
Volume 2 • Edition 5

HEADLINESHealthHealth September–October 2012

Celebrate 2012

25 Healthy Years25 Healthy Years

Nutrition that works to keep you well!

The original AIM CranVerry® was removed from the product line-up in 2009. Health Canada had given CranVerry its thumbs up with a natural product number (NPN), but few Members took advantage of this effective product for preventing urinary tract infections—and it disappeared.

In response to the widespread increase in incidences of urinary tract and candida yeast infections, The AIM Companies™ introduced AIM CranVerry®+ in November 2011. Immediately, AIM Canada™ began receiving enquiries from Canadian Members about its availability in the Great White North. However, a new formula had to be submitted on a product licence application for a NPN from Health Canada for the product to be sold legally. This procedure takes time. But now the time has come for CranVerry+.

The Plus in CranVerry+ The original CranVerry formula

contained 342 mg of cranberry juice powder concentrate per capsule. CranVerry+ contains CranMax®—500 mg of cranberry extract per capsule—derived from the whole cranberry, including solids, seeds, skins, and concentrated juices. That’s a plus. But there’s even more. The

new formula also contains juniper and mangosteen fruit extracts—two additional effective ingredients that help to prevent urinary tract

infections and inhibit candida yeast infections.

It’s all in the MixAIM provides a variety of

natural health products that are combinations of ingredients

that work effectively together for even more benefits than a single ingredient can provide.

The key ingredient in CranVerry+ is CranMax®—one pound of which is made from thirty-four pounds of fresh, whole cranberries. Among their many beneficial phytonutrients, cranberries contain antioxidant-rich compounds called proanthocyanidins (PACs), which are effective in preventing bacteria from adhering to the walls of the urinary tract and causing infections. Slowly absorbed by the body, CranMax’s bioactive compounds protect against bacteria, such as E. coli, over a twelve to sixteen hour time period.

Juniper provides additional back-up as both an antiseptic and a diuretic. According to the Health Canada monograph, juniper is traditionally used in herbal medicine as a

Which disease do you fear the most? According to Canadian Health magazine, the scariest word that a doctor can say is cancer. With so many life-threatening types of the big C, it is no wonder that getting cancer tops the list.

What can you do to prevent the big C? The World Health Organization provides

a list of risk factors—avoidable or otherwise—that can increase your chances of a cancer diagnosis: • poor diet• being overweight • physical inactivity • smoking• alcohol use• infections• environmental pollution• occupational carcinogens• radiation

As for lifestyle factors, if you eat poorly, eat well. If you are overweight, lose weight. If you don’t exercise, start. If you smoke, quit. If you are a heavy drinker, drink in moderation or not at all. As for the remaining risk factors, some you can try to avoid, such as over-exposure to radiation from the sun, while others may be unavoidable, such as the radiation after Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was hit by a tsunami. It’s all about taking steps to do whatever you can to prevent cancer.

Another preventative step is to take AIM BarleyLife® daily. Over thirty years ago, The AIM Companies™ began offering exceptional nutrition from the juice powder of young

barley plants, harvested just before they turn to grain. During the past three decades, one exceptional story after another has been told by people whose lives have been shaken up by cancer and returned to balance with the help of AIM BarleyLife®. Supplementing with BarleyLife provides a profusion of nutrients that nourish at the cellular level—necessary for everyone, especially those with serious illnesses.

Research has been conducted on an antioxidant found in barley grass extract that may help to inhibit cancer: alpha-tocopherol succinate. Dr. Allan Goldstein, the head of the Biochemistry Department of George Washington University, directed studies that determined barley grass extract inhibited prostate and brain cancer cells. The presence of the antioxidant alpha-tocopherol succinate is likely to have been the catalyst for these positive results.

Additionally, a paper presented at the NATO Human Factors

and Medicine Panel Research Task Group (2005) concluded that alpha-tocopherol succinate is “a unique non-toxic radioprotectant that can be used against the short- and long-term effects of radiation exposure.” It appears to have a combined ability to protect against deadly radiation and to selectively kill mutated cells that can become cancerous.

The right kind of nutrition is like health insurance, and BarleyLife is supplemental nutrition that can help to insure good health.

Back in 1987, The AIM Companies™ officially established its Canadian counterpart. Twenty-five years later, AIM Canada™ continues to serve Canadian Members with a warehouse in Calgary, Alberta, and a head office in Vancouver, British Columbia.

It has been a quarter century of spreading the message that the quality of people’s lives can be improved with AIM products in terms of their health and an opportunity for them to grow a home-based business. Success stories abound from coast to coast: testimonials from AIM Members whose lives have changed for the better through improved health and finances.

AIM Canada has relied on its membership to grow its national company and will continue to depend on active AIM Members to grow the membership for the next twenty-five years and beyond. Together, we have reached the silver. Let’s go for the gold!

BarleyLifeBarleyLife®® is is “great stuff.”“great stuff.”

... with a... with a +++

Insuring good health with AIM BarleyLife®

Making it to the top of the New York Times best seller list in the hardcover advice and miscellaneous category, Wheat Belly is showing no signs of losing weight in sales even though this coveted, number one spot was reached by a book published over a year ago.

Its success lies in a controversial examination of modern-day wheat as a key dietary factor in unwanted weight gain and fat buildup along with a variety of other damaging effects on human health.

The author and a preventative cardiologist, Dr. William Davis is no favourite of the wheat lobby, which has attacked his credibility. However, with easily understood research that backs his claims as well as successful case studies of some of his patients, it makes a lot of sense to follow Dr. Davis’s suggestion to eliminate wheat—in all of its shapes and forms—from your diet.

Gluten sensitivity is on the increase worldwide, and Dr. Davis identifies wheat as “the principal source of gluten”. Our diets are saturated with gluten, which is found in so many comforting, fast foods, such as donuts, muffins, and burger buns. So even those who have yet to show any symptoms might be wise to consider going gluten-free by eliminating wheat from their diets.

Wheat Belly provides a variety of wheat-free recipes. Recognizing the popularity of bread, muffins, and pizza, Dr. Davis includes recipes for wheat-free, gluten-free versions of such comfort foods. And AIM’s all-purpose flour, pizza crust mix, and pancake and waffle mix can be a part of these or any other gluten-free recipes that help to reduce weight through wheatlessness.

The belly you may be trying to reduce is likely to be a by-product of wheat. “Lose the wheat, lose the weight, and find your path back to health.”

CranVerry+ (5774E) $21.00 16 BVP

urinary tract antiseptic to help relieve benign urinary tract infections. Its diuretic properties increase urine flow and help to wash out bacteria to prevent infections.

Mangosteen contains antioxidant-rich, plant phenols called xanthones that provide additional antibacterial properties to CranVerry+. Studies have shown that within twenty minutes, xanthones can kill Candida albincans—the yeast that can infect the mouth, vagina, skin, stomach, or urinary tract.

AIM Canada is pleased to be able to offer CranVerry+ to Canadian Members and encourages them to ensure its long-term availability by supporting it through regular orders.


The The

2525thth AnniversaryAnniversary

NEWNEW C Vnn er-VVCranCran V Verry erry CranCran V Verry erry

I’ve been using BarleyLife since 1987, and I’ve never had a cold since. I’m 87, but I don’t look it. I’d be very upset if I didn’t have BarleyLife to take. It’s great stuff. I can’t say enough for it. It’s all you need for good health.

Mavis Stanley, AIM MemberSidney, BC

Do you have a Wheat Belly?Do you have a Wheat Belly?

Save $6 by ordering a 6-pack of CranVerry+ (5776E) $120.00

Datasheets: 25-pack (5979E) $5.50 100-pack (5980E) $18.00

In the March 2012 issue of Living Well magazine, AIM USA introduced AIM GlucoChrom™ with organically bound chromium yeast. It was noted that AIM

Canada would convert during the summer of 2012, which means that now when you order GlucoChrom, you’ll receive the new source of chromium. Although the label and product code have changed, the price and the natural product number (NPN) from Health Canada remain the same:

Before the chromium barley source became unobtainable, AIM found the best natural alternative with chromium yeast—an easily absorbed source of this important trace mineral. The presence of chromium is essential for insulin to channel blood sugar into the cells of the body, where it used for energy.

AIM chose the most useful and well-researched Saccaromyces cerevisiae—commonly known as baker’s yeast—which is grown and bound to chromium.

Once this process is complete, the yeast is killed so that it can no longer produce viable colonies, leaving only a natural source of chromium.

The GlucoChrom formula contains the equivalent amount of chromium—200 micrograms. The other three ingredients— vanadium, Gymnema sylvestre leaf, and bitter melon fruit—have not changed, so you have the same effective, high-quality AIM product that increases the effective action of insulin.

When insulin is not doing its job, the result is chronic inflammation—the underlying factor in disease—and the onset of Type 2 diabetes. To maintain healthy blood sugar levels, the body produces excess insulin, which results in the body storing fat instead of burning it off as energy .

If you are on a weight loss program, GlucoChrom also provides a synergistic combination of ingredients that helps to metabolize fat and create lean muscle mass, which is why it is part of the Weight Loss Packs.

Take GlucoChrom to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and as a helping hand for losing weight. It works!

Join Webinar Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. MTTo attend a webinar: Sign up by e-mailing [email protected]. When you receive an e-mail response, follow the directions to register for individual webinars.

Updated 2012 Product Catalogue

With the introduction of new products, the 2012 Product Catalogue has been updated to include all changes and additions. Available individually (4494E) and in packs of 10 (4496E). Order today.

2013 AIM Boise CelebrationRegister now and save $35.00 on your

convention package by signing up for the Auto-Pay Plan. Payments will be made in six monthly installments, allowing you flexibility in paying your way to Boise so that you can Stampede Your Way to Success! Early registration deadline is September 30.

Outstanding Member of the Month contest

Each month, the North American Member with the most new Member sign-ups will receive $250.00 of FREE AIM products* of their choice and free shipping. Members can win this contest one time per quarter only. All winners will be put into a drawing for two complimentary 2013 Boise Recognition Roundup convention packages ($870.00 value). *No BVP on free products.

Holiday ClosuresAIM Canada (Vancouver) office and the Calgary warehouse will be closed September 3 for Labour Day and October 8 for Thanksgiving Day.

It’s not too late to win $$$!You still have time to sign up for one of

three contests that offer prizes of cash … up to $4,000! Register today by logging into with your Member number (or e-mail address) and selecting the contest of your choice. You have until October 31 to work toward a cash prize.

Congratulations to Canadian Graduates of

AIM Canada is especially proud of the achievements by Canadian Members, and to date, five of them have successfully completed their studies at The AIM Academy and are now qualified Living Well Coaches. Congratulations to Rita Vandertil, Star Sapphire Director (Sombra, Ontario), Jan Baxter, Director (Waterloo, Ontario), Lillian Andresen, Director (Sherwood Park, Alberta), Jensina Donald, Director (Surrey, British Columbia), and Lawrence Garrod, Preferred Member (London, Ontario).

GlucoChrom’s New Source of Chromium

AIM Canada Fall EventsHealth Fairs ... bringing your community together Join Rose Bird, Chartered Herbalist and General Manager of AIM Canada. Meet AIM leaders and natural health practitioners from multiple disciplines at the Community Health Fairs. Learn how to stay healthier and younger longer with AIM’s natural supplements. Explore various natural and holistic health options and receive samples, gifts, and specials. Free admission. Bring your family and friends.

St. Jacobs Health FairWhen: October 20, 2012, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.Location: St. Jacobs/Woolwich Community Centre, 3 1 Parkside Drive, St. Jacobs, Ontario

London Health FairWhen: October 21, 2012, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.Location: Grand Hall, The Windermere Manor, 200 Collip Circle, London, Ontario

Surrey Health FairWhen: October 27, 2012, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.Location: Surrey Sport and Leisure Centre, 110 – 16555 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, BC

“Take Charge of your Health” Seminars. Learn the natural healing power of AIM’s supplements with Rose Bird.

Montreal Health SeminarWhen: October 18, 2012, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. (dinner served from 5:30–6:30 p.m.)Location: Hilton Garden Inn Montreal Centre-Ville, 380 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Quebec

Sarnia Health SeminarWhen: October 22, 2012, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.Location: River City Vineyard, 260 N. Mitton St. N., Sarnia, Ontario

For details, please contact AIM Canada at 1-888-343-9977 or email [email protected]

AIMCranAIM Vn erryVV +yyCranCran V Verry erry +CranCran V Verry erry ++®

ADD a PLUSto your health

Helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)Helps prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

5774E $21.006-Pack 5776E $120.00

an Graduates of

At the age of seventy-seven, I had my gall bladder removed. Following this surgery, I was not properly digesting my food. My upline, AIM Director Elaine Reimer, suggested that I try AIM PrepZymes®, which I have taken ever since. I find that one a day with breakfast works very well for me.

Prepzymes is an excellent addition to the AIM products that I have been taking for twelve years now, including the AIM Garden Trio®, AIM Herbal Fiberblend®, AIM GlucoChrom™, and AIM Cellsparc 360®. 

Martha Fransen, AIM Group BuilderSt. Catharines, Ontario

September 2012 AIM Teleclass ScheduleRegister for a one-hour September teleclass by calling 1-800-456-2462, Option 1.

webinar trainingSaturday, October 20, 9:00 a.m. MST

Jensina DonaldDirector,

Bachelor of Science

Kristine KosturosDirector,


Gerald PhillipsRoyal Emerald Director,

Nutritional Lecturer

Leré RobinsonDirector,

Nutrition Consultant

Webinar topics include: • Stop Creeping Obesity—Jensina Donald • The Dangers of Sugar—Kristine Kosturos

• Principles or Band-Aids!—Gerald Phillips• Hormones and anti-aging, the key to longevity—Leré Robinson

Sept. 5 pH – Acidity & Alkalinity, Tami Cole, AIM Director

Sept. 12 Care Enough to Share, Judy Clover, AIM Customer Service Specialist

Sept. 19 Chlorophyll: Nature’s Remedy, Gerald Phillips, AIM Royal Emerald Director

Sept. 26 AIM—The Best Home-based Business, Mike & Erin Baty, AIM Star Sapphire Directors

October 3 AIM’s Solution to Post-Bariatric Nutritional Needs

Mary Ann Peck, AIM Full Service Representative

October 10 Social Media Success - Mastering Facebook & Twitter to Grow Your AIM Business”

Chris Byrnes, AIM Preferred Member & Web Guru

October 17 Good Fats vs. Bad Fats Kristine Kosturos,

AIM Director & Nutritionist

October 24 Sleep and Peak Endurance Marsha Fulton, AIM Preferred Member

October 31 Radio Advertising Tutorial Skip Taylor, AIM A/V Producer

And don’t forget to let your new Members know about a webinar especially for them on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, 6:30 p.m. MSTWelcome to AIM...The new Member webinarKeith Duff, AIM’s Regional Meeting and Training Director

Past webinars can be watched online at

• Sept. 6 Thursday, 4:00 p.m. MT / 459.091 There’s more to CalciAIM™ than calcium

Ryan Davis, Quality Assurance Manager.

• Sept. 11 Tuesday, 3:00 p.m. MT / 433.091 Veggie D can improve weight loss

Phillip Jermann, AIM Biologist.

• Sept. 12 Wednesday, 10 a.m. MT / 489.091 Making your mark in the marketplace

Judy Clover, AIM Customer Service Specialist.

• Sept. 18 Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. MT / 411.091 The AIM Academy of Nutrition & Success – Become a Living Well Coach

Skip Taylor, AIM Audio/Video Producer.

• Sept. 20 Thursday, 4:00 p.m. MT / 462.091 Veggie D – a good source of vitamin D plus more (Chinese-speaking teleclass)

Shirley Chang, Chairman’s Club Director.

• Sept. 25 Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. MT / 423.091 Chlorophyll: Nature’s remedy

Gerald Phillips, Royal Emerald Director.

• Sept. 27 Thursday, 1:30 p.m. MT / 439.091 Plant the seed and itwill grow!

Charlotte Thompson, Chairman’s Club Director.

GlucoChrom (5738E) $18.00 15 BVP

Datasheets: 25-pack (3897E) $5.50 100-pack (3898E) $18.00

Digestive help from PrepZymesDigestive help from PrepZymes


