Solaris Limitations .................................................................................. 6

Creating an EMS Group and User on Solaris ........................................ 7

Setting Up Environmental Variables on Solaris ...................................... 9

Installing GrandVIEW EMS (Graphical Interface) ......................................... 10

Canceling the Installation .............................................................................. 18

Installing GrandVIEW EMS (Command Line) ............................................... 19

Starting GrandVIEW EMS ............................................................................ 20

Login ....................................................................................................... 21

Updating an Existing Installation ................................................................... 22

Operating System Modifications ................................................................... 24

Windows Start Menu .............................................................................. 24

Windows Registry ................................................................................... 24

Cleanup for Manual Windows Uninstallation .......................................... 25

Solaris Modifed Files .............................................................................. 25

Cleanup for Solaris Manual Uninstall ..................................................... 26

Warranty, Sales, Service, and Training Information ...................................... 27

Document Feedback ..................................................................................... 27

Trademarks ................................................................................................... 27

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IntroductionGrandVIEW EMS provides the scaleable technology needed to deliver and manage network services and resources, including:

� Network device discovery

� Device management

� Data Collection

� Logical and physical topological data views

� Alarm and performance management

� Full FCAPS support

GrandVIEW EMS is a complete, end-to-end solution that lets you quickly and easily manage all facets of a new-world network. Using GrandVIEW EMS, you can monitor every aspect of your next-generation network and ensure:

� Reduction in time to resolve trouble tickets

� Detection, monitoring, configuration, and alteration of your network

� Rapid problem analysis, regardless of the origin

� Reduction in operation costs

Product DocumentationComplete documentation for this product is available on the GrandVIEW EMS CD-ROM and at Select Support → Technical Manuals → GrandVIEW / StormTracker Element Management Systems.

Select the following document:

7890-A2-GB22GrandVIEW EMS User’s Guide

To order a paper copy of a Paradyne document, or to speak with a sales representative, please call 1-727-530-2000.

The /docs directory on the GrandVIEW EMS CD-ROM contains documentation for the Dorado Redcell software that is part of GrandVIEW EMS:

� Redcell Common Services Administration Guide (RC-CommonServices-41-AG.pdf)

� Redcell Installation Guide (RC-Install-All41.pdf; Do not use for GrandVIEW installation)

� Redcell Product Suite User Guide (Redcell-41-UG.pdf)

See those documents for information about any matters of maintenance or operation not covered in the GrandVIEW EMS documentation. Use this document for the installation of GrandVIEW EMS and its associated Dorado Redcell software.

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Supported Operating SystemsServer:

� Windows 2000 Server

� Sun Solaris 8 Update 7 (02/02)


� Windows 2000 Professional or Server

� Sun Solaris 8 Update 7 (02/02)

Hardware RequirementsServer requirements are for a system with all GrandVIEW components on one server.

Windows Platform – Server

� Two 2.4 GHz Intel Xeon Processors

� 2 GB RAM

� Two 36 GB SCSI Disk Drives

Windows Platform – Client

� 1.8 GHz Pentium Processor

� 256 MB RAM - The more the better

� 20 GB Hard Drive

Solaris Platform – Server

Solaris Platform – Client

� Any Sun workstation

� One 600 MHz processor

� 512 MB RAM

5,000 DSL Ports 30,000 DSL Ports 50,000 DSL Ports

Sunfire V280

� Single 900 MHz Processor

� 1 GB RAM

� One 73 GB Disk

Sunfire V280

� Dual 900 MHz Processors

� 2 GB RAM

� Two 73 GB Disks

Sunfire V480

� Quad 900 MHz Processors

� 4 GB RAM

� Two 73 GB Disks

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PreparationThe following sections describe how to install Oware (the console for the application server and mediation agent software that must operate in the background for GrandVIEW EMS) and GrandVIEW EMS.

The following are some preliminary items of importance:

� Your server must have a name that can be resolved as an IP address (using a DNS or a host file).

� Your Oware server should never be named localhost.

� While Oware can automate preserving your database information, it does not preserve *.properties files. The best practice is to back up these files, in addition to your database, before installing Oware.

� If you have just uninstalled, you must reboot before reinstalling.

� Ensure that hard and soft file descriptor limits are set to 1024.

� Install from a local drive or CD. Installation over a slow network may cause database corruption.

Special Considerations for Solaris InstallationsThe following sections apply to Solaris installations using either the graphical user interface or the command line.

Solaris Permissions and Settings

The following files must have read permission for the installing user:


The versant_setup script for Solaris installation enforces the following minimum kernel settings in /etc/system:

set msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb=65536set msgsys:msginfo_msgtql=1024set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=1000000000set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=512set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=1024set semsys:seminfo_semmni=1024set semsys:seminfo_semmns=2048set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=512

To avoid having to reboot during installation, ensure these minimums are met before installing the product. You must reboot (init 6) for these changes to take effect. This is required only for a full installation or a database server installation.

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Solaris Color Adjustment

Other applications may require color resources that alter GrandVIEW EMS’s color appearance. You can limit the competition for colors by selecting “Most colors for applications” in the Solaris Style Manager. You can also limit competing applications' color demands with entries in your .Xdefaults (or equivalent) file. The following sample entries are for FrameMaker and Netscape. Consult the appropriate manuals for other applications whose use of colors must be limited.

!FrameMaker ColorMap.

!Maker.targetColorCube: 4Maker.minimumColorCube: 3Maker.targetExactColors: 4Maker.minimumExactColors: 3Maker.colorDither: False!Netscape*maxImageColors: 64

Solaris Patches Required

The installation software and runtime environment use the standard Sun Solaris JDK. The Sun JDK requires a minimum set of patches to be installed to Solaris or it does not run. The installation script checks to see that the required patches are installed. Oware is shipped with a file, patches.tar, that contains the required patches.

An alternative way to obtain prerequisite patches is to install the standard Sun recommended patch cluster, which can be downloaded from http://sunsolve.

Apply patches with the patchadd(1M) utility. You can find instructions for patchadd(1M) in the man pages as well as in the Solaris AnswerBook.

Oware requires and is shipped with JDK 1.3.1.

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Solaris Limitations

Because of a bug in the Sun Solaris JDK (bugid 4281163), the installation process requires access to a Sun X11 environment, even though the Oware installation requires no Java graphics to appear. You can provide X11 access with the following steps:

1. Install software on a Solaris system with a graphics card and monitor.

2. Install software on a Solaris system remotely from a Sun system that has a graphics card and monitor. (Ensure xhost + has been run on the system to which you install this.)

3. Run the non-root phase of the installation from an environment that has access to an xhost. If you are running the installation remotely, be sure to run xhost + on the local system.

When installing the non-root user, the DISPLAY variable must point to the host name where the X11/XServer displays back. You can set the DISPLAY variable from the user install shell from a command line as follows:DISPLAY=<IP address>:0.0export DISPLAY

The IP Address in the DISPLAY variable would be the host where you display the GUI back from the installation host. You can avoid setting DISPLAY in the non-root user installation by logging out of the machine after the root installation. Then, re-log into the machine as the nonroot user and run the install script to complete the installation. In this case, Solaris sets the DISPLAY variable.

This work-around only works if you log in and log out of the machine where you are installing. Otherwise, you must set the DISPLAY variable yourself.

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Creating an EMS Group and User on Solaris

GrandVIEW EMS cannot be installed by the root user. Follow this procedure to create a group and user for installing and running GrandVIEW EMS.


1. Start admintool.

2. Select Browse > Groups. Existing groups are displayed.

3. Select Edit > Add. The Add Group window appears.

4. Enter ems for the Group Name and click on OK.

5. Select Browse > Users. Existing users are displayed.

6. Select Edit > Add. The Add User window appears.

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7. Enter or select:

— User Name – ems

— Primary Group – ems

— Login Shell – Korn

— Password – Select Normal Password, then type ems as the password

— Home Directory Path – /opt/ems

8. Click on OK.

9. Close admintool.

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Setting Up Environmental Variables on Solaris

GrandVIEW EMS requires certain environmental variables. These are established by the script .dsienv. To add the script to user ems’s profile:


1. Edit the file:


2. Add a line to execute the script .dsienv:

# @(#)local.profile 1.899/03/26 SMIstty istripPATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/etc:.export PATH. /etc/.dsienv#




3. Save the profile.

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Installing GrandVIEW EMS (Graphical Interface)This procedure shows how to install GrandVIEW EMS using a graphical interface. Alternatively, you can execute the installation in console mode on Solaris. See Installing GrandVIEW EMS (Command Line) on page 19.


When installing a client on a remote machine with the Oware Management Center (OMC), ensure that the client user is a valid Oware user. If the client does not have Oware application server access, the installation may fail because device driver installation fails. When working with the client after such a failed installation, you cannot see managed objects. Oware reports this failure in the log file (not on the console) so the failure might not be immediately apparent. See Chapter 2, Add-on and Device Driver Installation in the Dorado RedCell Installation Guide (on the GrandVIEW EMS CD-ROM) for more information.

Follow these steps to install GrandVIEW EMS:

1. Insert the GrandVIEW EMS CD into your CD-ROM drive. If you click the installation link (or run win_install.exe for Windows, or for Solaris), a dialog appears as the Setup program initializes InstallShield. Then a Welcome Screen appears.

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2. Click on Next. The software license agreement appears.

3. Read the license agreement, signify your acceptance of the terms by clicking the appropriate button, and click on Next. A summary of the components that will be installed appears.

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4. Click on Next. The installation directory screen appears. Verify that GrandVIEW EMS is being installed in the desired directory. If you want to install it in a different directory, type the path or click Browse to go select the directory.

5. Click on Next. The setup type selection screen appears.

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6. Select the setup type from the available options.

— Full installation — Installs application server, database server, mediation server, and client on this host.

— Client — This installs client software. It does not configure the machine to run Mediation Agent or Application Server.

Select Full installation for a new GrandVIEW EMS installation.

7. Click on Next. During a Client installation, you are prompted for the hostname of the server. Enter the hostname and click on Next.

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8. Once you have selected the appropriate installation type and have provided the necessary information, you can begin copying the needed files. The next screen confirms your selections.

9. Click Next to begin. The Installer shows you the current installation status.

10. If you are installing on Windows, proceed to Step 15 on page 17.

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11. If you are installing on Solaris, the next prompt requests a script that verifies system compatibility and records information in case you need technical assistance. It also requests you install some files as root. Open a new shell, log in as root, and run the listed script ($OWARE_USER_ROOT/install/root/

This is typical output from running this script:

# /opt/dorado/install/root/ PATCH CHECK-------------------executing /opt/dorado/install/root/ - created log file /opt/dorado/install/root/patch_check.log.2003-03-04.181945Checking patches for SunOS 5.8Looking for required patch 108921, rev 12Found installed patch 108921, rev 14Looking for required patch 108940, rev 33Found installed patch 108940, rev 40--------------------------RUNNING SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS--------------------------executing /opt/dorado/install/root/ ENVIRONMENT STUB--------------------------generating /etc/.dsienv--------------------RUNNING SERVER SETUP--------------------executing /opt/dorado/install/root/ VERSANT SETUP---------------------executing /opt/dorado/install/root/versant_setup.shNo changes needed to /etc/systemBacking up /etc/inetd.conf as /opt/dorado/backup/inetd.conf.2003-03-04.182028Added oscssd entry to /etc/inetd.confentry = ’oscssd stream tcp nowait root /opt/dorado/oware3rd/ver-sant/6.0.0/sun4/bin/ss.d in.oscssd’Backing up /etc/services as /opt/dorado/backup/services.2003-03-04.182028Looking for database properties file ’/etc/.osc060000’/etc/.osc060000 not found/etc/.osc060000 installed OK#

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12. In the GrandVIEW EMS Setup screen, click on Next. When the installation program finishes the database initialization process it notifies you that the installation is complete. Click on Finish to close the installer.

13. Reboot the server.

14. After you have successfully rebooted your computer, the installer continues, installing the database and other applications, and compiling the MIBs. These processes produce shells with log output. You can get details as they occur with the tail command in the installation target directory:

cd /opt/dorado/oware/appserver/<ip address of server>/logtail -f appserver.log

When the Rule Load Complete message appears, GrandVIEW EMS is installed and ready to be run. Go to Starting GrandVIEW EMS on page 20.

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Windows Installation, Continued

15. For a Windows installation, reboot your PC when prompted.

16. When the reboot is complete, a progress screen appears. Await completion of the setup.

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17. When the installation program finishes the database initialization process it notifies you that the installation is complete. Click on Finish to close the installer.

GrandVIEW EMS is installed and ready to be run. Go to Starting GrandVIEW EMS on page 20.

Canceling the InstallationYou may abort the installation at any time by clicking on Cancel, then confirming cancellation. This is not recommended because it may strand processes that will then need to be manually shut down.

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Installing GrandVIEW EMS (Command Line)You can run a Solaris installation from a command line with text prompts that are equivalent to the graphic interface prompts described in Installing GrandVIEW EMS (Graphical Interface) on page 10. To run the text-only installation, enter this command:

install/solaris/ -console -is:javaconsole

This is a sample of the initial output:

InstallShield WizardInitializing InstallShield Wizard...Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine...Initializing...Checking for update...Reading component information...----------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Paradyne GrandVIEW. To continue, choose Next.

Paradyne GrandVIEW GV4.1.1.0 Paradyne Networks, Inc. ©2003 Paradyne Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Any other trademarks are the property of their registered owners.

Press 1 for Next panel, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] ----------------------------------------------------------------Please read the following license agreement carefully.--> DORADO SOFTWARE INC. SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT This is a legal agreement... [Text omitted in this example]

Please choose from the following options: [ ] 1 - I accept the terms of the license agreement. [ ] 2 - I do not accept the terms of the license agreement. To select a choice enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]: ----------------------------------------------------------------Component Summary Platform version OW. Device Driver Interfaces version DI. Common Services version RC. Assure version AS. Performance Monitor version PM. GrandVIEW version GV.

Press 1 for Next panel, 2 for Previous panel, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] ----------------------------------------------------------------Destination directory for Paradyne GrandVIEW

Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory [/opt/dorado] . . .

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Starting GrandVIEW EMS


To start GrandVIEW EMS on Solaris:


1. Log in as the ems user.

2. Open a console window.

3. Type redcell on the command line and press Return.


To start GrandVIEW EMS on Windows:


1. The application server starts automatically as a Windows service. If you have for some reason shut down the application server, start it from the Windows Start menu. Otherwise, skip to Step 3.

2. Wait until the following message appears in the Application Server dialog window:

>>>>> Oware Application Server initialization COMPLETE. <<<<<

3. Start GrandVIEW EMS from the Windows Start menu.

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When GrandVIEW EMS is installed, the default user name is admin and the default password is null (press Enter).

For best security, change the password the first time you use GrandVIEW EMS. Select Change Password from the Settings menu. Keep a record of the new password.

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Updating an Existing InstallationIf you have a previously installed version of GrandVIEW EMS or its components on your computer and attempt to run the installation program, a dialog similar to the following appears:

You may reinstall files. After reinstallation, you are asked to select whether you want the installation program to rebuild the database or want to retain the existing one.

If you reinstall, a panel may appear on Windows 2000 noting that cleanbe processes exist and must be stopped before the update/uninstall can continue. Use the Windows Task Manager (right-click the start bar to open Task Manager) to find and kill this process or processes. Similarly, if your installation is interrupted for some reason, you may have to shut down the VERSANTD process before you can re-install Oware. On Windows Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel and double-click Administrative Tools. Double-click Component Services, and find VERSANTD on the Services node of that screen. Right click and select Stop to kill this service.


If you do an update installation, even if you elect not to rebuild the database, installation always reseeds the system settings. If you have changed your event templates or settings.txt, you may want to export or back these up before proceeding.

If your installation fails, see setup.log, db_setup.log or app_setup.log in the destination directory for the installation for messages that may help fix the failure. These log files reset (truncate) any time the installer builds the database. This can occur in updates when you rebuild the database. Otherwise installation appends to both files. Other files related to installation appear under the install folder.

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You can rewrite an existing installation this way:

1. Back up database

2. Uninstall then reinstall the application.

3. Restore.

Uninstalling GrandVIEW EMSYou can uninstall the software by using the Windows Add/Remove programs feature (or with nt_uninstall.exe), or by running the following on Solaris:$OWARE_USER_ROOT/install/_uninst/

Alternatively, for console mode, run:OWARE_USER_ROOT/install/_uninst/ -console -is:javaconsole.

Back up your *.properties files before uninstalling if you want to preserve them.

If you uninstall in a shell rather than using the graphic uninstaller, uninstaller cannot uninstall its own directory. This produces some errors you can ignore in a console uninstallation. Use cd /opt and then rm -rf dorado (dorado is the installation target directory) to do final cleanup.

Click Next to continue. Confirm that you want to remove GrandVIEW EMS and all the listed, installed components. You can optionally delete the owareapps directory and any sub-directories.

The Uninstaller begins removing the files. The next dialog prompts you to reboot (necessary for complete uninstallation in Windows).

When the software has been completely uninstalled on Windows, reboot your computer for TCP reset. Solaris does this reset as part of the root uninstall scripts.

In Solaris uninstalls, a screen appears prompting you to run

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Operating System ModificationsThe following outlines some of the technical details of installation. These are the changes to an installation.

Windows Start Menu

� Start Menu > Oware

� Start Menu > GrandVIEW EMS

Windows Environment Variables










Windows Registry

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Dorado Software, Inc.



Windows TCP Services

%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\Services - oscssd entry for Versant

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Cleanup for Manual Windows Uninstallation

If cleaning out an installation manually, do the following:

1. Stop services:

net stop owprocman (Oware Process Monitor)

net stop versantd

2. Kill any remaining cleanbe processes with Task Manager.

3. Remove environment variables.

4. Remove registry entries.

5. Remove Start Menu shortcuts.

6. Clean up TCP services: remove lines containing osc.

7. Delete the installation directory.

8. Reboot.

Solaris Modifed Files

The following system files may be modified during root installation:

/etc/system — checks, and if needed, upgrades key values

/etc/services — adds the database daemon entry

/etc/inetd.conf — adds the database daemon entry

/etc/.oscnnnnnn — writes the database environment information to this file

/etc/rc2.d/S76owprocmon — installed

The rest of the installation installs program files, does the setup functions, and performs the initial database load.

Solaris Common Desktop





$HOME/.dtprofile - contains environment setup

The following is an example .dtprofile modifications:

# Oware environment setup

if [ -r /etc/.dsienv ]; then . /etc/.dsienv; fi

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Solaris TCP Services

/etc/services—oscssd entry for Versant

/etc/inetd.conf—oscssd entry for Versant

/etc/.osc060000—Versant properties file

Solaris Versant Front End Profiles


Solaris Autostart Scripts


Cleanup for Solaris Manual Uninstall

If cleaning out an installation manually, do the following:

1. Remove common desktop files, types, and icons.

2. Remove environment setup from .dtprofile

3. Remove /etc/.dsienv

4. Clean up TCP services by removing any line containing osc

5. Remove Versant properties file: /etc/.osc060000

6. Restart services:

kill -1 ‘ps -ef |grep inetd |grep -v grep |awk ’{print $2}’‘

7. Kill any remaining cleanbe processes. Use ps -ef | grep cleanbe and then kill -9 for each PID, or use the following in a shell script:

cleanbes=‘ps -ef |grep cleanbe |grep -v grep |awk ’{print $2}’‘for cleanbe in $cleanbesdokill -9 $cleanbedone

8. Kill any remaining obe processes. Use ps -ef | grep obe and then kill -9 for each PID, or use the following in a shell script:

obes=‘ps -ef |grep obe |grep -v grep |awk ’{print $2}’‘for obe in $obesdokill -9 $obedone

9. Remove autostart scripts from /etc/rc2.d.

10. Delete installation directory (rm -rf).

11. Log out and back into common desktop.

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Warranty, Sales, Service, and Training InformationContact your local sales representative, service representative, or distributor directly for any help needed. For additional information concerning warranty, sales, service, repair, installation, documentation, training, distributor locations, or Paradyne worldwide office locations, use one of the following methods:

� Internet: Visit the Paradyne World Wide Web site at (Be sure to register your warranty at

� Telephone: Call our automated system to receive current information by fax or to speak with a company representative.

— Within the U.S.A., call 1-800-870-2221

— Outside the U.S.A., call 1-727-530-2340

Document FeedbackWe welcome your comments and suggestions about this document. Please mail them to Technical Publications, Paradyne Corporation, 8545 126th Ave. N., Largo, FL 33773, or send e-mail to [email protected]. Include the number and title of this document in your correspondence. Please include your name and phone number if you are willing to provide additional information.

TrademarksGrandVIEW is a trademark of Paradyne Corporation. All other products and services mentioned herein are the trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks of their respective owners.

Copyright © 2003 Paradyne Corporation. Printed in U.S.A.

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