
PowerPoint Presentation

Happy Celebrate Freedom Week!

1Star Spangled Banner was written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key.After the Revolutionary War the American flag was still standing!

Star Spangled Banner Every president except George Washington lived in the White House.The White House

The White House in 1846.The American Flag has 13 stripes. It has 7 red stripes and 6 white stripes.The first American Flag was made in 1777.The American Flag

Washington D.C was named after George Washington and Christopher Columbus .Congress has met in Washington D.C. for over 200 years!Washington, D.C.

The name of the Bald Eagle (not bald at all) comes from the word piebald.Bald eagle nests can weigh up to 2 tons!

A bald eagle is 8 feet long and can fly at 40 miles per hour!

The Bald Eagle It took 8 years to build the White House and it has 107 rooms.

The White House is at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.The White House The Statue of Liberty This statue symbolizes freedom and was a gift from France. It is located in New York Harbor. You can climb the stairs inside of it.

The Bald Eagle was chosen as the national bird in 1782. It only lives in North America.

The eagle is on our money.

The Bald Eagle The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom.

There were three bells made, not just one.

The last time the bell rang was on February 23, 1846, on George Washingtons birthday.

The Liberty Bell

Washington, D.C.The motto of Washington, D.C. is Justia Omnibus which means, Justice for all.

The Statue Of Liberty real name is Liberty Enlightening the WorldThe Statue Of Liberty has the Declaration of Independence in her hand.The Statue Of Libertys torch was a gift for Americas 100th birthday.The Statue Of Liberty

Created by Miss Kellys Third Grade Class. Thanks for watching!

British GrenadiersAmerican Music Company, Inc. Published by Pretty Linda, ASCAPAM079, track 10/9582076.93eng - iTunNORM 000009AD 00000D0F 000051E5 00005BB7 00004C53 00007192 00004335 0000449A 0000340A 00003592eng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 00000B28 0000000000372DC8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000eng - iTunes_CDDB_1F812155F+347348+95+150+6073+12169+22340+33275+39488+45635+55851+67572+73716+79866+93312+107165+113463+131749+142177+149661+155631+165431+175902+180555+185208+189861+194514+199167+203820+208473+213126+217779+222432+227085+231738+236391+241044+245697+250410+255063+259716+264368+266771+269174+271577+273980+276383+278786+281189+283592+285995+288398+290801+293204+295607+298010+300413+302816+305219+307622+310025+311303+312581+313859+315137+316415+317693+318971+320249+321527+322805+324083+325361+326639+327917+329195+330473+331751+333029+334307+334974+335629+336335+336984+337657+338330+339042+339733+340421+341093+341859+342605+343297+344031+344805+345416+346061+346840eng - iTunes_CDDB_TrackNumber10
