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  • 1. Growing Manderley TurfProductsPresented by:Kenneth Asante, Daniel Fernandes,Stephen Papoutsis and Olivia Parker

2. Agenda Company History Target Markets Branding & Marketing Current Advertisements Recommendations 3. Company History Founded by John Hope in 1960 in Kemptville,Ontario Largest producer of sod in Canada 1990s began supplying turf for golf courses International supplier NSGA Green Certification 4. Target Markets 5. Analysis of Branding & Marketing Clear branding of missions and objectives Canada-wide, but local and provincial focuses Current advertisements through:o Trade Showso Yellow Pageso Classifieds 6. Analysis of Branding & MarketingPositive Informative Directed to multiplecustomersNegative Grayscale image Advertising channel 7. Analysis of Branding & Marketing Vibrant colour scheme builds brand equity Use branding to differentiate company 8. Current Advertisements 9. Current Advertisements 10. Current Advertisements 11. Recommendations1. Canadian pride 12. Recommendations2. Accessible website 13. Recommendations2. Accessible website 14. Recommendations2. Accessible websiteClear, separate, andeasy to distinguishselections 15. Recommendations2. Accessible website New Canadian logo Keyboard navigation Adjustable text size 16. Recommendations3. New print products and new channels 17. Recommendations3. New print products and new channels 18. Conclusion Use colour Improve website Use different advertising channels Be Canadian!You will grow your business 19. Thank you! 20. SourcesAndora. (2010). Testimonials. [Photograph]. Retrieved November 10, 2012, from Cool Wallpapers. (2011). Grass wallpapers HD. [Photograph]. RetrievedNovember 7, 2012, from (2012). Mandery Turf Products Details. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from (n.d.). Maps of Canada. [Photograph]. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from Martin. (2011). Promotion. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from before applying weedkiller. [Photograph]. Retrieved November 10, 2012,from 21. Sourcesflickr. (2012). Municipal playground. [Photograph]. Retrieved November 10, 2012, (2009). Golf tee. [Photograph]. Retrieved November 10, 2012, from (2012). NaturaLawn of America redeem from home. [Photograph].RetrievedNovember 3, 2012, from (n.d.). Green certification. Retrieved November 6, 2012,from (2011). Manderley. Retrieved October 31, 2012,from (2008). How does our gardening grow? Retrieved November 3, 2012, from 22. SourcesScoreGolf. (2008). How many golfers in Canada? Retrieved November 10, 2012, from (2011). A growing project for a growing family. [Photograph]. Retrieved November 10, 2012, from plan-your-family-gardenTerra. (n.d.). Sod installation and lawn renovation. [Photograph]. Retrieved November10, 2012, from maintenance/lawn-installation-renovation/ (2012a). Manderley Turf Products. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from Products/ (2012b). Manderley Turf Products. Retrieved November 2, 2012, from Products/8069187.html