Page 1: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

GSK Healt h Challenge Ch a lle n g e - m e n e t e lm ä a vo im e n

in n o va a t io t o im in n a n t yö ka lu n a 20 15- 20 20

Page 2: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Sisält ö

OSA 1: Avoin innovaat iot oim int a uud ist aa t erveysalaa OSA 2: GSK Healt h Challenge 2015: Analyysi ja yht eenvet o OSA 3: GSK Healt h Challenge 2015: Tuloksia

Liit e 1. Healt h Challenge- aihioit a osallist uja- ja sidosryhm ät yöpajast a 12.2.2016

Page 3: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Taustaa GSK t o t e u t t i vu o n n a 20 15 He a lt h Ch a lle n g e - h a a s t e kilp a ilu n yh t e is t yö ssä Me h ilä in e n o y:n ja UK Tra d e a n d In ve s t m e n t in ka n ssa . Kilp a ilu e t s i u u s ia in sp iro ivia , e i- lä ä kke e llis iä id e o it a ja ka u p a llis ia ra t ka isu ja h e n g it ys t ie sa ira u ks ie n h o it o t u lo s t e n p a ra n t a m ise ks i. Kilp a ilu n t o t e u t u s t a ra h o it t i Te ke s . Tä m ä yh t e e n ve t o ko ko a a vu o d e n 20 15 He a lt h Ch a lle n g e h a a s t e kilp a ilu n ko ke m u ks ia , h yö t yjä ja h a a s t e it a se kä a se m o i t o t e u t e t u n h a a s t e kilp a ilu n o sa ks i c h a lle n g e - p e rin n e t t ä . Lisä ks i yh t e e n ve t o ko ko a a h a a s t a t t e lu - ja t yö p a ja m e n e t e lm in e s ille t u o t u ja a ja t u ks ia c h a lle n g e - m e n e t e lm ä n h yö d yn t ä m ise s t ä ja t ko ssa o sa n a t e rve ys - ja lä ä ke a la a .

Page 4: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Tiivist elm ä

GSK:n , Me h ilä ise n ja UKTI:n yh t e is t yö ssä jä rje s t ä m ä He a lt h Ch a lle n g e kiih d yt t i h e n g it ys t ie sa ira u ks ie n ku lu t t a ja ra t ka isu je n se kä ku lu t t a ja n ja a m m a t t ila ise n yh t e is t yö h ö n t a rvit t a vie n ra t ka isu je n ka u p a llis t a m is t a c h a lle n g e - e li h a a s t e kilp a ilu m e n e t e lm ä llä .

He a lt h Ch a lle n g e lo i GSK:lle ja jä rje s t ä jä ku m p p a n e ille u u d e n a vo im e n in n o va a t io t o im in n a n m a llin se kä lo i u u s ia s id o s ryh m ä su h t e it a .

Ch a lle n g e - p ro se s s i o li ke s t o lt a a n lyh yt , 3 ku u ka u t t a . P ro se ss in a ika n a t iim e ille o li jä rje s t e t t y fa s ilit o in t ia p u a ja s id o s ryh m ä t a p a a m is ia , m u t t a se n h yö d yn t ä m in e n ja ka a n t u i e p ä t a sa ise s t i. Osa llis t u ja h a a s t a t t e lu t ja kilp a ilu n a rvio in n in t u e ks i t o t e u t e t u n s id o s ryh m ä t yö p a ja n a in e is t o t o so it t a va t , e t t ä ke vye s t ikin fa s ilit o it u n a He a lt h Ch a lle n g e o li a rvo ka s ja va u h d it t i ra t ka isu je n ke h it t ä m is t ä kilp a ilu n a ika n a . Kym m e n e s t ä fin a lis t is t a ka h d e n ka n ssa ka u p a llis t a m is - ja ka n sa in vä lis t ä m isyh t e is t yö o n ja t ku n u t t iiviis t i m yö s kilp a ilu n jä lke e n .

Tu le va isu u d e ssa a s t e t t a in t e n s iivise m m ä llä He a lt h Ch a lle n g e - m a llilla o n p o t e n t ia a lia s id o s ryh m ä su h t e id e n ja jo p a u u d e n liike t o im in n a n ra ke n t a ja n a se kä GSK Su o m e n t o im in n a ssa e t t ä GSK:n g lo b a a lin t o im in n a n o sa n a .

Page 5: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

OSA 1: Avo in in n o va a t io t o im in t a u u d is t a a t e rve ysa la a

Page 6: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Digit al int ervent ions t ransform healt hcare

“Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically.

That’s because preventing ill health and chronic disease is always more effective and less expensive than treating it; because more and more, people want to pay for an outcome, not a treatment; and because empowering people to change their behavioral patterns with information, a plan, and support—not pills—is the best solution to avoiding many diseases altogether. Put simply, digital interventions are set to transform the way we think about what healthcare is.”

Daniel Grant , PhD, Head of Dig it al St rat egy, Consum er Healt hcare R&D, GSK

Page 7: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s
Page 8: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Lääkealan m urros ja hoit om yönt yyvyyden kysym ys

Te rve ysa la o n m u u t o kse ssa . Glo b a a lis t i t e rve yt t ä u h ka a va t yh ä u se a m m in e i- t a rt t u va t ja kro o n ise t sa ira u d e t . In n o va a t io t o im in n a n ja t u o t e ke h it t e lyn ka u t t a syn t yy ja t ku va s t i u u s ia h o it o m a h d o llisu u ks ia , jo t ka t o isa a lt a u h ka a va t ka sva t t a a t e rve yd e n h u o llo n ku lu ja . Ih m is t e n a rje s sa t e rve yt e e n va iku t t a va t kä yt t ä yt ym ism a llit o va t m o n in a is t u n e e t sa m a lla ku n yks ilö llis t ym in e n ja ku lu t t u ju u d e n va h vis t u m in e n lisä ä vä t t e rve yd e n h u o lt o o n ko h d is t u vie n o d o t u s t e n m ä ä rä ä . Lä ä ke t e o llisu u d e ssa t e rve ysa la n m u rro s n ä kyy e rit yise s t i h o it o m yö n t yvyyd e n kysym ykse ssä . Sa a d a kse e n lä ä kke is t ä sa m o ja va iku t u ks ia ku in ko n t ro llo id u is sa kliin is is sä t u t kim u ks is sa p o t ila id e n t u lis i kä yt t ä ä lä ä kke it ä lä ä kä rin o h je is t a m a lla t a va lla . Nä in t a p a h t u u t e ra p ia - a lu e e s t a riip p u e n n o in p u o le ssa t a p a u ks is t a . Ta rvit a a n u u s ia lä ä ke h o it o a t u ke via ra t ka isu ja , jo t ka va iku t t a va t p o t ila id e n t o im in t a a n ja p a ra n t a va t h o it o t u lo ks ia .

Page 9: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

“Pot ilaan rooli p it ää m uut t aa passiivisest a akt iiviseksi.” - Healt h Challenge osallist uja

“Prevent io on t ärkeä t eem a, joka on hist oriallisest i ollut vähän heikko. Jos prevent iolla pyst yy vält t äm ään vast aanot on .. niin se on oikeaa kehit yst ä. Ei se, et t ä t ehdään vanhoja jut t uja uuden t eknolog ian avulla.” - Healt h Challenge osallist uja

“Todellisia t erveydenhuollon ongelm akoht ia ovat m m . kroonisest i sairaat ja syrjäyt yneet . Näit ä ei rat kaist a esim erkiksi askelm it t areilla.” Healt h Challenge osallist uja

Kuinka t erveysala m uut t uu?

Page 10: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Avoin innovaat iot oim inta GSK:ssa

Page 11: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Partnering w it h GSK: t he open innovat ion p a t h w a y The New Product development Process You are integral to the new product process—a process built on: Learning, Discovery and Growth. GSK will work with you to effectively develop your consumer healthcare product innovation and provide opportunities for you to continue on your own path to discovery. The Open Innovation Pathway in GSK Once submitted, your innovation idea is assigned to an Open Innovation manager to guide the idea through early stage assessment by key R&D and Commercial team members. The Open Innovation manager will keep you informed and provide feedback throughout the process. The ultimate goal for GSK Consumer Healthcare is to in-license and commercialize innovative technologies matching our strategic wants. Through appropriate legal agreements, we hope to link external innovative technology to our global brands—a process that can result in a win for GSK and a win for innovators.

See more:

Page 12: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Avoin kulut t ajapuolen rat kaisuja et sivä in n o va a t io t o im in t a o sa n a GSK:n t o im in t a m a llia

Esim e rkke jä a vo im e n in n o va a t io t o im in n a n m u ka ise s t a ke h it t ä m ise s t ä GSK:ssa :

GSK He a lt h Ch a lle n g e 20 15 Fin la n d o li a vo in in n o va a t io kilp a ilu , m issä e t s it t iin u u s ia ra t ka isu ja h e n g it ys t ie sa ira u ks ie n h a llin t a a n , e rit yise s t i h o it o m yö n t yvyyd e n n ä kö ku lm a s t a .

ViiV He a lt h c a re o n P fize rin ja GSK:n yh t e isyrit ys , jo n ka t a rko it u kse n a o n t u o t t a a e d is t ykse llis iä h o it o m e n e t e lm iä HIV- p o s it iivis ille . Es im e rkiks i P ACC:t (P o s it ive Ac t io n Co m m u n it y Ch a lle n g e s ) o va t ViiV He a lt h c a re n a lo it t e e s t a jä rje s t e t t yjä kilp a ilu ja , jo id e n t a vo it t e e n a o n t u o d a in n o va t iivis t a a ja t t e lu a ja o n g e lm a n ra t ka isu a m a a ilm a n la a ju is t e n h a a s t e id e n ra t ka ise m ise ks i. GSK Co n su m e r He a lt h c a re Op e n In n o va t io n in ka u t t a e t s it ä ä n u u s ia t u o t e id e o it a ja in n o va a t io it a a vo im e n h a a s t e e n ka u t t a . Ha a s t e e t liit t yvä t m u u n m u a ssa ra vit se m u kse e n , su u n ja ih o n t e rve yt e e n se kä h yvin vo in t iin .

Page 13: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Avoin kulut t ajapuolen rat kaisuja et sivä in n o va a t io t o im in t a o sa n a GSK:n t o im in t a m a llia GSK He a lt h Ch a lle n g e 20 15 Fin la n d ViiV He a lt h c a re GSK Co n su m e r He a lt h c a re Op e n In n o va t io n

Page 14: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

“Jot kut t oim ijat keksivät kokonaan jot ain uut t a, t oiset puolest aan keksivät m it en jot akin voidaan t ot eut t aa suuressa m it t akaavassa.” - Healt h Challenge osallist uja

“Näkisin, et t ä m Healt h- rat kaisuja ja appeja kehit t ävät f irm at ja st art - up it ovat sellaisia, jot ka vievät uusia rat kaisuja et eenpäin, m ut t a vaadit aan et t ä t erveydenhuolt opalvelut ot t avat näit ä käyt t öön.” - Healt h Challenge osallist uja

Avoim essa innovaat iot oim innassa sidosryhm ät yö t uo m uut oksent ekijöit ä yht een

Page 15: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

GSK Suom en challenge- m a lli s id o s ryh m ie n ra ke n t a ja n a

Page 16: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Challenge- m e n e t e lm ä a vo im e n in n o va a t io t o im in n a n t yö ka lu n a J u lkis t e n c h a lle n g e - e li h a a s t e kilp a ilu je n h is t o ria u lo t t u u 170 0 - lu vu n Brit a n n ia a n , jo llo in jä rje s t e t t iin su u ri Lo n g it u d e P rize - kilp a ilu m e re n ku lku a su u re s t i h a it t a a va n p u u t t e e llise n n a vig a a t io n p a ra n t a m ise ks i. Ha a s t e kilp a ilu je n a vu lla o n vu o s isa t o ja p yrit t y ra t ka ise m a a n su u ria o n g e lm ia ja t e ke m ä ä n lä p im u rt o ja .Miks i h a a s t e kilp a ilu t o va t h yvä ja ke s t ä vä m e n e t e lm ä in n o va a t io id e n lu o m ise e n ? Milla is iin t a rko it u ks iin n e so ve lt u va t ? Brit t ilä ise n Ne s t a n Cent re for Challenge Prizes kit eyt t ää m enet elm än käyt t öt apoja seuraavast i. Haast ekilpailujen avulla voidaan:

Rat kaist a isoja ongelm ia ja t uot t aa m erkit t äviä läp im urt oja

Luoda uusia m arkkinoit a

Kiihdyt t ää aivan uusien alojen kehit t ym ist ä

Kiinnit t ää huom iot a laim inlyöt yyn asiaan t ai ongelm aan

Rohkaist a t oisia t ahoja invest oim aan ongelm an rat kaisuun t ai asian ed ist äm iseen

Tuoda uusia t uot t eit a t ai palveluja m arkkinoille

Synnyt t ää uut t a yht eist yöt ä t ai kum ppanuuksia

Kerät ä t iet oa ja dat aa t iet yst ä aiheest a

Kehit t ää uusien innovaat t oreiden kykyä ja t ukea heidän pääsyään m arkkinoille

Page 17: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Haastekilpailu p it ää ym m ärtää it se kilp a ilu va ih e t t a p id e m p ä n ä : Ha a s t e e n m ä ä rit t e ly o n t ä rke ä ja a rvo ka s va ih e . Ko ko p ro se ss i a ika t a u lu in e e n , krit e e re in e e n ja jä lkiva ih e in e e n o n su u n n it e lt a va h yvin e n n e n kilp a ilu n ju lka isu a . Ku n kilp a ilu n p ä ä t t e e ks i ra t ka isu t o va t kä s is sä , a lka a va rs in a in e n t yö e li ra t ka isu id e n vie m in e n kä yt t ö ö n .

Page 18: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Background for set t ing t he prize The Healt h Challenge w as an experim ent al p roject w it h high risks regard ing t he qualit y and quant it y of part icipat ion. In add it ion t he challenge w as organized m ainly by a single organizat ion on a nat ional level. Due t o t hese fact ors, t he organizers had t o app ly caut ion w it h t he prize schem e and ret ain a cert ain level of f lexib ilit y during t he com pet it ion.

During t he challenge it becam e apparent , t hat m any of t he adm issions had realist ic business pot ent ial. This allow ed t he organizers t o invest in t he prizes, on an even larger scale t han orig inally int ended. The w inning t eam , Revenio Research, has got t en ext ensive support in developm ent and p ilot ing f rom t he m ed ical part ner M ehiläinen, w hile t he runner up , Healt h FOX, has been furt her m ent ored by GSK.

Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded

Accelerat ion, p rot ot yp ing, part nering

Page 19: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

OSA 2: GSK He a lt h Ch a lle n g e 20 15: An a lyys i ja yh t e e n ve t o

Page 20: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Healt h Challenge - kilp a ilu n t a vo it t e e t GSK:n n ä kö ku lm a s t a

Page 21: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Tekesin vahvist am at vaikut t avuustavoit t eet

P ro je kt ia ra h o it t a n u t Te ke s a se t t a a m yö s e h t o ja p ro je kt e ille , jo ille se m yö n t ä ä ra h o it u s t a . Alla GSK:n He a lt h Ch a lle n g e - p ro je kt iin liit t yvä t va iku t t a vu u s t a vo it t e e t ra h o it t a ja n ä kö ku lm a s t a .

P ro je kt i o n lu o n t e e lt a a n t u t kim u kse llin e n ja niin kaukana m arkkinoilt a, et t ä sen suoria m it at t avia liiket oim int avaikut uksia ei ole m ahdollist a vielä t arkast ella.

Liiket oim int avaikut ukset : Haet aan uut t a liiket oim int am allia, jonka kaut t a koko t oim ialan ansaint alog iikka voisi m uut t ua.

Kehit et t ävä t eknologia, innovaat io t ai m uu osaam inen: Hanke synnyt t ää uut t a korkealaat uist a osaam ist a, joka on useilla aloilla sovellet t avissa osaaj ien, t oim int at apojen ja verkost ojen kaut t a.

Yht eist yö ja verkot t um inen: Hankkeessa on useit a t unnist et t uja verkost oja ja m ekanism eja t eknolog ian ja osaam isen siirt ym iseksi ja ne on arvioit u t ehokkaiksi ja laaja- alaisiksi.

Suorat ym pärist ö- ja yht eiskunnalliset vaikut ukset : Hankkeella ed ist et ään t erveydenhuollon t uot t avuuden ja laadun parant um ist a.

Page 22: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

GSK Healt h Challengen prosessikuvaus osallist ujanäkökulm ast a Prosessin kest o oli 3 kuukaut t a kesä- eloku 2015. Prosessist a käyt et t iin nim eä innovaat iom at ka. Keskeiset vaiheet sisälsivät kick of f - t apaht jossa edust et t una oli sidos- ja kohderyhm ie edust ajat . Kick- of f - t apaht um ast a jat koon 10 t iim iä, jot ka kehit t ivät rat kaisujaan et een esit t elivät ne f inal p it ch - t ilaisuudessa 26.8 Final p it ch- t ilaisuut een osallist uneist a t iim valit t iin voit t aja. Palkinnoksi räät älöit yi rat k kansainvälist ym ist ä t ukeva m at ka Englant iVoit t ajaksi valit t iin Revenio Research- t iim i

Page 23: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Charact erist ics of Healt h Challenge: Fo c u s le d a n d fa c ilit a t e d He a lt h Ch a lle n g e w a s a n e xp e rim e n t a l in n o va t io n m e t h o d fo r GSK. Ma p p in g o f t h e c h a ra c t e ris t ic s o f t h e c h a lle n g e h e lp s t o d e fin e w h a t kin d o f a n e xp e rim e n t t h is w a s , w h y it w o rke d a c e rt a in w a y a n d w h a t a re p o ss ib le it e ra t io n s o f t h e m e t h o d in t h e fu t u re .

Them at ic

Facilit at ed Solit ude

Focus led




Healt h Challenge w as focus led. The focus w as clearly on a spesif ic t herapy area: m anagem ent and care of resp irat ory d iseases.

Healt h Challenge w as facilit at ed by t he challenge organizers and 15/ 30 Research. The accelerat ion phase w as 3 m ont hs and during t hat t im e t he facilit at ion consist ed of m ent oring sessions w it h t he organizers and ot her st akeholders during t he kick- of f day. There w ere som e inconsist ensies in t he int ensit y of t he facilit at ion during t he process. Som e t eam s felt t hat t he facilit at ion process should have been m ore int ensive for t hem .

Page 24: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

The t ypes of innovat ion challenges Them at ic

Facilit at ed

Solit ude



Nord ic independent liv ing challenge


Innocent ive Changem akers

Longit ude 2014

UNDP/ Nest a NASA: Cent ennial challenge

El Pom ar Aw ard

Royal agricult ural societ y of England prize

Nest a: Big green challenge

Helsinki Challenge

Mass Challenge


Mayor’s Challenge

Idea com pet it ions Cleant ech Open

GSK Healt h Challenge

Page 25: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Dif ferent t ypes of challenge processes

Tw o box m odels are a great choice w hen t he organizers feels t hey can det erm ine leverage point s for solving a social prob lem . Three and four box m odels have m ore

t o do w it h m ut ual learning and creat ing a st akeholders group.

Challenge is set

Prize aw arded

Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded


Accelerat ion, p rot ot yp ing, part nering

Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded



(Nest a: Challenge prizes - A Pract ice Guide 2014)

Page 26: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

GSK Healt h Challenge

GSK Healt h Challenge - process w as p lanned accord ing t o t he four box m odel. This m odel w as achieved w it h t he com pet it ion w inner Revenio Research and t he runner- up Healt hFox. The prot ot yp ing, com m ercializat ion and int ernat ionalisat ion st art ed 1.9.2015 af t er t he challenge com pet it ion ended. For ot her part icipant s t he challenge com pet it ion m odel w as t he t hree- box m odel.

Challenge is set

Prize aw arded

Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded


Accelerat ion, p rot ot yp ing, part nering

Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded


(Nest a: Challenge prizes - A Pract ice Guide 2014)


Page 27: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

MAP IMPACT Show impact and leverage points of the change through revealing end users.

KEEP PROCESS LEAN Iteration and “learning by doing” through continuous improvement to the concepts.

DEFINE THE CHALLENGE Define the problem to show the relevance of the solution.

ENGAGE SOCIETY & GROUPS Engage stakeholders innovatively and build trust on collaboration.

On design thinking read Tim Brown (2009): Change by Design – How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

Building blocks for a successful accelerator programme.

Page 28: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s


Diverging Diverging Converging Converging


Defining the problem is as important as defining t he solution. First step is to recognise what is the problem you actually are t rying to solve, and whether it is the correct problem.

Based on: Tim Brown (2009): Change by Design – How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

Page 29: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

GSK Healt h Challenge: Def ining t he prob lem

The challenge w as set carefully. The basis for t he challenge w as conduct ed in t w o phases: a) A t rend report b ) An et nographic research. Four challenges w ere ident if ied and one called w ild card w as added: 1. Non- com pliance 2. Com m unicat ion bet w een doct or and

pat ient 3. Personalised care 4. M ot ivat ion 5. Wild card

Page 30: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Our Team: Core team and partners who own the project and are responsible for development. Advisors: Advisors to help in defining the problem and developing feasibility of the solution. Actualizers: Actors from different parts of the society to make the solution happen with the team. Stakeholders: University, public, private and NGO partners to benefit and provide resources. Fans: Grand audience to act as lead users, social media activists and community builders.

2. ENGAGE SOCIETY AND GROUPS Ident ifying relevant gat ekeepers and cont ext s and connect ing com m unit ies t o t he solut ion facilit at es t he w ork of t he t eam s. Key st akeholders are m apped innovat ively t o f ind t he m ost f ruit ful part nerships. Trust - build ing m akes it possib le t o t est t he solut ion and co- creat e it w it h t he com m unit y.

Page 31: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

“Yht eist yö ja uudet kum ppanuudet kiinnost ivat .”

“Pohjam at eriaali vakuut t i, et t ä t arve rat kaisuille on t odellinen.”

Osallist uj ien m ot ivaat ioit a k ilpailuun osallist um iselle

“Saim m e suosit uksen, et t ä m eidän t uot e voisi sovelt ua ast m an hoit oon.”

Healt h Challenge - kilpailuun osallist uneet t iim ien läht ökohdat kilpailuun osallist um iselle vaiht elivat . Osa halusi kokeilla uudenlaist a t oim int a- aluet t a, osa oli kiinnost unut verkost ojen rakent am isest a ja osalle kilpailun aset t am inen oli t oim inut m arkkina-analyysinä, joka osoit t i, et t ä t arve uusille rat kaisuille on t odellinen. Useat t iim it kert oivat , et t ä heit ä oli m yös kut sut t u kilpailuun erilaisissa t erveysalan t ilaisuuksissa t ai m uut oin keskust ellen. Henkilökoht ainen kont akt oint i on ollut t ärkeä panos hyvän osallist ujajoukon houkut t am iseksi kilpailuun.

Page 32: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Osallist ujahaast at t elut : Järjest äjät ja sidosryhm ät olivat arvokkait a

“Nykyiset sidosryhm ät olivat hyviä. Kiva, et t ä oli yksit yisiä t oim ijoit a m ukana, jot ka voivat oikeast i t ehdä jot ain, m ikäli kokevat sen t arpeelliseksi. Yksit yiset t oim ijat t uovat realist isuut t a.” “Tärkeit ä sidosryhm iä ovat loppukäyt t äjä (pot ilas), t erveydenhuolt o (m eidän t apauksessa hoit aja) ja sairaalan joht o. Täm ä oli hyvin kat et t u.” “M ehiläinen erit yisen kiinnost ava” “M ehiläisen kom m ent t eja oli ihan m ielenkiint oist a kuulla, m ut t a ei olla t osin hyödynnet t y sit ä yht eyt t ä.” “UKTIst a jäi sellainen f iilis, et t ä ‘ot t akaa yht eyt t ä, jos t arvit set t e jot ain’.” “UKTI oli ihan m ielenkiint oinen t oim ija, jo ihin oli kiva t ut ust ua ja se olisi varm ast i hyvä yht eist yökum ppani!” “Olisikohan sen julkisen puolen kuit enkin hyvä olla m yös m ukana, sillä sielt ä löyt yy ne isot haast eet .”

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3. MAP IMPACT Im pact is t he key. It is essent ial t o ident ify w ho benef it s f rom t he solut ion of t he prob lem and how . M odelling how im pact is achieved helps t o underst and w hat and w here signif icant w ins and possib le failures are.

The GSK Healt h challenge w as w ell set and had a clear focus on desired im pact . Team s report ed t hat t he conversat ions w it h t he professionals and end users w ere valuable t o t hem during t he kick of f day and t o a m inor, but im port ant , ext ent t hroughout t he com pet it ion. A good exam ple is Healt hfox and Filha, w ho m et t hrough t he com pet it ion and had a m ut ual int erest also in t erm s of im pact . Due t o t he som ew hat short period of t im e and independent developm ent process in t he com pet it ion som e t eam s felt t hat (t he im pact of ) t heir ideas w asn’t t est ed in t he com pet it ion since t he end users part icipat ed m ore as advisors and only during a short period of t im e in t he kick- of f day. St ill t he pot ent ial cust om ers and st akeholders w ere perceived as having high value t o t he t eam s. Som e suggest ed t hat a good aw ard could have been for

exam ple a possib ilit y t o p ilot t heir concept s w it h t he part ners and have a t rue t est of t he pot ent ial im pact .

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4. KEEP PROCESS LEAN A core princip le of a lean process is t o im prove t he idea t hrough int eract ion w it h t he societ y and com m unit y. This reduces risk and increases t he chances of success. The t eam s w ere encouraged t o collect external evidence and im prove t heir t hinking t hroughout t he com pet it ion 1) independent ly 2) t hrough d iscussions w it h t he com pet it ion organizers 3) t hrough cust om er and end user int erview s on kick of f event . To som e t eam s t his felt like a very light m ode of part icipat ion.

Based on: Eric Ries (2011): The Lean Startup – How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses

Page 35: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Developm ent support phase The challenge w as p lanned accord ing t o t he t hree box m odel w here developm ent support is of fered af t er t he challenge is set . How ever, som e t eam s felt t hat t his part w as relat ively t hin. The follow ing com m ent s f rom t he part icipant s ref lect s t he t hought s about t he developm ent support phase.

Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded “The 15 m inut e t im e in t he roundt ab les is t oo short t o get know w it h t he doct or and exp lain deeply t he idea.”

“During t he process t here w asn’t t hat m uch net w orking t hat w e expect ed so t he value of t he com pet it ion w as quit e m odest .”

“M ore personalized or clust ered developm ent support and program for com panies in d if ferent developm ent phase w ould have been good and m ore relevant for everyone.”

Accelerat ion, p rot ot yp ing, part nering

Page 36: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Final p it ch and prize Final p it ch and prize d ivided part icipant s’ op inions. Most of t he t eam s felt t hat t he f inal p it ch w as valuable and inst ruct ive - it m ade for exam ple t he concept m ore clear and provided valuable experience. The prize it self , a assist ed com m ercializat ion and int ernalisat ion t rip t o Brit ain, w as handed t o Revenio Research. This p rize w as m ost ly recognized valuab le by part icipant s but com m unicat ing t he prize felt a b it unclear. Also t he feat ure t hat only t he w inner t eam w as ranked felt unm ot ivat ing for t he ot her t eam s and t hus som e even described t he f inal as an ant iclim ax. In realit y, t he runner- up t eam Healt hFox also excessive input and help f rom t he GSK organizer t eam af t er t he com pet it ion for build ing t heir p roof- of concept - m odel and t est ing it in real- life set t ing.

“At least w e t rained t he p it ch quit e a lot .”

“The prizes w ere a b it obscure and t here w as no inform at ion of t hem beforehand.” “As a prize, t here could be som e kind of cred ib le process, w hich w ould support t he int ernat ionalizat ion, and w here t he aw arded t eam s could involve. The prizes could be also aw arded for e.g. t hree best t eam s.”

Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded

Accelerat ion, p rot ot yp ing, part nering

Page 37: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Background for set t ing t he prize The Healt h Challenge w as an experim ent al p roject w it h high risks regard ing t he qualit y and quant it y of part icipat ion. In add it ion t he challenge w as organized m ainly by a single organizat ion on a nat ional level. Due t o t hese fact ors, t he organizers had t o app ly caut ion w it h t he prize schem e and ret ain a cert ain level of f lexib ilit y during t he com pet it ion. During t he challenge it becam e apparent , t hat m any of t he adm issions had realist ic business pot ent ial. This allow ed t he organizers t o invest in t he prizes, on an even larger scale t han orig inally int ended. The w inning t eam , Revenio Research, has got t en ext ensive support in developm ent and p ilot ing f rom t he m ed ical part ner M ehiläinen, w hile t he runner up , Healt h FOX, has been furt her m ent ored by GSK. Challenge is set

Developm ent support of fered

Prize aw arded

Accelerat ion, p rot ot yp ing, part nering

Page 38: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Accelerat ing t he w inners The w inning t eam and runner- up have been ext ensively support ed by t he organizers. Due t o t he nat ure of t he concept s and t he st age in developm ent , t he part nerships have not been w idely pub licized . This m ay have led t o som e doubt about t he prizes and prizing process am ong t he ot her t eam s, evidenced in t heir feedback. Revenio Research Health FOX

1. Int ernat ional cont act s: Vis it s t o t h e GSK h e a d q u a rt e rs a n d Ma n c h e s t e r b u s in e s s a c c e le ra t o rs . Co n t a c t s m a d e t o s e c u re fu rt h e r c o - o p e ra t io n .

2. Pilot w it h Mehiläinen

3. Developm ent support and business m ent oring f rom Mehiläinen

4. Inform ing and advising on ot her opport unit ies in t he GSK net w ork

1. Co- operat ion w it h Filha: Th e p a rt n e rs w e re c o n n e c t e d t h ro u g h t h e c h a lle n g e .

2. Sponsoring t he project t o t he proof of concept –st age: GSK h a s m a d e s ig n ific a n t in ve s t m e n t s fin a n c ia lly a s w e ll a s in re so u rc e s t o su p p o rt t h e c o n c e p t .

3. Inform ing and advising on ot her opport unit ies in t he GSK net w ork

Page 39: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

MAP IMPACT The t eam s felt t hat t he im pact of t heir ideas w asn’t visib le. The end users part icipat ed m ore as advisors. Som e suggest ed t hat a good aw ard could have been for exam ple a possib ilit y t o p ilot t heir concept s w it h t he part ners and perceive t hereby t he im pact .

KEEP PROCESS LEAN Almost all of the teams said that the process was short and the engagement with stakeholders between the two days low. Also the schedule was challenging for any iteration or peer-learning.

DEFINE THE CHALLENGE Different perspectives to the asthma treatment attracted teams with wide range. However, some teams felt that the motivation and objective of the organizers were hidden which made finding the right direction.

ENGAGE SOCIETY & GROUPS The engagement of patients, doctors and Mehiläinen was definitely good. Few teams felt still that the stakeholders didn’t have enough time for their ideas. Also even the possible actualizers were there, only few teams felt that the challenge would have supported any implementation efforts.

On design thinking read Tim Brown (2009): Change by Design – How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

Conclusions: Healt h Challenge as an accelerat or program m e GSK and Mehiläinen w ere def init ely int erest ing organizers for accelerat or program m es. Net w orking, p it ching and get t ing engaged w it h d if ferent st akeholders, like pat ient s and doct ors, w ere perceived as t he best out com es. There is also room for im provem ent in t he process: m any t eam s felt t hat t he challenge w as short and t he engagem ent w it h st akeholders relat ively low (f ind m ore below ). The m ain benef it w as in m any cases m ore focused product developm ent for a cert ain period.

Page 40: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

The Healt h Challenge w as a great t est for open innovat ion m odel in GSK and for it ’s part ners. It had m any g o o d q u a lit ie s a n d it ’s a b u ild in g b lo c k fo r o p e n in n o va t io n w it h in GSK. Th e t e s t w a s a lso su c c e s s fu l in a s e n se t h a t it b ro u g h o u t t h e n e e d t o re c o n s id e r so m e o f t h e a sp e c t s o f t h e c o m p e t it io n . Mo s t im p o rt a n t o f t h e se a sp e c t s a re t h e a m o u n t o f a c c e le ra t io n a n d t h e in vo lve m e n t o f s t a ke h o ld e r g ro u p s .

Healt h Challenge - com pet it ion: Process developm ent suggest ions

The com pet it ion’s design process benef it s f rom t hese act ions:

1. Careful expect at ion m anagem ent : M ake sure t o have a spesif ic idea of w ho benef it s f rom part icipat ing, w hich are desired out com es and t he accelerat ion m odel and design t he com pet it ion accord ingly

2. Pre- f ixed m inim um st akeholder involvem ent : The organisers are one of t he key at t ract ions t o t he part icipat ing t eam s. M ake sure t o have enough t im e for consult ing/ fasilit at ion t im e.

3. Tim e and t im ing: 3 m ont hs period is a short t erm for independent prob lem solving and in year 2015 part of t his w as during

Page 41: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

OSA 3: GSK He a lt h Ch a lle n g e 20 15: Tu lo ks ia

Ch a lle n g e is se t

De ve lo p m e n t su p p o rt o ffe re d

P rize a w a rd e d

Ac c e le ra t io n , p ro t o t yp in g , p a rt n e rin g

Page 42: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Healt h Challenge - voit on vei Revenio Research “Kilpailu oli m eille kokonaisuut ena erinom ainen. Voit t o t oi julkisuut t a, m it ä on voit u käyt t ää om assa viest innässä, m inkä lisäksi olem m e saaneet kisan m yöt ä keskust eluyht eyden auki useiden eri t oim ijoiden kanssa sekä Suom essa et t ä UK:ssa. Palkint om at ka UKTIn ja GSK:n Brit annian t oim ijoiden luo oli lo ist ava palkint o. Pääst iin GSK:n t ut kim uslait okseen käym ään sekä t avat t iin hengit yst iet uot t eiden ylin t ut kim usjoht aja. Tällaist a olisi varm aan ollut aika vaikeaa järjest ää. Yht eys GSK:hon järjest yi t odella konkreet t isella t avalla! UKTI järjest i m yös t apaam isia t oivom iam m e t apaam isia Lont oossa ja M anchest erissa t ut kim uslääkäreiden kanssa, m ikä oli hienoa. Kilpailu nost aa kokonaisuudessaan t odennäköisyyt t ä, et t ä kun lanseeraam m e t uot t eem m e, Brit annia on ensim m äist en joukossa.”

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Healt h Challenge t oi Healt hfoxin ja Filhan yht een Healt hfox on kehit t änyt ekosysteem ipalveluaan t erveyden ja hyvinvoinnin liiketoim inta- alueelle Healt h Challenge- kilpailussa. Healt hFox oli jo ennen kilpailua kiinnostunut yhteist yöstä GSK:n kanssa ja päät t i osallist ua Healt h Challenge- kisaan. “Oli oiva m ahdollisuus t utustua alueeseen ja verkostoit ua”, kert oo Healt hFoxin Kim m o Korhonen. Filha on t uberkuloosin ja keuhkoterveyden kansallinen t erveysjärjestö. GSK:n Healt h Challenge - kilpailu t oi Filhan ja Healt hFoxin sam an pöydän ääreen. Healt hFoxin yhteist yö GSK:n ja Filhan kanssa jat kuu m yös Healt h Challenge- kilpailun jälkeen keuhkoahtaum an palvelukonsept in kehit t äm iseksi. GSK on t ehnyt t iivist ä yhteist yötä kilpailuidean proof of concept - vaiheen ja t osieläm än test in aikaansaam iseksi. M yös UKTI on ollut t ukem assa täm än toteutum ista. “Yhteist yökum ppanuuden kaut t a on pääst y ihan eri afm osfääriin rat kaisun kanssa.” Healt hFOX:n yhteist yössä FILHA:n kanssa kehit t äm ä uusi palvelu on lähes p ilotoint ivalm iudessa. Täm ä on m erkit t ävä ja konkreet t inen seuraus GSK Healt h Challenge- kilpailusta.

Sidosryhm ät yö jat kuu Kalasat am assa Kalasatam aan rakennetaan uut t a hyvinvoint ikeskusta ja älykkään erikoistum isen kärkenä uudet t erveysteknologiat . Healt h Challenge- kisan start up- verkostoa on m enestyneest i esit elt y Kalasatam an toim ijoille kilpailun aikana. “Kiit os! Sain ansiostanne runsaast i oivallisia kontakteja t erveysteknologia- alan yrit yksiin Helsingin sote- viraston ja Helsinki Business Hub in t oim eksiannosta konsult oint it yötä” kertoo Laura-am m at t ikorkeakoulun yliopet t aja Anne Äyväri.

Page 44: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

“Pääst iin verkost oit um aan m yös kansainvälisest i.”

“Saat iin t eht yä t uot e ast m an hoit oon.”

Osallist uj ien kokem ia hyöt yjä kilpailuun osallist um isest a

“Meille synt yi ym m ärryst ä käyt t äjäryhm äst ä.”

Healt h Challenge - kilpailuun osallist um isest a koet ut hyödyt t iim ien t ilant een m ukaan. Kilpailussa luot iin kot im aist a ja kansainvälist ä verkost oa, päivit et t iin ym m ärrys om an alan kilpailij at ilant eest a, keskust elt iin t uot ekehit yksen kannalt a t ärkeiden käyt t äj ien ja am m at t ilaist en sekä pot ent iaalist en asiakkaiden kanssa ja kehit et t iin t uot t eit a. Osa osallist ujist a koki, et t ä kilpailu on hyödyllisin alkuvaiheessa oleville yrit yksille.

“Näht iin m inkälaisia yrit yksiä alalla on.”

Page 45: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Osallistujahaastattelut: Mitä hyötyä Health Challengestä oli?

“Synt yi yht eys GSK:hon - n yt p ys t yy a va a m a a n ke sku s t e lu n a ika h e lp o s t i.” “Sa a t iin ko n kre e t t in e n e s im e rkki m yyn n in t u e ks i, m it ä a s t m a ssa vo is i e s im e rkiks i t e h d ä - sa a t iin s iis t e h t yä t u o t e .” “Ko n kre e t t ise s t i sa a t iin t a p a a m in e n Me h ilä ise e n .” “Me h ilä in e n a va s i yh t e yks iä a s ia n t u n t ijo ih in .” “Sa a t iin Me h ilä ise e n ko n t a kt e ja lisä ä .” “Nä ki a in a kin m in kä la is ia ju t t u ja m a rkkin o illa t e h d ä ä n .” “Ch a lle n g e o n a ika h yvä s iit ä n ä kö ku lm a s t a , e t t ä se n ä yt t ä ä m illa is ia yrit yks iä o n ja m it ä n e yrit t ä vä t ra t ka is t a .” “Ka t sa u s u u t e e n e rit yisa la a n , jo ka a n t o i ym m ä rrys t ä u u d e s t a kä yt t ä jä ryh m ä s t ä .” “P h a rm a - p u o lt a o n t ä rke ä ä ym m ä rt ä ä vä h ä n p a re m m in ku n t e h d ä ä n sa ira a lo id e n ka n ssa . Tä m ä t u li h ie m a n t u t u m m a ks i.” “He n kilö it ä o li h e lp p o t a vo it t a a ja sa a t iin n o p e a s t i p a la u t e . J o s t a rvit s im m e d a t a a , n iin sa im m e se n h e lp o s t i. To s i h yvin jä rje s t e t t y se p u o li!”

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Liit e 1. He a lt h Ch a lle n g e - a ih io it a o sa llis t u ja - ja s id o s ryh m ä t yö p a ja s t a 12.2.20 16

Page 47: GSK Health Challenge€¦ · “Increasingly, healthcare companies are interested in developing and delivering our healthcare solutions digitally rather than chemically. That’s

Healt h Challengen osallist ujat iim it ja sidosryhm ät ideoivat t ulevien Healt h Ch a lle n g e - h a a s t e kilp a ilu je n s isä lt ö ä ja p ro se ss ia Tie ka rt t a - t yö p a ja s sa 12.2.20 16 . Su b s t a n ss it e e m o in a ku lu t t a ja lä h t ö isyys , h o it o o n s it o u t u m in e n ja kro o n ise t sa ira u d e t n ä yt t ä yt yivä t e d e lle e n ke ske is in ä . Mu u t id e a t ko skiva t t o im ia la n yh t e is t yö ku vio it a , ku t e n m a rkkin o in t it yö t ä t a i u u s ia t a p o ja t o t e u t t a a a s ia ka s lä h t ö is t ä in n o vo in t ia e s im e rkiks i o sa llis t u va n h a va in n o in ke in o in t a i in t e n s iivise n , “h a c ka t h o n ”- t yyp p ise n lä h e s t ym is t a va n t u rvin .

He a lt h Ch a lle n g e x.0

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Partners GSK on yksi maailman johtavista tiedelähtöisistä lääke- ja terveydenhuoltoalan yrityksistä. Edistämme maailmanlaajuista hyvinvointia auttamalla ihmisiä tekemään enemmän, voimaan paremmin ja elämään pidempään. Lisätietoja saat osoitteesta ja Mehiläinen on tunnetuin ja arvostetuin yksityinen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltopalveluiden tuottaja Suomessa. Mehiläinen ja siihen vuonna 2015 yhdistynyt Mediverkko tarjoavat laaja-alaisimmat palvelut yksityis-, yritys- ja kunta-asiakkaille. Mehiläisessä ja Mediverkossa palveluita tuottaa yhteensä noin 9 000 työntekijää ja ammatinharjoittajaa. UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) auttaa brittiyrityksiä kasvamaan globaaleilla markkinoilla sekä kannustaa kansainvälistyviä yrityksiä laajentumaan Britanniaan ja rakentamaan kasvuaan sieltä käsin. Demos Effect on ajatushautomo Demos Helsingin yrityspalveluihin erikoistunut tytäryhtiö, joka auttaa yrityksiä muuttamaan megatrendit liiketoiminnaksi. Uskomme, että yritysten, instituutioiden, asiakkaiden ja sidosryhmien tuominen innovoimaan yhdessä on paras reitti uuteen liiketoimintaan 15/30 Research tutkii, konseptoi ja kehittää asioita, jotka ovat merkityksellisiä sinulle. Tutkimme nykyhetkeä ja ennakoimme tulevaisuutta. Avaamme yhteiskunnan ja markkinoiden kokonaiskuvan, mutta viemme sinut myös lähelle yksittäisten ihmisten elämää. Teemme tutkimuksia, joista puhutaan. Kehitämme uusia asioita, jotka helpottavat sinun ja asiakkaidesi elämää. Takaamme rennon toimintailmapiirin, jossa asiat tapahtuvat intohimoisesti ja ammattimaisesti. Meidän kanssa on kiva tehdä töitä. Kaiken lähtökohtana on tulevaisuudenkestävä kasvu, ihmisläheisyys ja hyvä meininki.

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