Download ppt - Green Cleaning

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Why are we here?

We are here to present some of the latest information and technologies as it pertains to the field of Green Cleaning.



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1. We will discuss key issues that our schools/homes are facing with regards to toxic products and environmental toxins.

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2. We will discuss the negative effects of toxic products on human health.

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3. We will identify ways to make positive impact in our schools, in our homes, and on this planet!

We will show you how to Create Greener & Healthier Learning Environments, and that is the mission of greenschools.

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Allergies are in big deal in schools. Mistakes can be life threatening.

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These signs say a lot more than there is a peanut allergy in this building. These signs are clues that there are occupants inside that are already in toxic overload. Occupants who could become symptomatic if their “bucket” overflows.

Do these signs look familiar?

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This picture came from the inside of a teacher’s closet.

This picture representshundreds and thousands of classrooms with toxic chemicals inside.

Students and teachersusing products like these have been harmed.

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Did you know ingredients found in common cleaning products have been linked to:

Causing new cases of asthma and triggering asthma episodes

Harming the brain, nervous system, reproductive organs, kidneys and liver

Irritating eyes and causing headaches

Breathing problems and illnesses

Disrupting/acting like hormones


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-Asthma30 million people have suffered from asthma-- including 9 million children under the age of 18

The cause of over 15 million missed school days each year

Costs society $16 billion/year in medical and indirect costs

-Sick Building Syndrome and Building Related Illnesses

-Allergies and sensitivities


-Reduced productivity and lower test scores

Poor IAQ Impacts Health & Can Show Itself As…

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This picture represents a typical classroom stockpiled with toxic cleaning supplies and excessive paper products.

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Chemicals can be found in all sorts of places.This picture was taken inside a faculty bathroom. greenschools aims to protect ALL occupants inside a school!

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Let’s take some time to identify ways that chemicals enter the classroom/home.



SORTING ACTIVITY: Let’s go back to our IMMUNE SYSTEM and label Some of the products on the table as either TOXIC or NON-TOXIC.

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It is time for change…

Green Cleaning practices are being utilized across the country, and across the world.

Green Cleaning is not just a phase. Green Cleaning is a necessity!

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For more information go to:

E-mail: [email protected]