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Server hardening 

Server hardening consists of creating a baseline for the security on your servers in yourorganization. The default configurations of a Windows Server 2003 computer are not designedwith security as the primary focus. Rather, a default installed computer is designed for

communication and functionality. To protect your servers, you must establish solid andsophisticated security policies for all types of servers in your organization.

In this section, we will discuss the basic security baseline for a member server that is running ina Windows Server 2003 Active Directory domain. We will also discuss the best-practice securityconfigurations in the security templates, starting with the generic best practices that apply tomost member servers in the organization. We will then move on to the specific types of memberservers, as well as domain controllers. We will discuss which services, ports, applications, and soforth need to be hardened for different server roles, and compare this to the baseline security forsimple member servers.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Member servers Domain controllers File and print servers Web servers 

Member servers 

You must establish a baseline of security for all members servers before creating additionalsecurity templates and policies to tailor security for specific types of servers. One of the mostimportant aspects of applying hardening settings to member servers is developing the OUhierarchy that will support the security template and policies that you develop. You must alsounderstand the various levels of security that are routinely used to develop and deploy security toall servers.

OU design considerations 

The only way to efficiently and successfully deploy security to the different server roles in your

enterprise is to design Active Directory to support those roles. The design should not only provide an efficient method to deploy security, but it should also organize the computer accountsinto OUs for easier management and troubleshooting.

Although Active Directory design is extremely flexible, you must consider a number of factorswhen organizing servers into OUs based on server role. The first factor is Group Policyapplication. For example, if you have two server roles that each need different security policysettings, you should separate the computer accounts into different OUs. The second factor is

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administration of the computer accounts within Active Directory. Even though you have onlytwo different server roles, you might have two different administrators controlling the same typeof server role. This might force you to have OUs not only for server roles, but also for serverroles based on the administrator in charge.

Figures 5-7 illustrates an OU structure that does not consider location or administrative needs butdoes consider server roles. Figure 5-8 illustrates an OU structure that has a different set ofadministrators for the Main Office and Branch Office, where each office also has the same typesof server roles.

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Figure 5-7: An OU structure based on server roles only 

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Figure 5-8: An OU structure that considers location and administrative needs as well as

server roles 

TIP  OUs are also commonly organized by physical location -- for example, the Main Officeand Branch Office model. For more information on organizing OUs based on GPOdeployment, see Chapter 4.

Member server security environment levels 

Member server security environments are based on the operating systems of the clients andservers in your enterprise. Legacy clients and servers can't take advantage of the robust featuresand functions that Active Directory provides, such as Group Policy, Kerberos, and other securityfeatures. As the operating systems of domain members rise to levels that support all ActiveDirectory functions and features, it becomes possible to raise the overall security for theenterprise and thus create a solid security environment.

There are three different security environment levels typically found in an enterpriseenvironment:

  Legacy Client  When you have a mixed operating system environment of new and olderversions, you must provide adequate security that will not constrain the operation oflegacy clients. This is the lowest security level, but it needs to be that way forcommunication to occur and legacy applications to work properly. This businessenvironment might include legacy clients such as Windows 95, Windows 98, orWindows NT 4.0 Workstation. You should limit this environment to having onlyWindows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 domain controllers. You should notsupport Windows NT 4.0 Server domain controllers, although you can have Windows NTServer computers configured as member servers.

  Enterprise Client  This security level removes the legacy operating systems and usesonly those that support the features and functions that Active Directory offers. Thisincludes clients running Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Professional.These clients all support Group Policy, Kerberos authentication, and new securityfeatures that the legacy clients don't support. The domain controllers must be Windows2000 Server or later. There will not be any Windows NT Server computers, even asmember servers.

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  High Security  This security level is basically the same as for Enterprise Client -- itchanges only the level of security that is implemented. This level enhances securitystandards so that all computers conform to stringent security policies for both clients andservers. This environment might be constrictive enough that loss of functionality andmanageability occurs. However, this must be acceptable because the higher security

levels are a good tradeoff for the functionality and manageability that you are losing.

"Windows Server 2003 Security Guide" The three enterprise environments described earlier and the procedures outlined in this chapterfor hardening different server roles in each environment are discussed more fully in theWindows Server 2003 Security Guide. The Security Guide also includes a set of additionalsecurity templates that can be imported into GPOs to harden different server roles in legacyclient, enterprise client, and high security environments. It also includes additional procedures

for hardening security settings that cannot be configured using Group Policy. Using theseadditional security templates can simplify the hardening of different server roles on yournetwork, and you can further customize these security templates to meet the specific needs ofyour Active Directory environment.

Security settings for member servers 

This section will cover some common security settings that apply to standard member servers inthe domain. These settings are best created in a GPO that is then linked to the top-level serverOU. In Figure 5-7 or 5-8, this would be the Member Servers OU.

Table 5-7 provides a full list of security settings for a member server.

NOTE  Account Policies, which include Password Policy, Account Lockout Policy, andKerberos Policy, are not specified in the member servers security baseline outlined here. Thisis because Account Policies must be defined at the domain level in Active Directory, while themember servers security baseline is defined in GPOs linked to OUs where member servers arefound. For best practices concerning domain Account Policies, see "Account Policies" under"Sections of the Security Template" earlier in this chapter, and also refer to the WindowsServer 2003 Security Guide described in the "Windows Server 2003 Security Guide" sidebar.

Table 5-7 Security settings for member servers 

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


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Account LogonEvents




Account Management SuccessFailure SuccessFailure SuccessFailure

Directory ServiceAccess




Logon EventsSuccessFailure



Object AccessSuccessFailure



Policy Change Success Success Success

Privilege Use No Auditing FailureSuccessFailure

Process Tracking No Auditing No Auditing No Auditing

System Events Success Success Success

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


User Rights 

Access this computerfrom the network

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not defined(Use defaults)


Act as part of the

operating system

 Not Defined

(Use defaults)

 Not defined

(Use defaults)

Revoke all security

groups andaccounts

Add workstationsto domain

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not defined(Use defaults)


Adjust memoryquotas for a process

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not defined(Use defaults)

Administrators, NETWORKSERVICE,

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Allow log on locallyAdministrators,Backup Operators,Power Users

Administrators,Backup Operators,Power Users

Administrators,Backup Operators,Power Users

Allow log on throughTerminal Services

Administrators,Remote DesktopUsers

Administrators,Remote DesktopUsers


Change thesystem time

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Debug programsRevoke all securitygroups andaccounts

Revoke all securitygroups andaccounts

Revoke all securitygroups andaccounts

Deny access to thiscomputer fromthe network


LOGON; Built-inAdministrator,Guests;SUPPORT_388945a0;

Guest; all NON-Operating Systemservice accounts


LOGON; Built-inAdministrator,Guests;SUPPORT_388945a0;

Guest; all NON-Operating Systemservice accounts


LOGON; Built-inAdministrator,Guests;SUPPORT_388945a0;

Guest; all NON-Operating Systemservice accounts

Deny log on

as a batch job

Guests; Support_

388945a0; Guest

Guests; Support_

388945a0; Guest

Guests; Support_

388945a0; Guest

Deny log onTerminal Services

Built-in Adminis-trator; Guests;Support_388945a0;Guest; all NON-operating systemservice accounts

Built-in Adminis-trator; Guests;Support_388945a0;Guest; all NON-operating systemservice accounts

Built-in Adminis-trator; Guests;Support_388945a0;Guest; all NON-operating systemservice accounts

Enable computer anduser accounts to betrusted for delegation

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

Revoke all securitygroups andaccounts

Force shutdown froma remote system

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Generate securityaudits


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Impersonate a clientafter authentication

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

Local Service; Network Service

Increase scheduling priority

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Load and unloaddevice drivers

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Lock pages inmemory

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Log on as a batch job

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

Revoke all securitygroups andaccounts

Manage auditingand security log

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Modify firmwareenvironment values

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Perform volumemaintenance tasks

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Profile single process

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Profile system performance

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Remove computerfrom docking station

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Replace a processlevel token

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Restore files anddirectories

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

Administrators Administrators

Shut down thesystem

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Synchronize directoryservice data

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

Revoke all securitygroups andaccounts

Take ownership offiles or other objects

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


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Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


Security Options 

Accounts: Guestaccount status

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Accounts: Limitlocal account useof blank passwords

to console logon

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Audit: Audit theaccess of globalsystem objects

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Audit: Audit the useof Backup andRestore privilege

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Audit: Shut downsystem immediately

if unable to logsecurity audits

Disabled Disabled Enabled

Devices: Allowundock withouthaving to log on

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Devices: Allowed toformat and ejectremovable media

Administrators Administrators Administrators

Devices: Prevent

users from installing printer drivers

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Devices: RestrictCD-ROM access tolocally logged -- onuser only

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


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Devices: Restrictfloppy access tolocallylogged -- on user only

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Devices: Unsigneddriver installation behavior

Warn but allowinstallation

Warn but allowinstallation

Warn but allowinstallation

Domain controller:Allow serveroperatorsto schedule tasks

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Domain controller:LDAP server signingrequirements

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

Require Signing

Domain controller:Refuse machineaccount passwordchanges

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Domain member:Digitally encrypt orsign secure channeldata (always)

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Domain member:

Digitally encryptsecure channel data(when possible)

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Domain member:Digitally sign securechannel data (when possible)

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Domain member:Disable machineaccount password


Disabled Disabled Disabled

Domain member:Maximum machineaccount password age

30 days 30 days 30 days

Domain member:Require strong

Enabled Enabled Enabled

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(Windows 2000 orlater) session key

Interactive logon:Do not display lastuser name

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Interactive logon:Do not requireCTRL+ALT+DEL

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Interactive logon:Message text forusers attemptingto log on

This system isrestricted to autho-rized users. Indivi-duals attemptingunauthorized accesswill be prosecuted.

If unauthorized,terminate accessnow! Clicking onOK indicates youracceptance of theinformation inthe background.

This system isrestricted to autho-rized users. Indivi-duals attemptingunauthorized accesswill be prosecuted.

If unauthorized,terminate accessnow! Clicking onOK indicates youracceptance of theinformation inthe background.

This system isrestricted to autho-rized users. Indivi-duals attemptingunauthorized accesswill be prosecuted.

If unauthorized,terminate accessnow! Clicking onOK indicates youracceptance of theinformation inthe background.

Interactive logon:Message title forusers attempting to

log on




Interactive logon: Number of previouslogons to cache (incase domaincontrolleris not available)

1 0 0

Interactive logon:Prompt user to

change password before expiration

14 days 14 days 14 days

Interactive logon:Require DomainController authenti-cation to unlockworkstation

Enabled Enabled Enabled

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Interactive logon:Smart card removal behavior

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

Lock Workstation Lock Workstation

Microsoft networkclient: Digitally signcommunications(always)

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Microsoft networkclient: Digitally signcommunications(if server agrees)

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Microsoft networkclient: Sendunencrypt-

ed password to third- party SMB servers

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Microsoft networkserver: Amount ofidletime required beforesuspending session

15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes

Microsoft networkserver: Digitally signcommunications


Disabled Enabled Enabled

Microsoft networkserver: Digitally signcommunications(if client agrees)

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Microsoft networkserver: Disconnectclients when logonhours expire

Enabled Enabled Enabled

 Network access: Donot allow anonymousenumeration of SAMaccounts

Enabled Enabled Enabled

 Network access: Donot allow anonymousenumeration of SAM

Enabled Enabled Enabled

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accounts and shares

 Network access: Donot allow storage ofcredentials or .NETPassports for networkauthentication

Enabled Enabled Enabled

 Network access: LetEveryone permissionsapply to anonymoususers

Disabled Disabled Disabled

 Network access: Named Pipes that can be accessedanonymously

 None None None

 Network access:Remotely accessibleregistry paths

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions;System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Server Applications;Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions;System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Server Applications;Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions;System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Server Applications;Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

 Network access:

Remotelyaccessibleregistry pathsand sub-paths








Software\Microsoft\OLAP Server


Software\Microsoft\OLAP Server


Software\Microsoft\OLAP Server

Software\Microsoft\ Software\Microsoft\ Software\Microsoft\

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Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print

Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print

Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print

Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\


Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\


Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\





System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\UserConfig

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\UserConfig

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\UserConfig

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\DefaultUserConfiguration

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\DefaultUserConfiguration

System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\DefaultUserConfiguration

Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib

Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib

Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib




 Network access:

Restrict anonymousaccess to NamedPipes and Shares

Enabled Enabled Enabled

 Network access:Shares that can beaccessedanonymously

 None None None

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 Network access:Sharing and securitymodel for localaccounts

Classic -- localusers authenticateas themselves

Classic -- localusers authenticateas themselves

Classic -- localusers authenticateas themselves

 Network security:Do not store LANManager hash valueon next passwordchange

Enabled Enabled Enabled

 Network security:LAN Managerauthentication level

Send NTLMv2responses only

Send NTLMv2response only/refuse LM

Send NTLMv2response only/refuse LM and NTLM

 Network security:

LDAP client signingrequirements

 Negotiate signing Negotiate signing Negotiate signing

 Network security:Minimum sessionsecurity for NTLMSSP based (includingsecure RPC) clients

 No minimum Enabled all settings Enabled all settings

 Network security:

Minimum sessionsecurity for NTLMSSP based (includingsecure RPC) servers

 No minimum Enabled all settings Enabled all settings

Recovery console:Allow automaticadministrative logon

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Recovery console:Allow floppy copy

and access to alldrivesand all folders

Enabled Enabled Disabled

Shutdown: Allowsystemto be shut down with-out having to log on

Disabled Disabled Disabled

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Shutdown: Clearvirtualmemory page file

Disabled Disabled Enabled

System cryptography:Force strong key pro-tection for user keysstored on thecomputer

User is promptedwhen the key isfirst used

User is promptedwhen the key isfirst used

User must enter a password each timethey use a key

System cryptography:Use FIPS compliantalgorithms forencryption, hashing,and signing

Disabled Disabled Disabled

System objects:

Default owner forobjects created bymembers of theAdministrators group

Object creator Object creator Object creator

System objects:Require caseinsensitivity for non-Windows subsystems

Enabled Enabled Enabled

System objects:Strengthen default

 permissions ofinternalsystem objects (suchas Symbolic Links)

Enabled Enabled Enabled

System settings:Optional subsystem

 None None None

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


Event Log 

Maximum application 16,384 KB 16,384 KB 16,384 KB

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log size

Maximum securitylog size

81,920 KB 81,920 KB 81,920 KB

Maximum system

log size 16,384 KB 16,384 KB 16,384 KB

Prevent local guestsgroup from accessingapplication log

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Prevent local guestsgroup from accessingsecurity log

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Prevent local guestsgroup from accessing

system log

Enabled Enabled Enabled

Retention method forapplication log

As needed As needed As needed

Retention method forsecurity log

As needed As needed As needed

Retention method forsystem log

As needed As needed As needed

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


System Services 

Alerter Disabled Disabled Disabled

Application LayerGateway Service Disabled Disabled Disabled


Disabled Disabled Disabled

ASP.NET State Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

Automatic Updates Automatic Automatic Automatic

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Background IntelligentTransfer Service

Manual Manual Manual

Certificate Services Disabled Disabled Disabled

MS Software Shadow

Copy Provider Manual Manual Manual

Client Service for Netware

Disabled Disabled Disabled

ClipBook Disabled Disabled Disabled

Cluster Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

COM+ Event System Manual Manual Manual

COM+ System


Disabled Disabled Disabled

Computer Browser Automatic Automatic Automatic


Automatic Automatic Automatic

DHCP Client Automatic Automatic Automatic

DHCP Server Disabled Disabled Disabled

Distributed LinkTracking Client

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Distributed LinkTracking Server

Disabled Disabled Disabled


Disabled Disabled Disabled

DNS Client Automatic Automatic Automatic

DNS Server Disabled Disabled Disabled

Error ReportingService Disabled Disabled Disabled

Event Log Automatic Automatic Automatic

Fax Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

File Replication Disabled Disabled Disabled

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File Server forMacintosh

Disabled Disabled Disabled

FTP Publishing Disabled Disabled Disabled

Help and Support Disabled Disabled Disabled

HTTP SSL Disabled Disabled Disabled

Human InterfaceDevice Access

Disabled Disabled Disabled

IAS Jet DatabaseAccess

Disabled Disabled Disabled

IIS Admin Service Disabled Disabled Disabled


COM Service

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Indexing Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

Infrared Monitor Disabled Disabled Disabled

Internet AuthenticationService

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Internet ConnectionFirewall (ICF)/InternetConnection Sharing(ICS)

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Intersite Messaging Disabled Disabled Disabled

IP Version 6 HelperService

Disabled Disabled Disabled

IPSec Policy Agent(IPSec Service)

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Kerberos KeyDistribution Center

Disabled Disabled Disabled

License LoggingService

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Logical Disk Manager Manual Manual Manual

Logical Disk ManagerAdministrative Service

Manual Manual Manual

Message Queuing Disabled Disabled Disabled

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Message QueuingDown Level Clients

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Message QueuingTriggers

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Messenger Disabled Disabled Disabled

Microsoft POP3 Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

MSSQL$UDDI Disabled Disabled Disabled

MSSQLServerADHelper Disabled Disabled Disabled

.NET FrameworkSupport Service

Disabled Disabled Disabled

 Netlogon Automatic Automatic Automatic

 NetMeeting RemoteDesktop Sharing

Disabled Disabled Disabled

 Network Connections Manual Manual Manual

 Network DDE Disabled Disabled Disabled

 Network DDE DSDM Disabled Disabled Disabled

 Network LocationAwareness (NLA)

Manual Manual Manual

 Nework News TransportProtocol (NNTP)

Disabled Disabled Disabled

 NTLM SupportProvider

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Performance Logsand Alerts

Manual Manual Manual

Plug and Play Automatic Automatic Automatic

Portable Media

Serial NumberDisabled Disabled Disabled

Printer Server forMacintosh

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Print Spooler Disabled Disabled Disabled

Protected Storage Automatic Automatic Automatic

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Remote Access AutoConnection Manager

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Remote AccessConnection Manager

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Remote AdministrationService

Manual Manual Manual

Remote Desktop HelperSession Manager

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Remote Installation Disabled Disabled Disabled

Remote ProcedureCall (RPC)

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Remote Procedure

Call (RPC) LocatorDisabled Disabled Disabled

Remote Registry Service Automatic Automatic Automatic

Remote ServerManager

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Remote ServerMonitor

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Remote Storage Notification

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Remote Storage Server Disabled Disabled Disabled

Removable Storage Manual Manual Manual

Resultant Set of PolicyProvider

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Routing and RemoteAccess

Disabled Disabled Disabled

SAP Agent Disabled Disabled Disabled

Secondary Logon Disabled Disabled Disabled

Security AccountsManager

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Server Automatic Automatic Automatic

Shell HardwareDetection

Disabled Disabled Disabled

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Simple Mail TransportProtocol (SMTP)

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Simple TCP/IP Services Disabled Disabled Disabled

Single InstanceStorage Groveler Disabled Disabled Disabled

Smart Card Disabled Disabled Disabled

SNMP Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

SNMP Trap Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

Special AdministrationConsole Helper

Disabled Disabled Disabled

System Event

 Notification Automatic Automatic Automatic

Task Scheduler Disabled Disabled Disabled

TCP/IP NetBIOSHelper Service

Automatic Automatic Automatic

TCP/IP Print Server Disabled Disabled Disabled

Telephony Disabled Disabled Disabled

Telnet Disabled Disabled Disabled

Terminal Services Automatic Automatic Automatic

Terminal ServicesLicensing

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Terminal ServicesSession Directory

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Themes Disabled Disabled Disabled

Trival FTP Daemon Disabled Disabled Disabled

UninterruptiblePower Supply Disabled Disabled Disabled

Upload Manager Disabled Disabled Disabled

Virtual Disk Service Disabled Disabled Disabled

Volume Shadow Copy Manual Manual Manual

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WebClent Disabled Disabled Disabled

Web Element Manager Disabled Disabled Disabled

Windows Audio Disabled Disabled Disabled

Windows ImageAcquisition (WIA)

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Windows Installer Automatic Automatic Automatic

Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Windows ManagementInstrumentation

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Windows Management

Instrumentation DriverExtensions Manual Manual Manual

Windows MediaServices

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Windows SystemResource Manager

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Windows Time Automatic Automatic Automatic

WinHTTP Web ProxyAuto-DiscoveryService

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Wireless Configuration Disabled Disabled Disabled

WMI PerformanceAdapter

Manual Manual Manual

Workstation Automatic Automatic Automatic

World Wide PublishingService

Disabled Disabled Disabled

Ports required for member servers 

For a member server to function on the network with other computers, specific ports must beopened. Table 5-8 presents a list of those critical ports. As we investigate specific server roles,additional ports will need to be added to ensure the server functions properly.

Table 5-8 Ports for member servers 

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Port  Description 

137 (NetBIOS nameservice)

Used by the browse master service. This must be openfor WINS and browse master servers.

138 (NetBIOS datagramservice)

Must be open to accept inbound datagrams from NetBIOSapplications such as the Messenger service or theComputer Browser service.

139 (NetBIOS sessionservice)

Must be closed unless you run applications or operatingsystems that need to support Windows networking (SMB)connections. If you run Windows NT 4.0, WindowsMillennium Edition, Windows 98, or Windows 95, this port must be open on your servers.

445 (CIFS/SMB server)Used by basic Windows networking, including file sharing, printer sharing, and remote administration.

3389 (Remote DesktopProtocol)

Must be open if you are using Terminal Services for appli-cation sharing, remote desktop, or remote assistance.

Domain controllers Return to Table of


Domain controllers are the heart of any environment that runs Active Directory. Thesecomputers must be stable, protected, and available to provide the key services for the directoryservice, user authentication, resource access, and more. If there is any loss or compromise of adomain controller in the environment, the result can be disastrous for clients, servers, andapplications that rely on domain controllers for authentication, Group Policy, and the LDAPdirectory.

 Not only should these domain controllers be hardened with security configurations, they mustalso be physically secured in locations that are accessible only to qualified administrative staff. Ifdomain controllers are stored in unsecured locations due to limitations of the facility (such as in a branch office), you should apply additional security configurations to limit the potential damagefrom physical threats against the computer.

Domain controller security environment levels 

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Along the same lines as the Member Server hardening guidelines, domain controllers also havedifferent levels of security based on the environment in which they are deployed. These levelsare the same as those defined in the "Member Servers" section in this chapter: Legacy Client,Enterprise Client, and High Security.

Security settings for domain controllers 

Security settings that apply specifically to domain controllers are best created in a GPO that isthen linked to the Domain Controllers OU. The settings for domain controllers should be basedon those we reviewed in the earlier "Member Servers" section. Of course, a domain controlleralso has additional functions or features compared to a member server, and this requiresadditional open ports and security configuration. You must review the security settings list toensure that you are not restricting a key feature for your domain controller.

Table 5-9 lists the settings that differ from those specified in Table 5-7. In other words, the baseline security settings for domain controllers as outlined below should be incrementally added

to the baseline security settings for member servers described previously.

MORE INFO  For more information on hardening domain controllers in different enterpriseenvironments, see the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide. 

Table 5-9 Security settings for domain controllers 

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


User Rights 

Access this

computer fromthe network

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Add workstationsto domain

Administrators Administrators Administrators

Allow log on locally Administrators Administrators Administrators

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Allow log on throughTerminal Services

Administrators Administrators Administrators

Change thesystem time

Administrators Administrators Administrators

Enable computerand user accountsto be trusted fordelegation

 Not Defined(Use defaults)

 Not Defined(Use defaults)


Load and unloaddevice drivers

Administrators Administrators Administrators

Restore files anddirectories

Administrators Administrators Administrators

Shutdown thesystem Administrators Administrators Administrators

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


Security Options  Network security:Do not store LANManager hash valueon next passwordchange

Disabled Enabled Enabled

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


System Services 

Distributed FileSystem

Automatic Automatic Automatic

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DNS Server Automatic Automatic Automatic

File Replication Automatic Automatic Automatic

Intersite Messaging Automatic Automatic Automatic

Kerberos KeyDistribution Center

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Remote ProcedureCall (RPC) Locator

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Ports required for domain controllers 

Domain controllers are responsible for specific functions, as seen in the different settings listedin Table 5-9. Many of these different security template settings are due to required services to

authenticate users and maintain consistency of the Active Directory database between otherdomain controllers. Table 5-10 lists additional ports that you must open for domain controllers.

Table 5-10 Ports for domain controllers 

Port  Description 

88 (Kerberos)The Kerberos protocol is used by Windows 2000 and lateroperating systems to log on and retrieve tickets for accessingother servers.

123 (NTP) This port provides time synchronization for network clientsusing the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

135 (RPC endpointmapper/DCOM)

This port allows RPC clients to discover the ports that the RPCserver is listening on.

389 (LDAP)This port the primary way that clients access Active Directoryto obtain user information, e-mail addresses, services, andother directory service information.

464 (KerberosPassword Changes)

This port provides secure methods for users to change passwords using Kerberos.

636 (LDAP over SSL)This port is needed if LDAP will use SSL to provideencryptionand mutual authentication for LDAP traffic.

3268 (Global Catalog)This port provides the means for clients to search ActiveDirectory information that spans multiple domains.

3269 (Global Catalog This port is needed because the Global Catalog uses SSL to

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over SSL) provide encryption and mutual authentication for GlobalCatalog traffic.

NOTE  If your domain controller is running DNS, you will need to also open port 53.

File and print servers 

File and print servers are responsible for resource storage and controlling access to theseresources throughout the enterprise. These servers house the company's documents, trade secrets,financial data, and much more. If these computers are not protected, the entire company might bein jeopardy. These computers must be stable, protected, and available to provide users andapplications access to resources stored on these computers.

Like the domain controllers, these servers must be physically protected. If someone were to gethold of a file server, they could potentially use other tools to gain access to the resources on theserver. You should take action to protect against this.

Table 5-11 lists security settings for file and print servers that differ from the settings in theMember Servers section earlier in the chapter. In other words, the baseline security settings forfile and print servers as outlined here should be incrementally added to the baseline securitysettings for member servers described previously. These settings are best created in a GPO that isthen linked to the OU that contains the file servers.

MORE INFO  For more information on hardening file and print servers in different

enterprise environments, see the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide. 

Table 5-11 Security settings for file and print servers 

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


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Security Options 

Microsoft networkserver:Digitally signcommuni-cations (always)

Disabled (PrintServers only)

Disabled (PrintServers only)

Disabled (PrintServers only)

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


System Services 

Distributed FileSystem

Disabled Disabled Disabled

File Replication Disabled Disabled Disabled

Print SpoolerAutomatic (PrintServers only)

Automatic (PrintServers only)

Automatic (PrintServers only)

Web servers 

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is the service that provides Web services on aWindows server. Web servers must be properly secured from malicious attackers, while stillallowing legitimate clients to access intranet or public Web sites hosted on the server.

IIS is not installed by default on the Windows Server 2003 family of servers, and when you doinstall IIS, it installs in "locked" mode -- a highly secure mode that protects IIS against threats.Beyond the best-practice security settings presented in this section for IIS, be sure to protect yourWeb servers by monitoring security using some form of intrusion detection system, and by

implementing proper incident response procedures.

Security settings for Web servers 

Security settings for Web servers are best created in a GPO that is then linked to the OU thatcontains the Web servers. Table 5-12 lists only the settings that differ from those in the Table 5-7. In other words, the baseline security settings for Web servers as outlined here should beincrementally added to the baseline security settings for member servers described previously.

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MORE INFO  For more information on hardening Web servers in different enterpriseenvironments, see the Windows Server 2003 Security Guide. 

Table 5-12 Security settings for Web servers 

Security Setting Legacy Client

Configuration Enterprise Client

Configuration High Security


User Rights 

Deny access tothis computerfrom the network

ANONYMOUSLOGON; Built-in Administrator;Support_388945a0;Guest; all NON-Operating Systemservice accounts

ANONYMOUSLOGON; Built-in Administrator;Support_388945a0;Guest; all NON-Operating Systemservice accounts

ANONYMOUSLOGON; Built-in Administrator;Support_388945a0;Guest; all NON-Operating Systemservice accounts

System Services 

HTTP SSL Automatic Automatic Automatic

IIS Admin Service Automatic Automatic Automatic

World Wide WebPublishing Service

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Ports required for Web servers 

Web servers should have limited ports available, to reduce their exposure to attacks from thelocal network and the Internet. The fewer the ports that are open, the better. Table 5-13 is a list ofadditional ports that you will need to open for Web servers.

Table 5-13 Ports for Web servers 

Ports  Description 

80 (HTTP)

The standard HTTP port for providing Web services to users. Thiscan be easily changed and is not required. If you do change the portfor HTTP, be sure to add that new port to this list and configurethat

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setting within IIS.

443 (HTTPS)Allows HTTP to have a higher level of security that providesintegrity,encryption, and authentication for Web traffic.
