
Highlights from Forrester's ‘Customer Experience Professionals’ Forum

Los Angeles, CA

Oct 9 -10, 2013


Over 450 CX professionals converged in Los Angeles, CA to learn best practices from Forrester Research’s leading analysts, as well as industry speakers from top-tier companies.

Here are some of the highlights…


Discover's President for US Cards quoted famed coach Bobby Knight: “Everyone wants to win... Do you want to prepare to win?”

His company differentiates by being friendly, helpful, refreshing.

They don't outsource or script and the average call center staff member has 7 years experience.

Discover is the only credit card company with all call centers in the US.

Harit Talwar, Discover Financial Services


“Want to build enjoyable experiences? Measure the right things.

Tell a story.

Sweat the small stuff.”

Ron Rogowski Forrester VP, Principal Analyst for CX Professionals

“Managing our customer experience changed everything. We were spending $35 million a year to piss off our customers [with our old breakfast offering.]”

“If you're not in conversation with your customers, how can you possibly know what they want?”

"It's easier to hire a nice person than to train someone to be nice.“

- Clyde Guinn, President at Days Inn Worldwide

DaysInn is using data from TripAdvisor to help differentiate, improve and increase conversions. They know what a change in incremental Trip Advisor scores means, in terms of profit.



“Improving and focusing on customer experience involves a mindset and cultural shift for many companies — this takes time. You must find a way to weave that thinking into the fabric of all that you do as a company. Senior leadership must be all-in, and every employee should be invested in the mission in order for it to work. And it helps to have a dedicated customer experience organization available to develop an enterprise-wide plan and to be accountable for executing the plan.”

Tony Ezell, CCO for Eli Lilly


“Customer experience innovation is the creation of new customer experiences that drive differentiation and long-term value.

“New: customer experience innovations are new to organization, new to customers, and they are new to the world.

“Differentiation: New customer experience innovations represent such a departure from the status quo that they provide your organization with a leg up over the competition.

“Long-term value: CXi’s, unlike gimmicks, are relevant for more than 5 mins!”

“Your brand determines the QUALITIES of the interactions your customers will have.”

“Get Visual! CX Innovation doesn't happen in an excel spreadsheet.”

Kerry BodineVP, Principal Analyst serving Customer Experience Professionals


“Remember the rule: ‘The user is not like me’.”

“Design isn't about presenting a solution, made in a black box, on a silver platter. That doesn't create buy-in.”

“Make the right thing, then make the thing right.”

“The details are not the details. They make the design.”

“Design is a process and a mindset. Imitation may be the highest form of flattery, but its not innovation.”

Kerry BodineVP, Principal Analyst serving Customer Experience Professionals

Make the right thing, Make the thing right.


How can customer experience professionals benefit from interest in employee engagement? More engaged employees are more productive. Employee engagement correlates to higher profits.

›How are companies engaging employees to drive CX transformation?


o Create an engagement Inventory

o Develop CX vision

o Set clear goals


o Make training customer-centric

o Communicate in multiple channels

o Rituals & conversations


o Empower employees

o Coach front-line managers

o Reward the right behaviors

How do you advance your employee engagement initiatives?

o Make the business case for employee engagement

o Turn to outside experts for help crafting engagement training programs

o Uncover root causes of employee engagement issues by employing CX principles

Sam Stern, Forrester Senior Analyst


Sam Stern, Forrester Senior Analyst


“If you're not changing you're not growing.”

“One size doesn't fit all for ourcustomers. Moving from multi-channel to omni channel because customers demand it.”

“We transformed from shareholder-focused to customer and employee-focused.”

Safelite’s CEO answers customer phone calls… every day. Serious #CX focus.

Renee Cacchillo, VP of Service Delivery, Safelite Auto Glass


Notable Tweets


Notable Tweets


The CXi Score

“Financial investment firm Edward Jones tied executive perks to customer experience; it helped the company improve its Forrester CX Index score.” - Anthony Myers, CMSWire




Julie A. Ask, On Breakthrough Mobile Experiences




Congrats to all of the #2013Champs!



Embracing the difficult is a good way to differentiate

over the competition…


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