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  1. 1. Keeping Your Single Stream Clean
  2. 2. Education Prior to Roll Out
  3. 3. Advantages of Single Stream The 3 Cs 1. Capacity-less recycling being thrown out 2. Convenience-no lugging bins/wet recycling 3. Cleanliness-streets are cleaner. Recycling not blowing around. Getting Public Support
  4. 4. The Fourth C- Contamination (must be taken seriously)
  5. 5. Let the Mayor or City Manager know the stakes-(Fines from recycling plant and lost revenue) Let them know you goal is to clean up the stream not to issue fines Clear and simple instructions for residents Media can be a productive way to disseminate information Top Down Implementation
  6. 6. Radio Interview
  7. 7. Very effective at answering questions Can be used as a template for customer service or Mayors office Keep residents informed Residents do talk to each other Collect information using community group meetings and customer service Post a FAQ Online
  8. 8. Pick tools with clear pictures and less text Keep message direct and simple Items that will be less likely to be thrown out(Magnets, Calendar etc.) Effective Educational Tools
  9. 9. Plastic Bags The #1 Offender
  10. 10. We had 68 left in a single day when first started We left app. 200 for the month of November 2014-less than 10 per day We service app. 20,000 residential units per week for recycling We have a set out rate of 75% Leaving Behind Contaminated Carts
  11. 11. Contamination needs to be caught before it goes into the recycling truck Stopping Contamination