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Hearing ImpairmentBy: Karl S. Olimpo

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Hearing Impairment“an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance but is not included under the definition of ‘deafness.'”

--- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ---

Deafness  A hearing loss above 90 decibels

Hearing impairmentHearing loss below 90 decibels.

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Four subcategories of hearing loss

1. Conductive impairment stem is found in the outer/middle ear

2. Sensor Neural impairments stem

3. Mixed  is in the inner ear4. Central impairments stem is

both from inner and outer ear

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General signs of hearing lossEarly signs of hearing loss can include:

• difficulty hearing other people clearly and misunderstanding what they say

• asking people to repeat themselves• listening to music or watching television with the

volume turned up high• difficulty hearing the telephone or doorbell

• regularly feeling tired or stressed, due to having to concentrate closely while listening

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Educational Challenges  

• the subjects of grammar, spelling and vocabulary

• taking notes while listening to lectures• participating in classroom discussions

• watching educational videos• presenting oral reports

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Tips for Teachers and Parents

• Designating a note taker can allow a student with a hearing impairment to concentrate fully on listening to

a lecture.• A combination of traditional communication, lip reading, sign language and assistive technology can

compensate for issues which make listening to lectures and participating in class discussions challenging.

• Children who read lips often need to sit close to the teacher, while those who use sign language may

use an interpreter

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• Turning on captions during a video can reiterate what a student may pick up from his or her amplifying device.

•Finally, it’s important that parents and teachers don’t underestimate a child’s intelligence based on a hearing impairment.

•, “For most children with hearing impairments, language acquisition and language development are significantly delayed. As a result, some may incorrectly estimate the child’s intelligence as low.” 

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Speech Impairment/ Language Disorder

“A communication disorder such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.”  “A person is unable to produce speech sounds correctly or fluently, or has problems with his or her voice”

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Speech and language subcategory

1. Communication disorder such as stuttering -- fluency disorder; unusual word repetition and

hesitant speech

2. Impaired articulation-- impairments in which a child experiences

challenges in pronouncing specific sounds

3. A language impairment -- can entail difficulty comprehending words

properly, expressing oneself and listening to others

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4.A voice impairment-- involves difficulty voicing words; for instance, throat issues may cause an abnormally soft voice

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2 General Category

1. Receptive language - When a person has trouble understanding others

2. Expressive Language- When a person has trouble sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings completely 

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