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Hemorrhoids Made Easy


Fresh Hemorrhoids Cure

By Rudi Sturlese

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Copyright © Rudi Sturlese 2008 Dotrix Pty Ltd All rights reserved by the author. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. The E- book entitled Fresh Hemorrhoid Cure was first published in March 2008

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This book is dedicated to all the hemorrhoid

sufferers out there in the hope that it will change

their lives for the better.

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Although every effort has been made in writing this E-book. We/I am not responsible for any liabilities for any errors, misinterpretations, or any damages or injuries arising from the contents of this E-book or any links provided in this book as I am not a medical professional only a passionate sufferer. The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not substitute any medical diagnosis or medical treatment.

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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................ 7

Expertise Comes From Personal Experience ..... 9

What Exactly Is A Hemorrhoid ......................12

Different Types Of Hemorrhoids To Consider ...14

How Do I Know If I Have Hemorrhoids?

The Symptoms ...........................................21

The Various Treatments Out There ................24

Other Contributing Factors To Worry About.....40

The Cure – Step-By-Step Guide To Healing

Hemorrhoids ..............................................53

The Right Way – Step-By-Step Guide To Passing


Putting The Puzzle Together .........................65

Hemorrhoid Prevention Is Even Better Than The


Conclusion .................................................70

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Before you act on any advice given in this book, it is very important that you make certain you are actually suffering from some form of hemorrhoid.

If you are unsure, please visit your doctor and get medical certification stating that you are indeed suffering from a form of hemorrhoid.

After your doctor has verified your condition, you can address the problem accordingly, and perhaps follow the advice contained within these pages.

The first piece of advice I would give is to never

be ashamed to show your bottom to a medical professional. You must remember and always keep in mind that these professionals see the private parts of different people all day, and therefore they usually won’t be able to differentiate between yours and anyone else’s – they really do all look the same to them.

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Men especially tend to be even more on edge when approaching this delicate situation. Their trepidation is accentuated to new heights if, heaven forbid, the doctor happens to be female.

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I will never forget my first experience with hemorrhoids. It all started for me when I was just eight years of age. The reason for my first outbreak was simply that I pushed too hard, and in so doing caused my hemorrhoids to bleed.

I was panic-stricken when I saw the paper full of blood. However, my mother comforted me and explained what I had and what they were.

The reason for my pushing until I was blue in the face was that I just could not bring myself to sit on a public toilet seat. This meant that every morning before school I would force myself into a bowel movement. Doing so would ensure that I would not need to use the toilet again over the course of the day.

This scenario is one of the quickest ways of causing hemorrhoids.

Added to this was the reverse situation. If I found I needed to go to the toilet outside the

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Expertise Comes from Personal Experience


house, I simply would not go. I would restrain for as long as six to eight hours rather than use a public convenience.

This is also one of the major causes of hemorrhoids.

Even today, after all these years, I still find myself in this predicament, and I simply refuse to sit on a public toilet. I now try to overcome this problem in a variety different of ways.

The most important and most effective way is to try and work my life around it; making sure I am home at convenient times. My bowels have developed a routine over the years, and I am fairly good at regulating my movements so they come at the same time every day – give and take an hour or so.

I do not force myself anymore, and should for some reason I lack the inclination to go, I will not go.

If I am out or at work and I feel the need to relieve myself, I will immediately drop everything and rush home. When the need arises, it is better to go right away. However, waiting for half an hour or so will not cause hemorrhoids.

When I go on holiday and stay in a hotel, I will clean the toilet very thoroughly with disinfectant and put paper around the seat. Alternatively, if I

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feel the toilet is still not clean enough, I will put my feet up on the seat and crouch, which is obviously not much fun at all!

I have always had this thing about toilets, and have therefore suffered many different problems because of it, including hemorrhoids.

These experiences over the years have made me very passionate and knowledgeable on the subject, and I feel confident that passing on my knowledge to others will only be beneficial.

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What Exactly Is A Hemorrhoid



It is very important to gather as much information as possible, and understand everything you can about hemorrhoids – from exactly what they are and what causes them to the best treatment methods available. Following this advice will make you better equipped to tackle the situation. Modern medicine still has no real answer to this problem, and therefore, you are still very much on your own as far as finding solutions goes.

A hemorrhoid is often compared to varicose veins. The vein walls begin to get thin and fragile and hence pop out in the same way they do in those who suffer from varicose veins. With hemorrhoids, the exertion you put on your anus with excessive pushing or restraining causes the vein walls to collapse and fill with blood. This is known as a swollen hemorrhoid.

When further pressure is exerted or the hemorrhoid is irritated with rough toilet paper, the skin surrounding the hemorrhoid breaks, causing blood loss.

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Hemorrhoids Made Easy With Fresh Hemorrhoids Cure


Suffering from hemorrhoids is a major issue in our modern society, and this is mainly brought about by our modern way of evacuating ourselves – in other words, the good old toilet seat. This toilet seat method of evacuation is very unorthodox to our natural system, thus causing hemorrhoid problems.

Statistics are available showing that hemorrhoids are rare, and in some cases unheard of, in many developing countries. This is principally due to the lack of installed toilets in many of these places, and the squatting position normally adopted for evacuation.

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Different Types of Hemorrhoids To Consider



There are two main types of hemorrhoid.

Internal Hemorrhoids

As the name suggests, these are found internally.

Internal hemorrhoids.

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This type of hemorrhoid does not normally cause too much pain. They do, however, cause significant discomfort. For example, the feeling of wanting to go to the toilet all the time is one way in which these hemorrhoids can manifest themselves. They may sometimes bleed, and in most cases the blood is found in the stool.

Another condition that may occur with internal hemorrhoids is when the internal hemorrhoid is pushed straight out of the anus. This is referred to as ‘prolapsed’ hemorrhoids.

A prolapsed hemorrhoid can also become what is known as a ‘strangulated’ hemorrhoid. This condition occurs when the anus muscles go into spasm and cut off the blood supply to the prolapsed hemorrhoid.

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Different Types of Hemorrhoids To Consider


External Hemorrhoids

Again, as the name suggests, these hemorrhoids are found externally.

This type of hemorrhoid usually causes a great deal of pain. The pain may vary between an anal itch, a stabbing pain, or in some cases a burning sensation. Alternatively, you may experience the feeling of having an annoying obstruction in your anus.

These hemorrhoids often bleed, and the blood is

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found either in the toilet bowl, or on the toilet paper after use.

An external hemorrhoid can also become a ‘thrombosed’ hemorrhoid. This condition occurs when the external hemorrhoid wall ruptures and a blood clot forms. If this happens, the sufferer can expect to experience significant pain and discomfort. A thrombosed hemorrhoid will usually need medical attention, where the practitioner will make a small cut to remove the blood clot.

Thrombosed external hemorrhoid

In some cases, the healing process of a thrombosed hemorrhoid may cause it to shrivel up, leaving a tag of skin hanging from the anus. This condition is not dangerous and does not cause any

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Different Types of Hemorrhoids To Consider


pain. It may, however, be irritating if the tag is fairly large. When the tag is large to a point that it obstructs the anal passage, and cleaning oneself becomes difficult, then surgical removal is the only solution.

There is another condition to include here called a ‘fissure’ hemorrhoid. Strictly speaking, this is not really a hemorrhoid, but it does occur as a direct result of hemorrhoids. A fissure is when the skin around the anus tears and causes bleeding. Suffers of this condition can experience very severe pain after a bowel movement.

All of the above types of hemorrhoids should never be left untreated, as in most cases, without medical attention they will reoccur. Moreover, when they do come back, ninety percent of the time they are worse and even harder to get rid of than the time before. They can also eventually become chronic, especially in the latter years. This is the worst condition to be in and is best avoided by early treatment of a condition.

Child Hemorrhoids

I also want to touch on this topic, as it is of the utmost importance.

Hemorrhoids in babies are fortunately not common, but they can occur occasionally due to

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hard stools (too much pushing). Crying very hard and for long periods of time may also exert too much pressure on the anal area, and coughing hard and for long periods is another possible cause.

The walls of the anal area are still weak in babies, and therefore prone to breaking, causing hemorrhoids.

Look for blood in the stool or on the wipe used to clean the child as a telltale sign of hemorrhoids.


Once a case of hemorrhoids has been confirmed, just a mild ointment such as PREPARATION H is sufficient to solve the problem.

It is also not very common to see hemorrhoids in toddlers. If they get hemorrhoids, the most common cause is hard stools or constipation – in other words, too much pushing. A mild ointment is again usually enough to get rid of them. It is, however, important to make sure you keep the stools as soft as possible, especially for the first week following treatment.

A mild stool softener is the best thing to use for children. Something like FYBOGEL would do the trick nicely. After the first week is over and the toddler is evacuating properly, stop the FYBOGEL.

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Different Types of Hemorrhoids To Consider


However, it is a good idea to make sure the child’s diet contains enough fiber.

If a toddler had to push too hard to get the stools out, and it hurt them in the process, there is a significant chance that they will be scared to pass the next stools and would rather restrain to avoid the pain of using the toilet. Therefore, it is imperative to loosen their stools and help them psychologically to pass the next stools.

At a later age, hemorrhoids are still not very common in children, but they may occur in cases such as my own where over-pushing or severe restraint exacerbates the problem.

A mild ointment, again such as PREPARATION H, is sufficient and you could also get the child to have a



The most important thing is to teach children how to evacuate at an early age. In addition, make sure their diet includes a little fiber, and that they drink enough water, and that they get plenty of exercise. Follow this advice and they will never be troubled by hemorrhoids again.

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There are several symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.

• Bright red blood on your toilet paper

• Bright red blood in the bowel

• Bright red blood in the stools

• Itch in the anus

• Pain during bowel movement

• Pain after bowel movement

• Pain when sitting

• An irritating obstruction in the anus

• A continual feeling of wanting to evacuate

• Lumps or swelling around the anus

Some of the above-mentioned symptoms may

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How Do I Know If I have Hemorrhoids? The Symptoms


sometimes be confused with other ailments; therefore, it is very important that you get a medical diagnosis.

Hemorrhoid symptoms can vary from person to person. It also depends on what type of hemorrhoids you have, and how long you have been suffering.

The symptoms usually worsen the longer you have the hemorrhoids, in both ways. That is to say, one they get more intense, and two you get more symptoms occurring. This in medical terms means you are getting a worse degree of hemorrhoid. All hemorrhoids are measured by degree. For example, a degree one is better than a degree four.

With internal hemorrhoids symptoms, there is usually no pain. The only symptom is bright red blood in the pan, on the toilet paper or in the stools. The most common is the blood in the pan.

This condition must definitely be checked by a medical doctor to make sure the blood is from internal hemorrhoids not from some other ailment.

Internal hemorrhoids can then develop into prolapsed hemorrhoids. When this occurs, the pain will start, and the bright red blood will usually only be found on the toilet paper or in the stools. Not every bowel movement will produce blood.

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Other symptoms are a feeling of an annoying obstruction in the anus, or a continuous feeling of wanting to go to the toilet.

Hemorrhoid symptoms with external hemorrhoids are probably the worst. Bright red blood on the paper, in the stools or in the pan. Terrible pain during bowel movement. Terrible pain after bowel movement. More pain when trying to sit, or stand for long periods. Pain when walking or an annoying itch in the anus.

External hemorrhoids can then develop into thrombosed hemorrhoids. When this occurs the same symptoms will occur as above, but the pain is ten times as severe. A fair description is like having knives continuously stabbing up your anus.

Last but not least is the hemorrhoid symptoms associated with fissure hemorrhoids. Usually with fissure hemorrhoids you will only find blood on the toilet paper. The pain again is like stabbing knives, and again ten times more intense. Every time you have to pass a stool, you just want to run away and hope these stools never ever come back.

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The Various Treatments Out There




There are many different types of ointments and creams on the market for the treatment of hemorrhoids, and the sheer quantity of products can add a great deal of confusion to the issue.

Always start with a mild ointment that does not contain any cortisone, especially if it is your first experience with hemorrhoids. One I would recommend in this case is PREPARATION H.

If the hemorrhoids persist, then move on to a slightly stronger ointment. In this instance, PREPARATION H MAX or TRONOLANE are the ones I would recommend.

If the hemorrhoids are still not showing signs of improvement, then it may be time to try an ointment that contains cortisone and Lignocaine. In

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this case, PROCTOSEDYL is the best in my opinion.

It is a good idea to ask your doctor or your local pharmacist for assistance in choosing the best creams and ointments for you.


There is a myriad of suppositories available today, and you will find that for every ointment or cream there is usually a corresponding suppository of the same name. It does make sense to use the ointment and suppository manufactured by the same company.

It is best to use a suppository with internal hemorrhoids, as a cream or ointment is more difficult to apply to the affected area. However, always use a suppository in conjunction with a cream or ointment – never use a suppository on its own.

If you are in doubt as to whether you are suffering from internal or external hemorrhoids, it is always better to add the suppository to your ointment or cream.

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The Various Treatments Out There


The Correct Way To Insert A Suppository

Lie on one side with your legs in a fetal position. Put cream in and around your anus. Lubricate the tip of suppository using a small amount of cream. Insert suppository keeping your finger in your anus until the suppository is in place. If the suppository does not go in place, insert your finger a little further and wait until it does go into place. N.B. Always wash your hands thoroughly before insertion.


Pain tablets can only be used to relieve the pain; they do not have any effect on the problem itself.

One that I recommend using is IBUPROFEN, as it is also an anti-inflammatory, and an analgesic in addition to being gentle on the stomach.

Ibuprofen is usually used for arthritic problems, but it is ideal for hemorrhoids. The anti-inflammatory properties will help with the

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hemorrhoid inflammation; contemporarily the analgesic properties will help alleviate the pain, while always being gentle on the stomach, as there are no side effects

There is, however, one tablet on the market that I have found to be extremely helpful in the treatment of hemorrhoids and fissures, it is in some ways ‘a miracle cure’, and that is DIOSMIN 500 MG.

DIOSMIN 500MG is generally used in the treatment of varicose veins to increase the blood flow in the veins. This increase in blood flow goes to your hemorrhoids, and thus cleans and oxygenates the area. It is, therefore, excellent in helping to heal complex hemorrhoid problems.


This is a very natural and very effective way to help cure your hemorrhoids.

Use warm water with three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.

Soak in the bath for a minimum of twenty minutes.

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The Various Treatments Out There


The warm water helps to relax your anal muscles, allowing more blood to flow to the area, thus helping the healing process and relieving the pain. The all-natural salt and bicarbonate of soda both work to relax the anal muscles and are also natural disinfectants.

They can, however, sting a little, so it is best to test the water first to make sure the affected area is not too sore. If it is a problem, reduce the amount of salt and bicarbonate until you feel comfortable. However, try to make the water as warm as possible, as this will stimulate blood flow to a higher degree.


This is also a very natural and very effective way of treating your hemorrhoids. Icepacks may be used in between SITZ BATHS and will help relieve pain and discomfort.

Wrap several ice cubes in a thin towel, such as a kitchen towel, or place ice cubes in a plastic bag. Put this on your anus and keep in place for twenty minutes.

This will freeze the anus area, contracting your

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anal muscles and thus strengthening the vein walls. The cold will also relieve the pain.

The contrast between the warm SITZ BATH and the cold icepacks will cause the vein walls to become more elastic and help in the healing process of the hemorrhoids.


This is one of the natural Eastern methods of combating hemorrhoids. An acupuncturist inserts small needles in an exact spot that corresponds to your anal area, and thus treats the hemorrhoid.

This method is certainly not for everyone, as many people have needle phobias, although there is new technology which avoids needles altogether.

Before using an acupuncturist, make sure they are accredited and well qualified in the field.

I have used this method and it does work when done by an accredited Eastern-trained professional.

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The Various Treatments Out There


The hemorrhoids do go away, but the problem is that it doesn’t seem to be a permanent cure, and unfortunately they soon return.


This is, as the title implies, using natural herbs of some kind to treat hemorrhoids. I could go on for days covering all the purported herbal remedies out there. I have heard all sorts from using garlic to various oils. I have used several myself, but none of them seemed to have any effect whatsoever.


Your diet is of the utmost importance when treating hemorrhoids. A good, healthy, and fibrous diet is an absolute must and should not be overlooked.

Listening to your body is the key. And by this I do not mean doing nearly impossible things like yoga and coming to terms with your inner self. This would be too hard. However, I take my hat off to those who can do yoga.

What I am talking about is simple. Take note of

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what you eat and see how your body reacts. This is what I mean by listening to your body.

Not all foods react in the same way with different people. Now, with this in mind your diet becomes very simple. Basically, you will find fiber in oats, wheat, vegetables, and fruit. Now work out which of those works best for you.

In my experience, wheat doesn’t really work for me. However, here are a few foods that help me with my bowel movements – in order of effectiveness: beetroots, prunes, spinach, milk, Zucchini, pears, and apples.

There are, of course, some foods that have the opposite effect – again in order: lemon, white rice, boiled potatoes, and white pasta.

Now, if I eat rice on a particular day, I try to eat beetroot as well to strike a balance between the opposing effects. This is a great example of what I mean by listening to your body. After all, what you put in your body is what comes out.

If you have eaten a Big Mac and fries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, tomorrow you will almost certainly be constipated. A lot of people don’t in fact realize that they are constipated. If you ‘push on the pan’, you have constipation. However, it might just be slight and temporary.

If you are slightly overweight, it is

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The Various Treatments Out There


to drink plenty of water every day. The

te your sto

recommended that you diet and lose weight, as it is not healthy to be overweight, and it certainly does not help if you have a hemorrhoid problem.

If you eat five different servings of vegetables and three different servings of fruits every day, it is well known that this will help with your health in general. And this is also a simple diet to follow to help with your hemorrhoids.


I have made a separate heading for water to stress how important water is to your body in general and ultimately your hemorrhoids.

We have all heard how one can survive much longer without food than one can without water. Well, this certainly tells us something about water.

It is VITAL recommended daily intake of fluids should be

around two liters (eight standard glasses).

Water will help to dilute and lubricaols, thus helping to keep them soft.

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Hemorrhoids Made Easy With Fresh Hemorrhoids Cure



nt stool softeners on the ma

l sof


There are many differerket today. However, when choosing one, it is

very important to make sure you use a natural stool softener. Chemical laxatives are dangerous because with prolonged use your bowels become lazy and can come to totally rely on the laxative.

If you find you are constipated, add a stootener to supplement your fibrous diet.

Never abuse the use of a sto

llent stool softener in my

ol softener. Use only when required, and regulate its use carefully.

An exce experience is BEKUNIS.


s a very important role in curing hem

u do, and the amount, is ent

enty to thirty

Exercise playorrhoids, as you need a little movement during

the day to stimulate your bowel movements. And when you have good bowel movements, you will avoid hemorrhoids.

The exercise yoirely optional. Playing a game like tennis is

good, or just do anything you enjoy.

Personally, I like walking for tw

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The Various Treatments Out There


minutes a day, and I find it sufficient for my body. Walking is the best exercise I have ever found.

I find that when you are constipated you need all

that was brought to my attention by

the help you can get. Walking around the house a little before going to the toilet also helps in the toilet process.

An exercisea good friend is PILATES. Apparently, doing

PILATES teaches you how to control your various muscle groups. He now uses his stomach muscles to evacuate and avoids hemorrhoids completely with this method.

I have never done PILATES, so I cannot give firsthand advice as to whether it would work on other people. However, the concept does make sense, hence my mention of it.

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Hemorrhoids Made Easy With Fresh Hemorrhoids Cure



There are several different types of surgery for hemorrhoids. Usually a medical practitioner will sit with the patient and decide which method is the best for that particular patient’s type of hemorrhoid.

(i) Surgical: This is where the hemorrhoids are cut out with a knife. The skin is then stitched with sutures that later dissolve. This is usually done to large external or internal hemorrhoids – generally the more complicated cases.

This operation was performed on a difficult case of prolapsed hemorrhoids.

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The Various Treatments Out There


This picture is the same patient a few weeks later, showing how the stitches have fallen out and the

area is healing reasonably well.

(ii) Coagulation of Hemorrhoids: This is where a cautery machine is used to coagulate the hemorrhoid, and in so doing stops the blood flow to the area, shrinking the hemorrhoid; sometimes making it drop off completely. In some cases they use the same coagulator to burn the hemorrhoid.

An infrared coagulation apparatus

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(iii) Sclerotherapy Injection: For this procedure a chemical substance is injected near the hemorrhoid. This chemical blocks the blood flow, causing the hemorrhoid to shrivel up.

(iv) Laser: This is a relatively new method and is used like a cautery machine to coagulate the hemorrhoid, thus stopping the blood supply and the shrinking the hemorrhoid.

(v) Hemorrhoid Stapling: The hemorrhoids are literally stapled in this method, cutting of the blood supply and causing them to shrivel up.

The above-mentioned surgical procedures are all done with the use of anesthesia. This means the patient is open to all the risk factors associated with anesthesia.

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The Various Treatments Out There


Another problem is the risk of incontinence following surgery, which could be temporary or permanent. It could present itself as wind passing without realizing, or the worst scenario is passing stools without realizing.

All of the above procedures can be very painful for up to two weeks after surgery, especially when evacuating stools.

The sad problem is that after going through all that pain and discomfort, and the evident risks involved, there is no guarantee that the hemorrhoids won’t come back. In fact, in a lot of cases they do return because the patient is not instructed on how to change their evacuation methods.

(vi) Rubber Band Ligation. This is where a rubber band is placed on the base of a hemorrhoid, stopping the blood supply to the hemorrhoid and causing it to shrivel up and eventually fall off.

This method does not require anesthesia and is normally done in the medical practitioner’s office. In actual fact, in most cases the patient helps by holding the proctoscope in position

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for the practitioner.

With this method you avoid the risks of anesthesia and incontinence, but the after pain is still there, and there is again no guarantee that the hemorrhoid will not come back.

I have had rubber band ligation done personally, and I can testify that the pain is indescribable, absolute torture, especially after my second visit. And to add insult to injury, the hemorrhoids returned less than a month later.


This is without doubt the most important topic in this section. Without education, it is impossible to resolve the problem of hemorrhoids on a more permanent basis.

This book will supply you with all the education you need to cure your hemorrhoids and make sure they never come back.

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Other Contributing Factors To Worry About



Listed below are some of the other principle factors that make a person more susceptible to hemorrhoids.


Try to avoid lifting heavy objects on a regular bases as the strain you put on your anal muscles may have an adverse affect on your hemorrhoids.

Weightlifters will not usually be affected as they have different lifting techniques that avoid putting pressure on the rectum.

If you are experiencing a bout of hemorrhoids at the moment, then definitely no heavy lifting, as this will certainly aggravate the hemorrhoids.

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Standing over a long period of time means the pressures of the body mass pulls down towards the rectum, and thus may cause hemorrhoids to deteriorate further.

To avoid standing for too long, try to sit every spare moment you get, even if it is not on a proper seat, and even if it is only for a minute or two at the time, this does help in the long run.

Again, if you are experiencing a bout of hemorrhoids at the moment, definitely avoid standing for long periods, as this will certainly aggravate the hemorrhoids.


Obviously, this is the exact opposite of standing. Again there is pressure pushing down on the seat and this may cause new hemorrhoids.

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Other Contributing Factors To Worry About


problem when one is overweight is poor blood circulation, which is another condition that

be good for stool stim

ly rec

Try to stand up and walk around for at least ten minutes of every hour of you sitting.

Definitely avoid sitting for long periods if you are currently experiencing a bout of hemorrhoids, as this will exacerbate the hemorrhoids.


This is certainly not good for hemorrhoids because the extra weight is pulled down by gravity, and thus even more pressure is put on the anus, increasing the chances of hemorrhoids occurring.


increases the risk of hemorrhoids.

Lack of movement will also not ulation; therefore, PUSHING at toilet time is rife,

which as stated many times causes hemorrhoids.

If you are seriously overweight, it is highommended that a DIET be used in order to

minimize hemorrhoid risks and other more serious heath problems.

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During a pregnancy, there are two things that may

he extra wei




me management on thhelp stop hemorrhoids from forming.


cause hemorrhoids.

The forces of tght in the tummy pulling

down and sitting on top of the womb may increase susceptibility to hemorrhoids.

you manage to avoid the In addition, if orrhoids while carrying, you then may cause

them when delivering due to all the excessive pushing involved in childbirth.


There is a big chance that will aggravate hemorrhoids

because all the pressure is pulled towards the anus in this position. The toilet should not be used as a reading room. The best practice in the toilet is to sit, do your job, and then move on.

Ti e toilet is necessary to

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Other Contributing Factors To Worry About


Getting the wrong signal a bowel movement is very


ut I now know them

getting up and leavin

the previous chapter we spoke about the

hould be avoided at all



for mon in people suffering

from constipation. If you get the wrong signal, don’t PUSH. Get up and leave until a better signal arrives.

I still get a lot of wrong signals today, b

how to manage effectively – simply by g the bathroom.



foods that can help with hemorrhoids. Here we talk about the foods that you should definitely stay away from.

Pepper, hot chili, curry pohot spices. These foods s

wder and any other

ts. If you find it difficult to do without them, then at least cut down on quantity and frequency.

If you are suffering from a bout of hemorrhoids

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nt to cut down on the strength. By sta


a dehydrating effe


here is no escaping the aging process, and there is no escaping the fact that hemorrhoids bec

skin that comes with advancing years (wrinkles),

at present, then definitely no hot spices until theorrhoids are completely gone, and for several

weeks after.

If your staple diet is hot spicy food, then you may just wa

ple diet I mean your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents ate hot spices on a daily basis.

Another food to stay away from is seeds, especially the seeds you find on whole-wheat

ads. The tiny seeds on whole-wheat bread caused fissures on at least two separate occasions for me. You eat the bread but don’t crush the seeds properly when chewing, hence they come out whole. If your stools are a little dry on the day, the seeds can tear your anal skin and cause fissures. Unfortunately, I found this out the hard way, and it was a painful lesson.

Another food to watch is white rice. It tends to make your stool large and has




ome more common as we get older. This is due to the general deterioration and weakening of our

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Other Contributing Factors To Worry About


vein walls healthy and strong. This is

There are various causes for flatulence. They range from eating too fast (gulping in too much air), to certain foods

eof hemorrhoids is stools that haven’t been passed.

The stool fermen


thus making it easier for the anal walls to give way and cause hemorrhoids.

Blood circulation also slows down in old age, and good circulation keeps the

another contributing factor towards hemorrhoids that occurs as we get older.


(green iceberg lettuce), to various medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

I won’t talk about all the one that stands out as a cause conditions, but th

ts inside and releases the gases, and PUSHING to extract the gases causes huge pressure on the anus, resulting in


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stools and will be even harder to eva

y themselves. That ma

tions; this helps the gas to travel through the intestines. Hot chamomile tea also


The stools that haven’t been passed also become hard

cuate. Therefore, it is imperative to keep your stools soft and easily passable.

The way to avoid PUSHING with flatulence is to allow the gases to come out b

y be easier said than done, but if you wait a little, the gas will surface without too much PUSHING.

Another way is to massage your stomach in soft circular mo


You can also use a simethicone-based tablet like GAS . This tablet avoids the build up of gas. I rec

and avoid all of

iarrhea can be caused by many different things like eating too much fiber, eating food that has

ommend this tablet especially when you are experiencing a bout of hemorrhoids.

When you actually have a bout of hemorrhoids, you must be very strict with yourself

the above and below-mentioned PUSHING in all shapes and forms.



gone off, eating food containing bacteria, viral

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Other Contributing Factors To Worry About


te dia

f hemorrhoids from

ing of hemorrhoids.

f hem

infections, certain medicines, inflammation of the intestines, parasites in water and food, irritable bowels, or if you suffer from lactose intolerance.

Diarrhea may cause hemorrhoids because in some cases you have to PUSH to evacua


Another contributing factor o

diarrhea is when you have frequent bowel movements stretching over several days. The walls around the anus becometime, thus facilitating the form

You should try to stop diarrhea as soon as it starts, therefore avoiding a potential cause o

weak during this

orrhoids. Eat foods that stop you running, like rice, and avoid foods that make you run such as high-fiber foods.

You can also use the aid of tablets such as IMODIUM to help stop diarrhea.


This is debatable; some practitioners believe anal sex can cause hemorrhoids, whereas others thin

k that this practice gets rid of hemorrhoids by

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pushing them back up inside the anal cavity.

The one important thing is to make sure you use a water-based lubricant like KY JELLY when practicing anal sex.


Various things can cause constipation ranging from a lack of


s soon as it fiber in your diet, drinking


fluids, a lack of high-fiber foods, irritable bowels, intestinal or colon problems, certain medications, abuse of laxatives, not going to the toilet when you get the call, right down to a simple lack of overall movement.

Constipation may cause hemorrhoids as it induces

HING to evacuate.

You should avoid constipation astarts by including more

nty of water, and doing some form of exercise during the day such as walking.

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Other Contributing Factors To Worry About


g a natural stool sof

This may be aided by addintener such as BEKUNIS.

If the stools are very hard to get out, another aid is to use an ENEMA or GLYCERIN suppository.

N.B. An ENEMA must not be used on a regular bases, as it is very bad for you. Only use an ENEMA in extreme situations when absolutely necessary.

avoid constIf you follow the ipation procedures mentioned above, you will not be in the situation of having to use an ENEMA after your initial evacuation because the stools that follow will be soft.


caused by many different

This may be

things, but the main ones are catching a cold or flu, smoking, allergies, and bronchial problems.

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dition may cause hemorrhoids as the stress of coughing, especially constant and


This is debatable, as som

of the above are possible causes or

d ‘PU

now on, substitute the word ‘co

wed by diarrhea and flatulence. Flatulence is easy to

late diarrhea to PUSHING.

This con

prolonged coughing, exerts pressure on the anus.


e practitioners believe hemorrhoids are hereditary while others do not.


contributing factors of if you dig deep, you will

find that by far the biggest cause of hemorrhoids is constipation, followed by diarrhea and flatulence.

You must relate constipation to only one wor

hemorrhoids. However,


So fromnstipation’ with ‘PUSHING’. PUSHING too much

is the biggest major cause of hemorrhoids.

Now I said above that pushing was follo

understand – you PUSH air out too hard, and this will cause hemorrhoids.

Most of you will not re

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Other Contributing Factors To Worry About



add into the equation with dia

uses and factors I mention in this cha

you should try as much as possible to

o Summarize This Chapter

erlying cause of hem

icate both inte

ever, if you analyze when you go to the toilet with diarrhea, most of us do actually PUSH to get the watery stool out.

Another factor to rrhea is that moving your bowels so often over a

relatively short period of time puts additional strain on your anus.

The other capter, like standing for long periods of time,

sitting for long periods of time, etc. are not the actual hemorrhoid causes, but they may contribute to the underlying cause and make you more susceptible.

Therefore,avoid these contributing factors. And you should

definitely avoid these things if you are currently experiencing a bout of hemorrhoids.


Too much PUSHING is the undorrhoids, and that is what we will reduce, or

eradicate completely, in a later chapter.

Eradicate PUSHING and you will eradrnal or external hemorrhoids, and all their

associated discomforts, for good.

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When you are experiencing a severe bout of hemorrhoids, the first thing to do is take a SITZ BATH three times a day with warm water. Add three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Coarse sea salt is the best, and the water must be as warm as you can stand.

Pour the water and salt into a round plastic basin or tub. Sit on one cheek and gently raise your other cheek up and down. This is so that the salted water goes in your anus as far as possible. The salt in the water might sting a little, but it is a very good healer. Stay soaking in the water for at least twenty minutes.

Gently dry yourself afterwards. Not by rubbing the towel, but just by gently dabbing yourself. Proper drying is important because bacteria can grow more easily in humid, damp areas.

After every bowel movement, always have a SITZ BATH. It is very important to keep the area

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The Cure – Step-By-Step Guide To Healing Hemorrhoids


as clean and as dry as possible.

Another way of relieving pain from hemorrhoids is by using icepacks. Wrap some ice cubes in a thin towel (a kitchen towel is best) or put them in a plastic ba our anal area. Leave it there for t least twenty minutes. This will relieve pain. Alternating a SITZ BATH

g and gently place the pack on ya

and an icepack is the best thing to do to help the hea

periods of time as cortisone can

e outside of

ling process.

If you live near the beach, a great idea is to soak in seawater. Stay soaking for at least thirty minutes. Again, gently open and close your cheeks so that the water goes up into your anus. This will relieve the pain and help with healing.

After the bath or icepack treatment, use a hemorrhoid ointment of your choice, but make sure it contains cortisone and lignocaine. The cortisone is to heal the hemorrhoid, and the lignocaine is to control the pain.

N.B. Do not use creams or ointments containing cortisone for prolonged

cause skin problems.

I would suggest something like PROCTOSEDYL. This can be used for both internal and external hemorrhoids. Rub a Little ointment on th

the anus, and with the tip (ONLY) of forefinger go just inside the anus.

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orrhoids use an app

If you have internal hemlicator to go further in and squirt the ointment.

If you are not sure whether you have internal or external hemorrhoids, use both the applicator and finger methods.

Combine your ointment with PROCTOSEDYL suppositories. Using one after each bowel movement and one before bed is very important.

Read all the instructions on the pamphlet that comes with product – indications, contraindications, cautions and directions.

If you have fissures, it would be better to use SCHERIPROCT ointment and suppositories. Combining SCHERIPROCT with SITZ BATHS and icepacks should take care of your fissures.

If after the PROCTOSEDYL treatment, your hemorrhoids have not settled down, this means you have chronic hemorrhoids – which is exactly what I had.

If after the SCHERIPROCT treatment, your fissures have not gone, this means you have chronic fissures – I had this as well, unfortunately.

Whichever problem you have, chronic hemorrhoids or fissures, there is an excellent new tablet, DIOSMIN 500MG, which when used in conjunction with SITZ BATHS and icepacks will fix the problem.

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The Cure – Step-By-Step Guide To Healing Hemorrhoids


DIOSMIN 500MG is a tablet that stimulates blood circulation in the veins, thus it is absolutely perfect for these afflictions. The extra blood flow will clean and rejuvenate the veins inside, consequently healing your hemorrhoids or fissures mu

indications, contraindications, cautions and

ch more quickly.

Make sure you read all the instructions on the pamphlet that comes with the medication –


N.B. If you plan to use DIOSMIN 500MG, it is bes

this if you have any circulatory problems, heart problems or

ge for DIOSMIN

t to ask your doctor’s advice first to make sure the drug does not clash with any other health issues you might have or any other medication you might be taking. You should especially do

blood pressure problems, or if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

The dosa in the case of hemorrhoids is as follows: Take three tablets mo


rhoids, keep using PROCTOSEDYL

rning and night after meals (a total of six tablets daily) for four consecutive days. Then take two tablets morning and night after meals (a total

four tablets daily) for three consecutive days. If the hemorrhoids do not show any signs of improvement after three weeks, repeat dosage, but only with the consent of your doctor.

For hemor

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ointment with your DIOSMIN 500MG until they settle. Then use a more docile ointment like PREPARATION H or TRONOLANE for another week afterwards.

For fissures, use an antibacterial or antiseptic ointment like BACTROBAN or an antibiotic ointment like AUREOMYCIN3% with the DIOSMIN 500MG tablets until they settle.

Again, with both these ointments, read all instructions on the pamphlet – indications, con

g all of the above, bath soaks, icepacks, keeping the anus clean and using oin

traindications, cautions and directions.

With both these ointments, AUREOMYCIN3% and BACTROBAN, you will find that there are no indications for the use in the anus. Talk to your doctor, explain your problem, and ask if it is okay to use them in the anus.

Now, while doin

tments and suppositories to settle down your hemorrhoids or fissures, you will also need to do something about passing your stools. This is VERY important! Read on.

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The Right Way – Step-By-Step Guide To Passing Stools




ot an artificial stool

u will end up relying on this product permanently to evacuate.

There are many products on the market. I used to use a product called SLIPPERY ELM

In other words – NO P

You can start this process by keeping your bowel movements soft. Look at my Diet Section for tips on how to accomplish this.

On top of eating fibrous foods, you should soften your stools with a stool softener. The idea is to use a natural product and nevacuator. An unnatural evacuator will not clean your intestines properly, and there

could be serious complications further down the line. There is also a risk that your intestines could become lazy, and yo

, but I found that too much fiber can have the opposite effect

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and leave you constipated. I also could not work out the amount I needed to use to go to the toilet. It confused me and just did not work for me in the end.

Liste arious products until you find one which works best for you.

I have been using BEKUNIS

n to your body’s needs and try out v

tea for the past two yea ellent. One cup of w

to your pocket as well as your hemorrho

The idea is to lof what it needs. Imake the tea vertoday, make the tea combination of medium strength.

I use beetroot

r weakened in two ways.

rs; I find this product to be excarm tea at night before bedtime is all it takes.

A packet of this tea lasts for about a year. Therefore, it is also very kind


isten to your body and take note f you have eaten beetroot today, y weak. If you have eaten rice a very strong. If you have eaten

beetroot and rice, make the tea

and rice as examples here as I have found these to be the foods at the opposite ends of my own personal ‘stool-effect’ spectrum.

The tea can be strengthened o

1) You can add or subtract leaves.

2) Adjust the time you leave the tea to brew.

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The Right Way – Step-By-Step Guide To Passing Stools


wever, as stated, listen to your own body and

t is a case of trial and error, but if your stools are

u only go to the toilet wh

lower anus muscles. You will hav

e doe

a possible reason for the lack of hemorrhoid sufferers in developing countries. Peo squat when eva

I find that for a medium tea, a teaspoon of leaves and twenty minutes brewing time does the trick.

Ho respond accordingly. You might need half the

leaves and half the time to get the same results as me. I

soft the following day, that is the effect you are looking for, so make a note of what you did with the tea the previous day.

The next step actually takes place on the toilet.


It is important that yoen nature calls. Moreover, it is also important

not to leave it too long after you get the call. A maximum of thirty minutes from call time to evacuation time is ideal.

Now, the muscles in your calves are somehow connected to your

e to ask a medical professional exactly how, but the calves muscles seem to control the muscles around the anus. That is why squatting to evacuat

s not cause hemorrhoids. This is mentioned earlier as

ple in developing countries tend tocuating.

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sit and lift your feet onto the tips of your toe

out, but sooner or later it will come out. Just be patient and DON’T PUSH!

etimes happens to me is that I think

Don’t worry; I am not going to suggest you to squat on your toilet. I am, however, going to ask you to

s, then lean forward as far as you can. You should feel the calf muscle tense when you do this. This is the all-important position to facilitate evacuation without pushing.

You can also help by rocking backwards and forwards. This helps to loosen the stools next to the anus walls.

Wait a while; it might take some time to come

This system is foolproof. If after three to five minutes nothing comes out, it means the stools are not ready. Come back a little later when you get another call.

N.B. This system of evacuating is not a cure for constipation. If you have stools to evacuate, you will evacuate naturally without PUSHING. Therefore, if you are constipated, make sure you eat fibrous foods, and take something to loosen your stools.

The most important thing to do when on the toilet is to think about what you are doing and don’t let your mind get distracted by other things.

What som

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The Right Way – Step-By-Step Guide To Passing Stools



must not allow to hap

ake sure your mind does not wa

acticing for three and a hal


ging. It is probably your hemorrhoids doi


a few minutes about evacuation, but then my mind starts to wander, and I start thinking about totally unconnected things. This is a dangerous situation because I start PUSHING without knowing I am doing it. It is so locked in my brain to PUSH that my brain automatically PUSHES.

This is something you pen. The only way to stop PUSHING is by

thinking about what you are doing while sitting on the loo, and m


The mind easily wanders off when you are on the toilet. I have been pr

f years to keep my mind on what I am doing, and I am still battling away.

Once evacuated, lower your feet and get off the toilet. Don’t lin

If you feel there is more to come, lift your feet to the tips of your toes, again leaning forward. If after a couple of minutes nothing comes, then get off.

Don’t push to get another piece out, as this can be very dama

ng this to you. Don’t listen, clean yourself up and leave.

When you have hemorrhoids, they can play upgiving you the feeling that you have stools to

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e out using this

The best way is to get up and clean yourself in the

ater before sitting on the

he bin.

on the market –

evacuate. This is very common amongst hemorrhoid sufferers. However, it is actually the hemorrhoid you are feeling. They are right there in the stool passage annoying you. Hence you feel like something needs to come out.

Don’t worry; all the stools will com system of evacuation, all that remains is the


Another important part of this system is how you clean yourself afterwards.

shower with water and a mild soap, but to me this always seemed like a gross thing to do. Therefore, I came up with the idea of using cotton wipes which I would soak in w

toilet. When used, I put the wipes in a nappy bag for disposal in t

However, year later, a new fantastic disposable wipe came

FLUSHABLE WIPES which were already soaked in water and nothing else. In

addition, they are biodegradable.

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The Right Way – Step-By-Step Guide To Passing Stools


d because they are


Nappy wipes are no good for cleaning purpose when you are suffering from hemorrhoids, as they all contain perfume or some sort of added product which can irritate hemorrhoids, making them worse. Nappy wipes are also no goo

not degradable in the toilet bowl.

I strongly recommend cleaning yourself with these FLUSHAB . Toilet paper is too rough and

apparatus on the ma

can easily irritate the hemorrhoids.

Another excellent piece of rket is a toilet bidet. The BIFFY is very good, as

it is easily adapted to your toilet seat, and it cleans your bottom easily and very well.

When finished, use a little paper to dry the area. Do not rub. Just put the paper there, hold it for a few minutes, and it will dry.

Next, you should have your SITZ BATH, followed by icepacks and yousuppositories.

Your hemorrhoids should the above instructions careful

Once your hemorrhoids hyou have to do is keep up thdescribed and refrain from

r ointments and

go away if you follow ly and precisely.

ave settled down, all e evacuating process PUSHING, and your

hemorrhoids will never return.

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If you push slightly to help relieve yourself, you will more than likely get very mild hemorrhoids, but

is the case, then do

these will not hurt at all. Just use a mild ointment like PREPARATION H and they will settle.

As a result of these mild hemorrhoids, you might just get an anal itch. If that

not use PREPARATION H. Instead, use a cream with a ZINC OXIDE base. I recommend DAKTOZIN. However, if you use DAKTOZIN, you will find this cream very thick, and it sometimes has a tendency

prolomged period of time.

to seep through your underpants. The solution to this is use a very small quantity. Following this rule keeps your underpants clean and does the job.

If the itch persists after several days, then turn to PREPARATION H.

I still have an anal itch today, as all the skin around the anus is damaged from all the different hemorrhoids I have had over the years, and from using too much cortisone-based ointment for a

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Putting The Puzzle Together


Should you forget the golden rule and start PUSHING to evacuate, your hemorrhoids will almost certainly come back.

A ole process again from the beginning. That means SITZ

t this point you will have to start the wh

BATHS, icepacks, stronger ointments and suppositories like PROCTOSEDYL until they settle down again.

If need be, you can go a step further and use DIOSMIN 500MG tablets in conjunction with the PROCTOSEDYL until they settle.

N.B. Always try the ointments and suppositories first before resorting to the tablets. Start with mild ointments for mild hemorrhoids and only use strong ointments for persistent and stubborn hemorrhoids.

The ointment strengths go from PREPARATION H to TRONOLANE to PROCTOSEDYL for hemorrhoids, and DAKTOZIN for anal itch only.

Always remember to read the inserts about your medication regarding indications, contraindications, cautions and directions.


Then evacuate on your toes without PUSHING, clean yourself with FLUSHABLE WIPES, or use a BIFFY and your hemorrhoids will go away.

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Hemorrhoids Made Easy With Fresh Hemorrhoids Cure





and you will never get hemorrhoids.

in this book, but I really can’t stress it enough.

tips of your toes, causing your calf muscles to firm up, then lean forward as far

This is enough to pass your stools.

I know it is an old cliché, but these are wonderful words and well worth repeating — PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN C

How do you prevent hemorrhoids?


Use the following toilet evacuation procedures

First and foremost NEVER PUSH your stools out. I know you have heard this before

Sit on your toilet seat and lift your feet until they are resting on the

as you can.

Rocking backward and forward on your seat will help loosen the stools off the anus walls.

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Hemorrhoid Prevention Is Even Better Than The Cure


Obviously, a combination of both of the above procedures is the best and most effective thing to do.

because it is natural, it does not put you in any danger of causing hemorrhoids.

To top up this process, use FLUSHABLE WIPES

This is the process of NATURAL evacuation. And

or a BIFFY. This is not a must because if you have never had hemorrhoids before, the skin around your anus will still be strong and healthy.

However, FLUSHABLE WIPES are more hygienic and an standard toilet paper.

day to make sure

t of diarrhea by eating food that ediately you

g fibrous

clean the area much better th

Other things to remember in the prevention of hemorrhoids:

When nature calls, don’t leave it for more than thirty minutes before you answer the call.

• Drink plenty water everyyour stools are always medium to soft.

• Eat a well-balanced fiber diet, again to ensure your stools are medium to soft.

• Avoid a boutightens the bowel like rice immsuffer the first symptoms.

• Avoid a bout of constipation by eatinfoods, or take a stool softener, immediately

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Hemorrhoids Made Easy With Fresh Hemorrhoids Cure


If you have been sitting all day. Walk a little or

upon experiencing the first symptoms.

• do some exercise; the body needs movement to help with the evacuation process.

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If your have chronic constipation, or you just suffer from normal constipation as I sometimes do, don’t despair. Just go to the toilet using the above-mentioned system as many times as it takes until you have successfully evacuated without PUSHING.

If after many times of trying this method nothing comes out, it means the stool is being extremely stubborn. Use an ENEMA rather than PUSHING. This will loosen your stool and you will be relieved.

An ENEMA can be purchased at your local chemist. It is a saline solution which you insert in your anus. This solution will liquefy your stools in order for them to come out. Make sure you read all the directions for the ENEMA carefully, and only use this method if absolutely necessary.

If need be, ask your pharmacist for advice. DO NOT use this method regularly – only in extreme cases. However, it is a good idea to always keep an enema in your medicine cabinet at home for when

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you might need it

The following is advice on the correct way to use an ENEMA.

Lie on your sifetal position. Put ointment in and around your anus. Lubricate the tip of the ENEMA

de with your legs curled up into a

. Insert ENEMA and empty its contents. Hold the contents in for as long as you can before evacuating. Ten to fifteen minutes is a good guideline to follow.

N.B. If you go immediately, it will not empty you properly.

The next step is to use your fibrous foods and natural stool softeners (BEKUNIS TEA) so that this does not happen again. If you still find it difficult to get rid of the constipation, adding some PSYLLIUM HUSK to your daily diet will also help.

PSYLLIUM HUSK is fiber to help with stools. But mainly it is very good for the lining of the colon and bowel, which is very important if one is constipated. The powder form is better than tablets or capsules.

Do not expect to always evacuate easily. You will need several sittings before evacuating is possible without PUSHING.

However, this system really works, and if you adopt it and follow the procedures properly you will

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oids again.

go to the toilet you can only ach

never get hemorrh

Now, suppose you have used the system, and every time you

ieve a small piece of stool at a time. You find that you have to go to the toilet many times in one day. This constipation is extremely stubborn and is giving you severe trouble.

In this case, you should consider doing a COLON CLEAR. There are many different natural COLON CLEAR products and diets you can use.

A COLON CLEAR is basically a crash diet over abo

a little patience with the whole sys

e procedures I have des

aybe what types of

ut five days with the aid of a product, and this helps to clean everything out of your system.

You will feel much better after one of these, and I recommend you do it at least once per annum, or as required.

The last thing I want to say is that although we love going to the toilet and daydreaming, we cannot afford to. We have to stay focused and THINK all the time about what we are doing.

You need tem, and you need to read this E-book several

times to understand each and every part, and to get the full benefits of th


Go back to the section that you are having trouble understanding, like m

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the boom gate opens and lets out rubbish – if there is any

the stool, it only lets the stool out; therefore, you must sof

ds are good or bad for you. Now work on this section until you get it right.

Should you make a mistake like PUSHING, and your hemorrhoids flair up. Don’t despair just start all over and follow the procedures again.

Think of lifting your legs onto the tips of your toes as a boom gate. When you lift your legs,

. And if there is no rubbish, nothing comes out.

Remember the boom gate does not soften

ten the stool with BEKUNIS stool softener.

For all the products I suggest in this book, the creams and ointments for example, look on the website for other similar creams available in your country.

Wishing you all the very best with your hemorrhoids.

Elbert Hubbard

“A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.”

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