Page 1: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders. Girl Scout adult recognitions are awarded to adult members who provide exemplary service and go above and beyond the expectations of their position to make a difference in the organization.

Volunteers and staff across all departments and functions within Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland are encouraged to nominate adults for GSUSA, GSMH, and Service Unit Awards. Detailed descriptions of all awards, as well as nominating instructions and forms, are included in this guide.

Table of Contents

Awards Summary ................................................................................................................................ 2 How to Nominate ................................................................................................................................. 5 Award Descriptions .............................................................................................................................. 7 Nomination Forms ............................................................................................................................. 23 Tips for Writing Nominations .............................................................................................................. 28 Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................................................................. 29

Page 2: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

All awards are for service provided in the previous membership year(s).

GSUSA Awards

Girl Scouts of the USA has designed the guidelines for these awards. Awardees are recognized at an annual recognition ceremony.

Appreciation Pin The Appreciation Pin recognizes an individual's exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This support has had measurable impact within one geographic area of service to help reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the area.

Honor Pin The Honor Pin recognizes an individual's exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience; this support has had measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service to reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the council.

Thanks Badge The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement.

Thanks Badge II The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role which resulted in a measurable impact benefitting the entire Girl Scout Movement.

Volunteer of Excellence This award recognizes volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the National Program Portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the council's mission delivery to girl and adult members

Years of Volunteer Service Pin The Volunteer Years of Service Pin recognizes an adult member registered with Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. for her/his years of active volunteer service at five-year intervals (25, 30, 35, etc.). The council purchases pins for the five-year increments starting at 25 years of service. Volunteers with 25 or more years of service will be recognized at the volunteer recognition ceremony if a Years of Service Form is submitted by the deadline. This pin differs from the numeral guard in that it represents the number of years an adult volunteer has actively provided service, whereas the numeral guard recognizes years of membership.


Page 3: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

All awards are for service provided in the previous membership year(s).

GSMH Awards

New in 2020, Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland has designed the guidelines for these awards. These award nominees should be endorsed by member of Service Unit team and TSS/NLS among others.

Awardees are recognized at an annual recognition ceremony.

GSMH Diversity Award The GSMH Diversity Award recognizes a volunteer who not only endorses diversity within GSMH but takes active steps to encourage global diversity and inclusion within their local area. This volunteer seeks to help girls and families have a true Girl Scout Experience regardless of challenges.

GSMH Glowing Green Award The GSMH Glowing Green Award recognizes a volunteer who visibly exhibits a sincere commitment to the Girl Scout Promise and Law over an extended period, who repeatedly inspires others to carry out the Girl Scout mission, and who actively supports and promotes GSMH goals and objectives. This volunteer has made a significant impact on the entire council or GSUSA.

GSMH Lasting Legacy Award The GSMH Lasting Legacy Award is awarded to a volunteer who has spent considerable time and effort to leave a legacy of girls who have embraced and shown courage, confidence, and character across GSMH.

GSMH Leadership Launch Award The GMSH Leadership Launch Award is awarded to a volunteer who has created a positive impact on Girl Scouting in their short time with GSMH. This leader has started strong and merits recognition for their commitment to early excellence.

GSMH Rising Star Award The Service Unit Rising Star Award recognizes a first-year volunteer who has embraced the Girl Scout movement with energy and passion and has performed outstanding work in their first year.

GSMH Unsung Hero Award The GSMH Unsung Hero Award recognizes volunteers who help wherever needed, whenever needed, and completes whatever needs to be done.


Page 4: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

All awards are for service provided in the previous membership year(s).

Service Unit Awards

GSMH has designed the guidelines for these awards and provides certificates to be presented by the local service unit volunteers at a service unit meeting or recognition event.

Juliette Low Community Partnership Award The Juliette Low Community Partnership Award recognizes an organization or an individual in the community who has supported Girl Scouting over the past year.

The President's Award The President's Award recognizes the efforts of a service-delivery team or committee whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council's overall goals.

Service Unit Guiding Star The Service Unit Guiding Star Award recognizes a volunteer who provides outstanding, continuous mentorship to others. The volunteer shares knowledge, tips, and is readily available to help new volunteers.

Service Unit Helping Hand The Service Unit Helping Hand Award recognizes a volunteer who has exhibited exemplary leadership and community service during the last membership year. This volunteer leads girls to make exceptional contributions to their community. They are a shining example of Girl Scout’s values of leadership, service, community, and volunteerism.

Service Unit Outdoor Enthusiast The Service Unit Outdoor Enthusiast Award recognizes a volunteer who has provided outstanding service that furthers outdoor education for girls and/or adults, performed at a level that exceeded expectations, and completed an exceptional number of outdoor activities.

Service Unit Outstanding Leader The service unit outstanding leader award recognizes a volunteer for service beyond the expectations for the position and will be presented by the service unit team.

Service Unit Outstanding Volunteer The service unit outstanding volunteer award recognizes a volunteer for service beyond the expectations of the position.


Page 5: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

How to Nominate: GSUSA Awards

1. First, decide which award is appropriate for the service. Complete criteria for each award isfound later in this guide.

2. To nominate an individual, complete the GSUSA Award Nomination Form and check the boxfor the appropriate award at the top of the form. The nomination must include specificinformation that demonstrates the nominees’ service, scope, and impact. It must be specific tothe award being nominated.

3. If the award criteria states endorsements are needed, the nominator should ask the necessarynumber of endorsers to complete the GSUSA Award Endorsement Form. The endorsementmust be from someone other than the person who submitted the nomination. Pleasenote that the number of endorsement forms varies by award.

4. Submit all completed forms together as a packet by the deadline listed on the awarddescription page.

5. The nominating individual will be notified whether the candidate was approved by early March.In mid-March, approved candidates will be notified that they will be recognized at the volunteerrecognition ceremony. They will not, however, be notified of the specific recognition with whichthey will be honored.

How to Nominate GSMH Awards

1. First, decide which award is appropriate for the service. Complete criteria for each award isfound later in this guide.

2. To nominate an individual, complete the GSMH Award Nomination Form and check the box forthe appropriate award at the top of the form. The nomination must include specific informationthat demonstrates the nominees’ service, scope, and impact. It must be specific to the awardbeing nominated.

3. If the award criteria states endorsements are needed, the nominator should ask the necessarynumber of endorsers to complete the GSMH Award Endorsement Form. The endorsementmust be from someone other than the person who submitted the nomination. Pleasenote that three endorsements should be completed by a Troop/SU Support Specialist or NewLeader Specialist, Product Program Specialist, Service Unit Volunteer, or other council staff.

4. Submit all completed forms together as a packet by the deadline listed on the awarddescription page.

5. The nominating individual will be notified whether the candidate was approved by early March.In mid-March, approved candidates will be notified that they will be recognized at the volunteerrecognition ceremony. They will not, however, be notified of the specific recognition with whichthey will be honored.


Page 6: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

How to Nominate: Service Unit Awards

Juliette Low Community Partnership and President’s Award 1. Submit completed Juliette Low Community Partnership Information and Nomination Form or

President’s Award Nomination Form by deadline.2. If approved, the individual or group will be recognized by the service unit. GSMH will provide a

certificate to the nominator to be presented locally.

GSMH Service Unit Awards 1. Individuals or groups familiar with the candidate’s performance submit the Service Unit Award

Nomination Form to the service team recognition committee or the Troop/Service Unit SupportSpecialist by the deadline established by the service unit. Nominations for these awards canbe submitted at any time, however they should be for service provided in the previousmembership year(s).

2. The service team recognition committee or the Troop/Service Unit Support Specialist reviewsthe information, then approves or denies the nomination. After approval, the documentation issubmitted to the Troop/Service Unit Support Specialist and they contact the nominator to makethem aware of the approval.

3. GSMH will provide a certificate to the nominator to be presented locally.


Page 7: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSUSA Volunteer Award Appreciation Pin

Description The Appreciation Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. This service, which has had measureable impact on one geographic area of service, helps to reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the area. The Appreciation Pin will be presented at a recognition ceremony in the spring.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, registered Girl Scout adult.• The candidate has performed a service above and beyond the expectations for the position

held, and has made an impact on one community, geographic area, or service unit withinthe council’s jurisdiction.

Potential Candidates for Appreciation Pin could be the following: • A volunteer who recruits coworkers to lead or provide career mentors for girls from an

under-served community in the council.• A community day camp coordinator whose effective management results in an increase in

participation by girls and adults over a period of time.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete a GSUSA Award Nomination Form.2. Attached two completed GSUSA Award Endorsement Forms (excellent sources for

endorsements include teachers, ministers, leaders, staff, and other community contacts thatare knowledgeable about the contribution the nominee has made to Girl Scouting.)

3. Submit completed forms to [email protected] via email by February 1.


Page 8: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSUSA Volunteer Award Honor Pin

Description The Honor Pin recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, which has had measureable impact on two or more geographic areas of service, allowing the council to reach and surpass its mission-delivery goals. The Honor Pin will be presented at a volunteer recognition ceremony in the spring.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, registered Girl Scout adult.• The candidate has performed service above and beyond the expectations for the position

held, and made an impact on two or more communities, geographic areas, or service unitswithin the council jurisdiction.

Potential Candidates for the Honor Pin could be the following: • A program volunteer who implements a series of events and activities that bring girls

together from different parts of the council.• A volunteer support coordinator who has motivated volunteers to participate in governance

resulting in broad delegate involvement in the council’s democratic process.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete a GSUSA Award Nomination Form.2. Attached three completed GSUSA Award Endorsement Forms (excellent sources for

endorsements include teachers, ministers, leaders, staff, and other community contacts thatare knowledgeable about the contribution the nominee has made to Girl Scouting.)

3. Submit completed forms to [email protected] via email by February 1.


Page 9: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSUSA Volunteer Award Thanks Badge


Description The Thanks Badge honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout Movement. The Thanks Badge will be presented at a volunteer recognition ceremony in the spring.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, registered Girl Scout adult.• The candidate has performed outstanding service resulting in outcomes that benefited the

total council or the Girl Scout organization and is so significantly above and beyond the callof duty that no other award would be appropriate.

Potential Candidates for the Thanks Badge could be the following: • The longtime chair of the council’s fund development committee who develops and

implements a plan that significantly increases the percentage of adult-generated funding forthe council.

• The experienced volunteer advisor of council programming that results in increasedextension and retention of older girls and significant positive publicity for the council.

• The chair of a strategic planning task group whose leadership inspires a pluralistic, visionaryplan.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete a GSUSA Award Nomination Form.2. Attached three completed GSUSA Award Endorsement Forms (excellent sources for

endorsements include teachers, ministers, leaders, staff, and other community contacts thatare knowledgeable about the contribution the nominee has made to Girl Scouting.)

3. Submit completed forms to [email protected] via email by February 1.

Page 10: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSUSA Volunteer Award Thanks Badge II

Description The Thanks Badge II honors a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role, resulting in a measurable impact that benefits the entire Girl Scout Movement. The Thanks Badge II will be presented at a volunteer recognition ceremony in the spring.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, registered Girl Scout adult.• The candidate has received the Thanks Badge.• Since receiving the Thanks Badge, the outstanding service performed by the candidate

resulted in outcome(s) that benefited the entire council or the Girl Scout organization, and isso significantly above and beyond the call of duty that no other award would be appropriate.

Potential Candidates for the Thanks Badge II could be the following:

• A council trainer who, after directing council wide training events, successfully implements astatewide or multi-state training event.

• The experienced volunteer chair of an annual council extended trip that results in consistentincreased extension and retention of older girls and significant positive publicity for thecouncil.

• An administrative volunteer who initiates a volunteer support system that successfullyretains members in the council and which has been replicated in other councils.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete a GSUSA Award Nomination Form.2. Attached three completed GSUSA Award Endorsement Forms (excellent sources for

endorsements include teachers, ministers, leaders, staff, and other community contacts thatare knowledgeable about the contribution the nominee has made to Girl Scouting.)

3. Submit completed forms to [email protected] via email by February 1.


Page 11: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSUSA Volunteer Award Volunteer of Excellence Pin

Description The Volunteer of Excellence Pin recognizes those volunteers who have contributed outstanding service, while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through use of the national program portfolio, or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members. The Volunteer of Excellence Pin will be presented at a volunteer recognition ceremony in the spring.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, registered Girl Scout adult.• The candidate has successfully completed a term of service and all requirements for the

position.• The candidate has performed beyond expectations for the position to deliver the Girl Scout

Leadership Experience to girls using the national program portfolio, OR the candidate’sperformance has been beyond the expectations of the position and has supported council’smission-delivery goals in one or more of the following functional areas: membershipdevelopment/community cultivation, volunteer relations and support, program, leadership andgovernance, fund development, and council support service (such as IT, customer service,merchandising, marketing, or communications).

• The candidate actively recognizes, understands, and practices the values of inclusive behavior.

Potential Candidates for the Volunteer of Excellence could be the following: • A leader whose troop, using the GSLE, progression, and girl planning executed a significant

Take Action project.• A member of the troop committee who has been the product program coordinator for many

years.• A registered parent who acts as a chaperone for all troop trips and events.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete a GSUSA Award Nomination Form.2. Attached two completed GSUSA Award Endorsement Forms (excellent sources for

endorsements include teachers, ministers, leaders, staff, and other community contacts thatare knowledgeable about the contribution the nominee has made to Girl Scouting.)

3. Submit completed forms to [email protected] via email by February 1.


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Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

Years of Service Pin Form

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc. 877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected]

P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Volunteers with increments of five years of service will be recognized as follows.

Service Unit: Five, ten, fifteen, and twenty years of service may be recognized in each service unit. Years of service pins can be ordered through any of the council stores.

Council: Volunteers with 25 or more years of service will be recognized at a volunteer recognition ceremony. The council purchases pins for the five year increments starting at 25.

For pins of 25 years of service or more, service teams should complete the bottom portion of this form and submit it to [email protected] via email by February 1.

Years of Service (check the appropriate box for each volunteer)

Name of Volunteer County 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60


Page 13: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Juliette Low Community Partnership Award

Information and Nomination Form

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected] P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Description The Juliette Low Community Partnership Award recognizes an outside group or person that has completed an activity or project resulting in positive community awareness for Girl Scouts. Criteria

• The person/group carried out an activity/project to benefit Girl Scouts. • The activity/project was completed in the 2020 membership year.

(October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020) • The activity/project resulted in positive community awareness for Girl Scouts and

encouraged membership growth in the service unit. • Groups/organizations may receive this award only once for the same activity/project.

Nomination for a group/person may include:

• Corporate partnerships • Government agencies • Foundations • Small businesses

• Religious institutions • Service organizations • Other

Nomination Procedures Submit completed form (below) to [email protected] via email by February 1. The individual or group representative will be recognized in service units. GSMH will provide the nominator with a certificate to be presented locally. Nomination Nominated by _____________________________________________ Phone ___________________ Service Unit Number _______ County __________________ Email ____________________________

Person or Organization Nominated ______________________________________________________ Community Represented ____________________ Organization CEO/President __________________ Nominee’s Address __________________________________________________________________ City _____________________ State ________ ZIP____________ Phone _______________________ Brief description of activity or project completed (include date and location)


Page 14: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

President’s Award

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc. 877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected]

P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Description The President’s Award recognizes the efforts of a service-delivery team or committee whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals.

Criteria • All service-delivery team or committee members are registered Girl Scouts.• All service-delivery team or committee members have met all requirements and expectations of

the positions held.• The service-delivery team or committee has significantly contributed to meeting one or more of

the council’s mission-delivery goals.• The service-delivery team or committee reflects the diversity of the target audience or area it

serves, in girl and adult membership, in all pathways offered.• The service-delivery team or committee actively recognizes, understands, and practices the

values of inclusive behavior.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete President’s Award Nomination Form with information that indicates how the

team/committee meets the criteria for this award.2. Submit completed President’s Award Nomination Form to [email protected] via

email by Feburary 1.

GSMH will provide a certificate to the nominator to be presented locally.


Page 15: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSMH Diversity Award

Description The GSMH Council Diversity is awarded to a volunteer who not only endorses diversity within GSMH but takes active steps to encourage global diversity and inclusion within their local area. This volunteer seeks to help girls and families have a true Girl Scout Experience, regardless of any factors that may pose challenges to that goal.


• The candidate must be an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scout of theUSA that actively supports GSMH.

• Has actively recognized, understood, and practiced the values of diversity, equity, andinclusion.

• Encouraged girls, and others, to recognize, understand, and practice behavior thatencourages the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

GSMH Glowing Green Award

Description The GSMH Council Glowing Green Award is awarded to a volunteer who visibly exhibits a sincere commitment to the Girl Scout Promise and Law over an extended period within Girl Scouts.


• The candidate must be an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scout of theUSA that actively supports GSMH.

• Repeatedly inspires others to carry out the Girl Scout Mission.• This volunteer actively supports and promotes the goals and objectives of the Girl Scouts of

the Missouri Heartland and has made a significant impact on the entirety of GSMH or GSUSA.


Page 16: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSMH Lasting Legacy Award

Description The GSMH Lasting Legacy Award is awarded to a volunteer who has spent considerable time and effort to leave a legacy of girls who have embraced and shown courage, confidence, and character across GSMH.


• The candidate must be an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scout of theUSA that actively supports GSMH.

• This volunteer has led a troop in good standing from Daisy through Senior levels, or has led atroop that has completed Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards OR is a long-term volunteer whoseservice has contributed immensely to the growth of GSMH and spread of the Girl ScoutMission throughout the geographic area covered by GSMH and has clearly left a legacy whichhonors Girl Scout values.

• Actively supports and promotes the goals and objectives of the Girl Scouts of the MissouriHeartland and has put considerable time and effort into helping girls develop courage,confidence, and character, as well as sharing their commitment to the Girl Scout Promise andLaw to others.

GSMH Leadership Launch Award

Description The GMSH Leadership Launch Award is warded to a volunteer who has created a positive impact on Girl Scouting in their short time with GSMH. This leader has started strong and merits recognition for their commitment to early excellence.


• The candidate must be an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scout of theUSA that actively supports GSMH.

• Candidate has been a Troop Leader or Assistant Leader for less than two years.• In their short time with GSMH, this leader has made considerable change and shown

exemplary leadership.• Actively supports and promotes GSMH goals and objectives.• The new leader has put effort into helping girls develop courage, confidence, and character, as

well as sharing their commitment to the Girl Scout Promise and Law.


Page 17: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

GSMH Rising Star Award

Description The Service Unit Rising Star Award recognizes a first-year volunteer who has embraced the Girl Scout movement with energy and passion and has performed outstanding work in their first year.


• The candidate is an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scouts of the USA.• The candidate has completed the required training.• The candidate is a first-year volunteer.• The candidate has shown willingness to do whatever it takes to promote and forward the Girl

Scout Movement and has done so with energy and passion when required.

GSMH Unsung Hero Award

Description The GSMH Unsung Hero Award recognizes volunteers who help wherever needed, whenever needed, and completes whatever needs to be done.


• The candidate is an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scouts of the USA.• The candidate has a proven history of always being there when needed, picking up the slack,

stepping in at the last moment, or volunteering for additional assignments/responsibilities.• The candidate has made a substantial, yet unrecognized, contribution to Girl Scouts.


Page 18: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Service Unit Guiding Star Award


Description The Service Unit Guiding Star Award recognizes a volunteer who provides outstanding, continuous mentorship to others. The volunteer shares knowledge, tips, and is readily available to help new volunteers.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scouts of the USA.• The candidate has completed the required training for their position.• The candidate continually provides support to new volunteers by sharing their skills and


Nomination Procedures 1. Complete Service Unit Award Nomination Form.2. Submit completed nomination form to the service unit recognition committee or Troop/Service

Unit Support Specialist.

GSMH will provide a certificate to the nominator to present locally.


Page 19: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Service Unit Helping Hand Award

Description The Service Unit Helping Hand Award recognizes a volunteer who has exhibited exemplary leadership and community service during the last membership year. This volunteer leads girls to make exceptional contributions to their community. They are a shining example of Girl Scout’s values of leadership, service, community, and volunteerism.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scouts of the USA.• The candidate has completed the required training for their position.• The candidate has demonstrated his/her leadership skills by guiding girls’ service commitment

with Girl Scouts in their community.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete Service Unit Award Nomination Form.2. Submit completed nomination form to the service unit recognition committee or Troop/Service

Unit Support Specialist.

GSMH will provide a certificate to the nominator to present locally.


Page 20: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Service Unit Outdoor Enthusiast Award


Description The Service Unit Outdoor Enthusiast Award recognizes a volunteer who has provided outstanding service that furthers outdoor education for girls and/or adults, performed at a level that exceeded expectations, and completed an exceptional number of outdoor activities.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, approved adult member registered with Girl Scouts of the USA.• The candidate has completed the required training for their position.• The candidate’s performance has exceeded position expectations by delivering exceptional

outdoor program experience and supporting the council’s mission delivery.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete Service Unit Award Nomination Form.2. Submit completed nomination form to the service unit recognition committee or Troop/Service

Unit Support Specialist.

GSMH will provide a certificate to the nominator to present locally.

Page 21: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Service Unit Outstanding Volunteer


Description The Service Unit Outstanding Volunteer Award recognizes a volunteer for service beyond the expectations of the position.

Criteria • The candidate is an active, registered Girl Scout adult in a capacity other than troop leader,

assistant leader, co-leader, or advisor.• Has received appropriate training for the position held or has equivalent experience.• Performed service that exceeded the expectations of the position held in one or more of the

following areas:o Membershipo Programo Resource developmento Pluralismo Marketing and communicationso Strategic leadership/governanceo Human resources

• Actively recognized, understood, and practiced the values of inclusive behavior.

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete Service Unit Award Nomination Form.2. Submit completed nomination form to the service unit recognition committee or Troop/Service

Unit Support Specialist.

GSMH will provide a certificate to the nominator to present locally.


Page 22: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Service Unit Outstanding Leader


Description The Service Unit Outstanding Leader Award recognizes a volunteer for service beyond the expectations for a troop leadership position.

Criteria • The candidate is a registered troop leader, assistant leader, co-leader, or advisor of Girl Scouts.• Has received required training (Orientation and Girl Scouting 101).• Performed with demonstrated competence in at least two of the following areas:

o Involved adults in the community to help broaden the program opportunities for girlso Increased girl membership to support the council membership goalo Used the three keys to leadership (discover, connect, and take action) to select a wide

range of program activities with girlso Helped girls recognize, understand, and practice the values of inclusive behavior

Nomination Procedures 1. Complete Service Unit Award Nomination Form.2. Submit completed nomination form to the service unit recognition committee or Troop/Service

Unit Support Specialist.

GSMH will provide a certificate to the nominator to be presented locally.


Page 23: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

GSUSA Award Nomination Form

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected] P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Attach required number of endorsement forms. Nomination for □ Appreciation Pin □ Honor Pin □ Thanks Badge

□ Thanks Badge II □ Volunteer of Excellence Pin

Name of Nominee _______________________________________ Phone______________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _______ Zip ______________ County ________________

Email _____________________________________ Current GS Position(s)_____________________

Nominated by _____________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone _____________________ Email __________________________________________________

How has the service rendered by this individual (nominee) benefited Girl Scouting? Check one: □ one service unit □ two or more service units □ the council □ national Give specific examples of how the service is beyond the expectations for the position. List impact and results of this person’s actions. (Please indicate the nominee’s position.)

What volunteer positions has the nominee held?

What GSUSA awards has the nominee previously received?


Page 24: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

GSUSA Award Endorsement Form

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected] P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Attach this form to the GSUSA Award Nomination Form. Nomination for: □ Appreciation Pin □ Honor Pin □ Thanks Badge

□ Thanks Badge II □ Volunteer of Excellence Pin Name of Nominee _________________________________________ Phone ____________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _______ Zip ______________ County ________________

Email ___________________________________ Current GS Position(s) _______________________ Endorsement (Nominator cannot submit an endorsement form) Endorsement submitted by ____________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _______ Zip ______________ County ________________

Phone ______________________ Email _________________________________________________

In what capacity have you worked with the nominee? (events, membership, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________


How is the nominee’s service above and beyond the expectations of the position? Please indicate the nominee’s position. (Example: 01-Leader; 02-Assistant or Co-Leader; Series/Event Coordinator, etc. Give specific examples of how the nominee’s service is above and beyond the expectations of the position. Attach supporting documentation that show measurable impact.)

List geographical area(s) in which nominee has made an impact (one for appreciation, two for Honor Pin):

Additional comments or information, including other community roles: Signature of endorser: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________


Page 25: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

GSMH Nomination Form

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected] P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Attach required number of endorsement forms. Nomination for □ GSMH Diversity Award □ GSMH Glowing Green Award

□ GSMH Lasting Legacy Award □ GSMH Leadership Launch □ GSMH Rising Star □ GSMH Unsung Hero

Name of Nominee _______________________________________ Phone______________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _______ Zip ______________ County ________________

Email _____________________________________ Current GS Position(s)_____________________

Nominated by _____________________________________________________________________

Role/Staff Position___________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone _____________________ Email __________________________________________________

How has the service rendered by this individual (nominee) benefited Girl Scouting? Check one: □ Troop □ One Service Unit □ Two or More Service Units □ GSMH □ National Give specific examples of how the service is beyond the expectations for the position. List impact and results of this person’s actions as related to the award. (Please indicate the nominee’s position.)

What volunteer positions has the nominee held?

What GSUSA awards has the nominee previously received?


Page 26: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

GSMH Award Endorsement Form

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected] P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Attach this form to the GSUSA Award Nomination Form. Nomination for: □ GSMH Diversity Award □ GSMH Glowing Green Award

□ GSMH Lasting Legacy Award □ GSMH Leadership Launch □ GSMH Rising Star □ GSMH Unsung Hero

Name of Nominee _________________________________________ Phone ____________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _______ Zip ______________ County ________________

Email ___________________________________ Current GS Position(s) _______________________ Endorsement (Nominator cannot submit an endorsement form) Endorsement submitted by ____________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _______ Zip ______________ County ________________

Phone ______________________ Email _________________________________________________

In what capacity have you worked with the nominee? (events, membership, etc.)

How is the nominee’s service above and beyond the expectations of the position? Please indicate the nominee’s position. (Example: Leader; Assistant or Co-Leader; Series/Event Coordinator, etc.) Give specific examples of how the nominee’s service is above and beyond the expectations of the position. Attach supporting documentation that show measurable impact.

List geographical area(s) in which nominee has made an impact.

Additional comments or information, including other community roles: Signature of endorser: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________


Page 27: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

Service Unit Award Nomination Form

Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, Inc.

877-312-4764 ● ● [email protected] P:\Forms\Public\External\Adult Recognition

Complete this form and submit it to the Service Unit Recognitions Committee or to a Troop Support Specialist. Nomination for □ Service Unit Outstanding Leader □ Service Unit Outstanding Volunteer

□ Service Unit Guiding Star □ Service Unit Outdoor Enthusiast □ Service Unit Helping Hand

Name of Nominee _______________________________________Service Unit Number ___________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________ State _______ Zip ______________ County ________________

Phone _____________________ Email __________________________________________________

Give specific examples of how the service is beyond the expectations for the position. (Please indicate the nominee’s position.)

Date Submitted ____________

Nominated by __________________________________ Volunteer Position ____________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________

Phone _____________________ Email __________________________________________________


Page 28: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Tips for Writing Nominations Adult Recognition Awards: It’s about the girls! The focus of all adult recognition awards is the positive impact that adults have had on girls and the Girl Scout Movement. Writing a strong nomination and endorsement is an important step to ensure that our adults are celebrated for the passion and commitment they show for Girl Scouting. This chart shows how a statement can become a strong nomination statement.

Initial Statement Thoughtfully Consider Strong Nomination Statement

“She has been a leader for a long time.”

How many years? Through which levels?

“For 11 years, she has led a large troop from Daisies, persevering through the difficult middle school years, to their current level of Seniors.”

“She is a great leader.” What kind of leadership qualities does she bring? What makes her stand out?

“She continually brings leadership opportunities to the girls. She encourages a girl-led approach by allowing girls to vote on and implement their activities.”

“She always goes above and beyond.”

Be specific! Tell a story about the great benefits those around her receive due to her efforts.

“Her troop voted to start the aMuse Journey. Because she has never considered herself a “creative soul” when it came to artistic endeavors, she recruited troop parents, artists, and actors as resources for her girls to draw from. As a result, the girls have had a great time meeting community experts and discovering parent talent in their own troop! They now have several opportunities for Take Action projects because of these connections.”

“He’s a dad who helps whenever needed.”

Be specific! Tell a story about the support given to girls, and how the girls benefitted.

“This good guy came to the rescue during a troop camp-out when the troops discovered a nest of baby rattlesnakes in the camp! He kept both the girls and leaders calm and assisted in striking camp, all the while educating the girls about the snakes and safety. The girls felt safe, and in control, thanks to the good guidance from an awesome Girl Scout dad!”


Page 29: GSMH Adult Recognition Guide...Adult Recognition Guide Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland values all adult members and recognizes the contribution they make in developing girl leaders

Adult Recognitions Frequently Asked Questions

How often are adult recognitions presented? Formal presentation of GSUSA Awards and Years of Service Awards, are presented each year at a volunteer recognition ceremony. Service units may present local awards at any time after nominations have been approved and are encouraged to recognize volunteers informally throughout the year.

Who can nominate? Nominations for awards can be made by any person who has knowledge of the service performed. This includes parents, community members, volunteers, and staff.

What is the difference between the Numeral Guard and Years of Service? The Numeral Guard is for the number of years a person has been a member of the Girl Scout organization, including years as a girl member. It is available for purchase by individuals and troops at any Girl Scout store or the council online store.

The Years of Service Award is given for the number of years of volunteer service as an active, registered adult member. Volunteers with 25 or more years of service, whose names are submitted on the Years of Service Form by the deadline, will be recognized at the GSMH volunteer recognition ceremony. Service units can recognize volunteers locally for five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years of service. Year of Service pins can be ordered through the retail store for the years below 25 years of service.

When do I need to have the nomination paperwork turned in, and who gets it? Please look at the award description form for the specific dates the nomination is due. All Nomination Forms, Endorsement Forms, Years of Service Forms, Juliette Low Community Partnership Award forms, and President’s Award Forms are to be submitted to [email protected] by the designated deadline.

Can staff be nominated for an award? No. These awards are for volunteer members only.

If I have other questions, who should I ask? Contact your Troop/Service Unit Support Specialist or New Leader Specialist with any questions you have that this guide does not address.

