Page 1: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1


Hooray! Halloween is almost here!

It is fun to dress up in

a costume and look different than

I do every day. People may

not know who I am. They


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.
Page 2: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1

may ask, "Who is this?" or "Who

is behind that mask?" I will answer,

"It's me!"

Hooray! Halloween is almost here!

I will go trick-or-treating.


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.
Page 3: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1

I will walk up to a door

and ring the doorbell. When someone

opens the door I will try to

say, "Trick-or-Treat!" The people

will give me candy. I will

put the candy in my Halloween


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.
Page 4: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1

sack. Everyone will be happy when

I say, "Thank you! Happy Halloween!"

Then I will go to the next


Hooray! Halloween is almost here!

We will have a party at school.


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.
Page 5: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1

All the kids in my class

will have on costumes. I might

not know who they are.

I will probably see some scary

costumes. My friends are in the

scary costumes, and it is OK.


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.
Page 6: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1

They will be scary only for Halloween.

I will see some silly

costumes. I can laugh at the

silly costumes. I might see some

beautiful costumes. I will tell

them that they look beautiful.


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.
Page 7: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1

Some parents will be in

the classroom. They will help us

play games and have fun. We

will eat candy and cupcakes. All

of us will have fun at the

Halloween party!


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.
Page 8: Halloween Social Story...Halloween Hooray! Halloween is almost here! It is fun to dress up in a costume and look different than I do every day. People may not know who I am. They 1

Hooray! Halloween is almost here!


Heidi Slater
©2005 Slater Software, Inc. Made with Picture It software from Slater Software, Inc.