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Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107 (2011) 11e20

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Original Research

High-throughput functional curation of cellular electrophysiology models

Jonathan Cooper a,*, Gary R. Mirams b,1, Steven A. Niederer c

aOxford University Computing Laboratory, University of Oxford, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UKbDepartment of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UKcBiomedical Engineering Department, Imaging Sciences & Biomedical Engineering Division, King’s College London, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Available online 15 June 2011

Keywords:Cardiac electrophysiologyCellMLProtocolSimulation

* Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G.R. Mirams), [email protected] Joint first author.

0079-6107/$ e see front matter � 2011 Elsevier Ltd.doi:10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2011.06.003

a b s t r a c t

Effective reuse of a quantitative mathematical model requires not just access to curated versions of themodel equations, but also an understanding of the functional capabilities of the model, and the advisablescope of its application. To enable this “functional curation” we have developed a simulation environ-ment that provides high-throughput evaluation of a mathematical model’s functional response to anarbitrary user-defined protocol, and optionally compares the results against experimental data. In thisstudy we demonstrate the efficacy of this simulation environment on 31 cardiac electrophysiology cellmodels using two test cases. The S1eS2 response is evaluated to characterise the models’ restitutioncurves, and their L-type calcium channel currentevoltage curves are evaluated. The significant variationin the response of these models, even when the models represent the same species and temperature,demonstrates the importance of knowing the functional characteristics of a model prior to its reuse.

We also discuss the wider implications for this approach, in improving the selection of models forreuse, enabling the identification of models that exhibit particular experimentally observed phenomena,and making the incremental development of models more robust.

� 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

1.1. Aims

Central to the philosophy of the international IUPS Physiomeand Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) modelling efforts(Bassingthwaighte, 2000; Cooper et al., 2010) is the integration andcoupling of existing biophysical mathematical models, that representboth specific physiological function, and how this function changes inthe presence of pathologies or pharmacological agents. This philos-ophy enables the development of new integrated models that repre-sent interactions and regulatory mechanisms that span acrossmultiple spatial and temporal scales and are intrinsic to biologicalsystems. These integrated models enable the study of complex feed-back loops andemergentphenomena, andprovide anessential tool forcombining extensive disparate experimental and clinical data sets.However, to reuse a mathematical model effectively requires botha correct representation of the original equations, and an under-standing of the functional capabilities of the model.

k (J. Cooper), gary.mirams@k (S.A. Niederer).

All rights reserved.

The first of these requirements has been met through thedevelopment of community standards for representing mathe-matical models (e.g. CellML (Lloyd et al., 2004) and SBML (Huckaet al., 2004)) and the publication of models in these formats inpublic access databases (Li et al., 2010; Lloyd et al., 2008). Thesereference descriptions are tested and documented as part of thecuration process to verify that they conform to language specifi-cations, and that they can reproduce figures and results from theoriginal publication. To minimise the chance that error is intro-duced in the reproduction of paper results, the simulation protocolsnecessary to reproduce paper figures can also be encoded (e.g.Nickerson and Buist, 2009). This transparent process of publishingcurated model equations and protocols in standard formatsprovides users with increased confidence that the model is a validrepresentation of the original work.

The availability of these models and the corresponding confi-dence in their implementation greatly reduces barriers for thereuse, adaptation or combination of existing models to studya specific question of interest. By reusing existing model parametersets and formulations it is hoped that the functionality present inthe original model will be inherited in the model used for a newstudy. This poses two challenges. Firstly, with increasing numbersof models and concurrent increases in complexity, identifying thesubset of models (or none at all), that exhibit a desired phenomenarequired for a particular study becomes increasingly challenging.

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Secondly, if a new model is created it is important to confirm bysimulation, rather than assume, that it maintains all of the func-tionality present in the reused models. Therefore, contrary to thegoals of the language standards, the increased availability ofmathematical model equations, and the ease of their reuse withouta good understanding of their capabilities, is likely to increasemodel misuse and introduce unintended errors into simulationresults (Smith et al., 2007).

Examples of many of the challenges facing model reuse withinthe VPH and Physiome projects are demonstrated by cardiac cellmodels, afield that ismature enough to havemultiple generations ofmodels and corresponding model reuse. Cardiac electrophysiologycell models have developed over the past 50 years, routinely buildon existing models and exhibit complex multiscale functionality.Furthermore previous test cases, where only two models werecompared, have demonstrated discrepancies in function betweenmodels that purport to represent a common species, cell type andtemperature (Cherry and Fenton, 2007; Niederer et al., 2009). Thelarge number of cardiac cellular electrophysiology models available,representing both specific animal species but also specific regions orsub-regions of the heart, have been developed to study a diverserange of cardiac physiology, including variations in temperature,pacing rate, ionic concentrations, sex, and age (Clayton et al., 2010).This diversity means that when approaching a new area of interestan applicable model may already exist, however, evaluating thesuitability of current models for a specific situation is not currentlyreadily assessed.

In this paper we consider, design and implement the infrastruc-ture necessary to perform high-throughput functional curation ofmodelsdsubjecting a large number of existing models to commonly-used electrophysiology protocols. Thus wemay examinewhich of themodels are capable of replicating experimentally observed results,and evaluate their suitability for reuse in future modelling studies.

1.2. Existing tools and extensions

Functional curation requires the capacity to perform simulationprotocols on multiple cell models, post-process model outputs andreport the results. The proposed implementation for functionalcuration is outlined in Fig. 1. There are three distinct types ofcomponents that need to be defined or developed. Firstly, languagecomponents are required to provide a formal definition of modelequations, simulation protocols, post-processing steps, and desiredoutputs. Secondly, interface components need to be defined toallow these different languages to be translated into commonvariable names and units. Thirdly, compute components arerequired to interpret the languages, implement simulation proto-cols, perform simulations, post-process model outputs, andproduce graphical plots.

Presently there are recognized community standard languageswhich meet the requirements for some of the language compo-nents. As noted above, CellML and SBML provide convenientlanguage standards to formally define cell model equations. Twomark-up language projects currently provide standards for definingboth model simulation protocols and graphical outputsdSED-ML(Köhn and Le Novère, 2008), and the CellML Simulation andGraphing Metadata draft standards2 CSM and CGM respectively;used in (Nickerson and Buist, 2009, for example). These couldpotentially be used for defining simulation protocols for multiplemodels. However, in their current forms both languages do nothave sufficient functionality for our needs. Protocols defined in

2 and

SED-ML are tightly tied to a particular model, with all references tovariables being model specific, hence typically precluding thedefinition of a single protocol that can be applied to multiplemodels; it is thus incapable of supporting the necessary interfacing.Current implementations of both languages only support ‘time-course’ simulationsda single solve of model equations. Neitherlanguage is capable of expressing parameter sweeps, or any generalform of repeated simulation (although such features are plannedfor later versions of SED-ML). Finally, neither language supportsanything more than extremely basic post-processing steps.3

The interface between the protocol language, model equations,and simulation platform is a key aspect of functional curation, inorder to support running a protocol on multiple models andcoherently comparing the results. Since variable names in modelsare arbitrary, a mapping is required labelling variables so as touniquely relate them to a biophysical quantity or protocol construct.Both SBML and CellML support such labelling through RDF anno-tations, using terms taken from ontologies (Beard et al., 2009; LeNovère and Finney, 2005).

To compare outputs correctly requires a second interfacecomponent for interpreting and converting the physical unitsassociated with variables, since again models vary in the units usedfor the same quantity. Every quantity in a model and protocol musthave its units indicated, and suitable scaling conversions can beadded automatically (Cooper and McKeever, 2008). More complexconversions may also be required, utilizing biophysical knowledgeto define conversion functions that reference quantities within themodel using ontological terms, as above. A common case withincardiac modelling is converting ionic currents, for example toconvert a current defined in Amperes per unit area (of a cellmembrane) to a current defined in Amperes requiresmultiplicationby the cell surface area (Cooper et al., in this issue).

While there are several simulation environments available thatsupport simulation of CellML models (see Garny et al., 2008), nonehave the capabilities required of a functional curation system. BothCOR (Garny et al., 2003) and OpenCell (formerly known as PCEnv,Garny et al., 2008), for example, support only time-course simulationsof single models through a graphical user interface, and Chaste (Pitt-Francis et al., 2009) has primarily used CellML models within cardiactissue simulations. We are therefore developing a new open sourcesystem, based on and extending the Chaste simulation platform, inorder to provide high-throughput evaluation of models’ functionalresponses to arbitrary user-defined protocols. Since available protocollanguages, and in particular SED-ML, do not provide sufficientexpressivity to encode the protocols we wish to run (as describedabove), we are also proposing novel language features to support suchuses. We focus on complex post-processing andmodel modifications,whichhave not been central in the developmentof existing languages.

The features of our functional curation implementation, andparticularly the protocol language features incorporated within it,are detailed in Section 2. Case studies demonstrating the capabil-ities of the system are described in Section 2.5, and the resultsshown in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4 we discuss some salientfeatures of our solution within the wider context of physiologicalmodelling, finishing with some concluding thoughts in Section 5.

2. Methods

In this section we outline our proposed implementation offunctional curation, treating the steps in the order given in Fig. 1,

3 The only post-processing supported is essentially ‘map’-type operations,applying an operator element-wise to one or more arrays of outputs to producea new array. CGM also includes some limited filtering capabilities.

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Fig. 1. Components of a functional curation system. The steps involved are: (1) annotate models with ontological tags; (2) combine model with protocol mathematics and simplify;(3) run simulation; (4) post-process model outputs; and (5) graphically plot results. All interaction between the protocol definition, model equations, and simulation imple-mentation is filtered through an interface definition, ensuring that biophysical entities and physical units are appropriately mapped.

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followed by two test cases that demonstrate the utility of thismethod. Our implementation is guided by twin aims: to producea systemwith sufficient expressive power to be able to run a rangeof complex protocols, and yet also for the protocol language to berelatively straightforward to implement. The software is opensource, and available to download from

2.1. Language interfaces

Applying a protocol language to a repository of arbitrary modelsrequires a machine readable mapping of variable names and unitsbetween the protocol description and each of the models. This isachieved through metadata labelling of variables within the cellmodel files and the development of functional unit conversion.

2.1.1. Metadata labellingTo apply the protocols defined in the protocol language onto

existing models requires a translation of variable references in theprotocol to the variable names in themodel, allowing the protocol tointerfacewith amodel purely at themathematical level. Rather thanidentifying variables by name, or by location within the model file,we thus require models to be annotated with biological metadata,using an ontology to provide standard names for entities of interest.This technique is independent of a specific ontologydprovidingthat the model and protocol use the same ontology terms.

2.1.2. Unit conversionThe diversity of modelling strategies and frameworks, com-

poundedwith the range ofmeasurement techniquesmeans that thesame biological function can be represented by equations withincompatible units. This can be demonstratedwith a cellmembranecurrent as described above, ormore subtly a concentrationflux fromthe cytosol to an organelle with the units of Mole per litre persecond does not explicitly state the volume of the concentration.This means it could be a concentration from the cytosol or theorganelle. If comparing two fluxes from two models with theseunits, they must be with reference to the same volume for validcomparisons to be made. We use the framework described inCooper et al. (in this issue) to support the definition of units

conversion functions, which may use the values of model variables(identified by ontological labels) to perform complex conversionsand hence enable meaningful comparisons between models.

2.2. Determining equations for simulation

The equations to be simulated will not always be identical tothose in the original reference model implementation. Firstly, themodel equations must be changed to impose boundary and initialconditions. Setting initial conditions may take the form of settingthe values of model variables at the start of a simulation, or addi-tional equations may be added to calculate suitable initial condi-tions from other parameters, including the results of previoussimulations. Thus the protocol language includes the ability torepresentmathematical equations, and the same kinds of equationsas might appear in a model. Setting ‘boundary conditions’ requiresthis ability to a greater extent, and may also involve replacing partsof the model with new equations. For example, the transmembranepotential V in an electrophysiology model is generally a time-varying state variable defined by an ordinary differential equation(ODE). If a ‘voltage clamp’ protocol is applied, however, the value ofV is instead fixed by the protocol, and its defining ODE should beremoved from the model to avoid a conflict.

Secondly, the protocol language allows the specification of‘outputs’dthose variables whose values over the course of thesimulation should be recorded for post-processing. Often it will bedesirable to save only the relevant subset of the data produced bya model, and so the variables to be recorded, and their samplingintervals, should be specified. These outputs may not appeardirectly in the model, in which case new equations need to beadded, as above. Also, it may not be necessary to simulate all of themodel equations in order to determine the desired outputs. Forsome protocols, this may even mean that there is no time-varyingcomponent to the simulation at all, for example when evaluatingthe substrate sensitivity of rapid steady state transporter models orenzyme kinetics. Faster simulations may therefore be achieved inthese cases by analysing the model equations and removing thosewhich are not required in computing the outputs.

Standards are currently available within existing languages fordefining the numerical algorithm and algorithm parameters for

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evaluating a model. Both SED-ML and CSM allow time-coursesimulations to be specified with various numerical methods andparameters thereof, and we have adopted such standards withinour language.

Solving repeated time-course simulations while adjusting inputinformation allows simulations to sweep parameters for fitting, or tocharacterise a response as a function of an input. In order to allowthese more complex simulations, we use the ideas of the nestedsimulation proposal for SED-ML (Bergmann, 2010). This allows loopsto be applied to simulations, and with each iteration of the loopa parameter of the model or protocol is altered. This mechanismenables the implementation of a parameter sweep, while multiplelayers of nesting then allows for multi-dimensional sweeps.

2.3. Post-processing

Post-processing of simulation outputs (and of post-processedoutputs) must be included in a protocol language used for func-tional curation. Often complex processing must be performed inorder to obtain the quantities of interest. Careful balancing of thisgoal of expressivity, with the need to minimise the burden forimplementations, is therefore required.We thus define a small set ofelementary language features, which can be combined within thelanguage itself to achieve complex behaviour. Any implementationsof the language then need merely to support the basic set.

The form of the model output data strongly influences the typesof the elementary language features. Previous languages, includingSED-ML and CellML-based languages, only supported single simu-lations, with simulation results therefore stored as single dimensionarrays. Our protocol language supports nested simulations, whichleads naturally to outputs being represented as n-dimensional arraysof double-precision floating point values. The number of dimensionsis given by the number of levels of nesting, and the size of eachdimension by the number of (sampling) points in the range overwhich the corresponding simulation loops.

We therefore define an array-based language building on thissingle data-type. Many similar, and general purpose, array-basedlanguages exist (e.g. Burke, 1996; Jenkins and Jenkins, 1993;McGraw et al., 1985; Scholz, 2003), perhaps most notably MATLAB

�,NumPy (Oliphant, 2007), and APL (Iverson, 1962). To reduce theimplementation burden and complexity our language will be lesspowerful, with features only added if necessary to express desiredprotocols. A key feature is that arrays cannot be modified oncecreated (i.e. it is a pure functional language), which simplifies pro-cessing. Each operation in the language takes arrays as input, andproduces newarrays as output. The language supports the definitionof functions, and collections of functions, in order to allow libraries ofcommon operations to be developed, thus reducing the burden forprotocol authors.

The language includes basic arithmetic operations that areavailable within MathML, and used by both SBML and CellML.Supporting these should therefore not impose any additionalburden on implementations. In addition to this, the languagecontains operations for working with n-dimensional arrays. Thereare just six foundational operations, from which all of the post-processing required by our case studies can be constructed.

Array creation Arrays can be created directly within theprotocol language. As array content cannot be changed, arraysmust be populated at initiation. This can be done simply bylisting the entries, or defining the values as functions of theelement indices, existing arrays, or as constants.Map This operation allows basic arithmetic functions (i.e. þ, �,>, <, abs, etc.) to be applied element-wise to one or morearrays.

Fold This allows an operation to be performed on each elementalong one dimension of an array to produce a single value,yielding a result array with one fewer dimensions than theinput. For example addition along an array will produce thesum, or a comparison along the array can be used to determinethe maximum or minimum value.Find This locates non-zero entries within the input array, andreturns an array of their indices. The result array can be used asan input to the index operation.Index This generates a new array consisting only of those entriesin the input whose indices appear in the indices array supplied.Views New arrays may be created by taking sub-arrays ofexisting arrays. These can contain contiguous elements, or beformed by striding across the input, taking every secondelement along one dimension for example.

A key feature, reflected also in the core language operations, isthat functions in our language can be agnostic as to the dimen-sionality of the inputs. This allows them to function without thenumber of dimensions being hard-coded, and hence permits multi-dimensional parameter sweeps without any limit on the number ofparameters being varied.

2.4. Graphical outputs

Finally, to formalise the link between model equations andresults as they might appear in a published paper, it must bepossible to define the graphical figure outputs produced from themodel outputs and subsequent post-processing steps. In this areawe will also leverage existing work, since both SED-ML and CGMcontain features for describing graphs (our prototype imple-mentation currently uses hard-coded gnuplot scripts). Results canalso be output to file if further processing for comparison isrequired. Again little has thus far been done in this area, butformats such as BiosignalML4 or SBRML (Dada et al., 2010) would bepotential targets for future work.

2.5. Case studies

To demonstrate the utility of functional curation and show thefunctionality enabled through the proposed combination oflanguages, interfaces, and computation codewe have performed twostandard protocols, specifically the S1eS2 and the ICaL currentevoltage plot, on a repository of cardiac cell models.

2.5.1. S1eS2 protocolThe first test case is the “S1eS2” restitution curve protocol first

described by Nolasco and Dahlen (1968). This protocol consists ofa series of stimuli applied at a steady pacing cycle length (S1) untilaction potentials become regular (reach a limit cycle, mathemati-cally speaking), followed by a single stimulus applied at a differentcycle length (S2). The action potential duration resulting from theS2 stimulus is plotted against the diastolic interval (DI) precedingthat stimulus, as shown in Fig. 2.

Experimental restitution slopes for healthy cells typically followthe trend shown in Fig. 2, with APD shortening following a smallerDI, and tending to a steady size as the DI is increased.

This protocol was implemented as follows. Firstly, to allow theprotocol language to interact with the models the CellML imple-mentations of these models were annotated with metadata toidentify the variables used in the protocol definition. These

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Fig. 2. Left: the S1eS2 pacing protocol with S1, S2 pacing cycle lengths, diastolic interval (DI) and action potential duration (APD) marked. Right: the axes and shape of a typicalrestitution curve, formed by repeating the protocol with varying S2 intervals, for a fixed choice of S1.










p cu


Test potential

Basic Protocol Nested Simulations Post−processing

Run for [Ca] 1

Run for [Ca] x

Create sub−array of step currents

Create array of maximum step currents

Run for test potential 1

Run for test potential 2

Run for test potential y

Run for test potential 1

Run for test potential 2

Run for test potential y

Fig. 3. Left: a voltage clamp and the resulting L-type calcium current. Centre: nested simulations formed by repeating the protocol for different extracellular calcium concentrations,and also different test potentials. Right: post-processing steps and plotting.

J. Cooper et al. / Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107 (2011) 11e20 15

included the transmembrane potential, simulation time, and thestimulus current, amplitude, duration, and period variables.

The simulation definition for this protocol consists of two nestedloops. The outer loop modifies a variable specifying the S2 interval,and the inner loop performs a time-course simulation. For each innerloop iteration the protocol defines all of the state variables to be ini-tialised to be on the limit cycle for S1 pacing. For each outer loop theperiod of the stimulation current is incremented to adjust the S2interval. As the S1eS2 protocol is based solely on the membranepotential transient only the membrane potential is specified as beingoutput every 1 ms within the problem definition. The membranepotential output is thus a 2 dimensional array in time and S2 interval.

The final outcome of the S1eS2 protocol is a plot of APD againstDI. These quantities are evaluated by a single apd function, givenvoltage V and time t as inputs. It has been designed to be dimension-agnostic, supporting input voltage traces from arbitrarily nestedsimulations. The function operates on a n-dimensional V array anda 1D time array to produce a n-dimensional APD array, where thetime dimension from the V array has been replaced with a dimen-sion corresponding to the maximum number of APs detected in onetime-course simulation.5

We note a few salient features of how the computation is per-formed here; full details can be found in the online Supplementarymaterial. Firstly, the start of each AP is identified by finding localmaxima of the gradient of V. Since array operations process thewholearray, in order to determine features of individual APs (rather than ofa whole time-course) many steps work on extended arrays with anextra dimension varying over AP number (i.e. its extent is themaximum number of APs recorded in one simulation). Having iden-tified the peak and resting potential for each AP (using local maximaand minima functions), linear interpolation, again a function definedin terms of the basic post-processing operations, is used to locate thefirst times before and after each peak where the resting potential isreached, and these times are taken as the start and end of each AP; thedifference between them is the APD. Finally, the DIs are calculated bytaking the element-wise difference between two arrays: the first

5 For the purposes of this study, entries corresponding to simulations with fewerAPs are padded with an arbitrary value.

containing the intervals between AP starts, and the second beinga sub-array of the APDs, with the last removed for each run.

We also use the post-processing functionality to perform somefiltering of these post-processed results. Firstly, we extract the firstDI and the second APD for each S2 interval, since these reflect theAP produced by the S2 stimulus. Secondly we remove entries witha very small or negative DI. A stimulus at a negative DI could inducea full early after depolarization. Alternatively at a small or negativeDI the stimulus current itself could form a small depolarization, andcause a subsequent delay in repolarization of the last S1 AP. Neithercase is part of a standard experimental S1eS2 protocol, so weremove them from the post-processing.

2.5.2. ICaL voltage clamp protocolThe second test case is based on the generation of L-type calcium

channel currentevoltage (IV) curves, for different extracellularcalcium concentrations. The L-type calcium channel current’sreversal potential will depend on the difference between the intra-and extracellular calcium concentrations. The channel also inacti-vates in response to an accumulation of intracellular calcium,changing the cellular action potential duration accordingly (Grandiet al., 2009). The extracellular calcium concentration dependenceof the L-type calcium channel therefore has important cell-leveleffects. The IV curve protocol consists of clamping the voltage toa ‘holding potential’ (in the literature this is between �50 mVand �40 mV) followed by a step change to a ‘testing potential’. Weillustrate the principle of this protocol in Fig. 3.

The largest magnitude of the L-type calcium current producedas a result of the voltage step (the minimum since the current isnegative) is plotted for each test potential. The protocol is carriedout at varied extracellular calcium concentrations (we have chosen50%, 100% and 150% of the models’ default values).

Since both the test potential and extracellular calcium concentra-tion are varied, this protocol is represented by three nested loops. Theouter loop modifies the extracellular calcium concentration, themiddle loop modifies the test potential, and the inner loop performsthe time-course simulation. A time-dependent modification occurs att¼ 0 and the holding potential is changed to the test potential (whichin this case depends on the state of the middle-loop, see Fig. 3).

In the protocol definition the membrane potential is specified asa protocol input parameter, with time and the L-type calcium

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Table 1Cardiac electrophysiology models used in this study.

Model Species Cell Type

Aslanidi et al. (2009) Dog PurkinjeBeeler and Reuter (1977) Mammalian VentricularBondarenko et al. (2004) Mouse VentricularCorrias et al. (2011) Rabbit PurkinjeCourtemanche et al. (1998) Human AtrialDecker et al. (2009) Dog VentricularEarm and Noble (1990) Rabbit AtrialEspinosa (1998) Rat VentricularFaber and Rudy (2000) Mammalian VentricularFink et al. (2008) Human VentricularFox et al. (2002) Dog VentricularGrandi et al. (2010) Human VentricularHilgemann and Noble (1987) Rabbit AtrialHund and Rudy (2004) Dog VentricularIribe et al. (2006) Guinea-pig VentricularIyer et al. (2004) Human VentricularIyer et al. (2007) Human VentricularLindblad et al. (1996) Rabbit AtrialLivshitz and Rudy (2007) Dog VentricularLuo and Rudy (1991) Guinea-pig VentricularMahajan et al. (2008) Rabbit VentricularMatsuoka et al. (2003) Guinea-pig VentricularNoble et al. (1991) Guinea-pig VentricularPandit et al. (2001) Rat VentricularPásek et al. (2008) Guinea-pig VentricularPriebe and Beuckelmann (1998) Human VentricularSakmann et al. (2000) Guinea-pig VentricularShannon et al. (2004) Rabbit VentricularTen Tusscher et al. (2004) Human VentricularTen Tusscher and Panfilov (2006) Human VentricularWinslow et al. (1999) Dog Ventricular

J. Cooper et al. / Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107 (2011) 11e2016

current set as outputs, to be recorded every 0.05 ms in order tocapture the fast transient behaviour of the current. In this case thewhole model is not required and the model and protocol arecombined to produce a much reduced set of equations for simu-lation, as described in Section 2.2.

Despite this protocol having an extra level of complexity with anadditional nested loop in the simulation definition, the post-processing is much simpler. Firstly a map on the time arrayproduces an array containing non-zero values only where the timeis greater than zero, i.e. after the test potential step was applied.Applying find to this array yields the indices of these entries, which

220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Fink Noble Giles Model 2008

250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264

0 400 800


90 (m


Diastolic I

Grandi Pasqua

350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440

0 400 800 1200 1600


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Priebe Beuckelmann 1998

160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320

0 400 800


90 (m


Diastolic I

Ten Tusscher

Fig. 4. S1eS2 restitution curves for human ventricle models in Table 1, where a choice was awhen endocardial versions were simulated (S1 ¼ 600 ms), experimental data shown in bo

can be used to index the L-type calcium current array, giving a sub-array containing just the currents resulting from the voltage steps(“step currents”). A minimum function is created by using a fold,applied to the step currents array, and the result allocated to a newarray for plotting.

2.5.3. Model repositoryThe two test cases are performed on a repository of cardiac cell

models representing Purkinje, atrial and ventricular cells, shown inTable 1. These models represent a broad section of available cardiaccell models and provide a comprehensive test bed for evaluatingthe utility of functional curation. The results of this evaluationappear in the next section.

3. Results

To demonstrate the ability of the protocol language, interfaces andsimulationenvironment toenable functional curationofa repositoryofmodelswehave applied the two test protocols above to 31 cellmodels.

In both case studies the differential equations are solved usingCVODE (Hindmarsh et al., 2005) with relative and absolute toler-ances of 10�5 and 10�7 respectively.

3.1. Test case 1: S1eS2 protocol

In Fig. 4 we present S1eS2 restitution curves obtained using thefunctional curation system, for human ventricular cell models.Despite previous papers stimulating cell models at S1¼1000 ms andcomparing with the trace shown in Fig. 4 from Morgan et al. (1992),the original paper states that the recording in questionwas takenwithS1¼ 600 ms at the epicardium, and sowe use this protocol (and takethe epicardial versions of the models where appropriate).

In Fig. 5 we present restitution curves for dog ventricular cellmodels. In order to facilitate comparison with experimental datathe S1 interval for these models was set to 2000 ms.

3.2. Test case 2: L-type calcium channel properties

IV curves for the L-type calcium current can be seen in Fig. 6 fora representative selection of the models. IV curves for the

1200 1600 2000nterval (ms)

lini Bers 2010 Ss

285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Iyer Model 2007

1200 1600 2000nterval (ms)

Model 2006 Epi

210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280

0 400 800


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Morgan Human Ventricle

vailable the epicardial model is shown, none of the models showed significant variationttom right from Morgan et al. (1992) (for S1 ¼ 600 ms).

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225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Decker 2009

150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Fox Mcharg Gilmour 2002

120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Hund Rudy 2004

125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Livshitz Rudy 2007

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Winslow Model 1999

170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260

0 400 800 1200 1600


90 (m


Diastolic Interval (ms)

Sicouri Dog Ventricle

Fig. 5. S1eS2 restitution curves for all the canine ventricle models in Table 1, (S1 ¼ 2000 ms), experimental data shown in bottom right from Sicouri and Antzelevitch (1991) (forS1 ¼ 2000 ms).

J. Cooper et al. / Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107 (2011) 11e20 17

remaining models can be found in the Supplementary material,Figs. S3 and S4.

4. Discussion

In this study we have developed and demonstrated a functionalcuration system. The system enables the identification of modelsthat exhibit the salient features of an expected response toa protocol. It also allows the rational selection of an existing modelfor a new study based on the ability of the model to produce a set ofexpected outputs for a predefined set of protocols. Similarly, theinability of any existing model to replicate a set of protocolsmotivates the creation of a new or the adaptation of an existingmodel.

The two case studies evaluated provide specific examples of theutility of functional curation. Specifically, the S1eS2 restitutionprotocol for Grandi et al. in Fig. 4 exhibits strange behaviour,inconsistent with results shown in the original paper (Grandi et al.,2010, Fig. 5C). This suggests the possibility that the CellML imple-mentation of themodel still requires curation. In Fig. 5 theWinslowmodel appears to yield unusual behaviour inconsistent withexperimental restitution curves, which can be attributed toa threshold in the L-type calcium current activation causing theaction potential to switch from a “spike” to a “spike and dome”morphology at w400 ms. Similarly, in the analysis of ion channelmodels in Fig. 6, the Bondarenko et al. (2004) L-type calciumcurrent model showed no dependence on extracellular calcium,which is due to the Nernst potential appearing as a fixed parameterin the model equations. Aside from these significant differences,subtle variations in model function were also observed for boththe S1eS2 restitution and L-type calcium current protocols. Byautomatically and comprehensively testing multiple models andprotocols users can have confidence that the model they havechosen or developed provides a good approximation of the desiredphysiology.

Functional curation can also facilitate the model developmentprocess. By defining collections of protocols anddesired outputs newor adapted models can continually be evaluated during the devel-opment process to ensure that central functionality is not lost. Thepublicationof the set of protocols and correspondingdesiredoutputs

used to develop a model alongside the model equations providesa means of confirming that the model equations are correctlyimplemented. This also facilitates continuous model development,as new protocols and outputs can be added to the existing setconcurrent with the addition of new model functionality.

The use of functional curation for model development andselection has significant potential and is conceptually simple.However, the practical, automated and general implementation ofa functional curation system requires the development of multipleinterlinked components. The two test cases in this study evaluatedfunctionality that modellers of arrhythmias or calcium dynamicswould wish to perform on amodel repository to determine the bestmodel for a particular question. Although basic, these simulationsstill required advanced features from the functional curationsystem in order to cope with the variations between models,multiple simulations, andmulti-dimensional post-processing. Theythus provide an excellent proof of concept, being beyond thecapability of existing standard protocol languages; both currentlyrequire purpose-built tools in a general programming language. Inthe S1eS2 protocol, many corner cases that can influence theresults, such as the presence of a notch, early or delayed afterdepolarisations, or ectopic beats are handled well. Not only doesallowing for these require complex processing from the protocolsystem, but more importantly publishing the protocol used ina standard format means that the algorithm used is known, andhence avoids doubt. The S1eS2 protocol also exercises additionalfeatures of the system, including nested simulations (to performa time-course simulation for each S2 interval), and model modifi-cation (to vary the S2 interval across these runs). These features arefurther exercised by the ICaL protocol, which demonstrates the useof boundary conditions in clamping a state variable, and modelreduction to evaluate only the equations required in computing theoutputs of interest.

As part of the development of the functional curation systema prototype protocol language, post-processing functions, and cellmodel component labelling were required. The goal of this projectwas not to propose new community standards but to demonstratethe requirements and benefits of a functional curation system.Therefore the modular design of the framework allows for theadoption of new simulation platforms, mark-up languages, or

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-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Aslanidi Purkinje Model 2009

-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 1

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Bondarenko Szigeti Bett Kim Rasmusson 2004 Apical





0 0.5

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Courtemanche Ramirez Nattel 1998

-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Corrias Purkinje 2011

-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Decker 2009




-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Fox Mcharg Gilmour 2002

-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Grandi Pasqualini Bers 2010 Ss

-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 1

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Iyer 2004








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Livshitz Rudy 2007








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Mahajan Shiferaw 2008








-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Shannon Wang Puglisi Weber Bers 2004







-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Ten Tusscher Model 2004 Epi







-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Ten Tusscher Model 2006 Epi





0 0.5

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Winslow Model 1999


0 0.1

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80






cm2 )

Test Voltage (mV)

Sun 2000 Rat Ventricle

Fig. 6. ICaL IV curves for 14 of the models, generated by recording the largest L-type calcium current resulting from a voltage clamp from a holding potential of �50 mV to the testvoltage plotted. Solid lines 50%, dashed lines 100%, dotted lines 150% of model’s default extracellular calcium concentration. Experimental data for a subset of the voltages is shownin the bottom right plot, from Sun et al. (2000), Fig. 5(b)) for 0.1 mM, 0.3 mM and 1 mM extracellular calcium (converted into consistent units using a capacitance value of 169pFKrishna et al. (2010), most of the models illustrate the same qualitative behaviour in this voltage range.

J. Cooper et al. / Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107 (2011) 11e2018

ontologies as these develop sufficiently to meet the systemrequirements. This modularity will allow for the introduction ofSED-ML protocol definitions if the functionality defined anddeveloped here is adopted by the SED-ML community, or the use ofstandardised ontologies once they are developed, formalised, andratified by the cell modelling community.

5. Conclusion

This study demonstrates the utility of functional curation asa concept, and the capabilities of our implementation. We haveprovided a system which can run many of the standard electro-physiology protocols on any suitably annotated CellML file, and can

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J. Cooper et al. / Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 107 (2011) 11e20 19

readily be extended to alternate mark-up languages and cell types.This tool will improve the selection of models for reuse, enablingthe identification of models that exhibit particular experimentallyobserved phenomena. It can also be used to ensure that incre-mental development of models to investigate new scenarios doesnot remove their ability to replicate desirable experimental results.

Role of the funding source

JC is partially supported by the European Commission DG-INFSOunder grant numbers 223920 (VPH-NoE) and 224381 (preDiCT).GRM is also supported under grant number 224381 (preDiCT). SANis supported by United Kingdom Engineering and Physical SciencesResearch Council through grants EP/F043929/1 and EP/F059361/1.The funding bodies had no other role in this work.

Editors’ note

Please see also related communications in this issue by Atia et al.(2011) and Winslow and Greenstein (2011).


The authors would like to thank all other members of the Chastedevelopment team for fruitful discussions on the topics consideredin this manuscript, and Martin Fink for his comments.

Appendix. Supplementary material

Supplementary material related to this article can be found atdoi:10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2011.06.003.


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