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Page 1: History idea-grid

History: Lesson Plan Ideas

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•  Agree/disagree with quotes from historical figures or political leaders

•  Agree/disagree with political choices made throughout history

•  Determine bias in historical documents and newspaper articles

•  Debate the importance of historical events

•  Most significant event? Explain why.

•  What do you think was the most significant cause of…?

•  Quiz knowledge of historical events

•  Choose a historical person to research and write a short biography

•  Most significant individual or person who contributed most to…? Vote on strongest argument.

•  What event do you think was the main cause of….? Why? Vote on strongest explanations.

•  Predicting outcomes

•  Discussing causes and effects

•  Reflect on personal, familial, cultural, and/or religious connections to historical events

•  Discuss key historical figures and their impact on society/history

•  Assume the perspective of a person in another culture and discuss a current news item their point of view

•  Write a first person narrative set during a specific historical time period

Page 2: History idea-grid

History: Multimedia Embed Ideas

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•  Historical artifacts: What is revealed about culture?

•  Analyzing art in relation to history

•  Propaganda posters/artwork (discuss ideas and stereotypes being propagated)

•  Geographic landmarks/geography of a region

•  Art representing unique cultures - Compare and contrast or predict time period based on details from the piece of art

•  Photos showing changes to a region as a result of man (i.e. disasters, exploitation of resources)

•  Design a “wanted” poster for a famous thinker from history then upload to discuss

•  Live debates - Analyze bias present.

•  Post student produced newscast about a current event

•  Clips of news stories - Are both sides of the issue strongly represented?

•  Documentaries

•  Audio recordings of famous speeches

•  Propaganda videos (i.e. WWII, Cold War) - What ideologies, doctrines, or stereotypes are present? How do they affect you as a viewer?

•  YouTube recording of a podcast

•  Notes

•  Project assignment sheets

•  PowerPoint presentations for student reference

•  Poems related to historical events

•  Timelines

•  Maps

•  Venn diagrams

•  Song lyrics from historical time periods

•  Current event articles