Page 1: Helpful tips to save money on your water
Page 2: Helpful tips to save money on your water

Helpful Tips to Save

Money on Your Water


Page 3: Helpful tips to save money on your water

• Your shower head. Did you know that your shower head may be using as much as five and a half gallons of water per minute? By switching to a low-flow shower head, you can conserve up to three gallons of water per minute. That’s a considerable savings. Low-flow shower heads are relatively inexpensive, and super easy to install, so you simply cannot afford to not make the switch now.

Page 4: Helpful tips to save money on your water

• Displace the water in your toilet chamber.

• Your toilet really doesn’t need to use all of the water it does to flush and then refill. Lift the cover of the toilet chamber and place a brick or large rock in there to displace the water so that you use less with each flush.

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• Turn off the water when you are not using it.

• This may seem like common sense, but the truth is that there may be times you are unnecessarily using water that you are not even aware of. For example, if you are brushing your teeth or washing your hair, you really only need to be running clean water when you rinse.

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• Leaky faucets. • That small drip may not

seem like a lot, but it can add up a lot over time and cost you a considerable amount on your water bill. If you need some convincing of how much water you can waste with a single leaky faucet, place a bucket under the faucet overnight and see what you are left with.

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• Choose showers over baths.

• The average bath time takes a total of thirty-five gallons of water. Compare this to the standard fifteen to twenty-five gallons of water for a quick shower, and it is easy to see why you should skip the bath in favor of the shower.

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• Your home’s plumbing is a major investment, and one that you will need to last for many years to come. Don’t take any chances with faulty plumbing materials or installation.

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