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HiGrad: Statistical Inference for Online Learning andStochastic Approximation

Weijie J. Su

University of Pennsylvania

Princeton University, May 14, 2018

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• Yuancheng Zhu (Renaissance Technologies)

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Learning by optimization

Sample Z1, . . . , ZN , and f(θ, z) is cost function

Learning model by minimizing





f(θ, Zn)

• Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). More generally, M-estimation

• Often no closed-form solution

• Need optimization

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Learning by optimization

Sample Z1, . . . , ZN , and f(θ, z) is cost function

Learning model by minimizing





f(θ, Zn)

• Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). More generally, M-estimation

• Often no closed-form solution

• Need optimization

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Gradient descent

I Start at some θ0I Iterate

θj = θj−1 − γj∑Nn=1∇f(θj−1, Zn)


where γj are step sizes


• Offline algorithm

• Computational cost is high

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Gradient descent

I Start at some θ0I Iterate

θj = θj−1 − γj∑Nn=1∇f(θj−1, Zn)


where γj are step sizes


• Offline algorithm

• Computational cost is high

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

Aka incremental gradient descentI Start at some θ0I Iterate

θj = θj−1 − γj∇f(θj−1, Zj)

SGD resolved these challenges

• Online in nature

• One pass over data

• Optimal properties (Nemirovski & Yudin, 1983; Bertsekas, 1999; Agarwal etal, 2012; Rakhlin et al, 2012; Hardt et al, 2015)

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

Aka incremental gradient descentI Start at some θ0I Iterate

θj = θj−1 − γj∇f(θj−1, Zj)

SGD resolved these challenges

• Online in nature

• One pass over data

• Optimal properties (Nemirovski & Yudin, 1983; Bertsekas, 1999; Agarwal etal, 2012; Rakhlin et al, 2012; Hardt et al, 2015)

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

Aka incremental gradient descentI Start at some θ0I Iterate

θj = θj−1 − γj∇f(θj−1, Zj)

SGD resolved these challenges

• Online in nature

• One pass over data

• Optimal properties (Nemirovski & Yudin, 1983; Bertsekas, 1999; Agarwal etal, 2012; Rakhlin et al, 2012; Hardt et al, 2015)

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)

Aka incremental gradient descentI Start at some θ0I Iterate

θj = θj−1 − γj∇f(θj−1, Zj)

SGD resolved these challenges

• Online in nature

• One pass over data

• Optimal properties (Nemirovski & Yudin, 1983; Bertsekas, 1999; Agarwal etal, 2012; Rakhlin et al, 2012; Hardt et al, 2015)

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SGD in one line

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Using SGD for prediction

Averaged SGD

An estimator of θ∗ := argminEf(θ, Z) is given by averaging

θ =1




Recall that θj = θj−1 − γj∇f(θj−1, Zj) for j = 1, . . . , N .

Given a new instance z = (x, y) with y unknown

Interested in µx(θ)

• Linear regression: µx(θ) = x′ θ

• Logistic regression: µx(θ) = ex′ θ

1+ex′ θ

• Generalized linear models: µx(θ) = Eθ(Y |X = x)

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Using SGD for prediction

Averaged SGD

An estimator of θ∗ := argminEf(θ, Z) is given by averaging

θ =1




Recall that θj = θj−1 − γj∇f(θj−1, Zj) for j = 1, . . . , N .

Given a new instance z = (x, y) with y unknown

Interested in µx(θ)

• Linear regression: µx(θ) = x′ θ

• Logistic regression: µx(θ) = ex′ θ

1+ex′ θ

• Generalized linear models: µx(θ) = Eθ(Y |X = x)

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How much can we trust SGD predictions?

We would observe a different µx(θ) if

• Re-sample Z ′1, . . . , Z′N

• Sample with replacement N times from a finite population

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A real data example

Adult dataset on UCI repository1

• 123 features

• Y = 1 if an individual’s annual income exceeds $50,000

• 32,561 instances

Randomly pick 1,000 as a test set. Run SGD 500 times independently, each with20 epochs and step sizes γj = 0.5j−0.55. Construct empirical confidenceintervals with α = 10%

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High variability of SGD predictions






0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Predicted probability








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What is desired

Can we construct a confidence interval for µ∗x := µx(θ∗)?


• Bootstrap is computationally infeasible

• Most existing works concern bounding generalization errors or minimizingregrets (Shalev-Shwartz et al, 2011; Rakhlin et al, 2012)

• Chen et al (2016) proposed a batch-mean estimator of SGD covariance, andFang et al (2017) proposed a perturbation-based resampling procedure

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What is desired

Can we construct a confidence interval for µ∗x := µx(θ∗)?


• Bootstrap is computationally infeasible

• Most existing works concern bounding generalization errors or minimizingregrets (Shalev-Shwartz et al, 2011; Rakhlin et al, 2012)

• Chen et al (2016) proposed a batch-mean estimator of SGD covariance, andFang et al (2017) proposed a perturbation-based resampling procedure

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This talk: HiGrad

A new method: Hierarchical Incremental GRAdient Descent

Properties of HiGrad

I Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGDI A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimatorI Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

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This talk: HiGrad

A new method: Hierarchical Incremental GRAdient Descent

Properties of HiGradI Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

I A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimatorI Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

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This talk: HiGrad

A new method: Hierarchical Incremental GRAdient Descent

Properties of HiGradI Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGDI A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimator

I Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

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This talk: HiGrad

A new method: Hierarchical Incremental GRAdient Descent

Properties of HiGradI Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGDI A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimatorI Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

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Preview of HiGrad

• θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


• µ1x := µx(θ1) = 0.15, µ2

x := µx(θ2) = 0.11

• HiGrad estimator is µx =µ1x+µ


2 = 0.13

• The 90% HiGrad confidence interval for µ∗x is[µx − t1,0.95


x − µ2x|, µx + t1,0.95


x − µ2x|]

= [−0.025, 0.285]

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Preview of HiGrad

• θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


• µ1x := µx(θ1) = 0.15, µ2

x := µx(θ2) = 0.11

• HiGrad estimator is µx =µ1x+µ


2 = 0.13

• The 90% HiGrad confidence interval for µ∗x is[µx − t1,0.95


x − µ2x|, µx + t1,0.95


x − µ2x|]

= [−0.025, 0.285]

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Preview of HiGrad

• θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


• µ1x := µx(θ1) = 0.15, µ2

x := µx(θ2) = 0.11

• HiGrad estimator is µx =µ1x+µ


2 = 0.13

• The 90% HiGrad confidence interval for µ∗x is[µx − t1,0.95


x − µ2x|, µx + t1,0.95


x − µ2x|]

= [−0.025, 0.285]

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Preview of HiGrad

• θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


• µ1x := µx(θ1) = 0.15, µ2

x := µx(θ2) = 0.11

• HiGrad estimator is µx =µ1x+µ


2 = 0.13

• The 90% HiGrad confidence interval for µ∗x is[µx − t1,0.95


x − µ2x|, µx + t1,0.95


x − µ2x|]

= [−0.025, 0.285]

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Preview of HiGrad

• θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


• µ1x := µx(θ1) = 0.15, µ2

x := µx(θ2) = 0.11

• HiGrad estimator is µx =µ1x+µ


2 = 0.13

• The 90% HiGrad confidence interval for µ∗x is[µx − t1,0.95


x − µ2x|, µx + t1,0.95


x − µ2x|]

= [−0.025, 0.285]

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Preview of HiGrad

• θ1 = 13θ∅

+ 23θ

1, θ2 = 1


+ 23θ


• µ1x := µx(θ1) = 0.15, µ2

x := µx(θ2) = 0.11

• HiGrad estimator is µx =µ1x+µ


2 = 0.13

• The 90% HiGrad confidence interval for µ∗x is[µx − t1,0.95


x − µ2x|, µx + t1,0.95


x − µ2x|]

= [−0.025, 0.285]

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1. Deriving HiGrad

2. Constructing Confidence Intervals

3. Empirical Performance

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Problem statement

Minimizing convex fθ∗ = argmin

θf(θ) ≡ Ef(θ, Z)

Observe i.i.d. Z1, . . . , ZN and can evaluate unbiased noisy gradient g(θ;Z)

E g(θ, Z) = ∇f(θ) for all θ

To be fulfilledI Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGDI A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimatorI Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

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The idea of contrasting and sharing

• Need more than one value µx to quantify variability: contrasting

• Need to share gradient information to elongate threads: sharing

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The idea of contrasting and sharing

• Need more than one value µx to quantify variability: contrasting

• Need to share gradient information to elongate threads: sharing

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The HiGrad tree

• K + 1 levels

• each k-level segment is of length nk and is split into Bk+1 segments

n0 +B1n1 +B1B2n2 +B1B2B3n3 + · · ·+B1B2 · · ·BKnK = N

An example of HiGrad tree: B1 = 2, B2 = 3,K = 2

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The HiGrad tree

• K + 1 levels

• each k-level segment is of length nk and is split into Bk+1 segments

n0 +B1n1 +B1B2n2 +B1B2B3n3 + · · ·+B1B2 · · ·BKnK = N

An example of HiGrad tree: B1 = 2, B2 = 3,K = 217 / 47

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The HiGrad tree

• K + 1 levels

• each k-level segment is of length nk and is split into Bk+1 segments

n0 +B1n1 +B1B2n2 +B1B2B3n3 + · · ·+B1B2 · · ·BKnK = N

An example of HiGrad tree: B1 = 2, B2 = 3,K = 217 / 47

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The HiGrad tree

• K + 1 levels

• each k-level segment is of length nk and is split into Bk+1 segments

n0 +B1n1 +B1B2n2 +B1B2B3n3 + · · ·+B1B2 · · ·BKnK = N

An example of HiGrad tree: B1 = 2, B2 = 3,K = 217 / 47

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Iterate along HiGrad tree

Recall: noisy gradient g(θ, Z) unbiased for∇f(θ); partition {Zs} of{Z1, . . . , ZN}; and Lk := n0 + · · ·+ nk

I Iterate along level 0 segment: θj = θj−1 − γjg(θj−1, Zj) for j = 1, . . . , n0,starting from some θ0

I Iterate along each level 1 segment s = (b1) for 1 ≤ b1 ≤ B1

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+L0g(θsj−1, Zsj )

for j = 1, . . . , n1, starting from θn0

I Generally, for the segment s = (b1 · · · bk), iterate

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+Lk−1g(θsj−1, Z

sj )

for j = 1, . . . , nk, starting from θ(b1···bk−1)nk−1

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Iterate along HiGrad tree

Recall: noisy gradient g(θ, Z) unbiased for∇f(θ); partition {Zs} of{Z1, . . . , ZN}; and Lk := n0 + · · ·+ nk

I Iterate along level 0 segment: θj = θj−1 − γjg(θj−1, Zj) for j = 1, . . . , n0,starting from some θ0

I Iterate along each level 1 segment s = (b1) for 1 ≤ b1 ≤ B1

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+L0g(θsj−1, Zsj )

for j = 1, . . . , n1, starting from θn0

I Generally, for the segment s = (b1 · · · bk), iterate

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+Lk−1g(θsj−1, Z

sj )

for j = 1, . . . , nk, starting from θ(b1···bk−1)nk−1

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Iterate along HiGrad tree

Recall: noisy gradient g(θ, Z) unbiased for∇f(θ); partition {Zs} of{Z1, . . . , ZN}; and Lk := n0 + · · ·+ nk

I Iterate along level 0 segment: θj = θj−1 − γjg(θj−1, Zj) for j = 1, . . . , n0,starting from some θ0

I Iterate along each level 1 segment s = (b1) for 1 ≤ b1 ≤ B1

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+L0g(θsj−1, Zsj )

for j = 1, . . . , n1, starting from θn0

I Generally, for the segment s = (b1 · · · bk), iterate

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+Lk−1g(θsj−1, Z

sj )

for j = 1, . . . , nk, starting from θ(b1···bk−1)nk−1

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Iterate along HiGrad tree

Recall: noisy gradient g(θ, Z) unbiased for∇f(θ); partition {Zs} of{Z1, . . . , ZN}; and Lk := n0 + · · ·+ nk

I Iterate along level 0 segment: θj = θj−1 − γjg(θj−1, Zj) for j = 1, . . . , n0,starting from some θ0

I Iterate along each level 1 segment s = (b1) for 1 ≤ b1 ≤ B1

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+L0g(θsj−1, Zsj )

for j = 1, . . . , n1, starting from θn0

I Generally, for the segment s = (b1 · · · bk), iterate

θsj = θsj−1 − γj+Lk−1g(θsj−1, Z

sj )

for j = 1, . . . , nk, starting from θ(b1···bk−1)nk−1

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A second look at the HiGrad tree

An example of HiGrad tree: B1 = 2, B2 = 3,K = 2


• Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

BonusEasier to parallelize than vanilla SGD!

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A second look at the HiGrad tree

An example of HiGrad tree: B1 = 2, B2 = 3,K = 2


• Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

BonusEasier to parallelize than vanilla SGD!

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A second look at the HiGrad tree

An example of HiGrad tree: B1 = 2, B2 = 3,K = 2


• Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

BonusEasier to parallelize than vanilla SGD!

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1. Deriving HiGrad

2. Constructing Confidence Intervals

3. Empirical Performance

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Estimate µ∗x through each thread

Average over each segment s = (b1, . . . , bk)






Given weights w0, w1, . . . , wK that sum up to 1, weighted average along threadt = (b1, . . . , bK) is

θt =



Estimator yielded by thread t

µtx := µx(θt)

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Estimate µ∗x through each thread

Average over each segment s = (b1, . . . , bk)






Given weights w0, w1, . . . , wK that sum up to 1, weighted average along threadt = (b1, . . . , bK) is

θt =



Estimator yielded by thread t

µtx := µx(θt)

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How to construct a confidence interval based onT := B1B2 · · ·BK many such µtx estimates?

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Assume normality

Denote by µx the T-dimensional vector consisting of all µtx

Normality of µx (to be shown later)√N(µx − µ∗x1) converges weakly to normal distributionN (0,Σ) as N →∞

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Convert to simple linear regression

From µxa∼ N (µ∗x1,Σ/N) we get

Σ−12µx ≈ (Σ−

121)µ∗x + z̃, z̃ ∼ N (0, I/N)

Simple linear regression! Least-squares estimator of µ∗x given as

(1′Σ−12 Σ−


12 Σ−


= (1′Σ−11)−11′Σ−1µx




µtx ≡ µx

HiGrad estimatorJust the sample mean µx

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Convert to simple linear regression

From µxa∼ N (µ∗x1,Σ/N) we get

Σ−12µx ≈ (Σ−

121)µ∗x + z̃, z̃ ∼ N (0, I/N)

Simple linear regression! Least-squares estimator of µ∗x given as

(1′Σ−12 Σ−


12 Σ−


= (1′Σ−11)−11′Σ−1µx




µtx ≡ µx

HiGrad estimatorJust the sample mean µx

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A t-based confidence interval

A pivot for µ∗xµx − µ∗x


a∼ tT−1,

where the standard error is given as

SEx =

√(µ′x − µx1′)Σ−1(µx − µx1)

T − 1·√1′Σ1


HiGrad confidence interval of coverage 1− α[µx − tT−1,1−α2 SEx, µx + tT−1,1−α2 SEx


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A t-based confidence interval

A pivot for µ∗xµx − µ∗x


a∼ tT−1,

where the standard error is given as

SEx =

√(µ′x − µx1′)Σ−1(µx − µx1)

T − 1·√1′Σ1


HiGrad confidence interval of coverage 1− α[µx − tT−1,1−α2 SEx, µx + tT−1,1−α2 SEx


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Do we know the covariance Σ?

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An extension of Ruppert–Polyak normality

Given a thread t = (b1, . . . , bK), denote by segments sk = (b1, b2, . . . , bk)

Fact (informal)√n0(θ

s0 − θ∗),√n1(θs1 − θ∗), . . . ,√nK(θ

sK − θ∗) converge to i.i.d. centerednormal distributions

• Hessian H = ∇2f(θ∗) and V = E [g(θ∗, Z)g(θ∗, Z)′]. Ruppert (1988), Polyak(1990), and Polyak and Juditsky (1992) prove

√N(θN − θ∗)⇒ N (0, H−1V H−1)

• Difficult to estimate sandwich covariance H−1V H−1 (Chen et al, 2016)

• To know covariance of {µx(θt)}, really need to know H−1V H−1?

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An extension of Ruppert–Polyak normality

Given a thread t = (b1, . . . , bK), denote by segments sk = (b1, b2, . . . , bk)

Fact (informal)√n0(θ

s0 − θ∗),√n1(θs1 − θ∗), . . . ,√nK(θ

sK − θ∗) converge to i.i.d. centerednormal distributions

• Hessian H = ∇2f(θ∗) and V = E [g(θ∗, Z)g(θ∗, Z)′]. Ruppert (1988), Polyak(1990), and Polyak and Juditsky (1992) prove

√N(θN − θ∗)⇒ N (0, H−1V H−1)

• Difficult to estimate sandwich covariance H−1V H−1 (Chen et al, 2016)

• To know covariance of {µx(θt)}, really need to know H−1V H−1?

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An extension of Ruppert–Polyak normality

Given a thread t = (b1, . . . , bK), denote by segments sk = (b1, b2, . . . , bk)

Fact (informal)√n0(θ

s0 − θ∗),√n1(θs1 − θ∗), . . . ,√nK(θ

sK − θ∗) converge to i.i.d. centerednormal distributions

• Hessian H = ∇2f(θ∗) and V = E [g(θ∗, Z)g(θ∗, Z)′]. Ruppert (1988), Polyak(1990), and Polyak and Juditsky (1992) prove

√N(θN − θ∗)⇒ N (0, H−1V H−1)

• Difficult to estimate sandwich covariance H−1V H−1 (Chen et al, 2016)

• To know covariance of {µx(θt)}, really need to know H−1V H−1?

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An extension of Ruppert–Polyak normality

Given a thread t = (b1, . . . , bK), denote by segments sk = (b1, b2, . . . , bk)

Fact (informal)√n0(θ

s0 − θ∗),√n1(θs1 − θ∗), . . . ,√nK(θ

sK − θ∗) converge to i.i.d. centerednormal distributions

• Hessian H = ∇2f(θ∗) and V = E [g(θ∗, Z)g(θ∗, Z)′]. Ruppert (1988), Polyak(1990), and Polyak and Juditsky (1992) prove

√N(θN − θ∗)⇒ N (0, H−1V H−1)

• Difficult to estimate sandwich covariance H−1V H−1 (Chen et al, 2016)

• To know covariance of {µx(θt)}, really need to know H−1V H−1?

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Covariance determined by number of shared segments

LemmaFor any two threads t and t′ that agree at the first k segments and differhenceforth, we have

Cov(µtx, µ



)= (1 + o(1))σ2




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Specify Σ up to a multiplicative factor

Σt,t′ = (1 + o(1))C




• Do we need to know C as well?

• No! Standard error of µx invariant under multiplying Σ by a scalar

SEx =

√(µ′x − µx1′)Σ−1(µx − µx1)

T − 1·√1′Σ1


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Specify Σ up to a multiplicative factor

Σt,t′ = (1 + o(1))C




• Do we need to know C as well?

• No! Standard error of µx invariant under multiplying Σ by a scalar

SEx =

√(µ′x − µx1′)Σ−1(µx − µx1)

T − 1·√1′Σ1


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Specify Σ up to a multiplicative factor

Σt,t′ = (1 + o(1))C




• Do we need to know C as well?

• No! Standard error of µx invariant under multiplying Σ by a scalar

SEx =

√(µ′x − µx1′)Σ−1(µx − µx1)

T − 1·√1′Σ1


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Formal statement of theoretical results

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1 Local strong convexity. f(θ) ≡ Ef(θ, Z) convex, differentiable, withLipschitz gradients. Hessian∇2f(θ) locally Lipschitz and positive-definite atθ∗

2 Noise regularity. V (θ) = E [g(θ, Z)g(θ, Z)′] Lipschitz and does not grow toofast. Noisy gradient g(θ, Z) has 2 + o(1) moment locally at θ∗

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Examples satisfying assumptions

• Linear regression: f(θ, z) = 12 (y − x>θ)2.

• Logistic regression: f(θ, z) = −yx>θ + log(

1 + ex>θ)


• Penalized regression: Add a ridge penalty λ‖θ‖2.

• Huber regression: f(θ, z) = ρλ(y − x>θ), where ρλ(a) = a2/2 for |a| ≤ λand ρλ(a) = λ|a| − λ2/2 otherwise.

Sufficient conditions

X in generic position, and E‖X‖4+o(1) <∞ and E|Y |2+o(1)‖X‖2+o(1) <∞

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Main theoretical results

Theorem (S. and Zhu)

Assume K and B1, . . . , BK are fixed, nk ∝ N as N →∞, and µx has a nonzeroderivative at θ∗. Taking γj � j−α for α ∈ (0.5, 1) gives

µx − µ∗xSEx

=⇒ tT−1

Confidence intervals


P(µ∗x ∈

[µx − tT−1,1−α2 SEx, µx + tT−1,1−α2 SEx

])= 1− α


• Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

• A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimator

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Main theoretical results

Theorem (S. and Zhu)

Assume K and B1, . . . , BK are fixed, nk ∝ N as N →∞, and µx has a nonzeroderivative at θ∗. Taking γj � j−α for α ∈ (0.5, 1) gives

µx − µ∗xSEx

=⇒ tT−1

Confidence intervals


P(µ∗x ∈

[µx − tT−1,1−α2 SEx, µx + tT−1,1−α2 SEx

])= 1− α


• Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

• A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimator

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Main theoretical results

Theorem (S. and Zhu)

Assume K and B1, . . . , BK are fixed, nk ∝ N as N →∞, and µx has a nonzeroderivative at θ∗. Taking γj � j−α for α ∈ (0.5, 1) gives

µx − µ∗xSEx

=⇒ tT−1

Confidence intervals


P(µ∗x ∈

[µx − tT−1,1−α2 SEx, µx + tT−1,1−α2 SEx

])= 1− α


• Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

• A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimator

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How accurate is the HiGrad estimator?

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Optimal variance with optimal weights

By Cauchy–Schwarz

N Var(µx) = (1 + o(1))σ2









≥ (1 + o(1))σ2



]2= (1 + o(1))σ2,

with equality if

w∗k =nk∏ki=1BiN

• Segments at an early level are weighted less

• HiGrad estimator has the same asymptotic variance as vanilla SGD

• Achieves Cramér–Rao lower bound when model specified

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Optimal variance with optimal weights

By Cauchy–Schwarz

N Var(µx) = (1 + o(1))σ2









≥ (1 + o(1))σ2



]2= (1 + o(1))σ2,

with equality if

w∗k =nk∏ki=1BiN

• Segments at an early level are weighted less

• HiGrad estimator has the same asymptotic variance as vanilla SGD

• Achieves Cramér–Rao lower bound when model specified

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Optimal variance with optimal weights

By Cauchy–Schwarz

N Var(µx) = (1 + o(1))σ2









≥ (1 + o(1))σ2



]2= (1 + o(1))σ2,

with equality if

w∗k =nk∏ki=1BiN

• Segments at an early level are weighted less

• HiGrad estimator has the same asymptotic variance as vanilla SGD

• Achieves Cramér–Rao lower bound when model specified

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Optimal variance with optimal weights

By Cauchy–Schwarz

N Var(µx) = (1 + o(1))σ2









≥ (1 + o(1))σ2



]2= (1 + o(1))σ2,

with equality if

w∗k =nk∏ki=1BiN

• Segments at an early level are weighted less

• HiGrad estimator has the same asymptotic variance as vanilla SGD

• Achieves Cramér–Rao lower bound when model specified

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Prediction intervals for vanilla SGD

Theorem (S. and Zhu)Run vanilla SGD on a fresh dataset of the same size, producing µSGD

x . Then,with optimal weights,


P(µSGDx ∈

[µx −

√2tT−1,1−α2 SEx, µx +

√2tT−1,1−α2 SEx

])= 1− α.

• µSGDx can be replaced by the HiGrad estimator with the same structure

• Interpretable even under model misspecification

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Three properties

Under certain assumptions, for example, f being locally strongly convex


• Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGD

• A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimator

• Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

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1. Deriving HiGrad

2. Constructing Confidence Intervals

3. Empirical Performance

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General simulation setup

X generated as i.i.d.N (0, 1) and Z = (X,Y ) ∈ Rd × R. Set N = 106 and useγj = 0.5j−0.55

• Linear regression Y ∼ N (µX(θ∗), 1), where µx(θ) = x′θ

• Logistic regression Y ∼ Bernoulli(µX(θ∗)), where

µx(θ) =ex′θ

1 + ex′θ


• Accuracy: ‖θ − θ∗‖2, where θ averaged over T threads

• Coverage probability and length of confidence interval

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Dimension d = 50. MSE ‖θ − θ∗‖2 normalized by that of vanilla SGD

• null case where θ1 = · · · = θ50 = 0

• dense case where θ1 = · · · = θ50 = 1√50

• sparse case where θ1 = · · · = θ5 = 1√5, θ6 = · · · = θ50 = 0

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: : : :

1e+04 5e+04 2e+05 5e+05





Total number of steps





Linear regression, null

1e+04 5e+04 2e+05 5e+05





Total number of steps





Linear regression, sparse

1e+04 5e+04 2e+05 5e+05





Total number of steps





Linear regression, dense

1e+04 5e+04 2e+05 5e+05





Total number of steps





Logistic regression, null

1e+04 5e+04 2e+05 5e+05





Total number of steps





Logistic regression, sparse

1e+04 5e+04 2e+05 5e+05





Total number of steps





Logistic regression, dense

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Coverage and CI length

HiGrad configurations

• K = 1, then n1/n0 = r = 1;

• K = 2, then n1/n0 = n2/n1 = r ∈ {0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5}

Set θ∗i = (i− 1)/d for i = 1, . . . , d and α = 5%. Use measure




1(µxi(θ∗) ∈ CIxi)

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Linear regression: d = 20

















0.956 1, 4, 1

1, 8, 1

1, 12, 1

1, 16, 1

1, 20, 1

2, 2, 1

2, 2, 1.25

2, 2, 1.5

2, 2, 2

3, 2, 1

3, 2, 1.25

3, 2, 1.5

3, 2, 2

2, 3, 1

2, 3, 1.25

2, 3, 1.5

2, 3, 2 0.0621

















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Linear regression: d = 100

















0.9472 1, 4, 1

1, 8, 1

1, 12, 1

1, 16, 1

1, 20, 1

2, 2, 1

2, 2, 1.25

2, 2, 1.5

2, 2, 2

3, 2, 1

3, 2, 1.25

3, 2, 1.5

3, 2, 2

2, 3, 1

2, 3, 1.25

2, 3, 1.5

2, 3, 2 0.15

















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A real data example: setup

From the 1994 census data based on UCI repository. Y indicates if an individual’sannual income exceeds $50,000

• 123 features

• 32,561 instances

• Randomly pick 1,000 as a test set

Use N = 106, α = 10%, and γj = 0.5j−0.55. Run HiGrad for L = 500 times. Usemeasure

coveragei =1

L(L− 1)


∑`2 6=`1

1 (p̂i`1 ∈ PIi`2)

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A real data example: histogram





0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Coverage probability



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Comparisons of HiGrad configurations

Configurations Accuracy Coverage CI length

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Default HiGrad parameters

HiGrad R package default values

K = 2, B1 = 2, B2 = 2, n0 = n1 = n2 =N


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Concluding Remarks

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Possible extensions

Improving statistical propertiesI Finite-sample guarantee

Better coverage probability

I Extend Ruppert-Polyak to high dimensionsNumber of unknown variables growing

A new template for online learningI Non-convex problems

Online PCA, stochastic EM, etc

I A criterion for early stoppingDetect overfitting through contrastingNeed to incorporate selective inference

I Any ideas? Happy to talk offline

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Possible extensions

Improving statistical propertiesI Finite-sample guarantee

Better coverage probability

I Extend Ruppert-Polyak to high dimensionsNumber of unknown variables growing

A new template for online learningI Non-convex problems

Online PCA, stochastic EM, etc

I A criterion for early stoppingDetect overfitting through contrastingNeed to incorporate selective inference

I Any ideas? Happy to talk offline

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Possible extensions

Improving statistical propertiesI Finite-sample guarantee

Better coverage probability

I Extend Ruppert-Polyak to high dimensionsNumber of unknown variables growing

A new template for online learningI Non-convex problems

Online PCA, stochastic EM, etc

I A criterion for early stoppingDetect overfitting through contrastingNeed to incorporate selective inference

I Any ideas? Happy to talk offline

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Possible extensions

Improving statistical propertiesI Finite-sample guarantee

Better coverage probability

I Extend Ruppert-Polyak to high dimensionsNumber of unknown variables growing

A new template for online learningI Non-convex problems

Online PCA, stochastic EM, etc

I A criterion for early stoppingDetect overfitting through contrastingNeed to incorporate selective inference

I Any ideas? Happy to talk offline

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Take-home messages

IdeaContrasting and sharing through hierarchical splitting

Properties (local strong convexity)I Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGDI A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimatorI Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

BonusEasier to parallelize than vanilla SGD!

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Take-home messages

IdeaContrasting and sharing through hierarchical splitting

Properties (local strong convexity)I Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGDI A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimatorI Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

BonusEasier to parallelize than vanilla SGD!

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Take-home messages

IdeaContrasting and sharing through hierarchical splitting

Properties (local strong convexity)I Online in nature with same computational cost as vanilla SGDI A confidence interval for µ∗x in addition to an estimatorI Estimator (almost) as accurate as vanilla SGD

BonusEasier to parallelize than vanilla SGD!

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• Reference. Statistical Inference for Online Learning and StochasticApproximation via Hierarchical Incremental Gradient Descent,Weijie J. Su and Yuancheng Zhu, arXiv paper

• Software. R package higrad, available on CRAN

• Webpage.

• Acknowledgement. NSF via grant CCF-1763314

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