Page 1:… · 2015-05-13 · Foundations Handbook 2014-2015 5 Wednesday nights look a little like this… Arrival Students


Handbook 2015 – 2016

Page 2:… · 2015-05-13 · Foundations Handbook 2014-2015 5 Wednesday nights look a little like this… Arrival Students


Foundations 2014-2015 Dates: Summer 2015 .......................................................... Summer Stretch, Middle School Mania September 16 .............................................. Foundations begins, open house with parents November 25 ........................................................................ No Foundations, Thanksgiving December 23 ................................................................... No Foundations, Christmas Break December 30 ................................................................... No Foundations, Christmas Break January 6, 2016 .................................................................................. Foundations resumes February 10—March 30 ...................................................................... No Foundations, Lent April 6 .................................................................................................. Foundations resumes May 18 ............................................................................................ Last day of Foundations Summer 2016 ................................... Mission Trips, Summer Stretch, Middle School Mania Valley Creek Wednesday Schedule:

3:00pm .................The Bridge is open 6:15pm .................. Bridge café closes 6:30-8:00pm ...... Foundations classes

Oak Hill Wednesday Schedule:

6:00-7:30pm ...... Foundations classes 8:00 ....................... Classes dismissed

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Overall Objectives The overall objective of Foundations is to help students

develop a deeply rooted identity as a child of God

learn more about God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit

love God and live lives of worship, service and obedience to Him Ephesians 2:19-22 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 2 Peter 1:5-8 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Building Blocks of the Foundations Program Scripture/Catechism (rooted)

Relationships (built up)

Spiritual Growth (strengthened in the faith)

Worship and Service (overflowing)

Foundations Learning Cycle Classes: 13 units covering the Bible and Christian doctrine

Curricular Retreats: overnight events covering one piece of the Foundations curriculum. Foundations 1 and 2 have a curricular retreat as a part of their track.

Parent connection: Parents join their students for joint learning experiences.

Actions: practices that help faith development outside the Foundations class setting.

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Yearly Overview

Year 1: I Believe The first year of Foundations covers three main pieces:

1. Transition to Foundations a. moving from childhood faith to adult faith b. exploring, developing and celebrating identity in Christ

2. An overview of the Bible and an understanding of how to use it in daily life a. knowledge and familiarity with Old and New Testament themes and content b. developing habit of regular, devotional Bible reading

3. An understanding of the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit a. God as creator b. Jesus as Redeemer/Savior c. Holy Spirit as guide

Year 2: I Am The second year of Foundations covers two pieces:

1. The 10 Commandments, in five steps a. Commandments 1-3, focusing on our relationship with God b. Commandments 4 and 8 focusing on our relationship with others c. Commandments 7, 9 and 10 focusing on God’s gifts and our gratitude for and

stewardship of them. d. Commandment 5, focusing on life issues e. Commandment 6, focusing on marriage and sexuality issues

2. Faith and Response a. Baptism b. Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Year 3: I Live The third year of Foundations covers one main piece:

1. Articulating and Confirming personal faith a. Writing and presenting a personal testimony or faith story b. deeper connection to the whole ministry of Woodbury Lutheran Church c. transition into High School youth ministry

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Foundations Handbook 2014-2015 5

Wednesday nights look a little like this…


Students arrive at 6:30pm and head directly to their classroom. They check in with their small group leader who marks them present on the attendance sheet, makes sure they have their nametag, and check in with them about their week. Students talk with friends while everyone arrives.


Small groups work together on the Scripture memorization card for the week.

Large Group Teaching — Information

The room leader introduces the teacher and topic for the evening. A teacher, with passion and expertise in certain subject matter, teaches each unit. They present for 20-25 minutes or so. Students will have a student guide (worksheet) to follow along with the teaching. Students are encouraged to write questions or thoughts in the margin as the teacher presents.

Small Group Discussion — Transformation

The final 44 minutes or so each evening are for small groups to work through application questions and discussion about the material they’ve just been presented. As relationships between students and leaders are developed groups will go deeper in this part of the evening, drawing on previous conversations and shared experiences to really help the material sink in.


Small groups take time to share highs and lows and pray for one another.

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Foundations Classes :: Description and Objectives

Year 1: I Believe Who is God? What does it mean to have Faith? How do I use God’s Word?

Fall: Intro to Foundations

Welcome to Foundations The first few weeks of Foundations focus on several transitions:

the transition into Foundations: the program, the process, topics, small groups, etc.

the transition from childhood faith to teenage faith: maturing in understanding the role of faith, God, the Bible, church, etc.

Biblical Themes Students will overview the Old and New Testaments looking at key biblical themes. The thread of God’s presence, power and providence in the lives of His people will be explored as students work through the major themes and stories of the scriptures. Memorization: names of the books of the Old and New Testament.


Curricular Retreat: Made in God’s Image When: Friday evening through Saturday morning during the fall semester. Ladies will explore what it means to be made in God’s image and how we are beautiful, accepted, blessed, and eternal because of Jesus’ love. Guys will spend time looking at what it means to be a man after God’s heart by studying men of the Bible and spending time celebrating who God has made them to be.

Winter/Spring: I Believe…The Apostles’ Creed

God the Creator Students learn and study the 1st Article of the Apostles’ Creed. This class deals with theories of creation, evolution, evidence for the existence of God, worldviews of God and appreciation of God’s involvement in His creation today.

Jesus the Savior Students will explore the person and work of Jesus, from prophecies about Him, to His birth, life, mission and ministry, death and resurrection and His promise to return. They will also explore the question “What does Jesus mean for my life now?”

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Holy Spirit and Life Everlasting Students explore the 3rd Article of the Apostles’ Creed looking at who the Holy Spirit is, His presence in our lives, the Great Commission and how it applies to us.

Action Module Requirements…3x10 The Action Module requirements below are yearly requirements; worship notes and service hours may be completed during the summer months as well as the school year.

10 Worship Notes Worship Notes forms are available outside the Bridge at the information center and online. Following the form, students summarize main points of the worship experience and the sermon. They reflect on what was done and said and share any prayer requests they might have.

10 Powerhouse Sundays (minimum) Powerhouse (Middle School Sunday School 6th-8th grades) is a fun, interactive Bible study experience on Sunday mornings. Foundations students are asked to attend a minimum of 10 times during the school year. Students have a chance to mix and mingle with other grades as well as their own grade so the more times a student attends the better connected they will the other students, to the awesome leaders, and the Bible.

10 Servant Hours Jesus said the greatest commandment is loving God with heart, soul and mind; He said the second greatest is loving our neighbor as ourselves. Over the course of the year students complete 10 hours serving (loving) their neighbors. This can be anything from servant activities organized by WLC and/or WLC Youth, to helping with community service, helping neighbors, etc. Note: summer mission trips complete all 25 hours of service for the program. Servant Hours forms can be found outside the Bridge at the information center and online.

Invite a Friend to Worship One time during the Foundations Learning Cycle students are asked to invite a friend to Sunday worship. Forms can be found outside the Bridge at the information center and online.

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Year 2: I Am What does it mean to be a child of God? How do I respond to what He has done for me?

Fall: The Ten Commandments

Introduction to the 10 Commandments Students will explore sin and its consequences, the difference between Law and Gospel and will overview of the main themes of the 10 Commandments.

God’s Relationship with Us Students will explore commandments 1-3 dealing with our relationship and response to God. What does it mean to have a relationship with God? How do we worship Him? How do we keep His name Holy?

Our Relationship with Others Students will explore issues of authority and relationships with parents, friends, neighbors and everyone they come in contact with.

Stewardship Students discuss what God has given them and others, and their response to those gifts.


Curricular Retreat: Prayer When: Friday evening through Saturday morning winter/spring semester Students will explore the practice of prayer in daily life. What is the importance of prayer? How does one pray? What are the benefits of prayer and a devotional life? A substantial amount of time is focused on the Lord’s Prayer.

Winter/Spring: Faith and Response

To Be or Not To Be Students will explore the 5th Commandment discussing issues like murder, abortion, euthanasia, eating disorders, capital punishment, suicide, salvation, and death.

Marriage & Sexuality Students explore issues such as God’s Word on marriage, the role of sex in marriage, abstinence, sexual promiscuity, adultery, pornography, and dating.

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Baptism: Claimed by Christ Students learn the importance of baptism, forms of baptism, how baptism is connected to Confirmation, what the Bible says about when to baptize and how Baptism is used.

Parent Connection “All Dressed Up…Nowhere to Go,” a drama on dating, choices and purity. Parents and students attend this drama together on a Wednesday evening during the regular Foundations time.

Action Module Requirements…3x10 The Action Module requirements below are yearly requirements; worship notes and service hours may be completed during the summer months as well as the school year.

10 Worship Notes Worship Notes forms are available outside the Bridge at the information center and online. Following the form, students summarize main points of the worship experience and the sermon. They reflect on what was done and said and share any prayer requests they might have.

10 Powerhouse Sundays (minimum) Powerhouse (Middle School Sunday School 6th-8th grades) is a fun, interactive Bible study experience on Sunday mornings. Foundations students are asked to attend a minimum of 10 times during the school year. Students have a chance to mix and mingle with other grades as well as their own grade so the more times a student attends the better connected they will the other students, to the awesome leaders, and the Bible.

10 Servant Hours Jesus said the greatest commandment is loving God with heart, soul and mind; He said the second greatest is loving our neighbor as ourselves. Over the course of the year students complete 10 hours serving (loving) their neighbors. This can be anything from servant activities organized by WLC and/or WLC Youth, to helping with community service, helping neighbors, etc. Note: summer mission trips complete all 25 hours of service for the program. Servant Hours forms can be found outside the Bridge at the information center and online.

Invite a Friend to Worship One time during the Foundations Learning Cycle students are asked to invite a friend to Sunday worship. Forms can be found outside the Bridge at the information center and online.

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Year 3: I Live What does faith in High School and beyond look like? How do I live my faith in a way that is faithful to God and unique to me?

Fall: Cornerstone In this final unit in the Foundations Learning Cycle, students will focus on personalizing their faith in Christ the cornerstone. They will review key components of faith, will look at living out their faith as a High School student and will practice articulating their faith in a testimony.

Action Module Requirements…3x3 The Action Module requirements below are yearly requirements; worship notes and service hours may be completed during the summer months as well as the school year.

3 Worship Notes, 3 Sunday Impact Sundays (minimum), 3 Servant Hours

Invite a Friend to Worship Parent Connection Stole making and Confirmation rehearsal breakfast on a Saturday morning in early October. Students rehearse the Confirmation service while parents hear a presentation from High School and Family Ministry about the student’s continuing faith development in WLC ministries.

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Policies and Expectations

Class Attendance Each Wednesday night is important, both for learning the material and for connecting with the other members of your small group. To commit to the Foundations process is to commit to making attendance a priority. Please be sure to let coaches and other activity leaders know about your Foundations commitment. If there is an absence due to illness or other circumstances:

1. Let your group leader know in advance that you’ll be absent (if possible). 2. Go to, to the Foundations tab, and find the class and date you missed.

You’ll be able to download the teaching outline, presentation slides and student guides and work through the material with a parent.

3. Bring the completed material in the following Wednesday and give it to your small group leader.

Missed classes must be made up to receive credit for the unit.

Knowledge of Course Content Students should display adequate knowledge of the content of the course through the completion of all stated educational objectives.

Worship The worship of God flows from a living faith. Worship is the primary time to gather as a family of God and encourage each other in our life of faith. It is expected that Foundations students and families are regular in worship participation.

Completion of Requirements In order participate in Confirmation Sunday a student must successfully complete all 13 units and the two curricular retreats in the Foundations Learning Cycle and must satisfy the Action Module requirements. Once a student has completed these pieces and has been able to express their faith in the Confirmation Interview they will be able to participate in the Public Rite of Confirmation.

Behavioral Expectations

Respect One Another “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8

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Respect Leaders “Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Hebrews 13:17

Respect this Place “I love the house where you live, O Lord, the place where your glory dwells.” Psalms 26:8

Policies Regarding Behavior:

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior These guidelines and expectations are meant to guide you on what we expect from your student.

If a student engages in inappropriate and disruptive behavior they will be given some type of a verbal warning. If they continue that behavior they will be removed from that class and will not be given attendance credit for that night. If any student misses 2 class sessions during a class they will have to make up that class.

If there is an incident involving inappropriate behavior a postcard or note will be sent to the parent during the next week. If the parent(s) would like to discuss the issue they are encouraged to call the instructor.

We have a NO TOLERANCE policy for drugs, alcohol or weapons of any kind. If this happens the parent(s) will be contacted immediately and a meeting with Joel Symmank must be set up before that child is allowed back into the program.

Students with Learning Needs or an IEP It is our desire for all students to be successful in Foundations. Accommodations will be made for students with learning needs. These accommodations may include, but are not limited to: outcome modifications, independent study options or tutoring. Parents of students with learning disabilities should notify the program director (Joel Symmank) to request a family advisor who will assist with program modifications. If a student has an IEP it is beneficial for us to have a copy so we can try to help the student succeed by using techniques already employed at school.

Confirmation Day After students have completed all requirements they will be given an opportunity to publically express their faith in the Rite of Confirmation. This is an opportunity for each student to make a meaningful, deliberate step forward in being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Parents, family, friends and baptismal sponsors will be given the opportunity to participate in the service. Confirmation Sunday (unless otherwise announced) will be the last Sunday in October of the student’s third year of Foundations.
