
Séminaire Sécurité et gestion de l’information 2.0

20 juillet 2016

Fabrice Epelboin

Ubersisation of propaganda


Propaganda is a form of communication, often biased or misleading in nature, aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population toward some cause, position or political agenda.

La propagande est un ensemble d'actions psychologiques influençant la perception publique des événements, des personnes ou des enjeux, de façon à endoctriner ou embrigader une population et la faire agir et penser d'une manière voulue.


The endof consent manufacturing


Propaganda, counter-propaganda,& meta-propaganda...




PropagandePropagandaPropaganda is a form of communication, often biased or misleading in nature, aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population toward some cause, position or political agenda.

La propagande est un ensemble d'actions psychologiques influençant la perception publique des événements, des personnes ou des enjeux, de façon à endoctriner ou embrigader une population et la faire agir et penser d'une manière voulue.


from top2botton XXth century propaganda... grassroot XXIth century crowdsourced propaganda...

July 30th 2012


The end of mainstream media influence

“ ”most politiciansare corrupted

politicians act with to their

personal interest in mind 82%“ ”75%

“ ”journalistsaren’t independant

journalistslive on a different planet 72%

73% “ ”

Change in (media) influence battlefield

Uberisation of everything...

Media without contentare influence battlefields

Grassroot contentA grassroots movement is one driven by the politics of a community.

The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it are natural and spontaneous.

Don’t pay attention to the message, focus on the way it is composed

This is a meme

Memes can destroy a reputation

Memes can convey a political message

alphabet press media mass media internet e-civilisation

network hierarchy

ability to seize political power

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