Page 1: Hello Donnia Trent IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL


Donnia TrentIRSCMain Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311Fort Pierce, FL

Page 2: Hello Donnia Trent IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL

Welcome to Elluminate

• What is Elluminate

– Elluminate, Inc. is a web-based avenue for providing on-line classes in real time.

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Whiteboard Tools

The Participant Interface

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Participants Window

• Raise/Lower Hand

• Emoticons

• Step Away

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Chat Window

• Permission to use Chat

• Send a Text Message

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• Types

– Yes/No– Multiple Choice– Slowdown/Speedup Class Pace

• Responses will appear in the Participants window if the moderator has selected to show them

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Political Cartoons

Why do they exist?•Avenue for people to express their opinions or thoughts in a light or non-threatening matter•Avenue to communicate a lot of information without an extensive explanation

Page 8: Hello Donnia Trent IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL

Let’s Analyze this Cartoon

1. How is Comcast playing a role in this cartoon and how do you know that?

2. Is the female character happy? What are the clues that you are using to arrive at your conclusion?

3. What topic is being addressed in this cartoon?

Page 9: Hello Donnia Trent IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL

Analyzing Political Cartoons

1. Pay Attention to Details1. Look for labels on clothing or objects2. Look for facial expressions3. Look for objects that don’t belong4. Look for drastic or contrasting colors5. Analyze action(s) that is happening6. Look for shades of light and darkness

2. Look for and study captions

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So…Let’s talk about this Cartoon

What do the facial expressions tell you?What do the ‘incorporated pictures’ tell you?

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And, what about this cartoon?

What can you speculate or deduct from this cartoon?

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Is This a Good Leader?

What is the subtle, but definite, clues that impacts our opinion ?

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During the Bush administration the President took stances on torture that were contrary to the United States' no torture policy of prior years. Since President Obama has taken office, he has taken the hard-line stance that the US does not engage in any form of torture, and that various US departments should disclose information to the public about prior acts.

Here’s a more recent cartoon. It depicts former President Bush’s and President Obama’s stances on torture.

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Reversing the precedents set during the Bush years, President Obama has freed up scientific inquiries into stem cell research. Some of the most promising research with stem cells has been related to Parkinson's disease and spinal cord injuries. Now that the pressure has been lifted, substantial progress may be seen in these particular fields.

Another recent cartoon depicts former President Bush’s and President Obama’s stances on stem cell research.

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The swine flu has officially reached the United States with recent cases quickly adding up, as the CDC confirms each one in California, New York, Ohio, Kansas , Florida, Texas., and other states. It is essential that people begin to take better hygienic precautions, if the spread of this flu is to be kept to a minimum.

•Make note where the pig is a•Notice the caption•Notice what the security officer is holding & the escaping germs•Notice the circles around the pig’s eyes and the ‘COFF’ coming from its mouth•Notice the passport in the pig’s claw •WHAT DO ALL THESE CLUES ADD UP TO?

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•Political cartoons are an avenue to:•Express an opinion•Make light of politics and difficult situations•Inform

•There are subtle clues in every cartoon:•Labels on hats, papers, doors, etc.,•Facial expressions, captions•Actions of characters•Varying shapes of colors (light & darkness)

RL# 4.2

Page 17: Hello Donnia Trent IRSC Main Campus, Tomeu Center, GED, Lab 311 Fort Pierce, FL

Thanks for joining this class

Watch for other Elluminate Breakout ClassesM – TH; 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. dailyRL# 4.2FL Stds: 02.06, 02.03, 02.10, 02.11

Donnia Trent, [email protected]