  • 8/13/2019 Harvesting & Storing Squash


    In Your Garden with Jenny Watts

    Harvesting & Storing Squash

    Winter squash and pumpkins are the gems of the garden. Inside their hard and sometimes

    unattractive shells is a bounty of delicious golden flesh. And to add to that, you can store them

    away without refrigeration and enjoy them all winter long.New gardeners are sometimes confused by the name winter squash. In fact, winter

    squash grow during the summer months just as summer squash do. The difference is that

    winter squash develop a hard rind that allow them to stored for much of the winter.

    Pumpkins and winter squash take a long season to mature. Planted in April or May, they

    will reach maturity by October. Its best to time your squash crop so that the fruits can be

    harvested and put into storage before the first hard frost, at 27F. Pumpkins and winter squash

    can tolerate light frosts that kill the vines only. If hard frost threatens before pumpkins or

    squashes are ripe, blanket the fruits and vines with a tarp or loose straw.

    To grow squash for storage, wait until the vines begin to dry and the rinds have toughened

    before harvesting. To test for maturity, press a thumbnail against the skin; your nail shouldntleave a visible dent. Never rush to harvest winter squash because immature fruits wont store

    well. Unless pests or freezing weather threaten them, allow fruits to ripen until the vines begin to

    die back. Pumpkins are harvested when they are uniformly orange and the rind is hard.

    Cut, dont pull, ripe squash from the vines, leaving 3 inches of stem attached. A broken

    stem exposes the fruit to rot, so dont use the stem as a handle for carrying. Cure harvested

    squash, unwashed, in a warm and sunny spot for a week or two. You can also allow them to

    cure in the garden in the warm fall weather. Take care to protect the fruits from cuts, scrapes,

    and dents, as all can lead to early spoilage.

    Thinner-skinned types such as acorn, delicata, and spaghetti squashes should be used

    within two or three months of harvest. Skip the curing step and move them to a cool place

    immediately after harvest.

    Hubbard, buttercup and kabocha squashes and pie pumpkins can be stored for 4-6 months.

    Butternuts keep best in storage, sometimes lasting until spring.

    Store cured squashes in a room that is dry and cool 50-60F is best and make sure they

    have good air circulation. Humidity should be relatively low. Check your stored squash monthly

    to identify and use up any fruit that shows sign of decay.

    During the winter months, when the weather is wet and cold, theres something particularly

    satisfying about still being able to eat food from your garden. Enjoy the fruits of your harvest all

    winter long.
