Download pdf - Great Youth Group Games

  • 7/29/2019 Great Youth Group Games


    ElectricityArrange everyone into two equally numbered teams. Have both teams line up in parallel lines.

    At the end of the line, place the object about five feet away (in equal distance from both endsof the line). Youll be at the head of the line.

    Explain the rules: Everyone in line will need to hold hands and close their eyes. Only the first

    person of both lines can open their eyes. Flip the coin in the air, catch it, and reveal the

    quarter to the first person of both teams.

    If the quarter comes up as heads, the first person squeezes the next persons hand. The

    second person squeezes the next persons hand, and so forth. At the end of the line, the last

    person runs to grab the object. The team that grabs the object first wins a point for the round.If the quarter comes up as tails, then no one squeezes anyones hand. If theres an

    accidental hand squeeze and the quarter comes up as tails, the team that grabbed the

    object loses a point for the round.

    For the second round, the first person goes to the back of the line and the game continues. The

    first team that reaches 10 points wins the game.

    FishbowlAt the beginning, each player writes down 3 names that everyone would know on a small

    piece of paper, then folds those papers in half and puts them in a bucket. Two even teams are

    then formed. Teams should sit next to teammates forming a semi-circle (and a complete circle

    with both teams). One team begins and the first person draws a name from the bucket and

    tries to get teammates to guess what it is (details described later). If guessed correctly, the

    person takes the paper out of the bucket and passes the bucket to the next person. The morecorrect guesses means the more points a team gets.

    After one minute, the other team gets to do the same. Following that, it goes back to the first

    team and the two teams alternate until all of the papers are gone from the bucket.

    These small sessions are a part of a larger round. A round is defined as the time from a full

    bucket to an empty bucket. There are three total rounds and each round has unique rules for

    guessing what's on the paper.

    Round 1: Player may say everything but the name on the piece of paper.

    Round 2: Player may act out anything but may not say a word.

    Round 3: Player may only say one word. Nothing more. No actions allowed.

    At the end of round 3, whichever team has won more names throughout all 3 rounds is thegame winner.

    Paper TelephoneEach player receives a stack of papers. Each stack of papers should contain the number of

    sheets for how many people are playing (i.e. if 6 people are playing, each person should have

    6 pieces of paper for a total of 36 sheets altogether).

    The facilitator instructs players to put a small number on the bottom right of each sheet in

    incremental order (first sheet has a 1, second sheet a 2, and so on...). Then the players stack

    their own sheets so that 1 is on top and the highest number is on the bottom.
  • 7/29/2019 Great Youth Group Games


    The facilitator says go and every player writes a message on the 1st sheet. The message can

    be whatever desires.

    After 1 minute, the facilitator says switch and all the players slide their entire stack, with the

    message on top, to the right. The receiving player takes the stack, reads the message, and then

    puts the message on the back of the stack. The player then, on the 2nd card, proceeds to draw

    a picture representing the message the first player wrote.After 1 minute, the facilitator says switch and players again slide their entire stack to the right,

    this time with the number 2 card (drawing) on top. The receiving player looks at the drawing,

    puts it in the back of the stack, and writes a message about what the drawing was.

    The facilitator continues saying "switch" every 1 minute with players alternating from writing

    to drawing and back to writing and so on.

    When the stacks of paper are all used, the players should slide the stack to their right one final

    time and the originator of the stack should now have their own stack.

    Players may read through the stacks, laughing at the modifications their original sentence took

    as it passed through multiple pictures and multiple interpretations of those pictures.

    Look Up Look DownPlayers stand in a circle, all with their heads looking down. The facilitator yells "look up".

    All players look up at someone else (they cannot change who they are looking at after they

    look up).

    If two people happen to be looking at each other (i.e. make eye contact), they both have to

    scream. Whoever screams last is eliminated from the circle. If someone screams when they

    are not making eye contact with anyone, they are also eliminated.

    The facilitator then says "look down" and everyone looks down. The facilitator then says

    "look up" and the process continues. The game continues until there are only two players left.

    When there are only two people left, rock paper scissors or the game "Star Wars" can helppick a winner.

    Feuer, Wasser, SturmFeuer, Wasser, Sturm ist ein Bewegungsspiel fr kleinere Kinder. Die Kinder bewegen sich

    frei durch den Raum bis der Spielleiter eine der drei Naturkatastrophen ansagt.

    Bei Feuer rennen alle Kinder schnell zur Tr oder den Fenstern.

    Bei Wasser mssen sich alle Kinder vor dem Hochwasser auf ein Mbelstck / Bank /

    Baumstamm retten. Falls die Rumlichkeiten keine Dinge zum Draufklettern hergeben, so gilt

    die Regel "Stehen bleiben und Schwimmbewegungen machen".

    Bei Blitz mssen sich alle Kinder hinhocken und die Arme um die Beine schlingen (oder

    alternativ "vom Blitz getroffen" zu Boden gehen).

    Bei Sturm mssen sich alle Kinder an etwas schwerem (nicht am Boden) festhalten, damit sie

    nicht fort geweht werden.

    Als Variante scheiden die langsamsten Kinder aus (vom Spielleiter bestimmt) und das Tempo

    in dem die Naturkatastrophen erfolgen wird immer schneller. Die Kinder, die als letztes noch

    im Spiel sind, haben gewonnen.


  • 7/29/2019 Great Youth Group Games


    Beim Flaschentanz mssen Freiwillige einen nicht existierenden Flaschenparcour

    durchqueren. Zuerst stehen die Flaschen und Glser natrlich schon dort auf dem Boden (am

    besten Teppich). Der Freiwillige soll sich den Parcour gut einprgen und soll dann mit

    verbundenen Augen die Hindernisse bersteigen. Sobald dem Freiwilligen die Augen

    verbunden wurden wird er noch einmal im Kreis gedreht und abgelenkt. Whrend dessen

    rumen die Zuschauer still und leise alle Hindernisse aus dem Weg. Nun darf der Blinde ber

    die nicht mehr vorhandenen Flaschen steigen und bekommt Ahhhs und Ohhhs aus dem

    Publikum. Direkt hinter ihm werden die Flaschen wieder hingestellt. Der Freiwlillige wird

    seine meisterliche Leistung kaum glauben...

    Gnsemarsch FangenBei diesem Spiel wird eine Kette von 8-12 Personen gebildet, wobei man seinem Vordermann

    beide Hnde auf die Schultern legt. Die vorderste Person in der Kette ist der Fuchs, und

    versucht nun die Gans am Ende der Kette zu schnappen (fangen). Die restlichen Personen in

    der Kette sind Gnse und versuchen die letzte Gans zu schtzen. Sie drfen sich den Fuchs

    dabei aber nicht bremsen oder festhalten. Gelingt es dem Fuchs, kommt er selbst ans Ende der

    Kette und der nchste in der Kette wird zum neuen Fuchs.
