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The DTTB ExperienceSharing Experiences that Worked

By Bien Eli Nillos, MD DTTB Batch 23

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“He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help.” ~Abraham Lincoln

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Highlights• Deployed in 2007


• Candoni, Negros Occidental

• 4th class municipality, one of the poorest towns in Negros Occidental

• Infamous for its history of insurgency – CHICKS area

• Mountainous, no costal areas, largely agricultural

• No health system in place

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Learning the Ropes

“A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.” – Chinese Proverb 

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• Substandard Health Indicators

• Inaccessibility of Health Care Services

• Limited Resources

• Poor Health Seeking Behaviors

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Problem No. 1: Substandard Health Indicators

Reduce Maternal Mortality

Pending…MDR-trainedTraining for MDR/LSS

DONE (9/9)Inc. facility-based deliveries

Ordinance for Facility based


DONEInc. Facility-based deliveries

Facility (DR) upgraded

StatusTarget OutputProposed Plans

24% (2007) to 74% (2008) and 85%


Attended by skilled workers = 79% (from 58%) and 87% (2009)

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Maternal Mortality Rate per 1,000 LB








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Taking Care of the Mothers of Candoni

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“My piece of bread only belongs to me when I know that everyone else has a share, and that no one starves while I eat”  ~Leo Tolstoy

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Problem No. 1: Substandard Health Indicators

Reduced Morbidities and Mortalities

DONEPHILCAT accredited

TB DOTS accreditation

DONERenovated main health center

Renovation of Dispensary

DONEHL resolution

Heart Month

Institutionalize HL

StatusTarget OutputProposed Plans

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Case Detection Rate TB Cure Rate

2007 2008 2007 2008

PTB 42%62%

(88% in 2009)


(94% in 2009)

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Problem No. 1: Substandard Health Indicators

DONEDec. morbiditiesThursday as well-baby clinic

ACHIEVEDInc. NBS to 50%NBS accreditation

ACHIEVEDInc. FIC to 90%Intensified Immunization

StatusTarget OutputProposed Plans

From 85%(2007) to 100% (2008)

NBS Accredited!NBS% = 65%

(2009) (from 7.1%)

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Problem No. 2: Inaccessibility of Basic Services


Certified laboratory


DONEReach target of at least 3 BnBs

Botika ng Barangay

StatusTarget OutputProposed Plans

10 BnB’s


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Problem No. 3: Limited Financial and Human Resources

ACHIEVEDReach target of 15% of total HH

Enrollment of PHIC indigents


3-in-1 accreditation



StatusTarget OutputProposed Plans

2-in-1 accredited

MCP pending: target is June

2,035 HH enrolled (223%)

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Problem No. 3: Limited Financial and Human Resources

DONE but still not fully implementing

At least 5% of Hazard Pay

Implementation of Magna Carta

DONEUser Fee Ordinance enacted

Ordinance on User’s Fee

StatusTarget OutputProposed Plans

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Problem No. 4: Poor Health Seeking Behaviors

DONELHB resolutions, projects, etc.

Active LHB, ILHZ and BHWF

DONEInc. community participation

Establishment of CHART

(Community Health Allies and Reform


StatusTarget OutputProposed Plans

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Relations and Advocacy Managers (RAM)

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Legislative Action Network (LAN)

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Innovations• Midwife In Charge of DR

• Liaison Officer

• BnB Monitoring Team

• C.H.A.R.T.

• Database CBMIS/FHSIS

• Logistics Officer

• Alkansiyang Pampamilya/Buntis Baby Bag

• CANDONI’S BEST (outstanding BHS, outstanding Barangay Advocate for Health)

• Additional TB microscopist

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Struggles of a DTTB

“Between the great things that we cannot do and the small things we will not do, the danger is that we shall do nothing.” -Adolph Monod

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“Anything worth doing is difficult”

-Patch Adams
