Page 1: History of a horror character

History of a Horror


Page 2: History of a horror character

Count DraculaThe character Count Dracula originated in Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic

horror novel of Dracula. Within his novel, Bram Stoker gave the character of Dracula an archetypal vampire identity. Bram Stoker in this original

novel didn't however reveal very much about the Count, therefore all the filmmakers who have attempted an adaptation of this novel have had to

develop his identity from the few things they did find out.

Page 3: History of a horror character

The first screen adaptation of this novel was in 1931, directed by Tod Browning. It eventually became a huge success, although extremely shocking for people to watch. The fact that it was so shocking, made it a must see for the general public. Within the film, his character followed the vampire stereotype being portrayed as very aggressive and violent. If people in the film get involved with his strategies, he normally turns furious. He is also shown to have a wide variety of abilities and special powers. His character has the ability to command and control any animal he wants and also has the power to change the weather. He is given an abnormal strength and speed of some sort of superhuman. In Tod Browning's film, he manages to hypnotize the other characters through staring at them, and finally, his character can transform into a bat or a wolf.

Tod Browning 1931

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Although these characteristics present him as extremely powerful beyond belief, he does have his weaknesses as well. His character cannot go into someone else's house unless they ask him to do so first. He loses his power and impact in daylight. Eating food makes him younger and it also gives him a lot more strength and power. A particular feature given to the character of count Dracula which makes him unique is that he has an infatuation with young women, therefore they are his prey within the story. Dracula was presented from the word go as being rather sexual and seductive; however throughout the years, as more and more adaptations of the novel have been made, this sexual nature of his has been made increasingly obvious. I would say his character has evolved most drastically in a sexual way.

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In Tod Browning's film in 1931, the count was enacted as very charming and seductive. Later, in the 1958 version, the count was made into a menacing, smoulderingly sexual character, who was also portrayed as quite predatory. In 1992, Dracula had turned into not just a sexual predator but also a lover. In Dracula 2000, Gerard Butler's tormented vampire was handsome, but practically no attempt was made to play with the vampire/sex connection.

1958 Dracula

2000 Dracula

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The type of vampire which Dracula is portrayed as being is very controversial to most of the stereotypical famous vampires of the modern era. Vampire characteristics have altered in film to go by what the audience of the current day want. Comparing him to Edward Cullen in Twilight, it is clear to see that Dracula was an attacker, while Edward is more of a protector in Twilight. Also the images of both characters differ greatly with Dracula who is presented as somewhat unattractive while Edward Cullen is presented as handsome and perfect to viewers. Because Dracula set the whole vampire image in the first place, his character will remain iconic and inspired by other filmmakers for years to come.

Typical Dracula Edward Cullen Twilight

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Vampires have been brought about in film to frighten and scare. From the first time they made an appearance in film, vampires have evolved with society. There is change between Bram Stoker’s novel to the first on-screen depiction of Dracula. Today the first ever on-screen Dracula has become the typical vampire. His long, black opera cape and tuxedo is the classic costume for the twentieth and twenty-first century vampire.

Dracula has changed a great deal do to alterations in society's beliefs. It is all thanks to society which has altered the representation of Dracula in film and literature. Bram Stoker’s Dracula who was then portrayed as malicious has changed over time and is now presented as attractive and who gets involved in numerous love affairs.

To conclude…