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words snonyms antonymsABATE decrease, diminish increase, intensify, magnify, enhance ABERRANT stray, deviating, irregular direct. normal. ABEYANCE postponement,suspension continuity, ceaselessness abstemious ascetic, austere self-denying unrestrained, immoderate admonish scold, upbraid, criticize praise, compliment, commend adulterate contaminate aesthetic sensitive, discriminating insensitive, undiscriminating aggregate gathering, accumulation Alacrity enthusiasm, eagerness, briskness unconcern, apathy, impassiveness alleviate lighten, soften, mitigate, mollify make worse, aggravate, increase amalgamate combine, blend separate, part, divide, disunite ambiguous vague, unclear explicit, definite, specific ambivalent confused, undecided definite, positive; unwavering ameliorate help, heal, fix up, patch up, correct ruin, botch, queer Anachronism reference analogous like, comparable different, divergent

Anarchy lawlessness, chaos. order, discipline Anomalous odd, strange common, usual, standard Antipathy dislike, aversion, distaste; disgust affinity, fellow feeling, regard Apathy unconcern, lack of interest, inattention, Concern, interest, attention, responsiveness Appease lull, compose, placate satisfy, ease aggravate, provoke, inflame, arouse Apprise notify, advise, tell Keep secret, keep quiet about Approbation compliment, good word Censure, condemnation, criticism Appropriate suitable, proper incorrect, wrong,

in consonant, incompatible Arduous toilsome, wearisome,

exhausting Light, facile, easy, simple, effortless, smooth

Artless natural, pure, unadorned , lacking art cunning, crafty, sly, wily, dishonest Ascetic self-denier, abstainer self-indulgent, indulgent, pampered Assiduous hardworking, laborious indolent, lazy, idle Assuage lessen, soften; mollify, alleviate Intensify, aggravate, irritate, exacerbate attenuate draw out, make thin broadens, make thick Audacious courageous, fearless unadventurous, unenterprising; cowardly austere rigorous, rigid, Spartan permissive, lenient, indulgent, easy Autonomous self-determined; self sufficient Governed, dependent, subject Aver asseverate; certify, verify,

guarantee. Deny, disavow, disclaim, repudiate

Banal conventional, stereotyped, insipid Original, new, novel, unique, exciting Belie disprove, refute, contradict proves, verify, attest to, validate

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Beneficent contributive, favorable, profitable detrimental, detractive, disadvantageous Bolster buttress, reinforce, maintain, sustain diminish, lessen, weaken, tear down Bombastic grandiloquent, pompous, windy, padded,

inflated Temperate, unpretentious, modest, natural, simple

Boorish rude, coarse, vulgar, unrefined, unpolished polished, cultured, refined, cultivated Burnish polish, wax, buff, shine Abrade, scratch, mar Buttress support, brace, prop, stanchion, abutment,

arch, stay Cacophonous out of tune, off-key, off pitch Capricious impulsive, erratic, flighty,

skittish, mercurial, fanciful Consistent, unchangeable, inflexible

Castigate punish, discipline, correct, penalize Praise, laud, compliment, honor; reward, encourage

Catalyst speeds a chemical reaction

Caustic burning, corrosive flattering, complimentary; sweet Chicanery trickery, fraud, deceit Coagulate solidify, set, gel, jell, jellify, harden Liquefy, melt, dissolve, and soften Coda summarizes or concludes

Cogent convincing, well-founded, incontrovertible Unconvincing, unsound, dubious Commensurate relative, equal, equivalent, even inappropriate, unfitting, incompatible,

disproportionate Compendium condensation, abstract, brief Complaisant obliging, solicitous, pleasing, contrary, unsolicited, uncooperative,

indifferent Compliance conforming, obedience, yielding nonconformity, disobedience, resistance Conciliatory accommodative, appeasing Antagonistic, hostile, unfriendly, unforgiving Condone pardon, justify, absolve, forget Condemn, denounce, censure, disapprove Confound puzzle, mystify, mix up Enlighten, explain, solve, clear up, clarify Connoisseur expert, judge, authority, maven Contention struggle, strife, conflict, combat,

altercation peace; accord, agreement.

Contentious quarrelsome Contrite chastened, humbled ,repentant proud, pleased, uncontrite, unrepentant,

unapologetic Conundrum puzzle, riddle, enigma, mystery, poser,

puzzler, paradox

Converge concentrate, bring together Diverge, separate, part, scatter Convolution winding, undulation, contortion Uncoiling, unwinding Craven fearful, frightened Brave, courageous, heroic, fearless Daunt discourage, dishearten, deject Embolden, encourage, cheer, animate,


Decorum propriety, politeness; tact Impropriety, inappropriate behavior, bad manners

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default failure to appear or act Deference regard; obedience, capitulation Disrespect, contempt; defiance, disobedience. delineate represent pictorially,describe with precision

Denigrate defame, malign, slander, tear down, abuse, stigmatize,

Praise, commend, acclaim, exalt, boost.

Derivative inferred, not original archetypal, authentic, genuine, seminal Deride ridicule, mock, scoff, scorn, sneer at Desiccate to dry thoroughly; dry up Desultory lacking in consistency, method, purpose, or

visible order deterrent restraint, curb, hindrance, check Diatribe stream of abuse, accusatory language,

invective Dichotomy subdivision into halves or pairs.

diffidence lack of self-assurance; hesitancy, reluctance

audaciousness, forwardness, assertiveness, aggressiveness

Diffuse spread out, unconcentrated, dispersed succinct, concise, terse, pithy, compact; methodical, organized.

Digression wandering; diversion, dirge funeral song, requiem, death song, death

march Disabuse enlighten about, free from error, clear the

mind of, disillusion,

Discerning keen-sighted, sensitive, piercing Undiscerning, unperceptive, indiscriminate.

discordant disagreeing; incongruous discredit defame, abuse, dishonor credit, prove, support, accept, verify discrepancy inconsistency, variance,

disagreement, discordance, correspondence, accord

Discrete distinct, different, detached Merged, combined, interdependent, united, linked, connected.

disingenuous duplicitous, false, feigned, guileful Ingenuous.

Disinterested unprejudiced, impersonal Partial, biased, prejudiced, selfish Disjointed split, divided, apart jointed, connected, attached.

sensible, coherent, logical dismiss excuse, send forth, let

go, disperse; dissolve hire, employ, accept, admit

Disparage ridicule, discredit, run down Applaud, praise, laud, extol, acclaim disparate at variance, discrepant like, homogeneous, parallel, accord-ant dissemble hide, mask, disguise, camouflage, feign,

conceal, dissimulate. show, manifest, evidence, reveal

disseminate spread, diffuse, disperse, circulate, broadcast.

Dissolute immoral; moral, upright, temperate, sober, prudent,

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unrestrained, abandoned. circumspect. Dissonance breach, break, conflict,

disagreement, discord schism, variance distend swell, bloat, swell out, expand distill separate by evaporation diverge separate, deviate, split of converges, agree, concur divest strip or remove (clothing), disrobe; take off clothe, dress, cover document official paper, record, instrument, legal

form. verb

dogmatic biased, prejudiced doctrinal, expressing dogma.

diffident, vacillating, uncertain; docile, complaisant

dormant inactive, quiescent, idle; sleeping, somnolent; hibernating.

active, operative, moving, awake

dupe deceive; humbug, bamboozle ebullience enthusiasm, exuberance apathy, lifelessness eclectic multifarious, wide ranging,

varied, general efficacious effectual, efficient ineffective effrontery shamelessness, brazenness modesty, reserve, shyness, timidity,

bashfulness; respect Elegy funeral song, song of lamentation Paean, jubilee, hallelujah, anthem elicit wrest, fetch, cause, educe, bring to light repress, discourage Embellish garnish, gild, color, embroider, dress up Simplify, strip bare empirical experiential, pragmatic theoretical, secondhand emulate copy, imitate; try to equal, rival; mimic endemic autochthonal, autochthonic,

autochthonous, indigenous enervate wash out, fatigue, tire, prostrate energize, invigorate, strengthen, vitalize,

stimulate engender cause, bring about, beget, breed kill, end, crush enhance lift, raise, boost minimize, depreciate, detract from ephemeral evanescent, momentary, passing, fugitive,

unenduring, nondurable, inconstant, permanent, lasting, enduring, everlasting, perpetual

equanimity calmness, composure panic, hysteria, disquiet equivocate be ambiguous, mince words, prevaricate erudite well-read, cultured, cultivated, scholarly uninformed, uneducated, illiterate, unscholarly

esoteric arcane, cryptic, enigmatic, inscrutable, mysterious, obscure

obvious, clear, plain, simple

eulogy acclamation, laudatory, citation, paean condemnation, criticism; vilification, defamation

euphemism over delicacy, over refinement, prudish

Exacerbate magnify, sharpen, deepen, fan the flames relieve, soothe, comfort, alleviate, assuage, mollify

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exculpate acquit, assoil, clear, discharge, exonerate Exigency emergency, contingency,requirements,

necessities extrapolate conjecture.

facetious comical, playful, wisecracking serious, sober, lugubrious, grave facilitate ease, simplify, help in hinder, hamper, complicate, encumber, slow


Fallacious sophistic, spurious, unfounded Fatuous ,tupid, brainless sensible, prudent, judicious Fawning deferential, crawling, flattering Felicitous well-chosen, well-put, well-said, pleasing infelicitous, awkward, clumsy, unfortunate fervor zeal, animation, gusto, fire, enthusiasm,

heartiness boredom, ennui, apathy, detachment, dispassion

flag signal, warn, : decline, grow weak freshen, recover, brace up.

Fledgling inexperienced person, novice, beginner Flout defy, treat with disdain, mock, poke fun at Revere; regard, respect, esteem foment stimulate, galvanize, foster Quell, suppress, repress, quench; check, curb,

restrain forestall avoid, head off, circumvent; counteract frugality saving, thrift, stinginess, miserliness futile ineffective, ineffectual, unsuccessful,

unavailing effective, fruitful, successful; profitable, useful, worthy

garrulous chatty, prattling, prating, babbling reticent, taciturn, quiet, reserved, closemouthed

goad driving motive, pressure detriment, curb. deter, keep back, hold back.

gouge to extort from or overcharge Grandiloquent high-flown, high-sounding Simple, direct, unaffected, plain-spoken gregarious vivacious, lively, talkative unsociable, solitary, reclusive, introverted guileless natural, honest, sincere, truthful sly, cunning, deceitful, crafty, tricky Gullible deceived, easily cheated Cynical, suspicious, untrusting, hard to

convince harangue a scolding or a verbal attack; diatribe homogeneous uniform, unmixed, unvarying,

unadulterated heterogeneous, mixed, varied, varying

hyperbole figurative statement, stretch of the imagination


iconoclast nonconformist, upstart, radical, revolutionary

conformist, assenter.

idolatry adoration, obsession single-minded attention

immutable unaltered, unalterable Changeable, unstable, alterable, flexible,

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variable impair lessen, weaken, enfeeble, decrease,

undercut improve, amend; repair; better, ameliorate

impassive dispassionate, aloof, stoical, untouched responsive, emotional, passionate, excited impede interrupt, check, retard,

obstruct, hinder, thwart assist, promote, advance, further, forward; help, aid.

imperturbable dispassionate, unflustered, levelheaded perturbable, choleric, touchy.

impervious sealed or closed against; invulnerable susceptible, vulnerable implacable inexorable, unamenable reconcilable, unappeasable, yielding implicit inferred, deducible implode to burst inward

inadvertent purpose, accidental, fortuitous deliberate, premeditated, intentional, studied inchoate budding, incipient formed, shaped; finished, completed incongruous variance, incompatible inappropriate, odd congruous, fitting, suitable inconsequential trivial, trifling, of no moment, valueless consequential, important, momentous,

significant, meaningful, crucial incorporate introduce into, assimilate indeterminate uncertain, unfixed specified, precise, definite, clear indigent poor, in need,

pinched, poverty-stricken wealthy, moneyed, rich, affluent, comfortable

indolent lethargic, do nothing industrious; busy, diligent inert quiescent, still, passive, inanimate dynamic; animated; active ingenuous guileless, unaffected, genuine worldly-wise, jaded, disingenuous; wily,

devious inherent deep-rooted, inveterate, natural, inbred foreign, alien, extrinsic, adventitious innocuous injurious, innocent, mild hurtful, deleterious, harmful, insidious insensibility indifference, apathy, insusceptibility consciousness; concern, sensibility insinuate intimate, aspersion, whisper withdraw, remove, retreat; alienate insipid banal, wearisome, bland interesting, zestful, pungent, spirited insularity seclude, sequester,separate intractable obdurate, incorrigible, mulish, unruly tractable, obedient, docile, submissive intransigent uncompromising, stubborn, intractable, compromising, yielding, flexible, open-minded inundate load down, overburden,

overwhelm. drain dry, reclaim, desiccate, parch, empty

inure temper, desensitize, discipline invective bitter language, harsh words praise, honor, commendation irascible easily angered, touchy, cantankerous amiable, gentle, mild, placid, serene irresolute undecided, uncertain, unsure, changeable resolute, determined, unwavering, decisive;

decided itinerary travel plan, schedule,log, record of a


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laconic compact, condensed, pithy voluble, wordy, loquacious, garrulous, verbose

lassitude languor, languidness, supineness, prostration

vigor, energy, strength, robustness, freshness

latent dormant, sleeping, quiescent activated, realized, developed; manifest laud extol, applaud, celebrate censure, condemn, criticize. lethargic lazy, drowsy, sleepy energetic, vigorous, alert, active levee dam,dike,Dyke.

levity frivolity, lightness, , silliness, joking gravity, seriousness, sobriety, earnestness log calendar, diary, docket, schedule loquacious Informal gabby, blabby silent, reserved, taciturn lucid scintillating, sparkling, dazzling;bright,

clear dark, dark ling, gloomy confused, muddled

luminous reflecting light, luminescent magnanimous charitable, beneficent, philanthropic unforgiving, vindictive, resentful, small, petty malinger flexible. teachable, manageable rigid, stiff, hard, firm maverick one's own man; dissenter, dissident mendacious lying, untrue, false truthful, honest.

metamorphosis mutation,transmutation,transformation meticulous painstaking, precise, nice, finical, finicky,

fussy careless, inexact, imprecise, sloppy, negligent

misanthropic unperson able, cynical, surly personable, amiable, amicable, loving, sociable

mitigate palliate, soften, assuage increase, augment, heighten, enhance mollify decrease, soften, pacify exasperate, exacerbate, agitate, stir, increase morose downcast, moody, glum, dour cheerful, blithe, happy, good-natured,

pleasant mundane day-to-day, routine, humdrum heavenly, celestial, ethereal, empyrean negate defeat, overthrow, overwhelm, destroy affirm, confirm, attest to, ratify, endorse neophyte beginner, tyro, apprentice, trainee, novice,

probationer, newcomer, recruit veteran, old hand, expert.

obdurate obstinate, intractable, unyielding, inflexible, adamant

obedient, agreeable, compliant, flexible

obsequious servile, fawning, toadying swaggering, lordly, imperious, proud obviate divert, parry, sidetrack, ward off necessitate, require, make essential, oblige,

impel, occlude stopper, stop up, constrict, strangulate clear, unclog, open, ream, unplug

officious obtrusive, intrusive,self-important, self-assertive, high-handed

unobtrusive, in the background

onerous distressing, painful, wearisome, taxing easy, light, simple, effortless, trivial, trifling opprobrious disgraceful, dishonorable complimentary, flattering, approving

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oscillate waver, vacillate, hesitate ostentatious fond of display, showing off, pompous modest, reserved, conservative, somber,

sedate paragon pattern, standard, norm, criterion partisan champion, advocate, freedom fighter detractor, defamer, censor, critic paucity meagerness, puniness, thinness, poorness surfeit, overflow, excess, surplus,

superabundance pedantic dogmatic, punctilious, hairsplitting,

nitpicking succinct, pithy, straightforward; vague

penchant fondness, partiality, liking hatred, dislike, loathing, aversion, abhorrence, disinclination

penury poverty, impoverishment, want, indigence opulence, luxury, elegance, abundance, affluence

perennial perpetual, everlasting, permanent temporary, occasional, sporadic, intermittent, periodic

perfidious treacherous, traitorous, treasonous, deceitful, false

perfunctory inattentive, lax, hasty, superficial, routine careful, thorough, thoughtful, diligent, assiduous

pervasive omnipresent, ubiquitous, universal, inescapable.

phlegmatic indifferent, apathetic, nonchalant, unemotional, unimpassioned

emotional, passionate, excited; active, demonstrative,

piety loyalty, dutifulness, humility; religiosity impiety, sacrilege, ungodliness, blasphemy, irreverence

placate alleviate; appease, propitiate Plasticity. the quality or state of being plastic platitude , threadbare phrase, Slang chestnut,

bromide plethora excess, surplus, superfluity, surplus age,

surfeit, shortage, lack, scarcity, deficiency

plummet plunge, fall, fall headlong, drop straight down

rise, ascend, shoot upward, soar

porous permeable, penetrable pragmatic unidealistic, hard-nosed, materialistic,

unsentimental. idealistic, theoretical; romantic, dreamy, sentimental

preamble deed, constitution, or other document precarious vulnerable, uncertain, problematical certain, sure, secure precipitate hasten, bring on, quicken,reckless, rash precursor harbinger, messenger presumptuous audacious, daring, overconfident prevaricate perjure, deceive, palter pristine undefiled, unsullied pure, unmarred defiled, contaminated, polluted probity principle, honor, trustworthiness dishonesty, duplicity, unscrupulous, corruption

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problematic uncertain, doubtful, questionable certain, settled, known, undisputed, unquestionable

prodigal exorbitant, lavish, excessive, gluttonous thrifty, frugal, economical, cautious, miserly profound deep, thoughtful, wise shallow, superficial, unwise, stupid, unlearned prohibitive suppressive, repressive; preventive proliferate multiply, increase, reproduce

propensity weakness, preference prejudice, disposition disinclination, aversion, loathing, dislike, hatred, antipathy

propitiate appease, placate, pacify, calm, assuage, mollify, conciliate, accommodate

anger, madden, infuriate, roil, pique, provoke

propriety applicability, fitness, suitableness, seemliness

impropriety, incorrectness, discourtesy, misbehavior

proscribe condemn, censure ,prohibit, forbid, interdict

allow, permit, encourage, aid.

pungent highly flavored, savory, spicy, flavorful bland, mild; unsavory, unpalatable, flavorless qualified trained, competent inexperienced, untrained, unpracticed quibble argue, bicker ,artifice, duplicity quiescent quiet; still; inactive or motionless rarefied special, secret, recondite, inside recalcitrant stubborn, obstinate, unwilling,

unsubmissive, headstrong obedient, compliant, amenable, submissive, yielding

recant retract, take back, deny reaffirm, confirm, repeat, validate recluse hermit, solitary, ascetic recondite profound, deep, abstruse clear, obvious, patent refractory stubborn, unmanageable, obstinate obedient, tractable refute answer, challenge, contradict, deny. prove, vindicate, support, confirm, corroborate

relegate charge, commit, consign reproach chide, admonish, reprimand,dishonor,

discredit praise, commend, applaud, compliment

reprobate abandoned person; rascal, scamp, black sheep

angel, paragon, saint

repudiate , revoke, repeal, retract, void accept, approve; adopt, espouse.

rescind revoke, reverse, retract, repeal,cancel, quash, dissolve.

uphold, support; validate

resolution motion, formal proposition, proposal voluble, talkative, communicative, unreserved reverence respect, esteem, regard, honor,

homage, deference irreverence, disrespect, disregard, scorn,

sage wise man, magus, pundit fool, idiot salubrious bracing, beneficial, wholesome, unhealthful, unhealthy, harmful, unwholesome

sanction approval, commendation, endorsement disapproval, forbiddance, refusal, ban, prohibition

satiate surfeit, overfill, overdo, cloy, saturate saturate fill, infiltrate, cover, permeate drain, dry

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savor , flavor, tang, spice, piquancy secrete hide, conceal, cache, Informal stash reveal, show, display, exhibit shard a fragment ,as of an egg or snail skeptic unbeliever, atheist solicitous concerned, thoughtful unconcerned, undisturbed.

soporific hypnotic, somniferous, sleep-inducing lively, animated specious deceptive, misleading, fallacious,

questionable valid, conclusive, undeniable, inescapable.

spec•trum the band or series of colors sporadic irregular, spotty, scattered continuous, regular, steady, constant stigma brand, flaw, mark of

shame, smirch, smudge, besmirchment glory, honor, distinction, credit, approval.

stint restrict, set limits to, give in small amounts

stipulate indicate, name, cite, make a point

stolid lumpish, bovine, dense; insensitive excitable, emotional, passionate, energetic strait strict, as in requirements or principles strut swagger, walk pompously, parade cringe, cower, slink, sneak subpoena a writ to summon witnesses or evidence

before a court subside moderate, level off, ebb, calm, recede,

melt away, rise; increase, swell

substantiate authenticate, sustain, support disprove, refute, discredit, undermine supersede displace, succeed; discard, set aside supposition predication, surmise, guess, guesswork certainty, surety, fact, knowledge

tacit assumed, implied, inferred, implicit tangential incidental; peripheral tenuous slender, frail, fragile, delicate, gossamer strong, solid, valid, substantial

tirade , lecture, reprimand, scolding good word, short eulogy, panegyric,

torpidity slow movement, inertia, lethargy, energy, vigor, vim, pep, animation, liveliness torturous painful, agonizing, racking, cruel,

anguishing painless, pleasant, pleasing, delightful, enjoyable,

tractable amenable, easy to manage, manageable intractable, unmanageable, uncontrollable transgression offense, sin, misdeed, evil deed, trespass,

lapse virtue, morality, probity, righteousness, grace, good deed

truculent ill-humored, ill-natured, snarling; surly, cross

peaceful, gentle, kind, diffident, accommodating

vacillate be doubtful, be changeable, fluctuate, falter,

be determined, be resolute, be steadfast

veracious honest, truthful, accurate, dependable verbose talkative, garrulous, gabby terse, concise, succinct, pithy; reticent, curt,

brusque viable able to develop, able to thrive, capable of unviable, impractical, useless

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growing viscous viscid, sticky, gluey vituperation blame, tongue-lashing, revilement,

obloquy, scurrility, castigation, tirade, calumniation

praise, acclaim, adulation, flattery

volatile explosive, eruptive; unstable, unsettled stable. 2 calm, peaceful

warrant authorization, permission, permit wary alert, wakeful, wide-awake unwary, unsuspecting, unguarded, rash,

reckless welter grovel, tumble about whimsical staid, serious, sedate, sober, practical

zealot fanatic;person who shows excessive zeal
